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Thread: Thomas Jefferson

  1. #46
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Quote Originally Posted by goti71 View Post
    So we'll judge historical figures by today's standards, disregarding their accomplishments, and just tear down every single monument there is. How do you think people will feel about factory farming in 200 years' time? Or about turning a blind eye to child labour just so we can get those nice durable batteries on our phones to text kitten memes with? Just to name two examples that will probably make us look like savages to our great grandchildren.
    It's naive at best.
    Germany has done quite well since WW2 without having statutes of the Nazi's. Germany has train stations, jet airplanes and freeways. All inventions of the Nazis but Germany doesn't have public statues of Wernher von Braun. Sure they kept the Nazi innovations but they put the Nazi inventors in a Museum.

    So why in the USA white supremacists nazis are on the steps of the courthouses and town squares ?

    A black person should not have to look at a statue of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson when he enters a court house. because that's a sure sign that he'll get no justice in there.

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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    I can see why people are upset imagine a Jewish person walking past a statue of Hitler the thing is we cannot forget history good or bad ! we cannot purge the past but we can make sure people do not repeat theses actions today or in the future.!

  3. #48
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Quote Originally Posted by Dia bando View Post
    I can see why people are upset imagine a Jewish person walking past a statue of Hitler the thing is we cannot forget history good or bad ! we cannot purge the past but we can make sure people do not repeat theses actions today or in the future.!
    Exactly Rich! Why should a Jewish person have to walk past statues of Hitler? Pull that fucker down!

    Why should Blacks have to walk past statues of Slave-owning racist hypocrite Thomas The Cunt? Pull that fucker down!

    Common sense.

  4. #49
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    The ever-so "slight" difference between Hitler and all the Jeffersons of the past is that Nazism was a pseudo-scientific ideology deliberately exterminating everything it didn't agree with; it was a destructive movement.

    Whereas all those white (oh my gosh!!) men from the enlightenment were merely displaying the flaws of their times (what else would you expect?), whilst building the democracies and scientific development we have today, i.e., they were entirely and deliberately constructive movements.

    Why is it so hard to tell the difference between the two?

    Like I said before, in 100 years' time someone will want to tear down a statue of Elon Musk because the cobalt in his phone was mined by children and he didn't even give a fuck (just like all of us in the 2020's).

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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Guilty of crimes against humanity must be held accountable. Its never too late. Examples must be made of them. Prices need to be paid.

    Only then can we have a better world for all.

  6. #51
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Guilty of crimes against humanity must be held accountable. Its never too late. Examples must be made of them. Prices need to be paid.

    Only then can we have a better world for all.
    Slavery in the 18th century wasn't a crime. To look back from the 21st century spouting the bullshit you're spouting is absolutely retarded, but that's par for the course with you.

  7. #52
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    This is issues is not a easy one history cannot be rewritten we must remember Jefferson was a man of his times.!!!
    Same goes for Churchill a man of his times both great men in history do they deserve to be demonized no I am afraid not.!
    How far do you go in your purge of history on monuments and statues .
    We do not possess a time machine to change history do we no matter how evil distasteful or barbaric .
    I suggest people have a good look what the dark side of BLM stands for I have and there doctrine take a look ?
    Yes I was disgusted by George Floyd's death yes he had a criminal past no Angel but he lost his life being arrested not shot but being restrained unable to breath .
    Lessons to be learned but rioting and burning of peoples property must be condoned.

  8. #53
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Guilty of crimes against humanity must be held accountable. Its never too late. Examples must be made of them. Prices need to be paid.

    Only then can we have a better world for all.
    Slavery in the 18th century wasn't a crime. To look back from the 21st century spouting the bullshit you're spouting is absolutely retarded, but that's par for the course with you.
    🤣🤣🤣 so concentration camps during Hitler's Germany were not a crime either right? I mean Hitler passed all the laws so everything was legal right?

    You are a literal idiot and you really have been a literal idiot on this forum since about 2010.

  9. #54
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    I believe that at some time in the 2020's, the cult of Jefferson will BE ABORTED and find a new home on the wilder shores of America.

    I believe that the multiracialism of American must eventually prevail—at ANY cost—against Jeffersonian racism. It really is vital not only for America but also for the future of nonracial democracy, and of Enlightenment values, in those parts of the world where these are now getting popular or where people are struggling to realize them.

  10. #55
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    the Jefferson who made a cult of the French Revolution provides aid and comfort not just to the far right in government but to the most ferocious militant extremists. In the his psycho enthusiasm for the French Revolution, in January of 1793, Jefferson laid down the principle that there are no limits to the slaughter that may legitimately be perpetrated in the name of liberty—so that anyone in modern America who is planning any act of mass destruction may invoke the sanction of "the author of the Declaration of Independence," provided only that the act is deemed to be perpetrated in the holy cause of liberty.

  11. #56
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Quote Originally Posted by Dia bando View Post
    This is issues is not a easy one history cannot be rewritten we must remember Jefferson was a man of his times.!!!
    Same goes for Churchill a man of his times both great men in history do they deserve to be demonized no I am afraid not.!
    How far do you go in your purge of history on monuments and statues .
    We do not possess a time machine to change history do we no matter how evil distasteful or barbaric .
    I suggest people have a good look what the dark side of BLM stands for I have and there doctrine take a look ?
    Yes I was disgusted by George Floyd's death yes he had a criminal past no Angel but he lost his life being arrested not shot but being restrained unable to breath .
    Lessons to be learned but rioting and burning of peoples property must be condoned.
    I agree the issue is not easy to resolve. And I partially agree that he was a man of his times. meaning that his once friend Adams's team called him everything but a man of his times. They called each other the worst of the worst LOL!
    But the times IMO is not an excuse for those who had Bible -but did not practice what was in it.

    quoting Lincoln (A man of his times)
    “...there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man is in favor of the superior position assigned to the white race.”
    “...I will to the very last stand by the law of this state, which forbids the marrying of white people with Negroes.”
    [continued laughter and applause]
    ----Abraham Lincoln-Stephen Douglas Debate 1854.

    Abraham Lincoln:
    “...notwithstanding I had said this, he goes on and eliminates, or draws out, from my speech this tendency of mine to set the States at war with one another, to make all the institutions uniform, and set the niggers and white people to marrying together.” [Laughter.]
    Responding to Senator Douglas in the 4th debate on the status of Negros. “I tell him frankly that I am not in favor of negro citizenship.” [renewed applause.]
    ----Abraham Lincoln, 1854.

    That feeling IMO hasn't left, rather some were forced to hold it inside and today Trump has given so many supremacist organizations shade and cover,- they claim it. On every one of their blogs, forums. BLM? IMO is a reactionary group. People no longer afraid to die. We have a poor history with cops dating back to Irish paddy wagons that found runaway slaves from the north...and brought them to the south.

    Only in the last 60 or so years did a society begin to rear a policing force free of hate and racism. But it hasn't been cleansed and never will IMO.

    Dig this- My hometown Milwaukee Wisconsin actually got a black cop in 1924. Not bad. But considering he was relegated to patrolling something other than his own neighborhood. The 2nd cop wouldnt be hired until 50 years later,
    What makes this wild? Both blacks were allowed to serve by of all people socialist elected mayors. The last one being Frank Ziedler who literally quit politics because of death threats for his support of civil rights. Or as he put it "Human Rights" denied by Christians proves Christians have a ways to go in understanding the bible is for all races and so too are rights.

    He left office in 1960, that is basically two generations ago. And to think all those who forced him out, have children & grandchildren today which is this current generation-- actually shook off that bias? prejudice?

    How far do we go to purge history? IMO we don't. I am of the mindset that what this nation is going through is what always happens at the end of a major nation's rise, its rule, then its demise.
    IMO-Separation is the only means. There has always been a segment of whites in America who want nothing to do with other races. It is not for me to force them..or as Bonnie Rait said Ï can't make you love me...if you don't"
    When I read of my people being hung, today only to read some whites who begin with complete when those stories die...the people pulling down their family like strange fruit? Dont forget it. 2016 hung from a tree and the answer was- he went to a park to commit suicide. The day after a rally was held. No minorities attended.
    a young African-American man, skinny, clean-cut, and wearing Chuck Taylors, hanging from a tree with a white rope around his neck.
    Beachwood Police Department, the man’s body was discovered May 20 around 8 p.m. in a wooded area near Richmond Road and Park East Drive. It was ruled suicide
    So we are supposed to believe in the last 5 years depressed blacks find the best means of suicide to go to a wooded area and hang themselves? Nothing about it from mainstream media - but are they sure milking this George Floyd thing. As Patrick Henry once said, so, to do I: I smell a rat.

    and the replies on those links? Almost brings me to tears:
    “Typical blacks.”
    “Blacks getting what they deserved.”
    “This is why we voted for Trump.”

    Could those be some of the blacks acting out via BLM?

    I am not a part of BLM but it hurts me to hear them compared to white supremacy groups that have hundred plus years of disdaining violent actions...They initiated. BLM is the result of treatment. Bad treatment, they are reacting.
    What hurts me most is how mainstream media is complicit in this. So the actions of white supremacist groups goes virtually unnoticed, instead propping up a dead horse aka KKK as if they are the only remnants left of racism.

    And whenever a white person is proud enough to say they are proud to be white, and will not tolerate bigots in their race..are instead told they hate themselves, they hate being white. Really? Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney were murdered just two generations ago-for helping blacks vote. Again my point is that generation's kids are my age. And I am supposed to believe all the hate died in that decade? or is it alive & kicking?

    Could those actions over the course of time, caused the hot mess we see today? Every blog every forum I visit that have racist threads all call my people racist. Every thread. How did whites become so innocent and blacks became complicit? How did BLM become the example of a hate group over hundreds of white supremacy groups?
    FYI- more or less rhetorical not necessarily asking you to respond as in all seriousness I only remember posting to you on boxing topics, so I admit I am not familiar with your political/religious/racial views -so please bare with me if I offend you it isn't on purpose & can apologize if you feel slighted here.

    last- the burning & rioting & looting is just sickening. While I do know there are white elements causing it & quite a few cameras caught them in no ways diminishes the foolishness of my people tearing down their own. When I drove through downtown Columbus Ohio last week. And saw maybe 2 miles? in a row of broken window, I was shook. That takes time . Effort to mess up that much..and the next day, they got no place to patronize.
    I have a people who are last, rock bottom, unable to be acclimated to this society IMO my people are in need of a Supreme Being. I believe in my mind & soul that spirit is alive and delivering on his words via Revelations.
    A mighty nation that fornicates with all the nation and is a haven for every foul bird. We are not the authors of this madness, minorities are just a part of the play. But as Americans: We are being driven to choose- in other words, If we dont bow down to a higher source as a human race. We will be wiped off the planet.
    Next nation, batter up!
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 07-09-2020 at 08:30 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  12. #57
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    Default Re: Thomas Jefferson

    Good post Slim very informative.

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