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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #5386
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    So Beanz it seems as though you're operating on an over inflated sense of self worth and hubris. I don't say that to belittle you, but know that you're not going to change my views and opinions. In time maybe my opinions on certain issues will change, they have in the past.

    I've long sense given up attempting to change your mind on things. I attempt to explain my reasoning and understand the reasoning of others. I see Slim listing video after video of "Trump voters now voting Biden" and I'm curious as to their reasons for that. I wonder which policy positions held by Trump in 2016 are now held by Biden and if there's none, then why did they vote Trump in 2016 OR why would they vote Biden now, it makes no sense.

    But that's just my take and someone else might see it a different way. To ME Trump has promised & delivered and bar COVID shitting all over 2020 he's done great very much despite the treasonous efforts of the Democrats and Deep State which we're now witnessing the start of them being held accountable for those actions.

    But hey stay at me if you like

    Hey Lyle.

    First, I congratulate you for the low-key tone you continue to use in your arguments with Beanz. It's not easy to maintain it, as we've all "been there, done that." Not taking a shot a Beanz here, just in case he reads this. Just saying you are to be commended for always trying to keep it civil. As you've said countless times, you and I used to go at it pretty good, and even crossed the line many times in the past. However... we got past that, and although we still disagree (sometimes extremely so) on several issues... we manage to do so civilly and amicably.

    Two things though. I don't agree with your use of the word "treasonous" here.


    the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

    Now... there's no way you're going to convince anybody that something like this can be freely and loosely assigned to an entire political party... not even in the wildest interpretation of the word. But even more. The use of the word "treasonous" underscores a deep hatred toward those being accused of this, in this case the Democrats and the Deep State. The sort of hatred that you'll have to admit keeps you from being as objective as I know you can be on other topics.

    Now about the Deep State. I know what it's supposed to be and I'm not going to argue against it, as I don't feel qualified to do so. Interestingly enough, I read that about half of U.S. citizens believe in the existence of a Deep State. I say interesting because I would have put that number a little lower. Again... I'm not arguing against the existence of a "Deep State"... only that it would probably have to be ultra-deep and impervious to either of the two major political parties. Because frankly, I find the idea of a colossal conspiracy between the Democratic Party and a Deep State to wreak havoc on the U.S. citizens just a bit far-fetched. Some things I do believe in and have reached these conclusions as a result of personal observations.

    Do I believe there is a mainstream media bias against Donald Trump? Absolutely. I only have to watch a couple of media talk shows on CNN to see how readily apparent that is. Do I believe some elements of the far left have become so fixated on Donald Trump that they've lost the plot and are actually hurting the nation? Absolutely. One recent example was the "boycott Goya" nonsense propelled even by some people I'm well acquainted with, which ironically enough ended up helping instead of hurting Goya, as was intended.

    You and I will forever disagree about Trump... and that will never change. You probably believe he rescued the economy of the U.S...... I believe he was the beneficiary of some policies set forth before he took office (I'll refrain from using the name you hate so much) because, as I've said many times before..... the U.S. economy is like an elephant or a cruise ship. They can't turn on a dime. But once they get going there is inertia to contend with. So many of the "benefits" or lack thereof when ANY new President takes office should be carefully evaluated as to why and how they're coming about.

    You feel Trump has been good on immigration. I feel he's been unnecessarily inhumane and cruel (there's many humane, EFFECTIVE ways to control illegal immigration).... and has played on people's fears and prejudices to stoke the flames of hate (another thing I can't stand about Trump). From the "supposed" invasion we stopped hearing about when it no longer fit the political agenda..... to the cruel realities suffered by REAL HUMAN BEINGS at the U.S.-Mexico border. To me Trump has done a horseshit job on immigration. All the while spending billions on a wall what was never practical to begin with..... but provided good, dramatic, visual effects (neatly calculated by Trump), in his rhetoric against the invading scum of the Earth. So a double "F" to Trump on that one. For spending billions needed on other things like infrastructure on a Medieval, castle-like moat sans the crocodiles.

    This year, when Trump was presented with a golden opportunity to shine through leadership... given the two crises (racial protests, COVID).... Trump has handled NEITHER with the aplomb, wisdom and the testicular fortitude required of a true leader in times like these. COVID has been a real challenge... and I wouldn't blame any leader for not handling it entirely correct. But Trump has been his usual blame-deflecting, finger-pointing, blatant-lying self..... putting his political self-preservation before the well-being of the people. For that alone he deserves to be shown the door in November.

    Anyway..... I didn't intend for this to become another Trump rant. My main objective was to commend you on trying to keep an even tone in your arguments.

  2. #5387
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    "Or attempting to overthrow the government".... We've just been through 3 years of Russiagate nonsense TitoFan. They KNEW all of it was bogus and kept trying to drive Trump from office. If that isn't treason what is it? If that sort of thing happened to literally any other President there would be more folks seeing things as I do.

    I've been saying "wait and see" Clinesmith's guilty plea is going to lead to more....let us see where it goes. I have a feeling people will come around.

  3. #5388
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    "Or attempting to overthrow the government".... We've just been through 3 years of Russiagate nonsense TitoFan. They KNEW all of it was bogus and kept trying to drive Trump from office. If that isn't treason what is it? If that sort of thing happened to literally any other President there would be more folks seeing things as I do.

    I've been saying "wait and see" Clinesmith's guilty plea is going to lead to more....let us see where it goes. I have a feeling people will come around.

    Russiagate, IMO, can be divided into two schools of thought. One is that Russia, like China, are not above meddling in foreign elections, particularly the U.S.

    The other school of thought is that of linking Trump directly to purposely colluding with Russia in this meddling for his benefit.

    I don't doubt the first school of thought. It's not all that far-fetched. The technology certainly exists..... and the motives of these world powers cannot be doubted.

    The other one... meh. Again.... a lot of time and energy has been spent on this pursuit.... much to the detriment of all the other crucial topics and issues that should have been addressed during these past 3 and a half years.

  4. #5389
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Trump's narcissism wore out his welcome

  5. #5390
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Russiagate, IMO, can be divided into two schools of thought. One is that Russia, like China, are not above meddling in foreign elections, particularly the U.S.

    The other school of thought is that of linking Trump directly to purposely colluding with Russia in this meddling for his benefit.

    I don't doubt the first school of thought. It's not all that far-fetched. The technology certainly exists..... and the motives of these world powers cannot be doubted.

    The other one... meh. Again.... a lot of time and energy has been spent on this pursuit.... much to the detriment of all the other crucial topics and issues that should have been addressed during these past 3 and a half years.
    The findings have been "Russia meddled no more than usual and as always on behalf of both candidates in order to sew discord" and "0 of Trump's campaign worked with Russia".

    Gen. Flynn's contacts with Russia? Actually the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) asked Gen. Flynn to feel out the Ruskies and Gen. Flynn reported back after meeting with Kislyak... But nobody seems to want to hear about that.

    The FISA warrants were obtained illegally. Clinesmith's guilty plea (and what follows) should help cement that.

    I'm cool with people being dubious... Wait and see, it's the best approach. When the first arrest happens it's going to be a doozy.

    Time will tell of course.

  6. #5391
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    America is dead. The body hasn’t hit the ground yet, but the lights have gone out, the pillars of power have fallen and it’s just a matter of time. The king is dead. God damn the king.
    When it’s all written, America began falling on 9/11, with the twin towers. No empire attacks Afghanistan and survives, and America was no exception. They remained there and, randomly, Iraq for decades, draining resources, and reputation every day. Not because of their torture and murder and brutality, but because it was all for naught. They lost those wars, just as they had lost every war for decades. Because all of their military might could be undone with a few boarding passes.
    Weakened within and without, they finally killed by an uncommon cold. A plague that exposed a hollowed-out, incompetent, and predatory federal government, run by a mad King, presiding over a carcass his party had been gutting for years. The Republican Party had been destroying the idea of governance for decades, it just took a plague to show how successful they’d been.
    Finally, they were buried by the Greatest Depression, and fossilized in the silt of climate change. Unemployment and poverty worse than the 1920s, and with an initial response more incompetent than Hoover’s. Whereas a stitch in time would have saved $9 trillion, Trump’s regime of institutional arson and intravenous bleach killed not only nearly a million Americans, it also killed off the entire state. The entire idea of America as a competent empire was dead. It was just a failed state in a Gucci belt.
    While the Democrats were able to cobble together a sort of country, the empire — that triumvirate of military, economic and moral power — was gone. Americans were exposed as the dumbest people on Earth, manipulated by the most evil. Power is where people believe it resides, and no one believed in America anymore.
    People often say that after the fall of Rome it was the dark ages, and that wasn’t quite true. Advances continued apace in the East, and much of the world was liberated from the yoke of empire. In the lapse, people were left to their own murder, torture, and toxicity, which was at least less pervasive.
    So America was gone. They came in on a mad king and left on one as well. A genocidal nation of slave-owners and immigrant exploiters who nonetheless produced excellent TV. A rich country full of poor people, a land of freedom and slavery, opportunity and illegal immigration — a study in contradictions if there ever was one.
    Right now, the American Empire still walks and talks, but it’s more of a slow suicide by press conference. In historical terms, America drank bleach and died in 2020. Though it stumbled on for decades, into a climate crisis of its own making and into the horrific planetary wreckage of its greed, it was dead long before that final blow. It was dead from birth, a lie, a short-lived empire that thought it would live forever.
    Fundamentally, America was a bunch of white men who didn’t want to pay taxes, then didn’t want to give up their slaves, then really didn’t want to pay their taxes so much that the whole empire collapsed. That’s how they’ll be remembered. Everything else is propaganda, torn off like so much plastic packaging. They will be admired and emulated in ways, but fundamentally viewed as hopelessly violent and cruel. As the past.
    America is history. They never saw their end coming, but in hindsight, it was always clear. They were born in genocide, nursed by slavery, spent their youth in violence, and died of neglect and disease. They called themselves a Christian nation, but who are we kidding, the Americans would have killed Christ in an instant. America is Rome, and like Rome, they have fallen. Good riddance, and thanks for all the TV.

  7. #5392
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    BLM mob beats white man unconscious after making him crash truck: video
    A mob of Portland Black Lives Matter and Antifa militants forced a white man to crash his truck, then punched and kicked him unconscious, disturbing footage shows.

    A series of clips on social media shows the victim being surrounded in his white truck at 10:30 p.m. Sunday as others attacked his wife, who was punched and even tackled to the ground during the violent melee.

    “He didn’t do nothing!” someone could be heard calling as others punched the driver as he sat in his truck, which was also repeatedly kicked.

    The unidentified driver eventually sped off, with the mob chasing him — with some heard loudly laughing when he crashed into a light pole, according to the clips.

    He was dragged from the truck and tackled to the ground — getting repeatedly punched as he tried to call his wife while also pleading with his attackers as he sat on the ground, the videos show.

    “I ain’t tryna hurt no one,” he told them, with the only unexplained accusation heard in the clips being that “COVID is real.”

    “I was trying to get out the way,” he insisted of crashing his truck, as several of the group punched him in the face and repeatedly called the white driver the N-word.

    The name Reginald Denny comes to mind

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Why didnt the idiot lock his doors?

  9. #5394
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Why didnt the idiot lock his doors?

    OK Steve

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Why didnt the idiot lock his doors?

    OK Steve
    Lyle, you of all people with your 2nd amendment and defending yourself etc etc, I am sure YOU would not be driving thru a BLM or ANY protest without thinking GEE, SHOULD I FUCKING LOCK MY DOORS AND MAYBE GET READY FOR AN ATTACK? I mean play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    Would I drive thru a BLM or any other protest WITHOUT LOCKING MY DOORS?

  11. #5396
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Lyle, you of all people with your 2nd amendment and defending yourself etc etc, I am sure YOU would not be driving thru a BLM or ANY protest without thinking GEE, SHOULD I FUCKING LOCK MY DOORS AND MAYBE GET READY FOR AN ATTACK? I mean play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    Would I drive thru a BLM or any other protest WITHOUT LOCKING MY DOORS?
    Why would you lock your doors though? I thought BLM were "mostly peaceful"? Also you have a car?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Two very nice big fat red herrings there.

    So yeah the idiot white guy didn't lock his doors and he got what he was begging for I guess you could say

    I mean dude if you walk through Church avenue in Brooklyn you'd be in deep s*** bro

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Random thought..first off who let Flava Flav lead off the introduction of the DNC convention . Ok maybe that was harsh, but really now. And why not bring speakers as individuals on the stage rather than pre recorded, some live, speeches from different locations and backers kitchens. Just think there's something to be said for speakers being on location regardless of a live audience or not. Sure it would be bigly awkward but can probably be done safely. You can't beat the podium, let the voices echo echo echo. And who is this DNC lead host gal mm. All I'm sayin

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Random thought..first off who let Flava Flav lead off the introduction of the DNC convention . Ok maybe that was harsh, but really now. And why not bring speakers as individuals on the stage rather than pre recorded, some live, speeches from different locations and backers kitchens. Just think there's something to be said for speakers being on location regardless of a live audience or not. Sure it would be bigly awkward but can probably be done safely. You can't beat the podium, let the voices echo echo echo. And who is this DNC lead host gal mm. All I'm sayin

    Yeah... it's been somewhat of a flop up to now. Was looking for a bit more substance rather than a bunch of "special effects" from the very beginning.

  15. #5400
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Random thought..first off who let Flava Flav lead off the introduction of the DNC convention . Ok maybe that was harsh, but really now. And why not bring speakers as individuals on the stage rather than pre recorded, some live, speeches from different locations and backers kitchens. Just think there's something to be said for speakers being on location regardless of a live audience or not. Sure it would be bigly awkward but can probably be done safely. You can't beat the podium, let the voices echo echo echo. And who is this DNC lead host gal mm. All I'm sayin

    Yeah... it's been somewhat of a flop up to now. Was looking for a bit more substance rather than a bunch of "special effects" from the very beginning.
    Just hope RNC livings it up, literally with main speeches. It doesn't take away from both messages either party but for a guy who still has the vhs copies back to Reagan-Mondale this is like cooking a pizza in the microwave.

    Put speakers up front live..under the lights..make the effort. Shit you can even still drop the confetti

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