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Thread: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

  2. #62
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

  3. #63
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    This is how I see America since Donnie Darko put his hands on the nation's business;

    Just like Agent K, Agent Donnie of the Banksters is too dumb to know how bad he's (F) us.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 09-07-2020 at 03:01 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    Amerikkka is the TITANIC, total BAD KARMA FROM GENOCIDE & SLAVERY & WARS, going down like a rock while the orchestra tries to distract the SHEEPLE.

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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I don't 'know which is worse; to see this happening or to hear the so-called moralists and religious choose to view such issues through political ideology. Its happening because they're blue. Biblical solutions are just metaphors not to be practiced, just preached.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    1. When you turn on the television and see a supposed Democratic nation's Capital attacked by people whose skills allow them to scale walls.

    2. When you see a riot, not based on reaction, rather a planned action broadcast by the president with words like :" Be there, will be wild"
    And none of his god-fearing Christians cared to ask, what does that mean? What Will be wild?

    3. After that December 19 Tweet, his supporters went viral with it attached to : The cavalry is coming.
    You know a nation is on its way out when a person responds to their POTUS saying it will be (wild) doesnt mean to them bring the dancing shoes, rather bringing the Calvary.

    4. When you hear them chanting hang the Vice President. And they have nooses. Constructed on the spot Literal Gallows while Chanting 'Hang Mike Pence & recording it as a moment to be proud of ? Or a moment stating where the nation is- when the the world witnessed an attack that left the nation's Capital [ A MURDER SCENE]

    5. Signs the USA is all but gone is when you see a televised slaughter where the victim didn't die due to race. 2 people died and they weren't in opposite political parties.
    When America learns a cop died by fire extinguisher to the head- and one can't read or view videos of supporters & right wing media honoring the death of a law enforcement, it seems those who claim Blue Lives Matter, must only think so if it's at the hands of Antifa or BLM.

    6. Signs the USA is all but gone is when you see a televised slaughter of a an ex soldier thinking Democracy had so failed, the need to break windows. Not knowing the opposite side were men in sharp dressed suits and they shot to kill. The camera blurred it, but we saw the visual. When a white woman is shot point blank on world television, shit the story of black and unarmed is somewhat compromised. How can I not think this nation isn't at an end, when the voters of Trump responded to her death with what about the liberals killing and shooting?

    7. As a result you know a nation is at the end when politicians tell their constituents, they should be willing to die for Trump....and that woman who died inside our nation's Capital: What did she die for?
    Was it just to the Trump supporters? Is she a Martyr?

    8. When a President invites his rally goers, to walk over to the nation's Capital and he doesn't attend with them, why? He told them via Tweet it would be wild, and he doesn't want to share in such festivities?

    http://<iframe class="restrain" titl...="0"></iframe>

    9.When you watch a video of a cop having his head slammed in between a door, crying and not a single person helped that cop, damn, what did he do to deserve this? Not from MS13, BLM, Panthers, these were Americans whose record is of support of cops.

    10. You know the world's society has sickened when 2 different political parties killing in the name of their ideology.

    Rallies of Black Lives Matters to Antifa resulted in burning buildings, cars looting businesses, random attacks on Trump voters.

    Rallies of Qanon, Birthers, Trumpers drive cars into crowds, go to state Capitals to kidnap, beat and lynch. (race not applicable- Equal Opportunity Murderers)

    Serious? a video of the POTUS' son's hoe dancing, while watching the security footage show the shit hitting the fan- and that doesnt piss off an American, than how is that not the end of civility? These were white people kicking each other's asses. The day arrives for me to see white on white crime and I'm not happy, I'm petrified. These 2 groups demand we all pick a side.

    They don't want to do like Jefferson Davis and secede. The past 8 years, their diatribe has consistently lobbed out the "its about time for Civil war" mantra. Rather than get your own voting machines, vote to secede, leave, do the right thing & partition the nation. Irreconcilable differences.

    if Republicans feel they have the right to over run their own Capital, ripe with military and law enforcement scaling the walls like a god damn movie...then beat one cop's ass, kill a cop, take government property, take selfies, then tell the world- It wasn't us? Naw, that was antifa, I swear, It wasn't me!

    The world witnessed Trump voters chanting for the death of their own Vice President because he wouldn't overturn an election claimed acceptable by the very officials the President chose!
    Not only do they love him more than Jesus....they are willing to kill for him. And die for him.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 01-13-2021 at 03:34 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    Oh geez... I had forgotten about this thread, started by the Forum Flip-Flopper (FFF). This must've been during his "Flip" stage, before the "Flop".

  10. #70
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    The 10s don't stop for U.S.A
    When the POTUS wants the American anthem to be sung by a freak of unatural thinking.

    Hollywood won't just allow a female to sing or play an instrument. Now they have to become an instrument. But an instrument of what?

    Had her dancing with an army of gay soldiers...and we got to remember. Most adults STOP watching videos in their 20s, so whose watching?
    Learning, point? If I were an old geezer of a Prez, it doesnt mean I can't identify the line between me being outdated and an era just being outrageous. In this instant outrageous in sexuality, homosexuality's and it looks like some ...whatever its called when sex and pain is mixed together? I didnt want to see the whole video, so I just got an excerpt from TYT.

    When nations see a new incoming administration, but feel so ticked and pissed the Hell off, they want to place sanctions on an outgoing administration.
    Who is China to place moral compass on America? No one...but if they point toward specific people...and those people have the agility to resurface, we can assure ourselves, USA faces hate for reasons we will never fully understand -so as long as we view it from partisanship goggles.

    When an incoming President can promise what was promised before, repromised, repackaged, refurbished, the country is insane, we just havent had a nation with a badder military to takes us this point I think it is all that separates us from the #2 or 3 nation in line to lead globally.

    When Bible verses like Luke 12:53 ESV seem to come to fruition like "They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother"
    and then you read the lead story stating father calls son a traitor and threatens to shoot him if he tells authority he went to overthrow the government

    5. When 8kun, QAnon, DailyBeast, Parler, Breitbart...all brothers in arms, all came to verbal blows on how to proceed life post-antichrist (meaning one who comes in the name of God, but is the antethesis) aka Donald Drumpf...
    one flaming argument is Q used 8kun to promise a resounding Trump victory- now their bloggers at odds

    “I am resigning as admin of 8kun effective immediately,” he tweeted. “Extensive battles have been fought tooth and nail during a self-imposed civic duty protecting the final fortifications of online free speech, guardedly navigating these tumultuous times. Today I bring ship to dock. Farewell.”
    --Ron Watkins
    seems like that verse stating synagogue of satan shall cast out Satan. Aka internal conflicts due to slandering, deceiving, people about a president who would prevail not over just partisanship, but evil.
    Interesting that the very definition of devil is one who lies, deceives or accuses.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  11. #71
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    When people who back a POTUS 3years 11 months and up to the last day, claim he provoked the insurrection is a sign of a small shallow old man trying to save his own political hide, instead of speaking out before it was too late

    7. When MelQ, a major QAnon leader, turned off commenting in her Telegram...and others followed suit, a sign of how led by hate-fueled emotions that they waited up till Kamala Harris- thinking any moment now Drumpf will deliver us from evil...and then...
    up to the last moment, here were some of the following posts made to show how far gone the nation is...

    “Trump will walk out during the arrest and thank America for reelection,”
    “This will be remembered as the greatest day since D-Day.”
    moments later...many either used sad emoticons or just logged off.........

    When a cop beaten at a rally states he would have done it again if it were to save America from white supremacy.....and no cops, no patriots wished him well? FOX, Breitbart, Newsmax OANN-will they do a story on this brave patriot?

    9. When Police officers Jacob Fracker and Thomas Robertson took a selfie inside the U.S. Capitol during an insurrection...are not called out by the good cops?
    Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, when the soldiers of Right Wing speak out on loving police their listeners listen..well have they spoken on cops proud to murder on capital hill? For a president that said told them to Walk Down to the Capital" They did....and the POTUS doesnt go with them?

    10- When a President sees an insurrection -- and decides to do what? tweet? while political leaders begged him to intervene in the violent riots.
    Men were scaling walls, no cops, no jets, no nothing.
    No Air Force, Not a Damn F'n Helicopter was called into action.
    Minutes turned to hour, plural and a takeover of our Nation's Capital was met with no defense. Not even a Mall Cop was called! Damn!

    That is a condemnable government and its people are no longer worthy of being called the Greatest Nation if 1/2 of the nation watched, silently hoping the insurrection went well.

    To you, I wished I believed in an afterworld called Hell, I would pray you there everyday. (if U wanted to see if they could make it to Pence)...and take his life to chants of Hang Pence? Your Nation was under assault and You didnt hold your elected President Accountable.'
    You deserve to lose the senate, the house , the presidency. And we may even deserve to be called a Banana Republic
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 01-21-2021 at 02:47 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    Banana Republics beg to differ and demand an apology for being compared to the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    Looks as if the USA is totally dead. It may even get a 51st state, heaven help us, if Beijing Joe gets his way and then they will stack the court.

    Beijing Joe will get himself into a war in the first 60 days unlike Trump who was the first president in a long long time not to start any new wars, but it matters very little considering that the USA is totally dead forever especially after the hijacking of the government in the treasonous act that occurred on November 3rd 2020 and the subsequent agent provocateurs and suppression of judiciary by the cultural marxists

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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    I really should clarify that first point: if Washington DC is the 51st state that would be tolerable. However for the other candidates.... Not so much!!

  15. #75
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    Default Re: Top 10 Signs the USA is totally dead, forever, and will collapse shortly

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Banana Republics beg to differ and demand an apology for being compared to the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol.
    I stand corrected! B- Republics aren't ran by liars perpetrating as a billionaire.
    They don't send their followers to their state Capital...and when they reach out for Pardons, he pardoned himself. I hear B Republic leaders go down with the ship. Not jump it.
    The Proud Boys, once staunch allies of Trump, are calling him a "shill" and "extraordinarily weak,"

    "Trump will go down as a total failure," the Proud Boys said in a Telegram channel on Monday."

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Looks as if the USA is totally dead. It may even get a 51st state, heaven help us, if Beijing Joe gets his way and then they will stack the court.

    Beijing Joe will get himself into a war in the first 60 days unlike Trump who was the first president in a long long time not to start any new wars, but it matters very little considering that the USA is totally dead forever especially after the hijacking of the government in the treasonous act that occurred on November 3rd 2020 and the subsequent agent provocateurs and suppression of judiciary by the cultural marxists

    You are Correct Drumpf didnt start any new wars, rather he took advantage of the current war - the unending war called the war on terror- where we were supposed to go on the offensive via Bush Doctrine. Never heard him condemn or repeal.

    Trump: US, allies strike Syria to stop chemical weapons

    The 1st headline in the FIX, I mean FOX articles states: The United States, France and Britain launched military strikes in Syria.

    New war, old war, launching strikes, covert, overt, all ends the same- we spend $ for military operations that places our troops in harm's way.

    FOX further solidified the rationale: Trump said the U.S. is prepared to sustain pressure on Assad until he ends what the president called a criminal pattern of killing his own people with internationally banned chemical weapons.

    Did he complete his mission? How do we know there aren't anymore chemical weapons if we or someone didnt go into investigate to ensure there weren't anymore, what then was the purpose?

    I give him credit for obfuscating the issue of the use of drones-. When he CANCELLED DRONE STRIKE CIVILIAN CASUALTY REPORT- Great way to lie to his constituents & claim since we haven't given any new names to a war- no need to question the kill count.
    Who needs transparency for drone strikes?
    On March 6, without explanation, President Donald Trump revoked an Obama-era rule requiring an annual public report on U.S. drone strikes, including civilian casualties.

    According to the American Conservative, The Trump administration has significantly increased the tempo of drone strikes in a number of countries, and it has relaxed the rules governing the targeting of these strikes

    According to the American Conservative, according to the Pentagon's numbers on troop deployments, I quote them:
    The drone war in Somalia is just one part of this campaign, and it exemplifies what is wrong with the open-ended “war on terror.” Like the other wars he inherited, President Trump has significantly escalated it. Through the end of 2019, there had already been 148 U.S. strikes launched in Somalia since Trump took office. In just the first half of 2020, there have been as many U.S. drone strikes in Somalia (40) as there were between 2007 and 2016. In less than three and a half years, Trump has more than quadrupled the number of attacks in Somalia ordered by his last two predecessors.

    "The sound of a drone crescendoed in the air until a violent explosion occurred, killing five alleged civilians instantaneously. The intended target was a nearby vehicle purportedly associated with the al-Shabaab terrorist group."

    So if the purported purpose was to go after a what? A terrorist does that not mean...he is still continuing the war Obama NEVER started. The war he continued...that Dubya started?

    Interesting that one can find quite a few articles on our war in Somalia from U.K, to Al Jazeera to even Switzerland's press, but for some reason not in America. Not the mainstream media, not the right wing media talks about the endless killing there.
    The fact they whisper it shouldn't negate the fact- we are there. Not as missionaries.

    True, he didnt start any new wars, but he did use my tax dollars to bomb a runway in 2017. Called the Shayrat missile strike. Remember? The one that got repaved in 48 hours, making me wonder what was the point of using our tax dollars for such a mission?

    He is however the 1st president to sell our troops for cash. I wonder what is there mission in Arabia and why should we be okay with their mission? BTW what is their mission that Donnie Darko bragged about the amount of 1 billion dollars for their service....of what? Why he wanted to protect a nation he said himself- couldn't survive without us.

    Secretary Mark Esper & Chairman Joint Chief Dunford are asked to make a comment, usually that means our military is being sent on a mission, but not for handing out bottles of water and MREs lol! Here is why they said troops were being sent under Donnie Darko
    "In response to the President has approved the request of the deployment of U.S. Forces"

    Please, stop for a second....if troops are being deployed to a doesnt mean they are being sent for combat operations because there is no name affixed to the mission that we might say- Now this is a war? Does it really take naming it? We sent our troops there because of their oil facilities? Do you consider that a just mission? How so? Just interested in understanding your take.

    I guess that was nice of him to order the reduction of troop from 4,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan down to 2,500........In November of 2020.
    He asked: “What Syria withdrawal? There was never a Syria withdrawal,”

    I acknowledge I give him no credit for requesting to close military bases (which I am in support of) because it comes across as stank ass hypocrisy when one party closes military bases under BRAC- they are getting us out of unnecessary wars. But if the other party does the same thing, using the SAME Base Realignment & Closure Act- where they are GUTTING OUT MILITARY.
    When Democrats deal with Taliban they are against America, but when Donald did- FOX called it a Peace deal.

    The U.S. closed five military bases in Afghanistan as part of an agreement signed with the Taliban more than four months ago, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News.

    This is how he went about requesting it. It was supposed to be for rounds in 1988, 1991, 1993, 2002 I think...and a round in 2009 or Y2k10.
    Bush was hailed for getting us out of areas using BRAC while Obama was shit talked like Clinton and labeled as cutting and gutting our military when they used BRAC.

    Amazing how 3,000 troops were just sent...yet that doesn't mean we are involved in new the increase goes under the radar.

    US deploying 3,000 more troops to Middle East amid Iran tension-
    We took action to stop a war, not start one...Wow.
    he didn't start any new wars, but he sure as hell kept our troops on constant deployments.

    Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush have all sent our soldiers for missions that doesnt seem to be beneficial for America, yet somehow the people separate them per political party thus making one man sending troops to war as stopping wars, while the other is considered as destroying America with endless wars.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 01-23-2021 at 08:33 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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