Why would anyone harm Biden, I mean 80 bagillion people voted for him right?

Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
Before anyone mentions the riots associated with BLM, motion denied. First, the vast majority of the protesters set out to peacefully protest the (still) endless police brutality on blacks specifically. Second, there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest. That much should be well known by now. Just as maybe some of the folks who went over to the Capitol didn't intend to break in, holding weapons... so the same standard should be applied to the BLM protesters. You can't do the double standard on this one.
The vast majority of Trump supporters are peaceful. There's still endless CITIZEN violence on those Trump supporters. Also there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest ...just not if Trump supporters do it though, is that right? And what of Antifa? Do they get a pass as well?