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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #6391
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    I wonder if it’s possible you could be as boring in real life as you are here. Ah, ur probably an alright guy but do you walk around looking down on humanity. It must be quite a burden always being right. How do you handle the plebeians when you are forced to deal with them. It’s like someone put a super computer chip up your ass the day you were born. It must be so tedious having to live in the real world when you are so above it.

  2. #6392
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    President Donald Trump's election loss and the week-long silence of "Q," the movement's mysterious prophet, have wrenched some QAnon believers into a crisis of faith, with factions voicing unease about their future or rallying others to stay calm and "trust the plan."
    The uncertainty has been compounded by the abrupt public resignation, also last Tuesday, of Ron Watkins, the administrator of Q's online sanctuary on the message board 8kun.
    Q has gone quiet before. But the abrupt lack of posts since last Tuesday - Election Day, which the anonymous figure had touted for months as a key moment of reckoning - has sparked speculation and alarm among the movement's most ardent followers.
    Some QAnon proponents have begun to publicly grapple with reality and question whether the conspiracy theory is a hoax. "Have we all been conned?" one user wrote Saturday on 8kun.

    Trump's defeat threatens to undermine the tale that Q, a supposed top-secret government operative, has woven over years: that Trump and his allies would soon vanquish a cabal of "deep state" child abusers and Satan-worshiping Democrats, exiling some to the U.S. detention facility in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
    QAnon believers treat Q's thousands of cryptic posts as scripture, and many stretch to connect them to real-world events, often in nonsensical ways. Some prominent Q believers said Trump's back-to-back golf outings over the weekend were proof that the president was in control and that all was going according to plan.
    Others connected Rudolph W. Giuliani's bizarre Saturday news conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, on an industrial block in Philadelphia between a crematorium and an adult-video store, with two Q posts in the past year in which he used the words "landscape."
    One QAnon account, known as Praying Medic, told his more than 400,000 Twitter followers that many supporters "had to be talked off the ledge" in the past week but that Trump's strategy remained in motion, tweeting: "He's going to stick the knife in and twist it. He has no plans to leave office. Ever."

  3. #6393
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    I wonder if it’s possible you could be as boring in real life as you are here. Ah, ur probably an alright guy but do you walk around looking down on humanity. It must be quite a burden always being right. How do you handle the plebeians when you are forced to deal with them. It’s like someone put a super computer chip up your ass the day you were born. It must be so tedious having to live in the real world when you are so above it.
    Life is pretty good when you're me I have to say. I seem to manage with regular folks reasonably well.

  4. #6394
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    I wonder if it’s possible you could be as boring in real life as you are here. Ah, ur probably an alright guy but do you walk around looking down on humanity. It must be quite a burden always being right. How do you handle the plebeians when you are forced to deal with them. It’s like someone put a super computer chip up your ass the day you were born. It must be so tedious having to live in the real world when you are so above it.
    Life is pretty good when you're me I have to say. I seem to manage with regular folks reasonably well.
    Did you see your buddy McCabe today, the whole thing fell apart a bit there bud, fruit of the poisonous tree and yet you still cling, ha ha

  5. #6395
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    They all backed off it said they shouldn’t have signed off and they abused the fisa court. Ha ha, four years they pulled that game on Trump tried to take him out before he was elected. Comey “doesn’t recall” unaware, the case with Flynn, all going to shit.

  6. #6396
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Great whataboutism Lyle standard issue. Tell you what it's a helluva lot easier to find evidence of connection and interactions between some members of this administration and Russian shitheels than it apparently is to find evidence of 'tons of widespread evidence of voter fraud' thus far. It's after 5:40 pm on Monday...crickets. You're glossing over the fact that this is about adherence and respect for our Constitutional norms pertaining to an open and free election by millions and conflating it with a man who stood on the White House lawn and openly invited a foreign power, an enemy, to directly interfere in our elections and target a political rival. However narrow the numbers the votes are in Democracy be damned. Delaying and impeding the transition in this Republic and casting dispersions and reckless accusations of criminality upon voters and workers whether they disagree with you or agree with you, a R OR D dammit is bolstering enemies across the Globe. It's not what we do. And for the record ffs I'm an Independent. This ain't about Biden love or Trump hate, they're temps, they'll come and they'll go, it's about this Country and who we are but I suppose some have lost that in favor of a cult of personality.
    Be dismissive of the point all you like Spicoli.

    "it's a helluva lot easier to find evidence of connection and interactions between some members of this administration and Russian shitheels ", oh really and where is this evidence? They've had 4 years to produce meanwhile it has been 4 business days since the election.

    President Trump isn't going to tip his hand via the media because the media are in on this and they have been from the very begining. See Kirkland's boy David Corn for that Steele Dossier scoop! FoxNews pivoted and they're no better now than the others calling Arizona before even CNN did .

    I can tell people what I think, but it won't matter because you're upset with Trump, you see his actions as unnecessary and harmful, I see them as allowing things to play out as they are needed to. Donald Trump said from the beginning "Mail in ballots are susceptible to mass fraud", AG Barr seconded that, and I'm of the belief that they've allowed the Democrats enough rope to hang themselves. They're not going to make the allegations without the receipts. But again, I can tell you until I'm blue in the face, you're just going to be upset by it.

    Which is why I'll just wait and watch ...74 million people voted for a man who didn't campaign, wasn't asked ANY tough questions, bombed in the second debate, and didn't offer any plausible excuses as to his son's laptop where it's quite obvious he was selling us out to China? ....and also down ballot Republicans (people who ran on Trump-ism & were supported by Trump himself) kicked the ever living dogshit out of the Democrats? How likely is it for both of those to have happened simultaneously?

    Guess we'll wait and see won't we now
    I dunno just grabbing at stars but maybe the fact a Bipartisan Intel Senate committee found that Campaign manager Manafort had high level access and willingness to share internal polling information with associates closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services and found it represented a 'grave counterintelligence threat'. You know polling based in U.S locations, during an election..with Russian oligarchs..during a campaign for the Presidency. Meanwhile we have Guiliani pitching circus shows in front of manure factories and porn shops willfully undermining election results with gems like "Well Joe Frazier is still voting in Pa and he's dead". The same guy found to be a risk and admittingly harvesting information against one Biden from a fella under U.S surveillance and described as Russian Intelligence. Where is ol Rudy anyway.

    You absolutely can and should tell people what you think. All the power to you there. Yes I see his current actions as dangerous and undermining Constitutional norms and our democratic principles and process. Now don't mix that with legitimate disputes and very specific cases of votes, ballots etc. I'm talking he's going out scorched Earth with everything from the Pentagon and Intelligence purge, failing to carry forward our collective duties and responsibilities as one Nation for the Nation per the voters. Now he has Barr arbitrarily changing long standing policy and guidelines and ordering a grand fishing expedition by Federal prosecutors at State level..while votes are still being counted and prior to State certification. And the head Prosecutor of election crimes in the DOJ quits in protest just hours later. Oh yeh..nothing to see here. Everyone move along. The DOJ has fook all business at this point inserting itself with solid evidence. It's bs and I don't trust it. I'd fully expect you to have a literal shit storm if the names were reversed and you'd be well within your rights and frankly responsibilities. It reads like a literal power grab ffs. Is that what you want? The people have spoken. It's what we do. We do not undermine Democracy in this casual blase blase attitude and I can respect your opinion but I think it's pretty clear that "we'll wait and see" has proven to be a pretty ineffective policy for an Administration over the last 4 years and it surely does not apply to our free elections. We're America ugly right now.
    Last edited by Spicoli; 11-11-2020 at 05:08 AM.

  7. #6397
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    4 years and 426 pages and you are still avoiding answering any questions. It doesn't matter If I ask you, or Kirkland, or anyone else, you either ignore it, pretend that the answer is just around the corner, resort to whataboutism, or as per usual pretend you are the one nobody is answering.
    But you didn't ask me any questions there, you made statements and demanded that I A) Accept the premise of those statements and B ) Agree with you on those statements.

    In the previous posts I asked questions for purposes of clarification so that we wouldn't talk past each other as has been an issue in the past. I guess that's wrong. My apologies for daring to clearly communicate with you and avoid these little sparring matches which you SAY you don't like, but yet again we find ourselves in the midst of one which would beg a question I dare not ask.

  8. #6398
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Logan Act: Obama Hack Ben Rhodes Says Joe Biden is Already “Having Phone Calls” with Foreign Leaders About His Agenda (VIDEO)

    I seem to recall this being an issue last time....but this I am sure is all good yeah? Right guys?

    Incoming presidents all talk with foreign leaders. That's fine. They're not allowed to run a second foreign policy at the same time like Trump did four years ago. The country has one foreign policy at a time. And people generally don't admit to crimes in media interviews. Try reading an actual newspaper.
    Thanks for admitting "Russia Russia Russia" was all a hoax and that everyone the FBI targeted was innocent.

    I bolded and underlined a section of your response because that is EXACTLY what the Biden camp is doing sooooo I guess you have no choice but to condemn them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If it turns out that there are no receipts, that there is zero evidence of large scale voter fraud and there are no deep state arrests or relelations about Democratic/media/whatever corruption or whatever other crazy shit Qanon people are currently believing will you admit you're a gullible fucking moron who believed the biggest load of obvious barking mad bullshit ever? Will you admit you were wrong Lyle?

  9. #6399
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    I dunno just grabbing at stars but maybe the fact a Bipartisan Intel Senate committee found that Campaign manager Manafort had high level access and willingness to share internal polling information with associates closely affiliated with the Russian intelligence services and found it represented a 'grave counterintelligence threat'. You know polling based in U.S locations, during an election..with Russian oligarchs..during a campaign for the Presidency. Meanwhile we have Guiliani pitching circus shows in front of manure factories and porn shops willfully undermining election results with gems like "Well Joe Frazier is still voting in Pa and he's dead". The same guy found to be a risk and admittingly harvesting information against one Biden from a fella under U.S surveillance and described as Russian Intelligence. Where is ol Rudy anyway.

    You absolutely can and should tell people what you think. All the power to you there. Yes I see his current actions as dangerous and undermining Constitutional norms and our democratic principles and process. Now don't mix that with legitimate disputes and very specific cases of votes, ballots etc. I'm talking he's going out scorched Earth with everything from the Pentagon and Intelligence purge, failing to carry forward our collective duties and responsibilities as one Nation for the Nation per the voters. Now he has Barr arbitrarily changing long standing policy and guidelines and ordering a grand fishing expedition by Federal prosecutors at State level..while votes are still being counted and prior to State certification. And the head Prosecutor of election crimes in the DOJ quits in protest just hours later. Oh yeh..nothing to see here. Everyone move along. The DOJ has fook all business at this point inserting itself with solid evidence. It's bs and I don't trust it. I'd fully expect you to have a literal shit storm if the names were reversed and you'd be well within your rights and frankly responsibilities. It reads like a literal power grab ffs. Is that what you want? The people have spoken. It's what we do. We do not undermine Democracy in this casual blase blase attitude and I can respect your opinion but I think it's pretty clear that "we'll wait and see" has proven to be a pretty ineffective policy for an Administration over the last 4 years and it surely does not apply to our free elections. We're America ugly right now.
    Oh no, sharing polling data is that ANY different than the polls blasted across the news on a daily basis? Polls which are the furthest thing from accurate by the way....SUPPRESSION polls I believe they're called.

    Manafort got popped for: Manafort was charged with various financial crimes including tax evasion, bank fraud, and money laundering. There were 18 criminal charges including 5 falsifications of income tax returns, 4 failures to file foreign bank account reports, 4 counts of bank fraud, and 5 counts of bank fraud conspiracy.

    So 0 "collusion" charges, 0 charges related to sharing polling data....really makes one wonder....OR just completely shutdown and not question it

    Why should I bother? Things will play out as they will nobody on here is directly involved and all my explaining my views seems to do is piss off other posters. Read what I post, don't read it, be upset, don't be upset, I don't care.

    We'll wait and see because we've got no choice. Biden wanted to spike the football and so he did. Lefties want to make lists of Trump supporters & enablers and so they will I mean after all UNITY right?

    I'd tell you there will be riots, I'd tell you the military will be involved, but hey why would I bother it'll only upset you and others.

  10. #6400
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    14,000 dead people cast ballots in Wayne County, Michigan

    The above statement was of course on social media, the new great vanguard for Trump followers. They constantly run off at the mouth about everybody's sources...but theirs.
    We know they don't quote FOX like I do.

    "Here is a list of 14+ thousand dead people who voted in Wayne County (Detroit)," reads a Facebook post from The Liberalists that directs to an invalid link. The page asks users to "verify it" by doing a search of the names on the Michigan Voter Information Center.

    The link that the user claimed to be evidence is no longer available. The site reads that it has been "expired, removed by its creator, or removed by one of the Pastebin staff."

    When the group who made the claim was questioned as to what happened to the link- simple, blame facebook, they took it off. Before they took their-self deleted link down & blamed FB-- as always a few made comments to one in particular actually found a name a researched one of the so-called dead voters- with the actual name Imo Oliver, of Ypsilanti. Still alive. Her son helped her to vote in the 2020 election.

    Amazing how crappy the mainstream media is, but how dependable social platform has become for right wingers. Just Tweet it, facebook it & call it fact.

    Conservative commentator Fleccas Talks tweeted :"Dead people cast absentee ballots in Michigan. Yet Bradley died in 1984."
    That was picked up by Students for Trump founder Ryan Fournier who placed it guess where? Yup the Trump vanguard of news Facebook.

    Forced to investigate - Mark Chase, spokesperson for Fournier was the beginning point. He was asked where he got his sources. Guess where? The backup Vanguard for Trump supporters: Fleccas' post.

    Fleccas was asked where did they get their source. And there it died, no response days later.

    Thousands of retweets later more dead people tweets flourished, this time with a dead person's name: 118-year-old William Bradley

    The Michigan Department of State responded. Not news, not Facebook, Twitter, not radio talk show host. The Michigan Department of State responded:William Bradley” born in March 1902 is deceased. However there is another William Bradley. That person voted because they are alive.
    Tracy Wimmer, director of media relations for Michigan's Secretary of State,“Ballots of voters who have died are rejected in Michigan, even if the voter cast an absentee ballot"

    So the question now becomes who is telling the truth? the State Department of Michigan? Or Twittter & Facebook users loyal to Trump?
    End result they even supplied the link,4670,...535---,00.html

    How far are ya gonna go? The entire damn state is fraudulent? Leave the country and go back where ya came from if you're gonna complain like that...sound familiar? Back at ya.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 11-11-2020 at 04:26 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  11. #6401
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Its one thing to complain how the media treats Donnie Darko. Does that include FOX?

    Does it?

    Fox News cuts away from Trump campaign news conference: 'Can't in good countenance continue showing this

    FOX news Anchor (not one of those opinionated talk show hosts like the recently suspended Jeanine Pirro a so-called Judge) Rather FOX news anchor stated via a split screen:

    "Welcoming fraud" and "welcoming illegal voting,Whoa, whoa, whoa, I just think we have to be very clear. She's charging the other side is welcoming fraud and welcoming illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can't in good countenance continue showing you this."

    FOX cut it off, I have no problem identifying bias in CNN, MSNBC, its why I have near zero % history of using them.
    But what about FOX?
    Are they biased? Are they fair for cancelling that video feed of Trump's little blonde repeating the same things repeated on Twitter & Facebook?

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  12. #6402
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    FOX NEWS Pentagon's top policy official resigns a day after Esper fired

    Jim Anderson, the acting undersecretary of defense for policy at the Pentagon, resigned from his position Tuesday, just one day after President Trump fired Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, a senior U.S. defense official told Fox News.

    Why is he still firing people? One more chance to hollar, "Your Fired?!"

    Trump fires Secretary of Defense Mark Esper
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  13. #6403
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    More Top Pentagon Officials Out After Trump Sacks Esper
    “It’s embarrassing for the United States,” a former senior intelligence officer who served under Trump said of the recent spate of firings.

    James Anderson, who was confirmed as deputy undersecretary of defense for polic
    y and was elevated to serve as an acting official in the top policy job, was forced out on Tuesday after a tumultuous relationship with the White House.

    Anthony Tata, a Trump loyalist, conspiracy theorist, and former Fox News contributor was appointed to serve in an interim role. Anderson wrote, Multiple current and former officials said that he was given the option to resign or be fired by Christopher Miller.

    That's Today In Trump Land. Donnie is probably out golfing. Wonder who has been running the nation as he's spent the last few weeks on tour selling Chinese made knickknacks.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  14. #6404
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Bleed 'em Donnie! Bleed 'em dry. Take every last dime from your worshipers, you big ole Pimp!

    Donald Trump's latest endeavor? Asking his supporters to pay his debts- The outgoing president has two ‘election defense funds’ – but the small print shows donations will go towards paying off debt

    “President Trump needs YOU to step up to make sure we have the resources to protect the integrity of the election!” Not like he doesnt have the money --but if his voters are gullible enough to spend their $15hr paycheck to pay for his it. Cause that what Pimps do. They Pimp the weak.

    Those donating may believe that the money will be used towards challenging the election result, but may have missed that their contributions are earmarked for paying off Trump’s re-election debts. It seems to be the latest episode in the Trump team’s comedy of errors.

    Donald Trump has set up his “election defense fund”
    Donations can be made to two different funds – Trump’s personal fund, and his joint fund with the RNC.

    Who said Pimpin aint easy?
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  15. #6405
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Dude is not Jokin'!!!

    WE NEED TO FIGHT BACK- reads the link.... with YOUR MONEY, not his!!

    & here is the link to his other fund him page

    On that one $45 is the lowest
    If you give him $1,000 you get to Join the Trump Club YIPPY!!!! I wonder which cheap piece of shit knockoff product you get a Donald Ashtray? T-shirt?
    If you donate $2,800 You not only get to be a part of Trump Club, but will be an official member of the Family Circle.

    Damn. Pimpish.

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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