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Thread: Today In Biden Land

  1. #196
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Fair enough post, Kabong. But let me correct some assumptions from my own personal perspective. As you know, I'm not a fan of grouping people with presumed beliefs. I know YOU don't normally do that, for which I'm thankful. (We see enough of that elsewhere in the forum. )

    I do NOT push the agenda that Trump has been "bought and paid for." No organization in their right minds would put their money on a character such as Trump.

    The only group (other than flip-flopping, disgusting GOP leaders like Graham and Cruz) that I raise an eyebrow at... are the white, evangelical Christians, some of which I've had heated arguments with... because I can't fathom their support for someone like Trump.

    I abhor Trump because of Trump. He jumped into a situation that was primed for someone like him. Like the slick snake-oil salesman he is, he parlayed his Celebrity Apprentice fame into a Presidency... voted in by people who were desperate to elect someone other than a "same ol' same ol' politician." It didn't help matters any that the candidate on the other side of the boxing ring was none other than Hillary Clinton. Perfect storm of circumstances.

    The fact that you believe there are bought politicians on both sides of the aisle is commendable. That very statement should not be ignored. I've always felt the same way.

    Hunter Biden? If it is proven that he's guilty of breaking the law in any way... he should be processed by the law just like anybody else. Do I feel we should automatically wrap Joe Biden in with his son whether he's guilty of something or not? Of course not. Due process for everyone... whether we like him or not. That's the way it works.

    I'm not a big conspiracy theorist. I try to keep an even keel on what I hear and observe. That's why I've had contentious exchanges with some on here that push conspiracy theories like hot dogs at a ballpark. I'll read between the lines... but only for so long and only so far. I'm not going to try and dissect everything with an electron microscope because that (to me) is a sad way to go through life.

    Again and for the umpteenth time..... I seriously dislike Trump because of Trump. Not what the media has said. Not what my neighbor says. Not what Facebook says. I seriously dislike Trump because of what Trump HIMSELF has said and done. I don't need talking heads on CNN to tell me what I myself have seen and heard with my own two eyes and ears. Trump, (IMHO), ticks off most of the undesirable character boxes a person should NOT have in order to be the leader of the most powerful country in the free world. That may not mean squat to some people..... but it means everything to me.
    Alright, and I appreciate you taking the opportunity to run through specific examples(if you will) of why you dislike Trump. Some people cite the Central Park 5 and what he said about them, some people cite some bogus bullshit pushed by a dishonest media, and sometimes Trump simply doesn't help himself with his brash old school New Yorker personality....I understand why certain people would find that off putting.

    I'm not going to go on and on about Trump because this is the BIDEN thread and I want to make sure I make everyone happy and stay on topic.

    There's no way Hunter Biden gets any of the jobs he has held in recent years without Daddy being who he is. And there's a reason why he's sought out for such positions and it ain't because he's super smart. Has he broken the law? Well just being able to float that question is a big issue, just being able to ask has been met (at the media level) with MASSIVE resistance which to me personally perks my ears up.

    You don't have to be a "conspiracy theorist" just to take a second and question the premise of what is being rolled out as "news". Why did Twitter change their retweeting policy before the election and change it back AFTER the election? Seems odd and/or convenient. But maybe I've just got a naturally questioning attitude.

    To your point on not liking Trump as a person....I get that, I understand it. I see that from more than a few people....getting people to divorce themselves from the emotions of not liking the guy and focusing on what he accomplished is difficult. It's why getting someone such as yourself to seriously question "Was the vote REALLY on the up and up?" is a very difficult thing. Big time proof will have to be provided and when it's difficult just to pose the question to/for the media then you know any and all evidence will immediately be trashed, they'll immediately run stories about how bogus it is...hard to believe since in the past these companies had serious questions about these very same voting machines.

    I'm not going to wade through the load of shit following your post, because I choose those I engage and believe me that group is shrinking ever so slowly.

    Let me address your Twitter point.

    Has there EVER been a person who has abused his Twitter privileges and Twitter in general as much as Donald J. Trump??

    Second question: Regarding the leader of the free world... who presumably has a shitload more on his plate than the average person... is it reassuring to have the President of the frigging United States of America taking to Twitter to have personal battles with the Meryl Streeps, Robert DeNiros, et al of the world?? Not to me, it's not.

    If the CEO of a major corporation were spending his time trading insulting Tweets with the forklift driver at one of his hundreds of facilities...... EVERYONE would raise an eyebrow in a micro-second. It's incredibly unfocused, petty and just plain STUPID and you have to know this. Would this CEO be effective at his job? If he spends half his time worrying about what forklift drivers think of him... probably not.

    Addressing your point about Trump being a "brash New Yorker"..... OMG... I can only say this so many times before I begin face palming big time.......

    I couldn't give less of a rat's ass WHERE Trump comes from. This is used as an excuse for his boorish personality as if it's supposed to make everything he says and does palatable. In what language do I have to say that I don't care why Trump is the way he is?? I'm technically from New York too. Doesn't automatically give me an excuse for being an asshole. If someone provokes me, I'll be happy to oblige, as I've done here before. But normally I'd say my level of human decency and maturity is a thousand-fold what Donny's is.

    THIS from you..... "getting people to divorce themselves from the emotions of not liking the guy and focusing on what he accomplished is difficult"

    I just don't know what to say.

    What has he accomplished exactly?? And I mean besides stoking the biggest dumpster fire in American history. To the point where people have bought his bullshit... the whole kit and kaboodle... and the country is more divided than at any point since the Civil War. Which BTW reminds me of him comparing himself with Abraham Lincoln. What a fucking LOSER!!

    What has he accomplished?? Started an ill-fated wall that will never be completed and would've never been effective ANYWAY, since we're not living in the Middle Ages, where moats and drawbridges were all the rage.

    It has always been my belief and one shared by much more intelligent people than you or I..... that borders can be secured with TECHNOLOGY and policies and the BILLIONS that the wall would've cost can be put to much better use.

    What has he accomplished?? He blasted Obamacare since Day One and promised to have something better in place during his administration. Where the fukk is it??

    (insert cricket sound here)

    What has he accomplished?? He not only MISHANDLED the COVID crisis more than any leader in the world..... but he also managed to POLITICIZE it!!!!!!!!! Damn that arrogant, ignorant asshole.

    His penchant for "knowing more than anybody about everything" is so "5th-gradish", it's comically tragic. A fukking grown man... telling everybody he knows more about viruses than virologists.... more about war strategy than generals..... more about windmills than any engineer.... blah, blah, blah.

    No, Kabong.

    My dislike..... fuck it.... hate.... of Trump has been cemented a long time ago... and it has NOTHING to do with Trump being a New Yorker ( I have family in NY... and they're all decent human beings).... NOTHING with the media feeding me propaganda... nothing with what ANYBODY has said or written to me.

    I only hope against hope that American NEVER elects a loser like that as President again... or at least until after I'm dead and gone.

  2. #197
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What a crock of shit. That is the absolute opposite of reality.

    I can't speak for Master or Spicoli, Kirkland, Slim etc but if I were to make an educated guess based on their years of posting, I would suggest that it is ALL of us that believe 'politicians of the establishment class' as you put it, are and have been bought for years from both sides

    You must certainly do not, and so that makes you a liar.
    Well I explained as to why you might hold that view and I don't think I was insulting in doing so. I don't think the public is currently privy to the information needed to draw conclusions as of yet.

    So you believe Biden has been "bought for years"? Trump is not of the political class ergo his diehard following, but if you think he IS of the political class, please do show your work.

    No, I've stated, well before you I think many a politician, many an ESTABLISHMENT Republican & Democrat have been bought and paid for. But if you want to call me a liar go ahead, it ain't the worst you've called me and fuck me if it makes any fucking difference to you what you've called me, you clearly don't give a fuck. Who knows maybe we'll meet one day

  3. #198
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    For the 1001th time..I'm not so much interested in Trump being "bought and paid for" as I am in the fact that he swore an Oath and proceeded to shit all over the Constitution and now works feverishly to subvert and overturn the will and vote of a free people based on little more than a few dozen court rulings against his efforts and not one but two losses in the Supreme Court of the United States. Jesus Christmas just say that twice to yourselves. This isn't about feelings. We are sooooo beyond that. And for the record every Politician is open to being compromised and influenced and to be crooked. Every single one of them. But first and foremost I go on what I see, what a man does and what is proven or not proven in a court of law. When I see a lawful election and millions of Americans and their rights being worked against in a despotic power grab..that's an alarming numero uno problem. That is not American.
    Last edited by Spicoli; 12-18-2020 at 12:13 AM.

  4. #199
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What a crock of shit. That is the absolute opposite of reality.

    I can't speak for Master or Spicoli, Kirkland, Slim etc but if I were to make an educated guess based on their years of posting, I would suggest that it is ALL of us that believe 'politicians of the establishment class' as you put it, are and have been bought for years from both sides

    You must certainly do not, and so that makes you a liar.
    Well I explained as to why you might hold that view and I don't think I was insulting in doing so. I don't think the public is currently privy to the information needed to draw conclusions as of yet.

    So you believe Biden has been "bought for years"? Trump is not of the political class ergo his diehard following, but if you think he IS of the political class, please do show your work.

    No, I've stated, well before you I think many a politician, many an ESTABLISHMENT Republican & Democrat have been bought and paid for. But if you want to call me a liar go ahead, it ain't the worst you've called me and fuck me if it makes any fucking difference to you what you've called me, you clearly don't give a fuck. Who knows maybe we'll meet one day

    You can meet me twice a week and have been invited to without leaving the comfort of your own home. Come on man, stop with this fake Alpha male bravado bullshit , if you are going to continue to put words into other people's mouths and speak on behalf of them, do not be surprised when you are pulled up about it. You are supposed to value frankness and yet here you are expecting me to bullshit you and pretend you give a shit about what people call you when here you are telling us all what we think and believe.

    Nobody owes you fuck all, least of all 'showing you our work'. Slim did that for months on end and you got that tray of Michelin star evidence and reason, threw it in his face and offered him and all of us, a big fat fucking nothing burger.

    Mean spirited , misogynistic, racist bigotry is bad enough coming from fucking Fox News, Infowars, Newsmax and the other 'Entertainment' channels you substitute for any kind of news. When it comes from the Presidents mouth and hands 14 hrs a day and you have the fucking audacity to argue that the prick is not part of the political class, your right to be taken seriously is hugely undermined.

    People do not like Trump not because 'they think he is a Cunt' or because the non sycophantic propaganda channels have convinced them he is a cunt. They do not like him because he actually is a full blown cunt.

    You want to defend him then go ahead but do not pretend that anyone not agreeing with you are just as vulnerable to the same brainwashed delusional cult faith based bullshit you subscribe too.
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  5. #200
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What a crock of shit. That is the absolute opposite of reality.

    I can't speak for Master or Spicoli, Kirkland, Slim etc but if I were to make an educated guess based on their years of posting, I would suggest that it is ALL of us that believe 'politicians of the establishment class' as you put it, are and have been bought for years from both sides

    You must certainly do not, and so that makes you a liar.
    Well I explained as to why you might hold that view and I don't think I was insulting in doing so. I don't think the public is currently privy to the information needed to draw conclusions as of yet.

    So you believe Biden has been "bought for years"? Trump is not of the political class ergo his diehard following, but if you think he IS of the political class, please do show your work.

    No, I've stated, well before you I think many a politician, many an ESTABLISHMENT Republican & Democrat have been bought and paid for. But if you want to call me a liar go ahead, it ain't the worst you've called me and fuck me if it makes any fucking difference to you what you've called me, you clearly don't give a fuck. Who knows maybe we'll meet one day

    Look at who actually funds Trump. Dark money groups, Wall Street, billionaires, corporations. Just like every other significant politician.

    As the Nov. 3 election sparks record campaign contributions, the CEOs of S&P 500 companies are helping to fund the war chests of President Donald Trump and challenger Joe Biden, while also contributing to other Republican and Democratic politicians.
    In their political giving as individuals, these chief executives have combined to give more to Trump than Biden. Some 15 CEOs whose companies are components of the S&P 500 SPX, +0.58% have donated a total of $2.489 million to Trump’s principal campaign committee, its joint fundraising groups with the Republican National Committee or pro-Trump super PACs.
    Meanwhile, 30 chief execs have contributed $536,100 to Biden’s main campaign committee, its joint groups with the Democratic National Committee or pro-Biden super PACs.

    And Trump has just been a standard issue GOP politician. He's followed their bedrock commitments to redistrribute wealth upwards and do the bidding of Wall Srteet and big corporations and he's slashed labour rights and protections. What was the only major piece of legislation that passed in the last four years? The corporate tax cut. Here's part of what he did to rig the economy even further in favour of big business and against workers:

    The guy he appointed as Labour Secretary is a lawyer who has spent his life in court and as a lobbyist gutting labour rights and fighting to achieve bigger corporate profits at the expense of workers:

  6. #201
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Somehow the "Biden Land" thread has turned into another Trump thread.

    @El Kabong, I see where you're arguing on many fronts simultaneously. I'd say we all take a collective deep breath and keep things on an even keel.

    Once again I value the way you and I couldn't possible disagree more on Donald Trump... and our discussions are heated... yet we manage to maintain our civility and there are no personal insults being thrown about.

    One thing I'll say about your views about Trump is that you've been consistent throughout. What you feel today is what you felt back in 2016, etc., etc. I respect a man who sticks to his convictions and doesn't flip-flop like Lindsey Graham.

    We're all allowed our preferences and sometimes we forget that.

    If you read my last post, it was passionate to be sure. But I needed to dispel the dogged notion that I (speaking only for myself here) base my opinions of Trump simply on CNN talking heads, other media, or hearsay on the street.

    I've been steadfast myself in insisting it is Trump's own actions and words that have taken my opinion of him down to negative 1 million on a scale of 1 to 100.

    I gave you various examples of where Trump's accomplishments are instead dubious examples of things he's actually screwed up, rather than accomplish anything positive.

    I bristled at your insistence that Trump gets a pass because he's a New Yorker because I feel that is as weak an excuse as anyone will ever hear. I use my own example, as being technically a New Yorker, and having family in New York.
    It's not a "Get out of Jail Free" card.

    A fact that cannot be up for debate is that Trump has managed to create the deepest, widest chasm of a rift in the American public in recorded history. Is that something to be proud of? IMHO, it isn't. It's severely damaging... and much of that damage is sadly irreversible.

    The argument that the public has always been divided is akin to saying after a tsunami that the waves are always quite large at the affected part of the coastline. It doesn't wash.

    I've even gone as far as saying that had I been able to vote in 2016, I would've voted for Trump. That was the extent to which I disliked and mistrusted Hillary. But I would've had my reservations, because I've never liked Trump even as the piss-poor reality TV star he was before becoming President.

    Us in the anti-Trump side come at you with different arguments and styles of arguing. I respect you as a man, an adult, and someone who is obviously intelligent and has his reasons for thinking like he does. But personal insults and attacks should be out of bounds. And THAT... I do not forgive.... er... I mean applaud (must've watched Marlon Brando recently ).

    Sorry for the boring rant... but I hope it helps to compartmentalize the backlash you're getting about Trump (in the Biden Land thread ).
    Last edited by TitoFan; 12-18-2020 at 03:17 AM.

  7. #202
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    For the 1001th time..I'm not so much interested in Trump being "bought and paid for" as I am in the fact that he swore an Oath and proceeded to shit all over the Constitution and now works feverishly to subvert and overturn the will and vote of a free people based on little more than a few dozen court rulings against his efforts and not one but two losses in the Supreme Court of the United States. Jesus Christmas just say that twice to yourselves. This isn't about feelings. We are sooooo beyond that. And for the record every Politician is open to being compromised and influenced and to be crooked. Every single one of them. But first and foremost I go on what I see, what a man does and what is proven or not proven in a court of law. When I see a lawful election and millions of Americans and their rights being worked against in a despotic power grab..that's an alarming numero uno problem. That is not American.
    Then you're obviously more at ease with the election than a lot of people are....and that's fine, but the pushback from damn near everyone on Trump and Trump's supporters merely requesting audits is something I find puzzling and worrisome. If Biden did indeed win in such large numbers (legally, legitimately, fair & fuckin square) why the bristling at the mere suggestion of auditing the tallies? The reaction is not insignificant I can assure you.

    What has happened is like Trump & Biden were sat down at a game of poker, all bets made, here's the flop, here's the turn, here's the river....and Trump shows his cards ooooh a very nice FULL HOUSE and when it comes for Biden to turn his cards over he just says "You're dancing at the wrong hoedown, you diesel-pumpin' gopher gobbler! I've got a ROYAL FLUSH!" and then he immediately starts raking in the pot never actually turning his cards over.

    All Trump is asking is to see the cards....and apparently that's being a sore loser, apparently that's insane, apparently some people see that as a rather LOW thing for him to do.

    Looking at the statistics Obama won 873 counties in 2008 almost 70 million votes, and Obama won 689 counties in 2012 about 66 million votes, but in 2020 Joe Biden won 477 counties and he got 81.2 million votes.

    But yeah that makes sense right? No foul play there right? Especially when you ASK about there being foul play and are met with a stonewall of "Who me? I'm not even bothering to respond, it's beneath me. You're a totalitarian fascist bigot and a racist too for daring think that!" .....yeah that doesn't smell of bullshit to me

    If evidence is provided that this was a crooked election, what then? If it's proven to be on the up & up I'll happily go on to the next thing which will be impeaching Joe Biden for his sons ties to foreign influence. And if that seems poor sportsmanship to any of you, then I suggest you hop in a time machine and roll back to 2016 and tell the Democrats how you feel.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    For the 1001th time..I'm not so much interested in Trump being "bought and paid for" as I am in the fact that he swore an Oath and proceeded to shit all over the Constitution and now works feverishly to subvert and overturn the will and vote of a free people based on little more than a few dozen court rulings against his efforts and not one but two losses in the Supreme Court of the United States. Jesus Christmas just say that twice to yourselves. This isn't about feelings. We are sooooo beyond that. And for the record every Politician is open to being compromised and influenced and to be crooked. Every single one of them. But first and foremost I go on what I see, what a man does and what is proven or not proven in a court of law. When I see a lawful election and millions of Americans and their rights being worked against in a despotic power grab..that's an alarming numero uno problem. That is not American.
    Then you're obviously more at ease with the election than a lot of people are....and that's fine, but the pushback from damn near everyone on Trump and Trump's supporters merely requesting audits is something I find puzzling and worrisome. If Biden did indeed win in such large numbers (legally, legitimately, fair & fuckin square) why the bristling at the mere suggestion of auditing the tallies? The reaction is not insignificant I can assure you.

    What has happened is like Trump & Biden were sat down at a game of poker, all bets made, here's the flop, here's the turn, here's the river....and Trump shows his cards ooooh a very nice FULL HOUSE and when it comes for Biden to turn his cards over he just says "You're dancing at the wrong hoedown, you diesel-pumpin' gopher gobbler! I've got a ROYAL FLUSH!" and then he immediately starts raking in the pot never actually turning his cards over.

    All Trump is asking is to see the cards....and apparently that's being a sore loser, apparently that's insane, apparently some people see that as a rather LOW thing for him to do.

    Looking at the statistics Obama won 873 counties in 2008 almost 70 million votes, and Obama won 689 counties in 2012 about 66 million votes, but in 2020 Joe Biden won 477 counties and he got 81.2 million votes.

    But yeah that makes sense right? No foul play there right? Especially when you ASK about there being foul play and are met with a stonewall of "Who me? I'm not even bothering to respond, it's beneath me. You're a totalitarian fascist bigot and a racist too for daring think that!" .....yeah that doesn't smell of bullshit to me

    If evidence is provided that this was a crooked election, what then? If it's proven to be on the up & up I'll happily go on to the next thing which will be impeaching Joe Biden for his sons ties to foreign influence. And if that seems poor sportsmanship to any of you, then I suggest you hop in a time machine and roll back to 2016 and tell the Democrats how you feel.

    I am hugely embarrassed on behalf of both you and Brock. Seriously if you both believe this bollocks then i am at a lost as to what to say. It's beyond laughable, you are here trying to justify any kind of behavior you think necessary to pretend Trump and by extension you guys won.


    For years from the first page of this thread you have been 100% partisan insisting that it is all about the Republicans not being corrupt like the Dems. The very opposite of what you are claiming now. You both guzzled the Kool Aid and are playing out of the same playbook as TIC. Seriously fuck off with that bullshit.

    Nobody else in the entire thread subscribed in such an idealogical way than you two do to Trump. Most of the fellas here can see hypocrisy right across the board but you fucking lied and convinced yourself everyone must be like you.

    Years of lies.

    YOU lied and insisted that we all must love the Clintons.

    You LIED and insisted we all just love Obama.

    You fucking lied man.

    Most people here do not subscribe to the kind of polarity you have held up high for four years now.

    The Clintons are as dodgy as they come . I fucking railed against them on stages for years, the same with the Bush empire. Blair and Thatcher etc. Both sides of the same coin but Trump and Johnson are even worse.

    THEY HAVE NO VALUES. They think it is all the big fucking look at ME show. Boris with his pathetic meandering faux patriotic latin bullshit as he makes he KGB mates Lords in the house of Lords and Trump with his TV Snake oil bullshit as he gets on his knees for the house of Saud.

    And Tito thinks you deserve some kind of respect or dignity after you pretend anyone who questions you has no redeeming factors, and you continue to back a man who will have you shooting your fellow Americans in the face after you have funded his families court fees?
    Last edited by Beanz; 12-18-2020 at 10:01 PM.
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  9. #204
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    why are you mentioning me spastic? i ask a simple question regarding convid & weak minded retards like yourself are not honest enough to face the truth. you are the biggest proven liar on this forum
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  10. #205
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I am hugely embarrassed on behalf of both you and Brock. Seriously if you both believe this bollocks then i am at a lost as to what to say. It's beyond laughable, you are here trying to justify any kind of behavior you think necessary to pretend Trump and by extension you guys won.


    For years from the first page of this thread you have been 100% partisan insisting that it is all about the Republicans not being corrupt like the Dems. The very opposite of what you are claiming now. You both guzzled the Kool Aid and are playing out of the same playbook as TIC. Seriously fuck off with that bullshit.

    Nobody else in the entire thread subscribed in such an idealogical way than you two do to Trump. Most of the fellas here can see hypocrisy right across the board but you fucking lied and convinced yourself everyone must be like you.

    Years of lies.

    YOU lied and insisted that we all must love the Clintons.

    You LIED and insisted we all just love Obama.

    You fucking lied man.

    Most people here do not subscribe to the kind of polarity you have held up high for four years now.

    The Clintons are as dodgy as they come . I fucking railed against them on stages for years, the same with the Bush empire. Blair and Thatcher etc. Both sides of the same coin but Trump and Johnson are even worse.

    THEY HAVE NO VALUES. They think it is all the big fucking look at ME show. Boris with his pathetic meandering faux patriotic latin bullshit as he makes he KGB mates Lords in the house of Lords and Trump with his TV Snake oil bullshit as he gets on his knees for the house of Saud.

    And Tito thinks you deserve some kind of respect or dignity after you pretend anyone who questions you has no redeeming factors, and you continue to back a man who will have you shooting your fellow Americans in the face after you have funded his families court fees?
    There's no need for you to be embarrassed on behalf of anyone but yourself. It's quite an easy solution, audit the vote of the states in question. Shouldn't take long, probably wouldn't be but just a few counties....but the harsh pushback means YES there is fuckery going on. Don't believe me? Let's see the audit then, if there's nothing there Biden & the entire 81 million Biden voters should be eager to show off their giant win....otherwise questions remain.

    81 million people 477 counties.
    81 million votes for Democrat Presidential candidate.....yet down ballot Democrats got fucking slaughtered.
    President Trump made HUGE gains in votes, from almost 63 million to 74.2 million votes. And many of those votes from Black & Hispanic voters.

    But hey if there's nothing there, then why oppose a look so vehemently?

    "Seriously fuck off with that bullshit"....ok Beanz, let's take a look at who is corrupt. Dianne Feinstein had a Chinese spy in her Administration for 30 years. Eric Swalwell just caught with Chinese spy Fang Fang. Hunter Biden sent an email on June 18, 2017, to Zhao Runlong at CEFC China Energy. The email asks Zhao to “translate my letter to Chairman Ye, please extend my warmest best wishes and that I hope to see the Chairman soon.” “I hope my letter finds you well,” Hunter Biden reportedly wrote to Ye. “I regret missing you on your last visit to the United States. Please accept the best wishes from the entire Biden family as well as my partners.” “We are all hoping to see you here again soon, or in Shanghai,” he wrote. The letter said Hunter Biden had “concluded the establishment of SinoHawk Holdings” — a Biden-CEFC joint venture — and that a request had been made to “Dong Gongwen [Gongwen Dong] and Director Zang for the funding of the $10 MM USD wire.” That's HUNTER "It's not a CRACK pipe it's a METH pipe" Biden....had Don Jr. Eric, or Ivanka taken 1 thin fucking dime from Putin or anyone else they'd be under the deepest darkest prison in America by now.

    The "years of lies" was Russiagate you dumb fuck.

    OK you don't like The Clinton's who did you support in 2012

    OK you don't like Obama, who did you support from 2008-2012?

    Only a few people were in the running so it narrows your choices. Quick quick lil Beanz, try making a case for Gary Johnson or Joe Jorgensen or Jill Stein, go on, I'll be super excited to read WHY you supported them.

    Boris is no friend of mine, he's an oaf. Yes he's a better choice than Corbyn, but not by much. And of course what would Joe Biden be without plagiarizing a British politician 'Build Back Better' the slogan of the 'Great Reset' adopted by Boris, used by all the Globalists.

    Your take on my hypothetically shooting someone is a laugh riot. You miss quite a few caveats I specifically listed, but that's ok, it's no worse than the typical bullshit you sling at me.....but your poor friend Brock with whom you had just been so close. You don't wish to understand him? You don't wish to see his reason? ......some friend.

  11. #206
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud 'more than sufficient' to swing victory to Trump
    by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer | | December 17, 2020 01:40 PM

    The 36-page report “assesses the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by examining six dimensions of alleged election irregularities across six key battleground states” and concludes that “patterns of election irregularities ... are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election, strategically game the election process in such a way as to ... unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.”

    The six dimensions of voting irregularities in the report include: outright voter fraud, ballot mishandling, contestable process fouls, equal protection clause violations, voting machine irregularities, and significant statistical anomalies.

    All six of those voting issues were present in at least two key states, according to the report, and a total of six battleground states experienced multiple examples of the other dimensions.

    “Evidence used to conduct this assessment includes more than 50 lawsuits and judicial rulings, thousands of affidavits and declarations, testimony in a variety of state venues, published analyses by think tanks and legal centers, videos and photos, public comments, and extensive press coverage,” the report claims.

    Additionally, the report cites affidavits alleging the exploitation of the elderly and the infirm by “effectively hijacking their identities and votes” and accuses Democrats of using the coronavirus pandemic to relax voter ID requirements to the point that ballot harvesting and fraud could slip by unnoticed.


    Trump is going to activate the military to seize all Dominion Voting Machines, and order re-voting in those 6 swing states. He won in a landslide.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Audit away, I say.

    There was a vote audit of a county in northern Michigan and it yielded a swing of 12 votes in favor of Trump.

    The uncovering of Massive Voter Fraud is well underway.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    *United States Department of Defense and The Pentagon STOP THE BIDEN TRANSITION TODAY, December 18, 2020*

  14. #209
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    *United States Department of Defense and The Pentagon STOP THE BIDEN TRANSITION TODAY, December 18, 2020*
    Wow. Sad. You must have us confused with some other Country you visited on your travels where overturning elections by force of Military is called a coup among other things. Ever notice how some of the ex military Trump pardons go on to betray their Oaths and brothers still in uniform.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    I've never seen anyone as emotionally invested, to the point of wild lies and fabrications, in a fukking election. Someone might want to start taking measurements for a straight jacket when reality finally hits home.

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