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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #5311
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    This lifelong Republican has had enough of Donald Trump

    Chris from Ohio is a farmer, Trump voter, and lifelong Republican -

    He has visited President's libraries across the country-monuments, houses they lived in...totally a history buff he names so many - then he asks what kind of museum would Trump have?
    He muses Trump's library will only be at Mara Lago..and hopefully they will have an outdoor shower, cause one will need it once they enter Hahahaa!!!!
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  2. #5312
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    There was the NeverTrump Movement.

    Then there was the 50 former NSA National Security Advisers that sent a letter imploring the RNC to not nominate Trump.

    There is the Lincoln Project.
    This is a 1:38 video showing Trump supporters as in news anchors, talkshow hosts, please just imagine listening to these characters tell you how fake corona is, how it is a democratic hoax...and THIS WILL HELP YOU TO SEE WHY TRUMP VOTERS THINK THE WAY THEY DO!

    And here is an African American Trump voter in longer willing to say well what about...

    These are just a few of the tens of thousands regretting their decision...My question: Are they wrong to ask of themselves? Or is it acceptable to think..maybe they spent so much time listening to conservative talk radio tell them it is all the fault of liberals, all the fault of democrats, all the fault of socialists, all the fault of communist all the fault of fascism, all the fault of news media, that they never took the time to ask: COULD OUR PARTY HAVE BEEN COMPLICIT IN THE DEMISE OF THIS NATION?

    http://<iframe class="restrain" titl...="0"></iframe>
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 08-10-2020 at 04:57 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  3. #5313
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    You should really read up on "The Lincoln Project" Slim....those are the kinds of Republicans who are acceptable to the corporate media and Democrats. I won't say "far left" because only the far left is acceptable to those goons and thugs.

    The Lincoln Project is a kin to King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table if those knights were afflicted with tertiary syphilis and other maladies which impact thought and cognition. The reason they are welcomed by the Corporate Media and Democrats is because they are "Republicans who know their place" they are perennial losers, they are wimpy little idiots and drooling imbeciles.

    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.

    When was the last time ANY of those people were involved in a winning campaign? They can't win primaries, they can't win generals, they still need to make money....hmmm how best to do that? Oh I know we'll be turncoat Republicans always harassing and haranguing for ever more "moderate" proposals meaning they cede their ground all too easy....anyone want to be represented by that? Not I. Probably not you either. They are no different than CNN "Conservative" Ana Navarro or WaPo "Conservative" Jennifer Rubin....they're not Republican in any way shape manner or form and they would NEVER support strong Republican leadership and here's the kicker...Trump isn't even all that strong of a Republican himself, he's about as middle of the road as you can get his attitude and demeanor might leave something to be desired, but that's who he is as a person he's brash, he's an asshole at times, but he gets shit done and he pisses off all the right people as far as I'm concerned.

    but hey take my opinion or leave it

  4. #5314
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Paul has a question for Christians who support Trump

    He begins by reciting 1st Corinthians..
    What are you standing for? It is a beautiful passage because he isn't wavering from politics to religion, he is steadfast in asking a biblical question- to THOSE WHO CLAIM CHRISTIANITY!

    If Trump's Cult denounces guys like him...whose left? Who is left to side with Trump that can accept sometimes people see things differently. Does that mean they have to be labeled? negatively at that?


    Alan has seen the destruction of the Trump presidency

    This is how America is NOT being shown to the world....those sick and tired of defending a man who has said 3x in 3 years on issues: I TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY.

    'I don't take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble
    Trump: ‘No, I Don't Take Responsibility’ For Botched Coronavirus Testing Rollout

    "No I don't take responsibility at all
    -Trump's opening statement

    No---he takes no responsibility for the death of soldiers when he took office. No responsibility for his own Republican appointees for impeachment. he takes no responsibility for the deficit. he takes no responsibility for claiming he would repeal & replace healthcare- that is the Dems fault.
    Obama's fault, Pelosi's fault, RINOs fault. The media's fault. WHO is at fault, CDC is at fault, Zuckerberg & FB is at fault, Twitter is at fault. CNN, NY Times are not just at fault, they are fake and phony.

    Thank you for your enlightening posts. I can't speak for anyone else, but i am well aware that many of us in the UK and Europe do not equate or blame most Americans for the sins of Trump. We don't think that Trump speaks for Americans in general and know that even many who voted for him with a genuine wish to express a frustration with traditional politics, endorsing him with their votes as 'none of the above', are regretting now how corrupt, divisive and negative he has turned out to be for your country. We have a similar problem here in that when faced with an opportunity for real change many Brits voted for the safe option even though that figure in Johnson has proven to be completely unfit for office and has been more corrupt and unaccountable than anyone in this countries political history. He (Johnson) has filled the house of Lords with Russian Oligarchs, family members and business contacts to the point now where now we have 722 unelected members in the House of Lords verses only 705 members in the European Parliament.

    All those European members are elected and represent 28 countries. NONE of the members in the House of Lords are elected and yet we are told constantly how Brexit was about 'taking back control'.

    Bullshit,lies,smoke and mirrors. Johnson, our American born buffoon of a Prime minister, is little better than the bastard Trump. He (Johnson) has the temerity to lecture others on morals, despite being a serial philanderer, adulterer and liar. He obviously has seen Trump get away with it, and is busy filling up the swamp over here.
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  5. #5315
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Still mostly peaceful

    "We know where you live"
    "We're going to burn your building down"

    Good things those pesky feds left eh comrade?
    Are you suggesting that anyone not agreeing with you is a communist?

    Fucking hell. What a way to treat your fellow Americans and friends after years of them putting up with your ranting nonsense.
    It's not about "agreeing" those people are terrorists denying that, being willfully blind to their violence helps no one....unless of course you were to agree with them but not be willing or able to commit to the violence and destruction they call for daily.

    How's THAT for "fellow Americans"? They want my private property burnt to the ground unless I bend to their will. Oh and Beanz..."Liberals get the bullet too"

    You have no credence El Kabong. You are quoting Ngo and other extremists as though they were neutral bystanders or actual journalists. You have said nothing about his friends and colleagues in the past when they boasted about preparing their guns to come to American cities and literally shoot dead' Lefties, Gays, Black People' etc. These are the people you think are somehow better?

    And your post was directed at your fellow Saddo posters in the states, so don't twist it around to pretend otherwise. Anyone who doesn't agree with you gets thrown under the bus as far as you are concerned. That is how little their friendship and loyalty means to you. You at least have that ruthless, narcissistic, mercenary nature in common with Trump.
    If that's how you feel I guess go with that. If you're going to deliberately misunderstand my points and automatically assume the very worst of me as a human I can do nothing to change your way of thinking and I'm not going to try.

    Can't make a horse climb a tree.

    Nobody is deliberately misunderstanding you, so less of the victim bollocks while you are stood there lashing out. You have made it abundantly clear that you will defend Trump come what may, and that anything short of being exposed as a pedo will mean you will forgive him any thing he does. However shit that makes your country look, and however negatively that affect other American citizens who voted differently than you or did not vote at all. You seem to think the constitution is there for you alone, and that like Trump you should never be held responsible or accountable for anything ever. Good luck with that.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  6. #5316
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    You should really read up on "The Lincoln Project" Slim....those are the kinds of Republicans who are acceptable to the corporate media and Democrats. I won't say "far left" because only the far left is acceptable to those goons and thugs.

    The Lincoln Project is a kin to King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table if those knights were afflicted with tertiary syphilis and other maladies which impact thought and cognition. The reason they are welcomed by the Corporate Media and Democrats is because they are "Republicans who know their place" they are perennial losers, they are wimpy little idiots and drooling imbeciles.

    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.

    When was the last time ANY of those people were involved in a winning campaign? They can't win primaries, they can't win generals, they still need to make money....hmmm how best to do that? Oh I know we'll be turncoat Republicans always harassing and haranguing for ever more "moderate" proposals meaning they cede their ground all too easy....anyone want to be represented by that? Not I. Probably not you either. They are no different than CNN "Conservative" Ana Navarro or WaPo "Conservative" Jennifer Rubin....they're not Republican in any way shape manner or form and they would NEVER support strong Republican leadership and here's the kicker...Trump isn't even all that strong of a Republican himself, he's about as middle of the road as you can get his attitude and demeanor might leave something to be desired, but that's who he is as a person he's brash, he's an asshole at times, but he gets shit done and he pisses off all the right people as far as I'm concerned.

    goons and thugs.

    but hey take my opinion or leave it
    No, you should stop assuming a person who posts something doesnt know what they are posting....then ask them to read up on them as opposed to challenging me and see what I do know or don't know.
    Please, Stop rewriting a topic to suit your answer.. Can you quote me saying I support them?
    No I, listed them along with the 50 NSA, along with NeverTrump & those who are placing videos (as former Trump voters) stating NOW they are against Trump.

    Then I asked who is left for Trump supporters to denounce? And that you just did.. They were never strong, according to who? You?

    Thanks for bearing me witness how far a Trump supporter will go to talk about those who wont vote for Trump as opposed to talking about how they came to their conclusions- as to why they aren't voting for him in 2020. common people.

    and just as I stated in the last thread you responded to me.....on that dude whose video you posted... I asked show me what you can prove, not your opinion, why? because IMO you instead prefer to talk about the poster not post, in other words, You tend to want to correct, denigrate one posting then at the end....say it is your opinion.
    So I will do as I have always done leave your opinion as nothing more than that: an opinion.

    I gave facts- of Republicans across the country, small and large against Trump and you IMO cherry picked the one -you felt you could dispute (The Lincoln Project) while ignoring all the rest of the posts , videos and links.
    But hey! At least in that are consistent!

    Label them instead as:
    a kin to King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table if those knights were afflicted with tertiary syphilis and other maladies
    goons and thugs
    drooling imbecile,
    perennial loser,
    wimpy little idiots
    they're not Republican in any way shape manner or form (says who? you? A Trump Supporter?

    Well who is left to be called a Republican? Other than Trump or one who agrees with him? Defends him?

    but he gets shit done (not Health care, not a wall, not repealing common core, not draining wall street, not stopping Kushner, Fannie & Freddi from $800 million money grab, not balancing budget, not eliminating deficits, not labeling china as a currency manipulator, not investigating crooked Hillary, not bringing troops back home, not stopping the rise of private contractors, not repealing fag marriage, not repealing Row V Wade, not unifying the country, not stopping Jun Un from popping off rockets, not a damn thang.) that is why I posted videos of common Americans who all give their reasons why they arent voting for him, to them and me included.

    In other words this wasnt a Lincoln Project response it was a multi-post from me listing many...out those- you chose one & turned it into a topic
    Well, who is left to be called a Republican? Other than Trump or one who agrees with him? Defends him?

    I was simply giving the world an idea that no matter who stands against Trump- they will be labeled.
    Well, who is left to be called a Republican? Other than Trump or one who agrees with him? Defends him?
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  7. #5317
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Still mostly peaceful

    "We know where you live"
    "We're going to burn your building down"

    Good things those pesky feds left eh comrade?
    Are you suggesting that anyone not agreeing with you is a communist?

    Fucking hell. What a way to treat your fellow Americans and friends after years of them putting up with your ranting nonsense.
    It's not about "agreeing" those people are terrorists denying that, being willfully blind to their violence helps no one....unless of course you were to agree with them but not be willing or able to commit to the violence and destruction they call for daily.

    How's THAT for "fellow Americans"? They want my private property burnt to the ground unless I bend to their will. Oh and Beanz..."Liberals get the bullet too"

    You have no credence El Kabong. You are quoting Ngo and other extremists as though they were neutral bystanders or actual journalists. You have said nothing about his friends and colleagues in the past when they boasted about preparing their guns to come to American cities and literally shoot dead' Lefties, Gays, Black People' etc. These are the people you think are somehow better?

    And your post was directed at your fellow Saddo posters in the states, so don't twist it around to pretend otherwise. Anyone who doesn't agree with you gets thrown under the bus as far as you are concerned. That is how little their friendship and loyalty means to you. You at least have that ruthless, narcissistic, mercenary nature in common with Trump.
    If that's how you feel I guess go with that. If you're going to deliberately misunderstand my points and automatically assume the very worst of me as a human I can do nothing to change your way of thinking and I'm not going to try.

    Can't make a horse climb a tree.

    Nobody is deliberately misunderstanding you, so less of the victim bollocks while you are stood there lashing out. You have made it abundantly clear that you will defend Trump come what may, and that anything short of being exposed as a pedo will mean you will forgive him any thing he does. However shit that makes your country look, and however negatively that affect other American citizens who voted differently than you or did not vote at all. You seem to think the constitution is there for you alone, and that like Trump you should never be held responsible or accountable for anything ever. Good luck with that.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  8. #5318
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    You should really read up on "The Lincoln Project" Slim....those are the kinds of Republicans who are acceptable to the corporate media and Democrats. I won't say "far left" because only the far left is acceptable to those goons and thugs.

    The Lincoln Project is a kin to King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table if those knights were afflicted with tertiary syphilis and other maladies which impact thought and cognition. The reason they are welcomed by the Corporate Media and Democrats is because they are "Republicans who know their place" they are perennial losers, they are wimpy little idiots and drooling imbeciles.

    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.

    When was the last time ANY of those people were involved in a winning campaign? They can't win primaries, they can't win generals, they still need to make money....hmmm how best to do that? Oh I know we'll be turncoat Republicans always harassing and haranguing for ever more "moderate" proposals meaning they cede their ground all too easy....anyone want to be represented by that? Not I. Probably not you either. They are no different than CNN "Conservative" Ana Navarro or WaPo "Conservative" Jennifer Rubin....they're not Republican in any way shape manner or form and they would NEVER support strong Republican leadership and here's the kicker...Trump isn't even all that strong of a Republican himself, he's about as middle of the road as you can get his attitude and demeanor might leave something to be desired, but that's who he is as a person he's brash, he's an asshole at times, but he gets shit done and he pisses off all the right people as far as I'm concerned.

    but hey take my opinion or leave it

    It is not even your opinion. You can't seriously think that anyone on earth think Zerohedge is anything more than a batshit crazy excuse to repost any conspiracy bollocks that distracts you from realising that you are the biggest supporter of huge corporations and media bullshit on the entire forum.

    Do you not think that a website with anonymously articles attributed to the lead character in the Hollywood film 'Fight Club' is a prime example of wimpy idiots pretending not to be losers?
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  9. #5319
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

  10. #5320
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It is not even your opinion. You can't seriously think that anyone on earth think Zerohedge is anything more than a batshit crazy excuse to repost any conspiracy bollocks that distracts you from realising that you are the biggest supporter of huge corporations and media bullshit on the entire forum.

    Do you not think that a website with anonymously articles attributed to the lead character in the Hollywood film 'Fight Club' is a prime example of wimpy idiots pretending not to be losers?

    What part is a conspiracy exactly? Also I can 100% GUARANTEE you that you would have 0 love for any of the people I mentioned if not for their disapproval of Trump.

  11. #5321
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It is not even your opinion. You can't seriously think that anyone on earth think Zerohedge is anything more than a batshit crazy excuse to repost any conspiracy bollocks that distracts you from realising that you are the biggest supporter of huge corporations and media bullshit on the entire forum.

    Do you not think that a website with anonymously articles attributed to the lead character in the Hollywood film 'Fight Club' is a prime example of wimpy idiots pretending not to be losers?

    What part is a conspiracy exactly? Also I can 100% GUARANTEE you that you would have 0 love for any of the people I mentioned if not for their disapproval of Trump.

    Mate when you were still at high school i was touring the country as part of a collective, reminding people how broke politics is and how corrupt whoever you vote for, blue or red are, what secret societies and clandestine power abusers have been doing for years to maintain that stranglehold on power. This is when the internet was in it's infancy on dial up and people had to seek out their own knowledge rather than be told what to think by just another version of corporate globalists. You signed up for the program, and now think somehow that you are in a position to lecture everyone on how, we are all partisan (just because you are) and able only to see thru the same lens of negativity and hate you and Trump have looked out at the world thru your entire lives.

    It doesn't work like that. I am not about to put the blinkers on in order to sign up for your way of living. I don't have the time or inclination.

    You can't even have a conversation. It is all a game of wanting to prove everyone wrong for you instead of addressing the elephant in the room.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  12. #5322
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    It is not even your opinion. You can't seriously think that anyone on earth think Zerohedge is anything more than a batshit crazy excuse to repost any conspiracy bollocks that distracts you from realising that you are the biggest supporter of huge corporations and media bullshit on the entire forum.

    Do you not think that a website with anonymously articles attributed to the lead character in the Hollywood film 'Fight Club' is a prime example of wimpy idiots pretending not to be losers?

    What part is a conspiracy exactly? Also I can 100% GUARANTEE you that you would have 0 love for any of the people I mentioned if not for their disapproval of Trump.

    Mate when you were still at high school i was touring the country as part of a collective, reminding people how broke politics is and how corrupt whoever you vote for, blue or red are, what secret societies and clandestine power abusers have been doing for years to maintain that stranglehold on power. This is when the internet was in it's infancy on dial up and people had to seek out their own knowledge rather than be told what to think by just another version of corporate globalists. You signed up for the program, and now think somehow that you are in a position to lecture everyone on how, we are all partisan (just because you are) and able only to see thru the same lens of negativity and hate you and Trump have looked out at the world thru your entire lives.

    It doesn't work like that. I am not about to put the blinkers on in order to sign up for your way of living. I don't have the time or inclination.

    You can't even have a conversation. It is all a game of wanting to prove everyone wrong for you instead of addressing the elephant in the room.
    Thank you for not answering the question

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Still mostly peaceful

    "We know where you live"
    "We're going to burn your building down"

    Good things those pesky feds left eh comrade?
    What part of if an actual crime is committed local and State are there to and need to address it don't you get. And not sure why we'd be relying on pesky feds to be inserting themselves and patrolling City streets rather than just "guard muh Federal Courthouse" all of the sudden. They're not invited, not requested and just serving as Presidential prop pieces. You're cool with a President arbitrarily flooding in untrained anonymous Federal agents as he sees fit while ignoring all State officials and local law enforcement. All of whom are from the opposing political party. Ordering the same to gas clearly peaceful protesters in front of the WH and shield bashing their to clear paths for photo ops. No questions asked, no descent attempted. Cool. I get it. At the State or Fed level regardless, to approach legitimate protesters under the crutch of declaring all protesters on mass as 'violent terrorist rioters' is simply licking Trumps pre set plate clean. You've married looters with looooong overdue legitimate protests completely. It's a lie. There are great people speaking generational truth right now. Amazingly you don't have to totally agree with someone's political affiliations, opinion on societal issue or demand for justice to first defend their right to raise a voice when those in power..State AND Federal have abused their authority. That's a massive part of what has kept this experiment intact thus far.

  14. #5324
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s real! I submit this thread is proof.

  15. #5325
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    You should really read up on "The Lincoln Project" Slim....those are the kinds of Republicans who are acceptable to the corporate media and Democrats. I won't say "far left" because only the far left is acceptable to those goons and thugs.

    The Lincoln Project is a kin to King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table if those knights were afflicted with tertiary syphilis and other maladies which impact thought and cognition. The reason they are welcomed by the Corporate Media and Democrats is because they are "Republicans who know their place" they are perennial losers, they are wimpy little idiots and drooling imbeciles.

    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.

    When was the last time ANY of those people were involved in a winning campaign? They can't win primaries, they can't win generals, they still need to make money....hmmm how best to do that? Oh I know we'll be turncoat Republicans always harassing and haranguing for ever more "moderate" proposals meaning they cede their ground all too easy....anyone want to be represented by that? Not I. Probably not you either. They are no different than CNN "Conservative" Ana Navarro or WaPo "Conservative" Jennifer Rubin....they're not Republican in any way shape manner or form and they would NEVER support strong Republican leadership and here's the kicker...Trump isn't even all that strong of a Republican himself, he's about as middle of the road as you can get his attitude and demeanor might leave something to be desired, but that's who he is as a person he's brash, he's an asshole at times, but he gets shit done and he pisses off all the right people as far as I'm concerned.

    goons and thugs.

    but hey take my opinion or leave it
    No, you should stop assuming a person who posts something doesnt know what they are posting....then ask them to read up on them as opposed to challenging me and see what I do know or don't know.
    Please, Stop rewriting a topic to suit your answer.. Can you quote me saying I support them?
    No I, listed them along with the 50 NSA, along with NeverTrump & those who are placing videos (as former Trump voters) stating NOW they are against Trump.

    Then I asked who is left for Trump supporters to denounce? And that you just did.. They were never strong, according to who? You?

    Thanks for bearing me witness how far a Trump supporter will go to talk about those who wont vote for Trump as opposed to talking about how they came to their conclusions- as to why they aren't voting for him in 2020. common people.

    and just as I stated in the last thread you responded to me.....on that dude whose video you posted... I asked show me what you can prove, not your opinion, why? because IMO you instead prefer to talk about the poster not post, in other words, You tend to want to correct, denigrate one posting then at the end....say it is your opinion.
    So I will do as I have always done leave your opinion as nothing more than that: an opinion.

    I gave facts- of Republicans across the country, small and large against Trump and you IMO cherry picked the one -you felt you could dispute (The Lincoln Project) while ignoring all the rest of the posts , videos and links.
    But hey! At least in that are consistent!

    Label them instead as:
    a kin to King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table if those knights were afflicted with tertiary syphilis and other maladies
    goons and thugs
    drooling imbecile,
    perennial loser,
    wimpy little idiots
    they're not Republican in any way shape manner or form (says who? you? A Trump Supporter?

    Well who is left to be called a Republican? Other than Trump or one who agrees with him? Defends him?

    but he gets shit done (not Health care, not a wall, not repealing common core, not draining wall street, not stopping Kushner, Fannie & Freddi from $800 million money grab, not balancing budget, not eliminating deficits, not labeling china as a currency manipulator, not investigating crooked Hillary, not bringing troops back home, not stopping the rise of private contractors, not repealing fag marriage, not repealing Row V Wade, not unifying the country, not stopping Jun Un from popping off rockets, not a damn thang.) that is why I posted videos of common Americans who all give their reasons why they arent voting for him, to them and me included.

    In other words this wasnt a Lincoln Project response it was a multi-post from me listing many...out those- you chose one & turned it into a topic
    Well, who is left to be called a Republican? Other than Trump or one who agrees with him? Defends him?

    I was simply giving the world an idea that no matter who stands against Trump- they will be labeled.
    Well, who is left to be called a Republican? Other than Trump or one who agrees with him? Defends him?
    I just said you should read up about them....I never accused you of supporting them. I would imagine had you known of who they were and what they've done in the past that you probably wouldn't even have posted anything about them. That was my only assumption and you didn't really answer that.

    Who is there left to be a Republican? Well the people supporting Trump actively and the people who are Republicans who support other Republicans but who also aren't actively supporting Biden. The Lincoln Project contain neither. Hope that answers the question for you.

    I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

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