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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #6601
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    MSM will not report on ANY of this, just poo-poo the whole thing, no curiosity, no concern, nothing.

    "Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity," reads the statement signed by Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, Trump campaign senior legal advisor and personal attorney to the president.

    So if she isn't a part of...does that mean the headline of your video saying "massive Election Fraud is provable says Trump campaign" is fake? well is she a part of, or nor a part of his team?
    Can I get another muahahabwahahahahahahahaaaaahaaaahaqhaahajaaaaa!!! !!!!!
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  2. #6602
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Jesus Should be Jealous! His supporters cut out on him in his moment of truth, but not the chosen one's followers.

    As he drives to & from golf courses, they align the roads showing an unwavering support to continue golfing, while everyone else fights his battles.
    As Iowa's Republican Governor does a complete reversal. She went right along with donnie and called masks a 'feel good' measure.
    Not anymore.
    six months ago: “No, I’m not going to mandate masks. I trust Iowans. I believe in Iowans,”
    “The pandemic in Iowa is the worst it has ever been. No one wants to do this. I don’t want to do this,”

    Governors of Iowa, Utah, and North Dakota all enforced their first statewide mask mandate this month.
    Why now?

    Where do Trump supporters go now? Do you continue to side with a POTUS who only talks about Covid from the standpoint of (Pfizer better give me credit)?
    North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum did not make mask recommendations into mask mandates prior to this month.

    Utah Governor Gary Herbert did not enforce a mask mandate, explaining he did not “want this to become a divisive issue.”
    On November 8, Herbert announced a state of emergency that included a mask mandate for Utah.

    I wonder how hard must a heart be to look down on anyone that won't vote Donnie, then stand in the cold -telling him to keep he drives from his golf course. What kind of person thinks that is acceptable?
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  3. #6603
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I get it.
    Democrats have been less than anything we could want, but at what point will a person wonder; is it still feasible to denounce Democrats alone?
    Repudiate Moderates?
    Disdain Conservatives who call him out as a liberal spender? Why?
    Labeling them as haters? cant be logical in their questioning, must be emotional? remember before Trump a person could give a perspective that was critical or their positions? But today it's just hate.

    How did Don's supporters once so loving of his appointees, now Loathes the appointees? Because they didnt choose your view? Who are you or even me to say: every time someone rules or judges in opposition to your/my perspective- they all must be hated?
    I wasn't raised like that.

    Then to look around and see no one standing next to my president other than a cross dresser too stupid to know he's being Borat'ed.
    To look around and see the only Republicans defending my prez are the ones who talked the most shit about him?
    Lindsay Graham called his party bat-shit crazy for voting for Donnie. How could we be so close to electing the most corrupt woman ever? (speaking of Hillary) he stated...cause my party has gone bat shit crazy!

    Cruz called him a liar and stated every time someone like him breaks their pledge, they call U the liar & that's who Donald is.

    And his voters found it refreshing to call a Republican a Pussy.

    Today they both tell Donnie don't concede.

    But what about being President until January?
    Where is the infrastructure he promised? Those who have posted here for years, remember when that was talked about by Americans?

    How much of the wall has been built since he came in?
    Did he take responsibility for the part of the wall built during his tenure that fell over due to a hurricane? My bad, I mean a gust of wind? Remember during Obama's years how often one could log on here and find frustration from Americans concerned about their borders? Excluding me. Who was the last person to mention the wall here?

    Remember the years from 2009-2016 how spending was out of control? Where are those who felt that way?

    Remember how often the numbers of soldiers overseas was the result of a war mongering Obama and a hawkish Hillary? Now we read words like "well no new wars" Seriously?

    But what about new tours for the same troops? 3rd, 4th deployment is what I used to read here. Pissed the fuck off that troops are over burdened. I was too. I'm a Marine. have stated here many times, but never get that respect the Donnie- voters bestow among themselves. They wont even mention that we sent troops to Arabia for cash and our POTUS bragged about it.

    Well, when was the last time someone here read about how many deployments the 7th marines have done? 151st Airborne? Any regiment? Last time for me would be when a Democrat was president. About 4 years ago.

    To your delight, I will refrain further from reminding us how we witnessed 4 years of not a damn peep on politics from poot-butt Republicans.
    Instead they spent 4 years talking about their hate for media. The hate Democrats have for Donnie. The hate Republicans have for donnie. The Deep state -no need to name names. The Establishment Republicans- no need to name names.

    They spent four years on this thread running amok on how everyone in the world has fucked up America for the real Americans. You have my word.
    I won't visit this thread (to post) ever again. I made my points and none were ever countered- logically instead my opinions alone were quoted & taken out of context to use as a means to question my judgement. Punkish Pussified.

    Thanks @Kirkland Laing, you are well versed and deal with those who call you out here like a champ...then they run to the Borris thread and try to tell you about the other side of the ocean. Thanks @TitoFan, @Spicoli @Gandalf a pleasure to go toe2toe with real hombres who fought me like men. @NoSavingByTheBell, man you all over the place, but you never back down from past words/posts I respect that about you!
    @Beanz, keep swinging those haymakers!! You fight fair with the fair and down n dirty with the... I even appreciate many of the fact-related posts from @Denilson3.0 I apologize if I said something that kept him from posting me. I dont take it back, but wish I could have known & reworded better. @Master is the Steve Smoger of moderators - you let us all fight it out clean or F'n dirty LOL!....put a mirror to our nose....still breathing? Well keep on duking it out!!!
    There's one other person --but we only posted a few times politically speaking so forgive me...I stated he did a boxing move on me a month or so ago!
    Carry on!!!! to those who choose.

    Last edited by SlimTrae; 11-23-2020 at 03:16 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  4. #6604
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    If/when (I say when) election fraud/interference HAS happened and IS proven... How many of you folks who hate Trump will care or even acknowledge it happened?

    I wonder how much it'll take, how long you'll say "it's nothing"
    The deafening, cackling cacophony of mainstream Media news anchors proclaiming IT'S NOTHING, NOTHING TO SEE HERE, TRUMP SHOULD CONCEDE, TRUMP IS UNDERMINING THE COUNTRY....

    Is beyond laughable. CNN not even covering that press conference last Thursday and calling it BS, .... How gaslighting can you get? They are desperate to keep the information in that press conference away from the American public. It is proof that CNN MSNBC CBS ABC the New York Times The Washington Post, Brian stelter Don lemon Chris Cuomo Whoopi Goldberg Joy behar Joy Reid Nancy pelosi Chuck Schumer Adam Schiff Maxine Waters AOC et al .... ARE ALL IN THE BULLYING MOB OF GASLIGHTERS.


    THAT DIDN'T UNDERMINE THE COUNTRY FOR 4 YEARS? that didn't interfere with President Trump trying to do his job for four years? He was constantly needing to focus on his own defense during all of those endless investigations and lawsuits and legal maneuvers by the Democrats and Bob Mueller and the bad actors in the FBI.

    It's amazing the guy got as much done as he did under those circumstances and now they want to talk about he is undermining the country because he is uncovering rampant voter fraud on about five different levels.

    The hypocrisy and double speak and gaslighting by the left is beyond words. If we had William Shakespeare right here with Geoffrey Chaucer, Jonathan Swift and even Miles helping them out, they could not come up with the words together to describe the hypocrisy, "playing dumb" and gaslighting that the Democrats are guilty of.
    Poor Donny Baby, stopped from fighting the good fight. And you thought the best thing for the country would be to vote for Jorgensen. But here’s the thing......many people think that the votes Jorgensen got were actually responsible for Trump LOSING the election!
    So I got it wrong, I said you wasted your vote, but you know what ? YOU are responsible for Trump losing and Biden being elected.
    Now let’s get to the person you voted for. Let’s have a look at some of her beliefs:

    Question: What would you do about racist cops?

    Dr. Jo Jorgensen: There is too much friction between cops and citizens because there are too many laws. I would work to reduce the number of laws, especially by ending drug prohibition. Drug prohibition is the main thing that killed Breonna Taylor. And it’s the main thing that leads to police violence.

    It also leads to violence on our streets, people breaking into homes who are desperate for a fix, unlabeled and dangerously-tainted drugs which are laced with deadly fentanyl, and massive injustices against people who never harmed another soul. It’s time for a drug peace.

    Drug Peace? Ending Drug Prohibition?” So you’re obviously ok with this ?

    Question: What would you do about the incarceration problem?

    Dr. Jo Jorgensen: I would pardon all non-violent offenders on Day 1 of my administration and work to end all victimless crime laws, especially drug prohibition.

    So Paedophiles and Druggies would be released immediately. Hmmm.

    Now let’s get to Liberal Jo’s views on Covid, because in these times , it’s obviously very important, and I know you have some pretty strong views on this yourself.

    As president, I will not impose COVID-19 policies on the American people. I will let them set their own policies, and make their own decisions about taking vaccines or what tests to use.
    Businesses should set their own COVID-19 policies. Stores could have mask-mandatory and mask-optional hours. People should be free to make their own healthcare choice.*

    Ummm, correct me if I’m wrong, but that isn’t quite how you see it, is it ?

    Come on Brock, give us a break mate, you don’t really know if you want a shit or a haircut do ya?
    Literally could not make this shit up!
    @NoSavingByTheBell, Brock, I don’t know if you missed this mate, so I’m politely reposting it to try to get your expert opinion. Thoughts ?
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I believe and support that stores should have mask mandatory and mask optional hours, matey.

  6. #6606
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I believe and support that stores should have mask mandatory and mask optional hours, matey.
    Well thanks for giving your view on one of the many points up there. But I am baffled. Somebody shops in the mask optional hours without a mask, unfortunately has Covid and passes it on to the shop worker. The shop worker then passes it on to you, a passionate believer in wearing masks . That can’t help can it
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I believe and support that stores should have mask mandatory and mask optional hours, matey.
    Well thanks for giving your view on one of the many points up there. But I am baffled. Somebody shops in the mask optional hours without a mask, unfortunately has Covid and passes it on to the shop worker. The shop worker then passes it on to you, a passionate believer in wearing masks . That can’t help can it
    If the shop workers are wearing masks during the mask optional hours then maybe they would be protected from the shoppers without a mask? Certainly if both were wearing masks it would reduce the possibility of transmission. But I like the idea that you could set aside let's say 3 hours or a block of time for people who do not want to wear the masks to all go in there and shop at the same time . thanks for saying that it's true and I agree that the shop worker would then be at a very high risk and could later on pass it to others as well.

    but the designated hours thing is kind of cool because it accommodates everyone.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    BTW, a little aside here, but I fucked Jo Jorgensen in 1987 in Illinois.

  9. #6609
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I believe and support that stores should have mask mandatory and mask optional hours, matey.
    Well thanks for giving your view on one of the many points up there. But I am baffled. Somebody shops in the mask optional hours without a mask, unfortunately has Covid and passes it on to the shop worker. The shop worker then passes it on to you, a passionate believer in wearing masks . That can’t help can it
    If the shop workers are wearing masks during the mask optional hours then maybe they would be protected from the shoppers without a mask? Certainly if both were wearing masks it would reduce the possibility of transmission. But I like the idea that you could set aside let's say 3 hours or a block of time for people who do not want to wear the masks to all go in there and shop at the same time . thanks for saying that it's true and I agree that the shop worker would then be at a very high risk and could later on pass it to others as well.

    but the designated hours thing is kind of cool because it accommodates everyone.
    If I was the shop worker I wouldn’t be best pleased. You don’t like being around people without masks, but they have to accept it? Still as long as you’re ok,eh.
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

  10. #6610
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    BTW, a little aside here, but I fucked Jo Jorgensen in 1987 in Illinois.
    Are you sure it wasn’t in the late sixties and she was smoking a joint? She sounds like a fucking right hippy to me.
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

  11. #6611
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I believe and support that stores should have mask mandatory and mask optional hours, matey.
    Well thanks for giving your view on one of the many points up there. But I am baffled. Somebody shops in the mask optional hours without a mask, unfortunately has Covid and passes it on to the shop worker. The shop worker then passes it on to you, a passionate believer in wearing masks . That can’t help can it
    If the shop workers are wearing masks during the mask optional hours then maybe they would be protected from the shoppers without a mask? Certainly if both were wearing masks it would reduce the possibility of transmission. But I like the idea that you could set aside let's say 3 hours or a block of time for people who do not want to wear the masks to all go in there and shop at the same time . thanks for saying that it's true and I agree that the shop worker would then be at a very high risk and could later on pass it to others as well.

    but the designated hours thing is kind of cool because it accommodates everyone.
    If I was the shop worker I wouldn’t be best pleased. You don’t like being around people without masks, but they have to accept it? Still as long as you’re ok,eh.
    Oh no they don't have to accept it at all. As long as they are okay with it ;-)

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    If/when (I say when) election fraud/interference HAS happened and IS proven... How many of you folks who hate Trump will care or even acknowledge it happened?

    I wonder how much it'll take, how long you'll say "it's nothing"

    Right now the elite Trump legal team have lost thirty four cases in court. None of the cases left even mention voter fraud, they're all about election procedures and rules like the previous thiry four. There are no cases alleging voter fraud because there is no voter fraud. As of now there have been two (2) documented cases of fraud in this election, both Trump voters who voted twice.

    Since you were asking somebody from Dominion has come forward to explain how things work to all the gullible idiots who believe any old garbage on the internet:

    and here is the former head of the government agency tasked with keeping anything criminal from interfering with American elections explaining everything in a nutshell:

    Now since 1980 the most authoritative voter fraud database there is says there have been 1200 cases of voter fraud. So thirty a year, but that's in state and local elections too. But sixty in an election year really, elections being every two years, weight for this being a presidential year, massive turnout, both sides very enthusiastic to vote. Then let's add on a few votes. If we add some on we may just possibly get into treble figures. We may see a hundred fraudulent votes this election but I'd take the under. A hundred out of a hundred and fifty million votes and more than half of them will be in states that aren't competitive. How many zeroes is that between the decimal point and the one Lyle? Is this -- 0.0000000001 -- correct? Roughly Lyle, how many American elections that you can remember have been decided by a 0.0000000001 percent margin?

    Never mind Lyle. It's an article of faith in the Qanon community that Trump is doing this to expose deep state corruption and this will all play out in a few weeks and Trump will be inaugurated in January while Biden, Obama, Hillary and thousands of other deep staters are carted off to Gitmo to face military tribunals.

    Ironically it's the seventy fifth anniversary of the Nuremberg trials.

    Are you looking forward to seeing the deep staters in court Lyle? It's only going to be a few weeks now.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Looks like the transition is starting, pretty smart moves by trump, he's let sidney powell fly under the radar and she will surely release the kraken any time now :S....... That must be it.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Here's the really important stuff going on right now. This is England's premier conservative newspaper reporting on a foreign country so no left wing bias here:

    The Trump Administration is to shut down the emergency lending powers of the US Federal Reserve, taking extraordinary action to block reserve funds for the incoming Biden Treasury and prevent a Democrat bail-out of state and local governments.
    The pre-emptive strike marks a breakdown in the normal co-operation between the US Treasury and the Fed, and comes just as the winter wave of Covid-19 reaches a crescendo. The services sector is already spiralling back into contraction, with a cliff-edge approaching for jobless support.
    “We are in a perilous moment for the economy,” said Jason Furman, the former head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors.
    Vaccine euphoria has lifted Wall Street to record highs but evisceration of the Fed’s backstop powers before the pandemic is over threatens to destabilise parts of the credit system.
    The US Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, has told the Fed that he will not roll over five of its nine Great Depression powers under the Article 13 (3) of the Federal Reserve Act. There will be a suspension of its lending facilities for companies, local governments, and ‘Main Street’ loans at the end of the year.

    Donald Trump and Jerome Powell in 2017. Powell is a ‘one-nation’ patrician conservative of the old school “The most obvious interpretation is that the Trump administration is seeking to debilitate the economic recovery as much as possible on the way out of the door,” said David Wilcox, the Fed’s former chief economist, now at the Peterson Institute.
    “Circumstances are very tenuous at the moment. If the situation unravels and really goes South this could prove to be a very damaging step. Secretary Mnuchin will go down in history as the man who took away a safety net when it was really needed,” he said.
    The Treasury also instructed Fed Chairman Jay Powell to return the unused portion of a $454bn account approved by Congress during the market meltdown in March.
    This seed money gave the Fed $4.5 trillion extra lending power under a policy of 10:1 leverage and had an electrifying effect on market confidence – avoiding the errors made in 2008.
    Krishna Guha from Evercore ISI said the Fed’s “market stabilisation policy” had been politicised. “The move will shut down the corporate credit programmes that were hugely successful at restoring market functioning in the spring and have operated as backstops since, fostering strong credit market conditions and indirectly supporting the equity market,” he said.
    The Federal Reserve issued a plaintive statement warning that the “full suite of emergency facilities” remain necessary as a backstop for “our still-strained and vulnerable economy".

    Just wait until Biden takes office. We're about to discover that the number one issue facing America is the deficit and the national debt. I know this because this happens every time a Democrat takes office. A GOP Senate who were happy passing a tax cut that gives top earners billions and that created a trillion dollar a year ongoing deficit in the middle of an economic expansion will now demand massive cuts to entitlement programmes, read social security and medicare, because that's what they always do despite investors offering to pay America to borrow trillions of dollars that will never have to be paid back.

    And for Biden to get anything passed in the Senate to help people he's going to have to bribe the GOP with.............. a massive fucking tax cut.

    Oh, and all the GOP senators who just watching Trump try and subvert the US democratic system. Just give them a few weeks and listen to them giving speeches invoking the Founders to argue some Biden move to help people get healthcare is bringing tyranny to America. Fuck you GOP senators.

  15. #6615
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Here's the really important stuff going on right now. This is England's premier conservative newspaper reporting on a foreign country so no left wing bias here:

    The Trump Administration is to shut down the emergency lending powers of the US Federal Reserve, taking extraordinary action to block reserve funds for the incoming Biden Treasury and prevent a Democrat bail-out of state and local governments.
    The pre-emptive strike marks a breakdown in the normal co-operation between the US Treasury and the Fed, and comes just as the winter wave of Covid-19 reaches a crescendo. The services sector is already spiralling back into contraction, with a cliff-edge approaching for jobless support.
    “We are in a perilous moment for the economy,” said Jason Furman, the former head of the White House Council of Economic Advisors.
    Vaccine euphoria has lifted Wall Street to record highs but evisceration of the Fed’s backstop powers before the pandemic is over threatens to destabilise parts of the credit system.
    The US Treasury Secretary, Steve Mnuchin, has told the Fed that he will not roll over five of its nine Great Depression powers under the Article 13 (3) of the Federal Reserve Act. There will be a suspension of its lending facilities for companies, local governments, and ‘Main Street’ loans at the end of the year.

    Donald Trump and Jerome Powell in 2017. Powell is a ‘one-nation’ patrician conservative of the old school “The most obvious interpretation is that the Trump administration is seeking to debilitate the economic recovery as much as possible on the way out of the door,” said David Wilcox, the Fed’s former chief economist, now at the Peterson Institute.
    “Circumstances are very tenuous at the moment. If the situation unravels and really goes South this could prove to be a very damaging step. Secretary Mnuchin will go down in history as the man who took away a safety net when it was really needed,” he said.
    The Treasury also instructed Fed Chairman Jay Powell to return the unused portion of a $454bn account approved by Congress during the market meltdown in March.
    This seed money gave the Fed $4.5 trillion extra lending power under a policy of 10:1 leverage and had an electrifying effect on market confidence – avoiding the errors made in 2008.
    Krishna Guha from Evercore ISI said the Fed’s “market stabilisation policy” had been politicised. “The move will shut down the corporate credit programmes that were hugely successful at restoring market functioning in the spring and have operated as backstops since, fostering strong credit market conditions and indirectly supporting the equity market,” he said.
    The Federal Reserve issued a plaintive statement warning that the “full suite of emergency facilities” remain necessary as a backstop for “our still-strained and vulnerable economy".

    Just wait until Biden takes office. We're about to discover that the number one issue facing America is the deficit and the national debt. I know this because this happens every time a Democrat takes office. A GOP Senate who were happy passing a tax cut that gives top earners billions and that created a trillion dollar a year ongoing deficit in the middle of an economic expansion will now demand massive cuts to entitlement programmes, read social security and medicare, because that's what they always do despite investors offering to pay America to borrow trillions of dollars that will never have to be paid back.

    And for Biden to get anything passed in the Senate to help people he's going to have to bribe the GOP with.............. a massive fucking tax cut.

    Oh, and all the GOP senators who just sat watching Trump try and subvert the US democratic system. Just give them a few weeks and listen to them giving speeches invoking the Founders to argue some Biden move to help people get healthcare is bringing tyranny to America. Fuck you GOP senators.

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