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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #5476
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    IT's a an organized crime family
    Former Trump Supporter

    I watched the videos I listened good and I listened hard, I was ready to accept some hard truths about President Trump.

    The videos are all sizzle no steak. The first guy "his whole family, they're nothing but a bunch of grifters".....ooook and you voted for him because of what specific policies? . "I'm a Republican, Lincoln brand" he voted in 1860 or he's not for slavery in the territories and he's for funding the transcontinental railroad or what? He didn't say he voted for W or HW or Reagan or David Perdue or Kelly Loeffler or WHY he's Republican....need I go on to pick apart why THAT guy is a gold bricking phony?

    Maybe a Trump hater will watch those and see & hear something different @TitoFan, you buy those vids?
    you'd prefer to give your opinion as in:

    [I]believable stories from a bum
    The body language in those videos alone would make a lie detector explode..
    I'd card him for alcohol
    Maybe a Trump hater will watch those

    I spent about 10 minutes perusing the 1s few pages of this thread to see if you have actually ever posted Trump's words or videos...I gave up after page 6 I think..

    Rather than posting Trump, you post on his behalf with statements like:
    please learn that he's commenting like that to fuck with a certain group of people
    He knows exactly how to TROLL
    Trump can wind up the mainstream media with 1 single tweet like nobody I've ever seen
    Pepe isn't racist he's a cartoon frog who is green, is Kermit the Frog racist
    Not a peep on Obama's corruption
    Can't make a horse climb a tree.
    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.
    Roy Moore is a truer Conservative/Right Wing candidate and not a Rhino.

    Then I guess you don't like my opinion and that is what it is.

    If a Republican who voted Trump and then decided to vote Biden exists then I believe they'd probably specify reasons which don't involve emotional bullshit rather than solid political policy...but that's how MY mind works. What are the POLICIES, what is the Incumbent doing in office vs what the challenger is promising.

    "I voted Trump because I'm a Lincoln brand Republican" strikes me a Conservative as needlessly vague and evoking a lauded former President from a century neither I, my parents, or my Grandparents experienced.

    "I voted Trump because God told me & I thought he would change" is likewise questionable...not saying that guy isn't telling HIS truth, but I don't have God speak to me to tell me who to vote for. I don't think Trump is any kind of fundamentalist Christian or serious about religion. Why would I? Now Mike Pence might be a different story, but Trump himself? I think he pays more homage to Christianity than any Democrat is able to these days.
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post

    @Beanz I'll ask again...Would you pretty please with a cherry on top, tell me what to post, the manner in which to post it? And I will do my God's honest best to make that a reality so I can avoid your constant ire and incessant bitching.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    No need to single me out on your opinions. I'd wager 95% of political posts you make turns personal and draws a fight dating back years. You are not the MVP of opinion based on the countless arguments you engage on a daily basis

    Whats to respect about reading posts riddled with insults you claim are opinions, regardless that I've asked you many years, if you have no facts, please PLEASE don't post me outside of boxing or music or a food/wine thread maybe, don't waste my time reading your opinions of:

    emotional bullshit
    The videos are all sizzle no steak.
    The first guy "his whole family, they're nothing but a bunch of grifters
    need I go on to pick apart why THAT guy is a gold bricking phony?
    How does that make ANY fucking sense?
    I mean golly...I'm bamboozled!!!'

    What is there to like about that?

    No need to respond on the 14 turned 15 millions jobs your prez claimed his daughter alone brought to America, No need to post videos of Trump, Do you know how many videos you've posted on Obama? I'd say at least 100. to zero for Donnie Darko.
    You don't quote him, you don't hold him to ANY standards you held just four years ago & when I call you out on it, you go opinion on me, so as I stated please, dont post me on anything outside boxing or music and I won't keep reciting, revisiting your history and showing when U use to be for...what you are against today; details over ambiguity and facts over opinions

    You on Obama:
    The buck stops with Barry and you've YET to give him responsibility for anything,
    I don't cut Obama slack because I'm treating him just the same
    I don't like my leaders whining about shit
    I've been tired of the "But George Bush ruined everything" excuse
    Kirkland blindly support Obama and whatever he does

    You on Drumpf
    He gets shit done
    patience is a virtue
    I love it the way he trolls the media
    he has to clean up Obama's mess.

    Please dont answer these questions, I am just explaining to no avail I didnt come to respect opinions, I like facts, arguing with objective thinkers that I can reflect on and say, wow I never knew that. I learned something today.
    Not in this thread!
    When I listen to ANYONE say "I'm voting for candidate ____" I attempt to listen to the reasons. And that is all I did in watching those videos and YOU asked me to watch them, you put them here for people to watch did you not?

    So when I don't hear people mention policy, when I don't hear them get SPECIFIC (regardless of which party) I don't believe them. Now maybe if someone says "Oh I like Trump he makes me feel good about America again" or "Joe Biden chose Kamala Harris as his VP choice and that gives me hope that my children can live in a freer more just America" or some such, MAYBE I let that slide....but to not mention the specifics of why they either chose to vote FOR Trump or AGAINST HRC, the ad could be anyone just reading a script. But again....that is my opinion. that is how I process the information available in an AD that you wanted me to watch.

    Want me to answer for Trump? Jesus how long do you have? Can we start with the full "Very fine people" quote which Biden has lambasted Trump with actually he condemned "Nazis" & "White Supremacists" by name, I use the quotation marks because he specifically said "they should be condemned". But hey if you no longer wish to discuss things fine don't

    You- don't mention policy,
    You are not SPECIFIC --How dare you make such a post on a thread where you have next to no FACTS ON TRUMP on this thread.
    Same -o same- o, U got 14 threads on Obama. 0 on Drumpf the lying 2 legged dog, penpal to Kim "he writes me love letter "Jun. His filthy mouth has prevented you from being detailed on his accomplishments, so you are vague, ambiguous and can't go nowhere on this thread to prove me wrong.

    Did I ask you to answer for Trump? NO .
    Did I ask you to bring up Biden on a Trump thread? No.
    Did I ask you to stop posting me on these topics? Yup.
    Have you giving me that respect so I don't have to post like U do? No you refuse at this point. Why should I do like you and make posts, devoid of Trump news. Depleted, no information, all you got for me to read are insults & opinions. of every link, every video, every group of people & you ignore it all for the ones you choose. Grading every paragraph of I or anyone who writes to you- then ending with a "Well if you can't understand? or I guess my opinions don't matter. You use that one to death as well.

    I claim all you will do is--- offer no posts on Trump, no videos on Trump, no specifics on Trump, just opinions, followed by insults, stuffed in between deflections, and questions asked with another question.
    Did I accuse him of being a supremist? No.
    Did I post videos of supremacist for Trump? Yup.
    Did you ignore them? Like U always do
    Did I post dozens of videos in the last few pages? Yup.
    Did U address them? Oh hell no. You bypassed the ones that have Drumpf in it. ducked under the ones that had FOX calling him out, developed carpal tunnel syndrome on the links, videos of him making ass out stupid lies about 15 million, then 14 million jobs produced by his daughter alone.

    And when you got the the videos of Average Americans, that is when you decided to answer a question.
    I read your opinions - NO SIZZLE NO STEAK. JUST FAKE PATRIOTISM.

    Did I post videos of demographics of Christians against Trump? Yup. Veterans against Trump? Yup. Active soldiers against Trump? Yup. Did I post active and retired conservative news anchors against Trump? Yup. Did I post them to you? Hell to the naw- You just butted IN with your usual foulmouthed fill rant on why everyone of them were liars, actors not real Christians. i responded to you. Now you make it seem like I wanted this dialogue, no, oh hell naw.

    Did you use facts? Nope.
    Did you use opinions? YUP!!!!! All day-everyday, 24/7 365 year in year out decade in decade out , millennium after millennium to ad nauseum.
    I asked you to talk about Trump here.
    Everyone has.
    Yet U keep keep gnawing like a gnat on a dog's dick, like a fly at a cookout, just annoying, pestering me. I prefer do unto others as my law, but I have no problems going Mosaic.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  2. #5477
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    My main problems with Trump, in no special order:

    1. He sucks Saudi dick hard, every day, all day.

    2. He did not make a national mandate to WEAR A MASK, with ENFORCEABLE PENALTIES, like $500 first offense, $1,000 2nd offense + 48 hours in jail.

    3. He lied + talked shit about the virus disappearing by Spring, with hot weather, "it's going down", "it's gone almost", "the numbers are looking great"......

    4. He ad nauseum says "like never, ever before" "tremendous" "you take a look at.." "we got really great numbers, the best numbers, tremendous numbers"......

    5. He thinks he is as good as Lincoln or Washington, wants his face on Mt Rushmore, says he knows "so much about medicine, walls, viruses, ......" etc.

    6. He eats fast food every single day

    7. He sucks at geography

    8. He didnt lock up Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Mueller, Podesta, Rice, etc... like he promised

    9. He only did $300 unemployment stimulus rather than $600, and only wants $1 trillion rather than $3 trillion.

  3. #5478
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Not exactly retweeting White power chants and finding good people on both sides railing 'Jews will not replace us' now is it? Perhaps Trump and team could use an example on how to disavow and respond when these scabs come calling...

    "When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling out from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means. What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here." Senior Biden Advisor
    I give up. If you believe the "very fine people" line meant "Nazis & White Supremacists" you're beyond help.

    Best of luck to you

  4. #5479
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Slim, how are the videos you posted any different than this?

    Do you believe that guy? I mean he SAYS he's a "Democrat/Independent"....don't you believe him? There's plenty of them.

    I don't buy that guy is or was a Democrat/Independent....maybe he was, maybe he wasn't but given how it's framed I see it for what it is a political ad and I do not place much faith in those when they're showing "real voters" because people who act can be "real voters" too.

    But hey be upset with my take, make up shit like me calling a guy a "Fake Christian" supposedly. You want to post and me not to respond.....go ahead Slim, have a blast enjoy yourself.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Not exactly retweeting White power chants and finding good people on both sides railing 'Jews will not replace us' now is it? Perhaps Trump and team could use an example on how to disavow and respond when these scabs come calling...

    "When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling out from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means. What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here." Senior Biden Advisor
    I give up. If you believe the "very fine people" line meant "Nazis & White Supremacists" you're beyond help.

    Best of luck to you
    Ah yes the 30 second drop vid and a meme . Soooo 1977 as opposed to racist retweets from the Oval office eh man. Alrighty then. Never mind the rest of the hearing and context missing where the old geezer actually spoke in support for neighborhood, job integration.

    So what exactly would a guy mean by very good people in the Khaki clan. You find no irony that a page ago you drop a vid of Richard make a case against Biden..but ignore the fact HE was in Charlottesville organizing with those same 'fine people'. Literally side by side. The same people Trump spoke up for . Sorry bud, but with racial whataboutism Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on.

  6. #5481
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The 19th amendment of the US Constitution gave WHITE WOMEN the right to vote.

    Let that sink in for a minute....

  7. #5482
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Slim, how are the videos you posted any different than this?

    Do you believe that guy? I mean he SAYS he's a "Democrat/Independent"....don't you believe him? There's plenty of them.

    I don't buy that guy is or was a Democrat/Independent....maybe he was, maybe he wasn't but given how it's framed I see it for what it is a political ad and I do not place much faith in those when they're showing "real voters" because people who act can be "real voters" too.

    But hey be upset with my take, make up shit like me calling a guy a "Fake Christian" supposedly. You want to post and me not to respond.....go ahead Slim, have a blast enjoy yourself.
    hey Kabong any words you've ever typed are NO different than the meaning of these words

    I don't buy that ....maybe he was, maybe he wasn't

    But hey be upset with my take, make up shit like I post you. I posted to the board. & SAID TO THOSE OVERSEAS. You came at me. I sent a pm stating to you- we dont see things the same way- so post me on anything that doesn't require thinking. Find my post to you here first. Have some integrity.
    Every post of mines is a response to you. bet me, if you think you have truth or else, Don't post and I won't respond. ....go ahead Kabong ignore 98% of everything I type & have a blast enjoy yourself
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 08-27-2020 at 06:28 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  8. #5483
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Not exactly retweeting White power chants and finding good people on both sides railing 'Jews will not replace us' now is it? Perhaps Trump and team could use an example on how to disavow and respond when these scabs come calling...

    "When Joe Biden says we are in a battle for the soul of our nation against vile forces of hate who have come crawling out from under rocks, you are the epitome of what he means. What you stand for is absolutely repugnant. Your support is 10,000% percent unwelcome here." Senior Biden Advisor
    I give up. If you believe the "very fine people" line meant "Nazis & White Supremacists" you're beyond help.

    Best of luck to you
    Ah yes the 30 second drop vid and a meme . Soooo 1977 as opposed to racist retweets from the Oval office eh man. Alrighty then. Never mind the rest of the hearing and context missing where the old geezer actually spoke in support for neighborhood, job integration.

    So what exactly would a guy mean by very good people in the Khaki clan. You find no irony that a page ago you drop a vid of Richard make a case against Biden..but ignore the fact HE was in Charlottesville organizing with those same 'fine people'. Literally side by side. The same people Trump spoke up for . Sorry bud, but with racial whataboutism Trump doesn't have a leg to stand on.

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  9. #5484
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    This election we can review what the current prez stated about his allies and dictators.

    Just so you understand. I don't make deals with Saudi Arabia. I don't have money from Saudi Arabia. Being President has cost me a fortune. I focus on making great deals for this country and not for myself."
    -- Drumpf 2018

    I get along great with Saudi Arabia, they buy apartments from (ME).
    I like the Saudi's they're very nice. I make a lot of money with them. They buy all sorts of stuff from me, They buy toys. (I wonder is this the stuff Trump manufactures in 3rd world countries?)
    Look Saudi's king, he "totally denies it."
    --Drumpf on the missing journalist.

    Drumpf on those who used to be called dictators.

    Saudi king denies it.
    Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. he said it was not Russia and I don't have reason to believe it would be.
    Kim Jun and I fell in love. He writes me love letters.
    Jung Un's testing missiles was not a violation of our agreement.
    Kim Jun has been opened and very honorable.
    Ït's a great honor to be with you"
    (Drumpf to Kim, who didn't return that same salutation)
    You got to give him credit, taking over at what age 26 or 27 and handling those generals. He wiped out the uncle. he wiped out this one, that one; it's incredible! We can't play games with him because he doesn't play.
    -- (Drumpf speaking on Kim who was called a dictator under Obama, but now is a strong leader who is amazing under the current prez)

    Drumpf on American allies
    Canada's leader is indignant.
    European Union is a foe
    The European Union of course was setup to take advantage of the U.S.
    France's leader is weak.
    Germany is totally controlled by Russia.
    I am no longer a fan of Merkel
    Justin Trudeau is very dishonest and weak

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  10. #5485
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Today in Trumpland same question: Whose Left?

    The more he F's up the more his base defends him. It is unprecedented in American history when a tally of 500 plus Republicans are begging Americans to look at what he has done & not what he claims. Yet they all have the same answer: It's the media lying.

    When a sitting prez's RNC lineup consists of 2 daughters, 2 sons & he speaks everyday- does that sound like a man who had an all star line-up but turned them all down for Nepotism week? No one left to speak for him -since he's convinced his core base every republican was fakin' the funk. All RINOS, except when he goes down the middle, then he is called a moderate by his base.
    A base that swore on conservatism, now settles for trillion dollar budgets by an individual who brags in front of their faces how Saudis buy his shit. Bragged How he sold our troops for a billion dollars. Trump: Saudi Arabia paid us one billion dollars for our additional forces January 12, 2020 During interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham on Friday, ask his voters - How could you? And they respond with: What About....

    Pundits and anchors spoke against him winning office again- they are now all hated by his base. Disagreeing isn't enough; hate is a prerequisite.

    The NeverTrumpmovement is back trying one more time- minus those who claimed hate for him then sold their souls to keep their jobs.
    The LincolnProject that uses his own words in their commercials, alone.

    43Alumni A group of former Bush Jr officials have a mission statement: The president is a danger. Yet the hypocrisy of his worshippers are so deep that they claim his cabinet aren't real Republicans, only to shut their pie-holes when it is made known that Trump has about 2 dozen former Bush Jr alumni. They justify it.
    Veterans against Trump is a testimonial group consisting of thousands.

    The Christian Churches across the nation splitting literally. Not since slavery have they been so divided and Drumpf is the reason; one person.
    Hispanics known for unity- having quarrels over the GOYA mess and both mainstream & conservative media has downplayed it. Latinos I know are doing some soul searching on GOYA

    Donnie Darko has talked so much crap about how bias the media is- and they have drank that sour-aid for at least 3 decades, so whose left? Yup, FOX that's who- in past tense.
    FOX gave positive ratings for Biden

    "Michelle Obama stuck the landing."
    "Biden hit a homerun in the bottom of the ninth"
    "Biden had pace, rhythm and energy"
    FOX news:

    "There were impressive fireworks on the lawn, but there was a lack of fireworks in the president's speech"
    "70 minute speech was far too long"

    --Chris Wallace

    They don't go on air and adlib, they knew what they were doing. For me the point isnt to agree nor disagree, rather to tally the score. Who is left to say He isn't fit- that his fallen angel followers haven't dismissed then insulted- none are left.

    "The speech was very, very long"

    --FOX news Brit Hume

    Every killing that happened during Obama's term was proof he was an inept leader, but under this prez the message is- that's the fault of Democrats, minorities., liberals, BLM. No need for the prez to speak those protesting. So what several black organization pleading to meet with the president -to show how many videos they have a whites clad in black claiming help- only to break shit...its not all blacks doing rioting- but there are enough blacks doing it so; fuck 'em. send his own private army as a means to say- it's the only way. He speaks to Putin, Kim Jun, not black protestors, they're too hostile.
    Inside Trump's 'privatized mercenary force'
    The security team that patrols the billionaire's rallies has a history of rough tactics, allegations of profiling.

    11 Private Security Firms Guarding Donald Trump

    Former Commanders Fault Trump’s Use of Troops Against Protesters

    His wife loathes walking with him, yanks her hand away in front of the world, time & time again. Whose left to say he aint shyte!?
    A niece taken to court for writing a book about her family member- Drumpf loss that battle as well. His worshippers respond- she's just jealous.
    His hand picked DHS Department of Homeland Security came out last month against him- stated had he done it earlier, his boss is the master of distraction- and would've buried him in an onslaught of words.
    2016's female Republican candidate and former CEO Carly Fiorina is begging Republicans to look at the numbers, not % aka percentages that can be manipulated.
    Richard Spence was his boy- and now he is speaking against him winning in 2020.
    former Republican from Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake stated last week- 1st time in his life he is voting Democrat. At this moment he is being thrown under the bus, disagreement isn't enough-they have to be politically slayed to not vote Adolph Drumpf
    States it will be hard to beat him since so many of his voters willingly donate their hard earned money to someone they claim is a billionaire who would fund his own way- 2 elections he hasn't- & they're ok with that.

    He timed giving citizenship status to coincide with his convention. No president has ever used people like props to get some props. Televises the pardons of randomly selected blacks--only. Hey, at least there are now more blacks to be shot at or, fuck up and do whatever got them locked up in the 1st get locked back up. as whites under Trump are blazing the message blacks got it better. Not black organizations, not industries nor testimony. We all should shut up and let them tell us, how good it is.
    side note- when Obama's unemployment numbers began to drop, the rightwing narrative was- naw, its just that people no longer on unemployment - can be identified so it just looks like people are working. Well that narrative has been silenced during his term.

    The narrative of - you can't spend your way out of problems has been suspended, and not one trumper or right wing news cast has mentioned deficit in close to 4 years. now? They don't care.

    They spent 4 days claiming promises made promises kept.
    Unified in repeating the radical left. The liberal media.
    Unified in stating anyone who opposes Trump is proof he's shaking things up.
    Unified that when it's other presidents with that issue-- it was called proof they can't unite.

    Unified in that there is never a reason to speak with protestors, shoot em.
    President Lincoln placed his life on the line to meet with Frederick Douglas.
    B4 that President Jackson squelched racist sentiments for Jordan B. Noble whom he recruited as the drummer in the war of 1812. Aka a Funky Drummer! He went on to become a free black man as a result of his patriotism.

    Teddy Roosevelt got threats for meeting with Booker T. Washington...
    and Drumpf's big moment on racial tension? Drag those sons of bitches off the field -when they kneel - unlike 2016 he let 2 loud mouth ass negros aka silk & diamond speak at events....until FOX told them "Ya fired!" Let this be a lesson as to what becomes of black republicans; expendables 1st. Respected, not, tolerated, but not for long.

    Today is another day his supporters hear & see what they choose to hear & see. To the detriment of the nation and world. This is not just my opinion it is a general consensus.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 08-28-2020 at 01:10 PM.
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  11. #5486
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Big shout out to the ashes of rule of law finally coming back together and checking Barr and Admin on it's Flynn overreach. You'll stay..enjoy the cornbread. Has anyone actually acknowledged that this Administration also loses judicial decisions by the pair now.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  13. #5488
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  14. #5489
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    "This ended within an hour, as soon as we announced we were coming, and then they saw we were here. This ended immediately,"
    --Donnie Darko.

    Yet, they were called in a week before he even thought about it. The day after it happened.

    Usually Trump supporters see an issue & proclaim, let's wait for all the facts, but in instances like these they knew the issue- he was attacked, he is a hero, end of discussion.

    “Thank you to those who have reached out to express their concern. I want to dispel the president’s statement that angry mobs were trying to get into my house last night. Nothing of the sort happened. The statement in the president’s video is completely false."
    --Mayor Antaramian

    and when Asked if he had a message for Blake's family, Trump said he wanted to speak to Julia Jackson, Blake's mother, but "it's also better if it's handled locally."
    In other words, fuck that family and fuck Blake. Let him meet with republican politicians only. He's not divisive, he's a unifier.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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