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Thread: Today In Biden Land

  1. #256
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Can we do this again in 2024... just with a DECENT human being and REAL leader? Instead of an egotistical, narcissistic, lying, son of a bitch blowhard?

    Think Trump with an ENTIRE personality and character transplant.

    Is this feasible?
    No TitoFan it will NEVER happen, why?

    Anyone outside the "establishment" won't be allowed to get close to winning ever again if nothing is done about how the votes are counted.

    Secondly it doesn't matter WHO it is, it doesn't matter how good great grand and wonderful of a person they are in real life, they're going to be called: racist, Nazi, bigot, xenophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe, simply doesn't matter the content of their character they did it to George W. Bush (who was one of their own), they did it to John McCain (who was one of their own), they did it to Mitt Romney (who again is one of their own), they've done it to Trump and you can tell by the veracity of how they've handled him that he's a little different, and whoever comes after Trump they'll do it to them.

    Harry Reid said "Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years" a BLATANT flat out lie and a scurrilous attack on a man who although has the personality of a warm glass of milk is a seemingly nice nonthreatening guy.

    Donald Trump has ALWAYS been Donald Trump, he's ALWAYS been outspoken, he's ALWAYS been brash, he's ALWAYS been a constant promoter of his brand and his name....but the media and Establishment politicians (and dumbfucks like Beanz) want to tell me "Yeah actually he's been a Nazi this entire time".....was he a Nazi when he was helping Israel? Was he a Nazi when he was promising to help Jewish communities in New York because the leadership in NYC & NY State has been piss fucking poor? Was he a Nazi racist when he was helping HBCU's? Was he an evil bigot when he was focusing on bringing jobs and improving the socioeconomic status of Blacks & Hispanics?

    You've all been lied to so often you don't know up from down.

    Geraldo is so deluded by the lies from the MSM, which he needs in order to form his own "opinions", that he can't fathom a Jorgensen voter who supports Trump's constitutional right to challenge the massively, MASSIVELY fraudulent election, which Trump won easily. Low IQ, Miles was right about him. I KNEW he couldn't tolerate my vote for Jorgensen AND my support for Trump's (and everyone's, shit, even Geraldo's) rights to challenge the massively, MASSIVELY fraudulent election, and would lower himself (hard to imagine since he's about ground-level already) to ad hominem and personal attacks. It's par for the course for him, really.

    The people bashing Trump and Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley do NOT, as you have rightly said @El Kabong know up from down, and are such low IQ that the MSM gaslighting and lies have them genuinely believing that it was Trump/Cruz/Hawley that are undermining democracy! If that process was undermining democracy, then why hold that Jan 6 session of contesting the slates at all? Pelosi and McConnell were perfectly OK with allowing 150 House Representatives and 13 US Senators to pair up and take 2 hours each to debate the clear evidence of massive, MASSIVE fraud... why? because that is the LAW. So now suddenly after a few Antifa and BLM and Trump supporters crashed into the Capitol and caused mayhem, Cruz and Hawley and all the other dozens of US Congressmen and Congresswomen are "agents against the state" and "colluding with insurrectionists"? HAHAHA YOU CANT MAKE THAT UP.

    This was a total set-up. There were 700,000 Trump supporters peacefully protesting and what, there have been a TOTAL OF 88 ARRESTED.... but nah, yeah, nah demonize all 700,000 peaceful supporters and the Congress people who stood up to exercise their lawful rights to raise objections in the chamber, defund them, cancel them, fire them, blacklist them and re-educate them, "expel them from Congress" as DOZENS of nutjobs like AOC (she should go back to the shithole she came from) and Pressley and Omar are calling for, kick them off Twitter, Shopify, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Parler, etc.

    El Kabong is right that there will never, ever be another outsider to challenge the establishment.

    Oh hey..... HERE'S the flip-flopping fat fuck of the forum. How you doing bro? We've been missing you. I was all worried that you had gone into a drunken stupor after January 6th came and went and...

    ...NOTHING of what you predicted came true.

    In fact, I had a little pool going on what had become of you. My money was on you flip-flopping again to the other side, since that's all you do.

  2. #257
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    There has been no massive fraudulent election. Stop making it up and accept Trump lost.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  3. #258
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    One thing is for certain. This business of trying to meet Trump fans halfway so we can have a fruitful conversation is a fucking pipe dream. Courtesy of Donald J. fucking Trump. May he rot in hell.
    Halfway to where?

    The rhetoric from the left is not so great and when people are on TV talking about "deprogramming" and when people are in private talking about "reeducation camps" and when elected officials are calling for violence blatantly out in the open and they receive not even a slap on the wrist for it how do you think that makes a Trump supporter feel?

    Think I feel warm and fuzzy when some shmuck from PBS is talking about "re-educating" my daughter?

    Think THAT sits well with me? Think Big Tech removing the President's accounts (both his personal AND the official potus account)? Then the calls for any of his supporters to be "deprogramed"?

    The opportunity is available right now for Biden, for Pelosi, for Schumer, for the media, for Big Tech to "be the bigger man" and just phase away from even discussing Trump. And sure there will always be people questioning the election because yes it was sketchy as shit and that feeling doesn't magically disappear when Republican pollwatchers aren't allowed to do their fact, that heightens the whole "this seems sketchy"....but hey again the ball is in the court of those who have apparently decided to attack when Trump is supposedly a few days away from not being President.

    I listened to Trump again today...not what the MEDIA said he said, but the man himself. More calls for peace, more calls for nonviolence and yet here's where we find ourselves.

    But yeah impeach again, see how that works out. See if that quells any bad feelings Trump's supporters have and then complain about the discourse.

    4 years of THAT rhetoric...and that AIN'T Trump, not caused by Trump, that's THE LEFT, that's DEMOCRATS and yet it's expected that Trump supporters take this and shut the fuck up about it because "unity"

    Best of luck with all of that.

  4. #259
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    Halfway. Just halfway, Kabong. Halfway as in... yeah you might be right about some things. Trump does NOT walk on water. Trump MAY have fucked up some things over the last four years. But never mind.

    Now here's some news. Not everyone who hates Trump is in favor of yet another impeachment try. But does this matter? No. It all becomes wrapped up in the narrative that everyone who's not fond of Trump fits in the same boat.

    It's the same ol' same ol'. The only thing we can all depend on is the utilization of the other side's extreme as a weapon against the ENTIRE other side, including the more moderate or centrists in the group. Because it's too difficult to argue with moderates or centrists (I call them "real world-ists"). It's easier to pick off the low hanging fruit of the deranged (and there's some fine, deranged people on BOTH sides), and use THAT as the argument against the other side. It's transparent, it's predictable, it's hopeless to argue against.

    Biden's gonna have enough on his plate just trying to pick up the pieces and move on. You think he's even entertaining the thought of latching onto trying to "get back at Trump"? Unfortunately, that doesn't speak to the rest of the Democrats. I'm sure there are plenty of them with huge axes to grind. All I can say is let's see how this all plays out.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    One thing is for certain. This business of trying to meet Trump fans halfway so we can have a fruitful conversation is a fucking pipe dream. Courtesy of Donald J. fucking Trump. May he rot in hell.
    Halfway to where?

    The rhetoric from the left is not so great and when people are on TV talking about "deprogramming" and when people are in private talking about "reeducation camps" and when elected officials are calling for violence blatantly out in the open and they receive not even a slap on the wrist for it how do you think that makes a Trump supporter feel?

    Think I feel warm and fuzzy when some shmuck from PBS is talking about "re-educating" my daughter?

    Think THAT sits well with me? Think Big Tech removing the President's accounts (both his personal AND the official potus account)? Then the calls for any of his supporters to be "deprogramed"?

    The opportunity is available right now for Biden, for Pelosi, for Schumer, for the media, for Big Tech to "be the bigger man" and just phase away from even discussing Trump. And sure there will always be people questioning the election because yes it was sketchy as shit and that feeling doesn't magically disappear when Republican pollwatchers aren't allowed to do their fact, that heightens the whole "this seems sketchy"....but hey again the ball is in the court of those who have apparently decided to attack when Trump is supposedly a few days away from not being President.

    I listened to Trump again today...not what the MEDIA said he said, but the man himself. More calls for peace, more calls for nonviolence and yet here's where we find ourselves.

    But yeah impeach again, see how that works out. See if that quells any bad feelings Trump's supporters have and then complain about the discourse.

    4 years of THAT rhetoric...and that AIN'T Trump, not caused by Trump, that's THE LEFT, that's DEMOCRATS and yet it's expected that Trump supporters take this and shut the fuck up about it because "unity"

    Best of luck with all of that.

  6. #261
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Please no freebird

  7. #262
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    @Beanz get a grip mate

  8. #263
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    You've all been lied to so often you don't know up from down.

    Says the man who believes what Donald Trump tells him and also believes Trump is about to vanquish a gigantic global Satanic paedophile conspiracy that runs the world.

    Some points here.

    GOP voters will never nominate an establishment type Republican candidate again. Imagine the most perfect possible GOP candidate who would have walked the nomination in the 2000s. A combination of the best parts of Bush (who was an adored cult leader at the same level as Trump at one point), McCain and Romney. That candidate wouldn't even get twenty percent of the vote in the 2024 GOP primary.

    GOP voters now want somebody who will go to war with and hurt their enemies, the "commies" and "socialists" and politically correct liberals and so on. They'll vote for a Trump or a politician who can most authentically impersonate Donald Trump.

    So you're safe Lyle. There'll be a cult leader who comes along to replace Trump, maybe with the same name even, maybe Tucker or some other clown, but it'll be somebody you can click your heels in front of and salute like the rest of the cult followers.

    But here's the thing all you absolute fucking morons don't get. Trump or whoever the next cult leader is are going to be efectively exactly the same as the Bush/McCain/Romney candidate I mentioned above, just with added Trumpy grievance politics. You've just had four years of a man who picked your pocket, who campaigned about a rigged economy and then spent four year rigging it even further in favour of the wealthy. Endless regulations to help business and increase business profits at the expense of workers and massive permanent corporate tax cuts for the wealthy and pennies that phase out after a few years for everybody else. The whole enterprise of upward redistribution of wealth obscured by four years of culture war bullshit that kept your tiny minds animated and distracted while the looting went on.

    Donald Trump just pissed on you and told you it was raining. You spent the last four years ranting and raving about meaningless culture war bullshit that the government has no real power to deal with anyway while they got on with the stuff they do have power over and rigged the system even further their way. And you fuckers are so clueless about what's going on you can actually accuse other people of being lied to so much they don't know up from down. You've got it the wrong way round thickhead.

  9. #264
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'll put this here, since the Trump threads are currently running hot and heavy.

    How about a Trump who's NOT Trump in 2024?

    I'll explain.

    As I said, the initial premise behind a Trump was to give Washington a message that U.S. citizens were tired of smooth-talking politicians as usual, and they wanted something different. Someone who had no ties to big business... didn't owe favors to anybody... and wasn't tied down by partisan politics, where inexplicably everyone has to toe the party line, even if you happen to disagree with one of their points. The U.S. public wanted a radical change from politics as usual, where if you're a Republican you disagree with 100% of what Democrats say or believe... and vice versa. It's a sham, really... which discourages individual thought. Hey... the idea in and of itself was not a bad one. Someone like that has always been sorely needed to break with all the Party-related bullshit that doesn't allow for anything productive to get done.

    But did it have to be fucking Trump?? Surely the need for someone in that position doesn't mean that people have to accept just any asshole off the street, which... in reality... is precisely what Trump himself is.

    Can we do this again in 2024... just with a DECENT human being and REAL leader? Instead of an egotistical, narcissistic, lying, son of a bitch blowhard?

    Think Trump with an ENTIRE personality and character transplant.

    Is this feasible?
    I’m seriously thinking there will be no more real republican party. I keep hearing in two years the repubs will take the senate and the house. Sure there was some fraud in this election but the Dems didn’t win on just fraud. They got people to take temporary residence in Georgia to vote. A lot of legal corruption in our system, keep us divided, keep us at each other throats god forbid we look at the continued political failures of our leaders

    What fraud was there in the election?
    Oh yeah none right

    Correct. I caught you parroting stuff you heard on talk radio again, didn't I. The fact is this whole mess has been created by Trump and his bullshit about voter fraud. All those angry morons invading the Capitol the other day. It's all just a load of garbage. It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.

  10. #265
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'll put this here, since the Trump threads are currently running hot and heavy.

    How about a Trump who's NOT Trump in 2024?

    I'll explain.

    As I said, the initial premise behind a Trump was to give Washington a message that U.S. citizens were tired of smooth-talking politicians as usual, and they wanted something different. Someone who had no ties to big business... didn't owe favors to anybody... and wasn't tied down by partisan politics, where inexplicably everyone has to toe the party line, even if you happen to disagree with one of their points. The U.S. public wanted a radical change from politics as usual, where if you're a Republican you disagree with 100% of what Democrats say or believe... and vice versa. It's a sham, really... which discourages individual thought. Hey... the idea in and of itself was not a bad one. Someone like that has always been sorely needed to break with all the Party-related bullshit that doesn't allow for anything productive to get done.

    But did it have to be fucking Trump?? Surely the need for someone in that position doesn't mean that people have to accept just any asshole off the street, which... in reality... is precisely what Trump himself is.

    Can we do this again in 2024... just with a DECENT human being and REAL leader? Instead of an egotistical, narcissistic, lying, son of a bitch blowhard?

    Think Trump with an ENTIRE personality and character transplant.

    Is this feasible?
    I’m seriously thinking there will be no more real republican party. I keep hearing in two years the repubs will take the senate and the house. Sure there was some fraud in this election but the Dems didn’t win on just fraud. They got people to take temporary residence in Georgia to vote. A lot of legal corruption in our system, keep us divided, keep us at each other throats god forbid we look at the continued political failures of our leaders

    What fraud was there in the election?
    Oh yeah none right
    Well done for finally accepting that. Now you can move on to admitting how Trump has been a disaster, divisive and destructive for your country.
    He's the first president to lose the House, Senate and presidency in one term since Hoover, the guy whose policies created the Great Depression. The only prsident in history to be impeached, get booted out after one term and lose the popular vote. Only president in history to lose the popular vote twice. Only president in history to be impeached twice. Only president in history to attempt an overthrow of the American government.

    When the Clinton hitmen catch up to him it'll be well deserved.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Joe needs to shave his damn arms ffs. Saw that clip yesterday and he's borderline elder Chia Pet. But Biden putting on a jacket has to considered more athletic than anything Trump can manage waddling over to a golf tee. I thought he was going to quote Clint Eastwood at one point

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Biden's "incoming" CHairman of HOmeland Security says Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz should be put on no-fly list and demonetized...... nahh, nothing like McCarthyism

  13. #268
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    These last two pages belong on the other Biden thread. Another derailment where its all about the wrong of the left.

    A Pelosi video? Here, for what? Nothing. @Master , close this thread.
    They already got threads where they blame everybody but themselves. Can't have a political debate at all here.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  14. #269
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land


    please , don't give them the right to troll another thread.


    Well, they do what they do. It's what some do.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 01-13-2021 at 02:19 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  15. #270
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post

    please , don't give them the right to troll another thread.
    Merged the 2 threads, wonder if it will acheive 450 pages as the Trump one has?
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