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Thread: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Actually you have repeatedly insulted them but for now lets focus on one thing



    Piss poor

    What part of

    "How many of us have not had a relative die as a direct result of smoking?"

    Did you have trouble understanding. I mean if were not the actual sentence preceding relating the death of my Grandad, then maybe you could be given the benefit of the doub,t but it turns out that either

    A. You are a cunt

    B. You are a cunt with serious reading comprehension issues

    The whole point is that it is completely not about me. This is something that will have affected everyone's family and you have to make it into some cry baby nonsense in which you are so offended by people being more honest and less virtue signalling than you that you try and pretend the problem lies with others and not you.

    You are not good people after all it seems.

    Eric Garner is apparently some guy choked by a Policeman in your country. What has that got to do with anything? Are you suggesting that even if you don't smoke you might get choked to death by a copper or something.

    Fucking hell you are not just dense you are a bit sick .
    I know you've assumed I have insulted them....I've told you several times I don't care about them and yet it's always "My family my family my family"......we get it, you've got a GIANT family....fuck off with it. I've got a big family too, but I rarely ever bring them up here.

    I read about your Grandad's death....I too have lost family members to cancer.... only my takeaway is that some people make personal choices to smoke even if they run the risk of any disease from emphysema to COPD to the big C CANCER......some people enjoy a cigarette, some enjoy other types of tobacco's not up to YOU to deem what is or isn't available to them.

    You can't force people to stop smoking via taxation, they find ways around that which is exactly what Eric Garner was doing. Why? Well because he could make some money and probably because he liked a smoke every so often.

    You're emotionally unstable if my response of "like black markets do ya" brought forth that response from you.....fucking nutjob.
    You don't get to tell me how to respond or dictate what to include in my posts. This is basic free speech stuff you dictatorial bag of shite.

    There is nothing emotionally unstable in not being a fucking predictably turgid and easily led carbon copy alt right penny farthing riding soyboy.

    How ridiculously over sensitive are you that me mentioning a family member can make you wet your pants in distress?

    I get that being allergic to taxation you think that Unicorns provide the services you use and you believe everything is someone else's fault but the choices you are presenting are just another fabrication you have been sold.

    People in our grandparents generation were lied to by a globalist system you are still defending. Still you think money is more important than people, from health care to the environment to immigration it is the bottom dollar that you are obsessed with.
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  2. #32
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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    My favorite is this part...
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    Eric Garner is apparently some guy choked by a Policeman in your country. What has that got to do with anything? Are you suggesting that even if you don't smoke you might get choked to death by a copper or something.
    That right there is SOLID GOLD.....and then you call ME dense oh man that is funny

    No, the best part was your rep comment

    "This is a great look for you. Push it to the limit Beanz, go on"

    You seriously think that i am somehow confirming you deluded fantasies of me being some unhinged lunatic for daring to call out some clueless lad like you out on your well rehearsed bullshit?

    How would i know who Eric Garner is not being from the States?

    What is telling is much like the death of kids you find it an acceptable subject for humour or extracting some kind of personal vindication from. Pretty damning stuff there to be honest. I made the mistake of thinking you had morals and some kind of common decency of things that you would not just use to be proved right and it turns out i was wrong.

    Like Trump absolutely NOTHING is beneath you.

    What are you suggesting with Garner?

    That him selling untaxed fags is some kind of mitigating factor in him being executed? That the fact i hadn't hear of him but had heard of George Floyd somehow invalidates me? Invalidated my argument? The left? Either death?

    Come on wipe the smirk of your face and enlighten me.
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  3. #33
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    No, the best part was your rep comment

    "This is a great look for you. Push it to the limit Beanz, go on"

    You seriously think that i am somehow confirming you deluded fantasies of me being some unhinged lunatic for daring to call out some clueless lad like you out on your well rehearsed bullshit?

    How would i know who Eric Garner is not being from the States?

    What is telling is much like the death of kids you find it an acceptable subject for humour or extracting some kind of personal vindication from. Pretty damning stuff there to be honest. I made the mistake of thinking you had morals and some kind of common decency of things that you would not just use to be proved right and it turns out i was wrong.

    Like Trump absolutely NOTHING is beneath you.

    What are you suggesting with Garner?

    That him selling untaxed fags is some kind of mitigating factor in him being executed? That the fact i hadn't hear of him but had heard of George Floyd somehow invalidates me? Invalidated my argument? The left? Either death?

    Come on wipe the smirk of your face and enlighten me.
    I'm giving you encouragement Beanz.

    I don't fantasize about you being "some unhinged lunatic" your immediate response to my very mundane first post in this thread was no fantasy. Well rehearsed? No, my bullshit is very much on the fly.

    There's a thing called "The Interwebs"....I'm sorry I laid the monumental task of asking Google at your feet.

    Ah yes, you're Benevolent Dictator for Life of the Moral Highground Beanz! Nobody out morals Beanz! He is MOST MORAL!

    Eric Garner sold loose cigarettes and avoided paying Draconian taxes on the cigarettes....well the Mayor of NYC wanted that tax money and he got the cops to crack down and poor Mr. Garner wound up dead due ot a heart attack he had while struggling against the police. That system is EXACTLY what Brockton is advocating "Junk food or cigarettes or anything that is really harmful should be taxed out of existence"....well there's 1 victim of the policy Brockton thinks will save lives. No telling who else has been arrested or given tickets/citations for this bullshit and all it winds up doing is costing the government more money than they'd get in these heavy taxes AND ruining people's lives and taking away freedoms. If someone wants to have a cigarette these days they know what the hell will happen to them, but that's not good enough pay the extra taxes, watch the stupid ass commercials, harass the people so they can't smoke anywhere not in their cars, not in their houses, not anywhere....I say this as a person who has lost family to cancer (which they got from smoking) I say this as a person who will have a cigar on occasion (maybe 2 a year)...let the smokers be, they'll find a damn way to smoke whether you like it or not.

    And at the end of this, you won't be "enlightened" you won't attempt to understand my point, you'll just double down on your own stance still think I'm horrible and continue bickering. This is why I gave you some encouragement because it seems like a lot of work given that on the other hand you could have used Google to figure out Eric Garner was avoiding heavy taxation and probably enjoyed a cig himself and he wound up dead from avoiding the same exact thing Brockton touted in the exact manner I said would occur if the heaviest of taxation was leveled at getting people to quit smoking.....but again you apparently find it easier to be put out with me, enjoy

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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me


    So now you are suggesting that being an entrepreneur should be punishable by death. No wonder you hate me being self employed.

    Eric Garner did not wind up dead from avoid heavy taxation, he wound up dead because he was killed by a racist white cop.

    This is just another example of you making excuses for a racist murderer and blaming the victim. You have done this multiple times to the point where i try hard not to be so dead to your refusal to learn that it doesn't surprise me. That is now virtually impossible.

    It is not about me being more moral than you or holding you to some impossible standard. It is about me hoping against all reason that you could at least hit the basic ground state of being outraged by someone being killed for the colour of their skin instead of blaming the dead victim and then making jokes about it.

    But even that is too much for you.
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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    what a stretch to say Graner wound up dead because of taxing cigs. Wow. Bit of a reach there El K. It was the cops not the taxation that killed Garner. YOu can do better than that?

  6. #36
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    So now you are suggesting that being an entrepreneur should be punishable by death. No wonder you hate me being self employed.
    Wooooo.... I am impressed by how badly you missed the point.

    Not surprised at all though

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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    So now you are suggesting that being an entrepreneur should be punishable by death. No wonder you hate me being self employed.
    Wooooo.... I am impressed by how badly you missed the point.

    Not surprised at all though

    Bullshit and you know it. You even described Garner as such 'well there's 1 victim of the policy Brockton thinks will save lives'. Those are your words.

    This is your whole schtick. Bow down to the man and then pretend that you are somehow fighting for freedom and rights. When somebody is killed by persons abusing positions of power, you then 100% of the time blame the victim. And you have the arrogance to call me and anyone else not being such a suck up and supporter of a corrupt system and questioning it 'cowards'?

    You are just a cog. A supporter of the Status Quo pretending like Trump to be an outsider an advocate for change, whilst applauding the hypocrites who stand on other people's necks to get to where they are.
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  8. #38
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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    This was a perfectly civil, easygoing thread with different people pitching in... until the above post.

    Totally unprovoked... totally unwarranted... but of course totally ignored and accepted.

    I for one am sick of this "not angry" bastard who seems to have a hard-on for El Kabong and anything he posts.

    Hey spaz... why not do everyone here a favor and go get a personality transplant.

    They're doing gender switcheroos now... so personality transplants shouldn't be too far behind.

    Anyone else but me would be able to point out to you that your post was offensive and totally unprovoked.

    We can go through every single post prior to yours if you'd like... but frankly you're not worth the time and effort.

    Cool it, you piece of shit. Everyone here is pretty much tired of your "sunny" disposition.

    Go get a fucking rabies shot or something.
    As a rule I stay out of this stuff until someone says in the most theatrical way with the back of the hand against forehead, eyes closed "why wont someone....SOMEONE do something....for the love of God!!!" That show kinda puts the onus on the mods to do something. Or at least listen to any concerns. It's highly unlikely I'll actually do anything.

    So here we are. What are you objecting to and what would you have happen Tito. Talk to me.

    Just to try and head you off at the pass so to speak. I don't care if A says a mean thing to B. Safe in the knowledge that B will say a mean thing to A pre or post A saying the mean thing to B. A and B both love it hence never stopping.

    When God said to the both of us "Which one of you wants to be Sugar Ray?" I guess I didnt raise my hand fast enough

    Charley Burley

  9. #39
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Bullshit and you know it. You even described Garner as such 'well there's 1 victim of the policy Brockton thinks will save lives'. Those are your words.

    This is your whole schtick. Bow down to the man and then pretend that you are somehow fighting for freedom and rights. When somebody is killed by persons abusing positions of power, you then 100% of the time blame the victim. And you have the arrogance to call me and anyone else not being such a suck up and supporter of a corrupt system and questioning it 'cowards'?

    You are just a cog. A supporter of the Status Quo pretending like Trump to be an outsider an advocate for change, whilst applauding the hypocrites who stand on other people's necks to get to where they are.
    That doesn't mean "So now you are suggesting that being an entrepreneur should be punishable by death." fact your statement is QUITE the leap. I just mentioned excessive taxation on certain products creates black markets as evidenced by what Eric Garner was doing. You're the one saying that it means I think he should have been killed, why you say that is beyond me. I don't think he should have been hassled at all, it certainly did no good for the city. It hasn't ended smoking I can tell you that much, I bet there are more people doing what Eric Garner did today than before Eric Garner was set upon by the police for the final time.

    But at the end of the day it never matters what I think, it's what you say I think because you're incapable of having an honest discussion.

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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    This was a perfectly civil, easygoing thread with different people pitching in... until the above post.

    Totally unprovoked... totally unwarranted... but of course totally ignored and accepted.

    I for one am sick of this "not angry" bastard who seems to have a hard-on for El Kabong and anything he posts.

    Hey spaz... why not do everyone here a favor and go get a personality transplant.

    They're doing gender switcheroos now... so personality transplants shouldn't be too far behind.

    Anyone else but me would be able to point out to you that your post was offensive and totally unprovoked.

    We can go through every single post prior to yours if you'd like... but frankly you're not worth the time and effort.

    Cool it, you piece of shit. Everyone here is pretty much tired of your "sunny" disposition.

    Go get a fucking rabies shot or something.
    As a rule I stay out of this stuff until someone says in the most theatrical way with the back of the hand against forehead, eyes closed "why wont someone....SOMEONE do something....for the love of God!!!" That show kinda puts the onus on the mods to do something. Or at least listen to any concerns. It's highly unlikely I'll actually do anything.

    So here we are. What are you objecting to and what would you have happen Tito. Talk to me.

    Just to try and head you off at the pass so to speak. I don't care if A says a mean thing to B. Safe in the knowledge that B will say a mean thing to A pre or post A saying the mean thing to B. A and B both love it hence never stopping.


    As a rule you stay out of this stuff until... "someone says in the most theatrical way with the back of the hand against forehead, eyes closed "why wont someone....SOMEONE do something....for the love of God!!!"

    First, you must have surmised that I was doing the theatrical thing because you did come in here. Second, let's agree that my post did not include any of those theatrics. Nowhere in my post am I reaching out to anybody to do anything.

    Now... to answer your two questions.

    What am I objecting to?

    I wouldn't use the word "objecting." I am merely pointing out to Beanz that Kabong had not said anything offensive in his one post, other than to point out to another poster that prohibiting something like cigarettes would just result in an increase in its illegal distribution. I am merely pointing out that Beanz in this case (once again) initiated the personal attacks by "charging" into the exchange and referring to Kabong and his post as a "condescending naive pile of shite." I also pointed out that anyone else deemed unbiased and not involved in forum flame wars with Beanz would be able to point out the same thing and it may have been better received (with it being the truth and all ).

    What would I have happen?

    From the Mods, nothing. From Beanz, an honest introspection. Not trying to "win" anything here. Even if I was a neutral observer... I would be tempted to reach out the same way. Sometimes the huge chips on our shoulders are difficult to remove... ESPECIALLY after it's been pointed out that they're there. I just think it takes a big man to pull back and say, "you know... damn it you're right. Maybe I was guilty of that. Let me use that to better myself as a human being and continue this constant-improvement journey we call life."

    Regarding A and B... hey you have the "hands-off" philosophy about it.... to your great credit. As with a boxing referee... you let them work out of their own clinches. But assuming they "love it"? I disagree. I for instance love to argue different points of view, as I've done for the longest time with Kabong regarding Trump. But it's done civilly... no personal attacks.

    I'll go out on a limb and say I don't think Kabong "loves" his wars with Beanz very much. Which would probably explains his long breaks from the forum.

    Thanks for asking, though.

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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    My imagination ran riot with the theatrical stuff. Ain’t gonna lie.

    Good points. Well made.

    Perhaps a zoom call could smooth this over?
    When God said to the both of us "Which one of you wants to be Sugar Ray?" I guess I didnt raise my hand fast enough

    Charley Burley

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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    My imagination ran riot with the theatrical stuff. Ain’t gonna lie.

    Good points. Well made.

    Perhaps a zoom call could smooth this over?
    And where, sir, were YOU last Saturday Wait let me guess, in the back seat of a car doing a

    ...I mean a Microsoft Teams video conference!

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    Default Re: Sometimes the hypocrisy still shocks me

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    My imagination ran riot with the theatrical stuff. Ain’t gonna lie.

    Good points. Well made.

    Perhaps a zoom call could smooth this over?

    Not ruling that out like.... ever.

    Would just like for things to genuinely simmer down to smoldering lava level before I consider it. And I mean in general. Even if I'm not the one involved some of the time... it does have an effect on the general atmosphere.

    Cyber relationships definitely have a distinct disadvantage against personal, or even voice-based.

    I'm thinking 90% of this shit would be non-existent.

    But I do think hard feelings should be smoothed over genuinely before some on here would consider taking "the next step."

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