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Thread: I'm drinking more than I should

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    Default I'm drinking more than I should

    I've always had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol but over the last 5 years or so I've really got it under control.

    Back in the day when I was at my worst I would drink 3 bottles of wine every night between Monday to Thursday, over the weekend I would probably do 2 crates of stella 2 bottles of Jager and a bottle or two of vodka, that was a pretty standard weeks worth of drinking for me, I realized that I was basically a functioning alcoholic and reigned it in big time.

    Now I'll allow myself 8 cans of Stella on a Friday and and every now and again I'll have between 6 or 8 cans of Stella on a Thursday as well.

    Everything has gone to shit though, the people who know me on this forum know that I don't especially like other people at the best of times, but working from home for 6 months seems to be taking its toll on me, I don't like people but I appreciate that maybe I need people, I live alone and the only chance I get to see my mates is of a weekend, me and my mates all come from a drinking culture so when we see each other we invariably get on a session which is fine.

    Once I've seen them though I feel like I need a break and I want to have a weekend to myself so I am often going 14 days with no face to face contact with anyone.

    Even that is fine but my problem is being stuck in a one bedroom flat 24 hours a day, I'm finding that the 8 cans that I have been happy with for the last 5 years just isn't enough and I'm constantly drinking that and then moving onto to the spirits, just lately it hasn't been unusual for me to do 8 cans and half a bottle of rum and then get up for work and then go out and do the same again the following night.

    I've got a lot of shit going on as well which doesn't help and sometimes I just want to have a drink and put my music on and fucking forget about everything but that always leads to depressing music and me searching for fucking oblivion.

    I've been going to the gym a lot more but I know that when I hit the drink like I have tonight I'm gunna be on it for the next three days then I'll need a few days recovery.

    I honestly don't know what I want from you lot, support from a bunch of faceless people on the net or just the chance to vent, I don't know.

    I envy people who don't drink or people who can drink sensibly, its something I pretended I could do for a good few years but obviously I'm always one step away from a total relapse.

    Well I suppose I'm gunna let out a massive sigh and go and pour another glass of rum...cheers
    Last edited by Batman; 09-10-2020 at 10:58 PM.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Bro, for whatever its worth, it wouldnt hurt to try this: Don't try to make any deals with yourself like a dieter who says "Im not eating today, I gotta lose weight", because as the experts say, it'll only make it worse once you DO start eating again, i.e. you'll only gain back all the weight and even more. More like, maybe try arranging it so that after every 2 cans of beer, you promise yourself to drink half a pint of water for example. Then 2 more cans, then a half pint of water or juice. This may fill up your stomach faster (as well as re-hydrate you since alcohol is a diuretic and will seriously dehydrate you). Also, If after every 2 cans of beer you are drinking a pint of water, you are cutting 33% of your alcohol-drinking time out of your schedule, and ultimately you will drink 33% less. This is real progress, rather than just trying to cut it all out at once.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    It is good that you acknowledge that you have an issue, that is a good start.

    There are places that can support you go through this phase. Alcohol use, mental health and domestic violence is on the rise because of lock down. I will pm you some numbers for counselling and support.

    Get out and get some fresh air, go for a run, exercise, socialise more to get out of this rut which is hard to get out of.
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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    I've always had an unhealthy relationship with alcohol but over the last 5 years or so I've really got it under control.

    Back in the day when I was at my worst I would drink 3 bottles of wine every night between Monday to Thursday, over the weekend I would probably do 2 crates of stella 2 bottles of Jager and a bottle or two of vodka, that was a pretty standard weeks worth of drinking for me, I realized that I was basically a functioning alcoholic and reigned it in big time.

    Now I'll allow myself 8 cans of Stella on a Friday and and every now and again I'll have between 6 or 8 cans of Stella on a Thursday as well.

    Everything has gone to shit though, the people who know me on this forum know that I don't especially like other people at the best of times, but working from home for 6 months seems to be taking its toll on me, I don't like people but I appreciate that maybe I need people, I live alone and the only chance I get to see my mates is of a weekend, me and my mates all come from a drinking culture so when we see each other we invariably get on a session which is fine.

    Once I've seen them though I feel like I need a break and I want to have a weekend to myself so I am often going 14 days with no face to face contact with anyone.

    Even that is fine but my problem is being stuck in a one bedroom flat 24 hours a day, I'm finding that the 8 cans that I have been happy with for the last 5 years just isn't enough and I'm constantly drinking that and then moving onto to the spirits, just lately it hasn't been unusual for me to do 8 cans and half a bottle of rum and then get up for work and then go out and do the same again the following night.

    I've got a lot of shit going on as well which doesn't help and sometimes I just want to have a drink and put my music on and fucking forget about everything but that always leads to depressing music and me searching for fucking oblivion.

    I've been going to the gym a lot more but I know that when I hit the drink like I have tonight I'm gunna be on it for the next three days then I'll need a few days recovery.

    I honestly don't know what I want from you lot, support from a bunch of faceless people on the net or just the chance to vent, I don't know.

    I envy people who don't drink or people who can drink sensibly, its something I pretended I could do for a good few years but obviously I'm always one step away from a total relapse.

    Well I suppose I'm gunna let out a massive sigh and go and pour another glass of rum...cheers
    Mate in my twenties I was terrible with drink, 15 pints a night Thursday to Sunday by Sunday I had spent up.
    What happened well I decided enough was enough ! yes drink was getting a hold of me I would stay in the pub all day and night Friday to Sunday sometimes.
    I stopped drinking for 6 months I went out just drank bitter lemon or tonic water I lost weight felt much better.
    I started drinking but just a few pints but I was know longer living to drink.
    Now I rarely drink I may drink a bottle of beer or a glass of wine.
    More of a tea drinker now mate I hope you get your drinking under control take care mate.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Hey Batman. The first step of Alcoholics Anonymous is “ admitted we were powerless over alcohol and our lives had become unmanageable” I’m not saying you are an alcoholic. Many view alcohol as a symptom of something other. Untreated or unmanaged anxiety, agoraphobia who the hell knows. I don’t know you from Adam but you seem like a good guy and if something is causing you problems it would be good to see it stopped.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    @Batman battyman. I’m not preaching AA to you. But I always like the thing on “acceptance” in the big book of AA.
    And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation—some fact of my life —unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God’s world by mistake. Until I could accept my alcoholism, I could not stay sober; unless I accept life completely on life’s terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.

    Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” He forgot to mention that I was the chief critic. I was always able to see the flaw in every person, every situation. And I was always glad to point it out, because I knew you wanted perfection, just as I did. A.A. and acceptance have taught me that there is a bit of good in the worst of us and a bit of bad in the best of us; that we are all children of God and we each have a right to be here. When I complain about me or about you, I am complaining about God’s handiwork. I am saying that I know better than God.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Batman I don’t know if you are following along at all but that thing I quoted out the the big book does mention god a lot but AA has changed much over the years and it seems all they really talk about is a “power greater than yourself”. Especially now a days people get instantly turned off by any mention of god and AA’s primary purpose is to help people achieve sobriety not the god thing. It’s not the only way do it of course just bringing it up as I know a lot of people who get involved in it and say it helps a lot. I do bring some people on occasion although it’s difficult right now, a lot of the stuff is done on zoom or other such apps but they do have “face to face” meetings around. I’m just bringing up AA as some of the concepts are cool.

    On a more serious note someone I work with was admitted to the hospital on 9/3. They tried to quit on their own and ended up having severe seizures. Just saying it can get pretty ugly for some. I know you are a big reader. There are a shitload of books on the subject. Maybe look at it from that side. Well whatever, best of luck, don’t know your thoughts now but things have a way of working out sometimes.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Well I had a monumental drinking session at my mates last night, fuck knows how much I packed away but it was a minimum of 12 pints of lager and 4 pints of cider with some rum thrown in on top.

    Even though its excessive it was a good fucking night and despite the hangover I am feeling a lot better in general, I know that I'll get to grips with the solo drinking, I'm feeling like I'm in a much better headspace but its good to have this thread almost as a reminder to myself.

    I'll be fine man, I'll get through this, I've beat the demon drink before and I'll do it again.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Well I had a monumental drinking session at my mates last night, fuck knows how much I packed away but it was a minimum of 12 pints of lager and 4 pints of cider with some rum thrown in on top.

    Even though its excessive it was a good fucking night and despite the hangover I am feeling a lot better in general, I know that I'll get to grips with the solo drinking, I'm feeling like I'm in a much better headspace but its good to have this thread almost as a reminder to myself.

    I'll be fine man, I'll get through this, I've beat the demon drink before and I'll do it again.
    Yes you will. And it will be even easier this time. I always wanted to ask you this though: with all that mixing you do between beer and cider and wine and rum, doesn't that upset your stomach? And then on top of that you go for the saag chicken and Madras.... I find those spices do not mix very well with alcohol. You must have an iron stomach mate.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Just thought I'd drop in and provide a quick update on this shit.

    I managed to go 12 days without a drop of alcohol, my mate got in tough with me tonight and I didn't have much of a choice but to go to the pub, I ended up having 5 pints and then coming back home, I managed to get back without stopping off and buying any cans, I'm pretty fucking pleased with myself to be honest, I never intended to go teetotal but just to reign it in bit time and I've managed to do that.

    I didn't have much of a choice but to go out tonight, I'm kind of in a weird position still but things are sorting themselves out slowly.

    I'm no longer 12 days without a drop of alcohol but my streak of not being drunk continues which is the most important thing at the minute.

    Also I'd say that it is probably the first time in at least 15 years (and possibly up to 20 years) that I've gone that long without a drop of alcohol.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Just thought I'd drop in and provide a quick update on this shit.

    I managed to go 12 days without a drop of alcohol, my mate got in tough with me tonight and I didn't have much of a choice but to go to the pub, I ended up having 5 pints and then coming back home, I managed to get back without stopping off and buying any cans, I'm pretty fucking pleased with myself to be honest, I never intended to go teetotal but just to reign it in bit time and I've managed to do that.

    I didn't have much of a choice but to go out tonight, I'm kind of in a weird position still but things are sorting themselves out slowly.

    I'm no longer 12 days without a drop of alcohol but my streak of not being drunk continues which is the most important thing at the minute.

    Also I'd say that it is probably the first time in at least 15 years (and possibly up to 20 years) that I've gone that long without a drop of alcohol.
    That’s cool Batman. Did you notice any withdrawal symptoms after day a couple days. I mean really only you can make the call if you are an alcoholic. Perhaps you can just “cut down” a lot of people it’s all or nothing. I stopped drinking for a number of years. Now I will go out on occasion. I had a Guinness on St Patrick’s day this year. And I’m not purposely trying to not drink anymore I just find I don’t enjoy that much and I can not take those headaches. I think we would put you in the contemplation stage, that is if you were an alcoholic and I am not saying you are. Sometimes people just go through shit and make changes. I’ll be honest though most normal drinkers aren’t proud of themselves when they drink normally. It’s just something they do. But yes it would make sense that you would update the thread since you started it and give a sort of progress report. If you are feeling better about things I see that as a positive period. There are different schools of though like harm reduction and rational recovery so who the hell knows. We aren’t cookie cutters, different things work for different people. I will honestly say though in the past I have read your posts and they made me want to drink a Stella. I remember I had some in Montreal years ago and thought it was quite good. I’ll tell you how lame I am, Budweiser released a new no alcohol beer and allegedly it actually tastes like beer. I am so fucking lame I am looking forward to trying it.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Batman View Post
    Just thought I'd drop in and provide a quick update on this shit.

    I managed to go 12 days without a drop of alcohol, my mate got in tough with me tonight and I didn't have much of a choice but to go to the pub, I ended up having 5 pints and then coming back home, I managed to get back without stopping off and buying any cans, I'm pretty fucking pleased with myself to be honest, I never intended to go teetotal but just to reign it in bit time and I've managed to do that.

    I didn't have much of a choice but to go out tonight, I'm kind of in a weird position still but things are sorting themselves out slowly.

    I'm no longer 12 days without a drop of alcohol but my streak of not being drunk continues which is the most important thing at the minute.

    Also I'd say that it is probably the first time in at least 15 years (and possibly up to 20 years) that I've gone that long without a drop of alcohol.
    That’s cool Batman. Did you notice any withdrawal symptoms after day a couple days. I mean really only you can make the call if you are an alcoholic. Perhaps you can just “cut down” a lot of people it’s all or nothing. I stopped drinking for a number of years. Now I will go out on occasion. I had a Guinness on St Patrick’s day this year. And I’m not purposely trying to not drink anymore I just find I don’t enjoy that much and I can not take those headaches. I think we would put you in the contemplation stage, that is if you were an alcoholic and I am not saying you are. Sometimes people just go through shit and make changes. I’ll be honest though most normal drinkers aren’t proud of themselves when they drink normally. It’s just something they do. But yes it would make sense that you would update the thread since you started it and give a sort of progress report. If you are feeling better about things I see that as a positive period. There are different schools of though like harm reduction and rational recovery so who the hell knows. We aren’t cookie cutters, different things work for different people. I will honestly say though in the past I have read your posts and they made me want to drink a Stella. I remember I had some in Montreal years ago and thought it was quite good. I’ll tell you how lame I am, Budweiser released a new no alcohol beer and allegedly it actually tastes like beer. I am so fucking lame I am looking forward to trying it.
    Nah man, no withdrawal or anything like that, remember that I only really ever drank on Thursday and Friday, every now and again I'd be on it for 3 or 4 days but I'm not an everyday drinker.

    I've always been a binge drinker but it was getting out of control, I've gotta be honest that even tonight, even though things are a bit awkward between me and my mate (on my part, he isn't aware of anything) if he would have suggested it then I would have quite happily stayed out all night, glad that I didn't though.

    I've got the solo drinking tamed now, now I've got them first two weeks out of the way I'll be fine, I might even get back to the point where I can have a few beers at home, I still say I fucking love nothing more than having a drink and listening to my music, I just can't keep doing it until 4am and making myself feel shit for 2 days afterwards.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    Ah you mentioned binge drinking. I watched a news show here in the US abut the issue of binge drinking in the UK. Believe me it wasn’t attacking your country, we are all screwed up with drugs. It went over the statistics and everything which of course I can’t recall but apparently this binge drinking thing, while not unique to England is quite high in England compared to other countries. We have a large amount of alcoholics in the US and I’m sure a solid number of binge drinkers but apparently the “binge drinking” thing is more of an issue in England. I wonder what that is about. Is it like a cultural celebrate the weekend and people just started going overboard. They probably brought it up in that documentary I watched but it was quite a while ago and I can’t recall the specifics.

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    Default Re: I'm drinking more than I should

    If you feel that amount of drinking is not right for you at this stage of your life then it's a good thing you are making small changes. Good luck and I wish you well.
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