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Thread: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    gotta say despite probably deserving 1 or 2 points deducted for fouls by the ref, Trump still won that debate, I scored it 117-112 (115-112 with 2 points deducted for interrupting like a 2 year old until you wanted to smack him)

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    I see Biden wanting it as a legacy. To say he was in the lineage of World leaders.

    On the Obama-peace prize- The world, not Democrats alone saw him as saving the planet from the previous administration that put the earth's top nations & the Middle East in a war against an ideology, terrorism. They saw it as a change from a country that saturated world markets with CDOs, ruining stock markets, placing America at the brink of a great depression- they bought his slogan; Change you can believe in.
    The audacity to Hope

    "Obama's victory is ... evidence that Bush's policies have failed. Americans have no option but to change their policies to save themselves from the quagmire Bush has created for them."
    Gholam Ali Haddad-Adel Iran.

    Obama's "extraordinary journey to the White House will inspire people not only in your country but also around the world"."
    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

    José Manuel Barroso, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown to name a few offered either words of hope, praise and or unity to work with the incoming prez.. How fucked up of a bang-up job did Dubya II did that brought such hopes for the new president? I think I know! He F'd up so bad... that the incoming Democrat was offered a Novel Peace Prize for what he had yet to accomplish. That doesn't reflect IMO that he wasn't deserving (AS MUCH) as it reflects of what the committee that issues the prize thought about change of administration from Washington D.C.'s Oval Office. Thank the Lord!! Republicans are out!!

    However I understand his dilemma: If he doesn't continue the war on terror, then he is labeled weak on terror. (just revisit conservative media 2007- up to the election.) Hell, revisit the threads here in 2007!!
    But once he takes over leadership and shows how to rain down bombs, missiles drones & taking out the man responsible for 9/11, well now he is a murderer.

    Again, the run up to 2008 he was called weak on terror, true? What does that mean then?
    So doing the math:
    If a Democrat gets elected, they will be weak on the war on terror. BUT! If they prove otherwise, then it means they are hawkish.
    But when Republicans kill the enemy that means they are patriotic & keeping America safe. Just look at how proud they were to kill an Iranian in Iraq, that was justice at its finest.

    This thread was my question for Obama.
    Why would he want this position when he witnessed as a Senator the divisive nature of the American legislative branch that was so polarized, the new minority Republican House/Senate in 2006 - broke their own record for most filibusters in American history. These clowns were so divisive, so anti-bipartisan, that when Obama tried to approve of Republican backed bills....they did a 180 & voted against...their own legislation. G-Damn, thats pitiful!
    So a Kenyan negro with a name that rhymes with Osama could solve such a debacle?
    Senate GOP Blocks Obama's $60 Billion Infrastructure Plan
    They offered no alternative- look at that FOX link- see how they are smiling.

    10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

    “A lot of us woke up every morning thinking about how to kick Obama, who could say the harshest thing about Obama on the air,”
    If Biden wins, he will NOT receive what Bush Jr. did for the incoming Democrat: A Pledge for a peaceful transition. But he will get everything else President Obama got: obstruction to death. Filibustered to death. Denied a record number of judicial picks. No up or down votes.

    '"The campaign is over and we move forward as one nation."
    "There are some things that will not change. The United States will remain vigilant in meeting its most important responsibility; protecting the American people. AND THE WORLD CAN BE CERTAIN THIS COMMITTMENT WILL REMAIN STEADFAST UNDER OUR NEXT COMMANDER IN CHIEF"
    --President George Bush Jr, outgoing speech."

    In other words, I saw President Obama in a no-win situation, just as with V.P Biden- if we wins.
    Had Obama NOT dropped drones. Not oversaw the decision to take out Bin laden. What would republicans have said? Libya wasn't loved by conservatives. Yet as soon as Obama followed his masters (whoever runs USA), well he just gave reign to crooked Hillary who didn't support the war on terror because she loves her country. She did it because she is hawkish. I expect the same if Biden wins.

    Biden wins? Every Donnie Darko supporter with their head up his arse that remained silent for (4) years on this hilarious out of control debt, will YELL: You're SPENDING us over a fiscal cliff on day one.
    Sleepy Joe becomes Prez, on Day One- You better stop covid!! "cause it wasn't Don's responsibility. & we never said it was a hoax, that's fake news telling you that. Our people are dying of Covid. DO SOMETHING DAMN DEMOCRAT!

    We know we said Russia was cool...under Donnie, but not U! So ya just gonna let Putin run all over America?
    So what Jung Un popped test missiles off one after another. Jeez, get a grip. Didnt Donnie tell you! Kim Jung Won't 'Break His Promise'
    And stop whining, yeah yeah, Fannie Mae & Freddie did a deal with Kushner for $500-$800 million dollars
    So whatya gonna do 'bout your crony son & his 50k job..cronyism at its worst!

    If he wins, I predict he will be the 1st prez to die on the job of a heart attack. Not because of his elderly condition, but that coupled with the hatefest his detractors will bring the ultimate hate-lefty scorched earth policy.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 10-01-2020 at 10:11 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  3. #18
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    And I concur with the general consensus. That was the most sickening debate I've ever witnessed. I refused to watch it all, just pathetic for the world to see these are our 2 best options.

    Nothing short of humiliating.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?

    My answer is no reason to. None of his supporters find racism in whites. its black people. Disagree? Search on your site here sir an see what you get when the word racist pops up.

    They are celebrating today over Donnie Darko's "Who are they" question. His voters don't give a damn they replied, Standing Down and Standing by Sir

    And the mainstream media didnt deride the manchild sitting in office; THEY DERIDED BOTH. Called it the worst debate in the history of this nation.

    A hot mess, inside a dumpster fire, inside a trainwreck.
    states one of many liberal news cast
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?
    Every major media outlet was disappointed.

    But wanna know what FOX headlines are telling their viewers this morning?

    Headline #1.
    Biden used ‘illusion of reasonableness’ at debate: Tucker

    Headline #2
    Former first lady suggests Trump’s debate performance was deliberate
    (yeah ask her, cause this implies she and she alone thinks that....

    Headline #3
    Accused Kenosha shooter plans to sue Biden, campaign for libel

    headline #4
    LIVE UPDATES: 2020 presidential election heats up after first debate
    (again mainstream media called it a disgrace a dumpster fire, but if one prefers FOX, well it was a heated debate nothing more).

    Their top video pick
    Why won't Joe Biden answer court-packing questions?

    That's why people who support him see things the way they do. They see what they want to see. And I would expect from some to point out the one 1/2 breed mulatto looking dude as a reason to say, they can't be racists. Like they mind him shooting at his own people, probably laughing at his ass behind his back with the marching if he shoot one of ours...
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 10-01-2020 at 11:31 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    When I see the Pboys lone half-colored token in front, I think of the Sergeant from A Soldier's Story

    There's a few in every generation that hate their own, tolerate those not theirs. Willing to kill their own. For a chance to live with those who don't want to live with them

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Óne more!

    I can't envision Biden winning.
    The hatemongering POTUS spent 4 years claiming a fixed election would occur. Conditioning his servant voters. Question how can Democrats fix/rig it? So the entire United States Postal Services is made up of left wing zealots? No reason to set up a system on how ballots are sent out, just wait till November 4th & holler fix! Rigged.

    Another reason I can't see him winning is that central city polling sites in predominately minority areas were closed, I repeat this & will continue to. Where is the just Republican to speak on this? Not in their part of town, so who cares.
    His followers don't care that the United Postal Service had the ability to shut down mail sorters. If Democrats couldn't stop that, how the hell do they setup random mailings to anyone?
    How do his worshippers just accept this as truth?

    In essence, this is anyone's election considering that Republicans are in the lead when it comes to winning the Presidency without the majority of the people, rather the electoral college.
    His fans don't care that he has clamored on how he may be dependent on the courts to save him.

    He takes no responsibility for seeing to it that the American people can have some confidence that he has taken charge to ensure a fair election, all he has to do is whine, bitch & cry, holler not whimper. His idea is not proactive, but reactive. Use his personal army to attend polls. The kind that the hateful right claimed Obama was going to do with MS13 & BLM.

    Trump using 'personal military' in Portland, 'not the intent of DHS,' House Armed Services chairman says per FOX news

    Inside Trump's 'privatized mercenary force; The security team that patrols the billionaire's rallies has a history of rough tactics, allegations of profiling
    11 Private Security Firms Guarding Donald Trump

    His demons, ghouls, goblins, bigots, racists, worshippers, supremacists, militants, & part-time Christians don't give a gosh darn that the President Of The United States isn't using our tax dollars to be protected by the best in the World: United States Military.
    They're ok with him paying the likes of Bo Dietl, a former NYPD detectives private investigative firm called Bo Dietl & Associates to protect him. Why is that acceptable?

    We now know this because the hiring of private muscle was NOT cost effective. FEC filings show substantial and recurring payments to the likes of Matthew Calamari---yeah sounds like something out of the Sopranos, or better yet; a dictator.
    From Xmark to ASIT Consulting LLC, --this firm of yet another ( former) this being FBI Donald Albracht, was said to have pocketed $27,245 for protection during the campaign.

    He needs no federal workers, poll workers commissioned to do the job because he has convinced his worshippers there is none good but him. The Art of the Deceiver.
    PBoys, Standby!

    They have been conditioned to allow this. From Alex J, to Drudge to name a few; they spent 8 years claiming Obama & Democrats hire MS13 to kill people..

    Alex confirmed this get this! From CIA sources-law enforcement even the Army. All of them combined cant do anything about it. Just tell Alex and he'll tell the people. Better yet elect a bankrupt draft & tax dodging artist & he will protect the people, well not them, tell them to fend for themselves But he will hire his own staff...why not? If Álex J proved the army couldnt stop Democrats from using MS13 to kill innocent Americans, then why go armed services to protect the POTUS? Call the Good ole'boys thats who!

    In America a significant sized audience have been conditioned for it.
    But if somehow the American people stand up. They will shed each other's blood because the right is armed, angry and ready.
    The left is infiltrated, disorganized and aint gonna know who is on whose side.
    Contrary to the lies Drumpf fans eat up-aint no damn Black Lives Matter army. Aint no details, no ranks, no platoons, squads, snipers, none of that shit. Its random people from various walks of life be it celebrities, single moms, civil rights rejects, they have no knowledge on what is about to hit them. Most of them still dont know they are perceived as a terrorist group. Hell, they aint got no damn cable to watch CNN, MSNBC- shit I know! Spectrum aint turning their shit on, because they still owe Time Warner cable, damn!!

    Biden wins....there will be some shooting of people & If the moderate Republicans get involved, the chance for civil war is imminent. plus they know how to fight their brethren's fight. & Too many whites are unwilling to concede the presidency to an African American Woman should she take the chair in Joe Biden's absence.
    civil unrest occurred in/around 1776, it is around the corner. Hate on both sides run way too deep.
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Perfect storm for complete societal collapse.

    Race war, civil war, martial law, world war.

    Yankee Doodle Shit-Show 🍔🍟🎃⚰️🆘☢️⚠️🆖🔚✖️ 👺💥💀👎🔥🙈🙉🙊🏈🏀💰❗ ❎9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣🔳◾- .

    💩 💩 💩🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💩 💩 💩

  10. #25
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?
    What is there to condemn?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Perfect storm for complete societal collapse.

    Race war, civil war, martial law, world war.

    Yankee Doodle Shit-Show 🍔🍟🎃⚰️🆘☢️⚠️🆖🔚✖️ 👺💥💀👎🔥🙈🙉🙊🏈🏀💰❗ ❎9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣🔳◾- .

    💩 💩 💩🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💩 💩 💩
    Then why won't you leave? Can't take your food stamps with you?

  11. #26
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Why didn't Trump condemn the Proud Boys?
    What is there to condemn?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Perfect storm for complete societal collapse.

    Race war, civil war, martial law, world war.

    Yankee Doodle Shit-Show 🍔🍟🎃⚰️🆘☢️⚠️🆖🔚✖️ 👺💥💀👎🔥🙈🙉🙊🏈🏀💰❗ ❎9️⃣1️⃣1️⃣🔳◾- .

    💩 💩 💩🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💩 💩 💩
    Then why won't you leave? Can't take your food stamps with you?
    Very presumptuous of you. Not on food stamps and never was and don't think I will ever need to be hopefully. I haven't said anything to you since you've started posting again, but here you go now at me with the food stamps.

    Just shows who on the personal level at least, always starts to stir the s*** first.

    However I will not return any comments on that personal level.

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    I keep reading that Trump won the debate.

    Well... I guess it all boils down to the definition of "won."

    If by "won" you mean.......

    • Bullying a lot better than the other guy
    • Blatantly ignoring the rules of the debate
    • Lying through your teeth on every single goddamn issue
    • Refusing to unite... but rather continue to divide
    • In general acting like the low-life human being he's always proven himself to be

    Then yeah......... I guess he "won" the debate.

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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Tito, you have precisely crystallized the problem in American politics and society at Large. A "win" isn't really a win anymore.

    Nothing really is what it used to be anymore.

    It's all just a cheap facsimile, a copy of a copy of a copy, of what used to be reality.

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    So you still think Trump won?

  15. #30
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    Default Re: Why would Biden want to be POTUS anyway??

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    So you still think Trump won?
    Mehhh, well,..... I guess we have to try to pick a winner, I mean "winner"......

    I agree with you that it is a piss-poor analogy to compare the debate to a boxing match.....

    But I went ahead sarcastically and scored it like a fight as this is a boxing form and I thought it would be cool to view it through that lens.....

    I had it 117-112, but I deducted two points from Trump for repeated fouls after being warned incessantly.

    I guess I'd score it about 115-112...

    I mean there were a few times the ref was close to disqualifying Trump, and probably should have in a way.... But as he is the president I can't imagine the optics of Chris Wallace cutting off Trump's microphone or saying please leave the stage you are disqualified.

    The only reason I give the edge to Trump and that debate was because he did not stutter like Biden did on several occasions. Biden also looks down too much at his hands, while Trump is quite vigorous and animated, so I guess just on appearances is really.

    like I said it's hard to call it a winner in the traditional sense of what a winner is. But if we absolutely have to call a winner, then based off that flimsy difference, I have to say that Biden made himself look a little bit worse than Trump made himself look.

    Said but I guess that's the criteria.

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