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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #7126
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Isn't that a little personal and hostile?

    I assume that you are talking to me?

    That in itself explains an awful lot.
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    El Kabong if you think my reply to you was personal and hostile then my apologies, but really i am so exasperated with having to bang my head against a brick wall.

    Please try and read the content without superimposing stuff that is not there.

    Your dismissive attitude to not just me but posters and mods here right across the political spectrum is utterly mystifying to me.

    If you are having a shit one in your personal life than you have my sympathy, these are strange and hard times for everyone.
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  3. #7128
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    What a bunch of nuts, how dare they, insurrection, can we impeach this dude again

  4. #7129
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    0-2 on impeachment
    Trump was impeached twice. Just wasn't convicted at his trials although the second vote was as bipartisan as you could expect for a guilty conviction. He's the only prez to be impeached twice and the only prez to ever have anybody from his own side vote guilty. The GOP Senate leader said after the vote he was bang to rights guilty of inciting an autogolpe and has left the way open for the DOJ to bring charges.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    OK. So you personally don't protest ...because you have work?

    Are you trying to suggest that anyone who protests either is lazy, not in employment or has nothing better to do? Surely even you would not be that sweepingly dismissive? You must have days, evenings and weekends off? Maybe you have never felt marginalised and ignored?

    I mean you are incredibly offensive, almost compulsively so, but your next sentence lowers the bar even further than usual.

    You are now asserting that anybody on the left is part of a professional protestor class of jobless rabble rousers who produce and change nothing. This is a pretty damning indictment of your own ignorance. Lets be honest, if you have to lie in such an outrageous and outlandish fashion then nobody on the forum should ever really bother to take anything you say seriously ever again.

    It is pathetic.

    If it were not for people protesting, none of the rights you have would exist in the first place. And yet here you are throwing everyone under the bus. From Police officers to teachers and doctors and those working in every job you could imagine are now consigned to the rubbish pile by your grand gesture suggesting that, because you have never felt move to protest for yourself or on behalf of others, everyone should just agree that any protesting is automatically a useless loser.

    And yes you are singing from Putin's hymn sheet because that is the kind of thing that actual communists and dictators allege about protest. Peaceful or otherwise, it makes no difference to them they are in agreement with you.

    This is why you are not taken seriously. I am not a communist. I am not a democratic either. Most of us here are pragmatists who would vote based on whose policies are closer to our own thoughts and principles. Yet here you are because you are so idealogical insisting that 'this' is our team or 'they ' are who we agree with as though to see Trump for his hypocrisy automatically means we must support the other hypocrites. That is where you have always let yourself down.

    The depths you will stoop to though never cease to amaze me.

    Your claim about Epi Pens etc is a good example . What Trump in effect was suggesting with his legislation was attacking the very idea of community health centers. He was singling them out to make sure that he played to the Republican Free Market lobby and virtue signal his disdain for any kind of state health provision.

    Even a rudimentary fact check would have told you this if you did not swallow anything Trump says.

    And then finally without a hint of Irony your proof of an elite ring of Pedophiles narrows it down to two of Trumps long time friends and associates, one of whom he actually wished well.

    So yeah nothing you QANON guys prophesied did come true at all. Quite the opposite in fact.

    Wake Up.
    Yup. I work and I vote. What do I need to protest?

    I think A LOT of the people "protesting" yes are lazy, unemployed, and have nothing better to do, yes. And YES there are "Professional Agitators" who just seek that kind of thing out and that's what they do. Yeah I've got some time off, time best spent with family, doing house work, enjoying time with friends & family...all of those are much better than holding a placard and chanting "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho". "Maybe you have never felt marginalised and ignored?".....this is a big nation, it can't always be just about me and what I want.

    You find me offensive, awesome, that is wonderful. Now what?

    Have ya seen many of these Antifa "protesters", it's a who's who of skid've got your mentally ill, your runaways, your helplessly addicted to drugs, your criminals looking for any excuse to start shit....oh and perhaps some college kids and some "grey ponytail" Bolshevik professors. Not exactly a winning bunch. And quite often they accomplish NOTHING but annoying their fellow citizens. Do you enjoy a drum circle there Beanz? Chanting in unison? And I'm the one "in a cult", ok.

    My rights don't come from "protest", they come from God and were won in battle, not by protest.

    LOL, whatever you say I'm sure Beanz. If that makes YOU feel better to accuse me of, you do it, I mean what will stop you?

    So you're a pragmatist eh? OK "pragmatist" what is your take on self defense?

    So then it's GOOD the price went up on those items? Because it'll force some sort of conversation to get MORE government into health care? Yeah let me see what a great benefit that's been for higher education and how cheap college tuition became once the Federal Government was the only player in the game.

    "narrows it down to two of Trumps long time friends and associates"...I've certainly addressed that before, I won't waste my time doing it again. "one of whom he actually wished well." that you accept that as some sort of honest sincere statement instead of as an obvious joke is astonishing, but hey I'm not saying anything about it.

    Significant numbers of protestors are lazy unemployed criminals and they couldn't possibly have any reason to protest other than to loot and commit other crimes. Is that about right?

  6. #7131
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    What a bunch of nuts, how dare they, insurrection, can we impeach this dude again

    Man. that's actually kind of sad. Should at least be throwing some beads or paper towels to them.

  7. #7132
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Your rights do not come from God. Sorry to burst your bubble and everything but you sound like somebody who is not on this planet.

    Women were not given the right vote by behaving like you and "staying at home and doing the housework."

    Apartheid was not ended in South Africa because everybody decided to sit on their hands "enjoying times with friends and family".

    Your countries Civil Rights Act did not happen because Dr King and others decided to have a barbecue instead of marching to Washington, because it was "much better than holding a placard and chanting "Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho".

    What would you have said to them? " this is a big nation, it can't always be just about me and what I want. "

    It is astonishing how adamant you are and how eager to cover your ears and eyes and close your heart.

    I really do not know why anyone bothers with you. You live in your little bubble and defend the indefensible and demand the right to play the victim at every opportunity.

    You made that absolutely clear when you bitched about conceding ground as though people asking for the basic human right to be treated with equal respect and not risk being killed for the colour of their skin was just one step too far for you. That is what Trump means to you then keep on standing by as the world moves on. That you would defend the man who never did a thing he promised and threw virtually everyone who stood by him to the wolves and then pretend that every time he made excuse for bastards from Putin to Yung to Maxwell " he was joking "

    Who needs to waste another second of their life trying to reason with you if you live in that kind of altered state 24hrs a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    El Kabong if you think my reply to you was personal and hostile then my apologies, but really i am so exasperated with having to bang my head against a brick wall.

    Please try and read the content without superimposing stuff that is not there.

    Your dismissive attitude to not just me but posters and mods here right across the political spectrum is utterly mystifying to me.

    If you are having a shit one in your personal life than you have my sympathy, these are strange and hard times for everyone.
    Hey, go ahead insult away not like anything I say is going to have any impact at all on you. You either deliberately misunderstand me or you do it for fun, either way, there's no correcting that.

    Why would I take this any more personally than being called a racist nazi bigot? I think the ship has sailed on "personal & hostile" when it comes to you posting to me.

    If that's how you feel so be it, if you're wondering why anyone bothers with me, then why are you still responding to me, arguing with me, berating and accusing me? Have you made progress Beanz?

    I mean, I'd appreciate just being clearly understood, but it seems you're unwilling or incapable of doing that. So I guess that'll do it, I free you from having to communicate with me. Go be happy now.

  8. #7133
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    0-2 on impeachment
    Trump was impeached twice. Just wasn't convicted at his trials although the second vote was as bipartisan as you could expect for a guilty conviction. He's the only prez to be impeached twice and the only prez to ever have anybody from his own side vote guilty. The GOP Senate leader said after the vote he was bang to rights guilty of inciting an autogolpe and has left the way open for the DOJ to bring charges.
    And what? Do you think the people like those folks who voted against him? Do you think more people like Mitch McConnell than Trump? Let the DOJ bring charges against a former President, this is going to be a lot of fun going forward because once that door is opened, it's open to EVERYONE.

    but just like with the nuclear option, dumb fuck lefties don't think things through, they over play their hand and when it comes back and bites them on the ass they whine and complain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Significant numbers of protestors are lazy unemployed criminals and they couldn't possibly have any reason to protest other than to loot and commit other crimes. Is that about right?
    Oh so you've heard of Antifa and the Marxist agitators involved in BLM Inc.?

  9. #7134
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    0-2 on impeachment
    Trump was impeached twice. Just wasn't convicted at his trials although the second vote was as bipartisan as you could expect for a guilty conviction. He's the only prez to be impeached twice and the only prez to ever have anybody from his own side vote guilty. The GOP Senate leader said after the vote he was bang to rights guilty of inciting an autogolpe and has left the way open for the DOJ to bring charges.
    And what? Do you think the people like those folks who voted against him? Do you think more people like Mitch McConnell than Trump? Let the DOJ bring charges against a former President, this is going to be a lot of fun going forward because once that door is opened, it's open to EVERYONE.

    but just like with the nuclear option, dumb fuck lefties don't think things through, they over play their hand and when it comes back and bites them on the ass they whine and complain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Significant numbers of protestors are lazy unemployed criminals and they couldn't possibly have any reason to protest other than to loot and commit other crimes. Is that about right?
    Oh so you've heard of Antifa and the Marxist agitators involved in BLM Inc.?

    Trump is supported by a significant majority of Republican voters. Definitely more than any other Republican. This doesn't mean that Trump isn't guilty, it just means the majority of Republican voters don't actually give a shit about the rule of law and are quite happy for the law to be broken and democracy to be upended so long as they get what they want. That's not a good thing Lyle.

    For the DOJ to bring charges against somebody they'd have to have evidence that shows they were guilty of a crime beyond reasonable doubt. So all any current or future president would have to do would be to make sure they didn't actually commit any crimes and they'll be fine. No dodgy real estate deals, no defrauding the taxman, no bank fraud, no pyramid scheme involvement, no fraud in general, no trying to get a Secretary of State in a state you lost an election in to change the election result and so on. Stay away from those kind of crimes and and current or future president will be just fine, no legal worries at all.

    I don't know anything about these Marxists or antifa people. Tell me all about it. Are these Marxists all lazy and unemployed criminals?

  10. #7135
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Trump is supported by a significant majority of Republican voters. Definitely more than any other Republican. This doesn't mean that Trump isn't guilty, it just means the majority of Republican voters don't actually give a shit about the rule of law and are quite happy for the law to be broken and democracy to be upended so long as they get what they want. That's not a good thing Lyle.

    For the DOJ to bring charges against somebody they'd have to have evidence that shows they were guilty of a crime beyond reasonable doubt. So all any current or future president would have to do would be to make sure they didn't actually commit any crimes and they'll be fine. No dodgy real estate deals, no defrauding the taxman, no bank fraud, no pyramid scheme involvement, no fraud in general, no trying to get a Secretary of State in a state you lost an election in to change the election result and so on. Stay away from those kind of crimes and and current or future president will be just fine, no legal worries at all.

    I don't know anything about these Marxists or antifa people. Tell me all about it. Are these Marxists all lazy and unemployed criminals?
    Oh so Republicans are ok with breaking the rule of law and democracy to be upended? I guess that's why they were so much in favor of the 9 months of continuous rioting....oh wait, that was the Democrats. That's not a good thing Kirkland, tut tut IT'S DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT right Kirkland? I mean show me the Republicans bailing out any and all charged in the 1/6 storming of the any?

    Sure, that's how it'll work.

    Yeah, ask Beanz, they're his peeps. Homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, and a few who are well enough off to LARP or lead that band of Marxist agitator zombies.

  11. #7136
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Trump is supported by a significant majority of Republican voters. Definitely more than any other Republican. This doesn't mean that Trump isn't guilty, it just means the majority of Republican voters don't actually give a shit about the rule of law and are quite happy for the law to be broken and democracy to be upended so long as they get what they want. That's not a good thing Lyle.

    For the DOJ to bring charges against somebody they'd have to have evidence that shows they were guilty of a crime beyond reasonable doubt. So all any current or future president would have to do would be to make sure they didn't actually commit any crimes and they'll be fine. No dodgy real estate deals, no defrauding the taxman, no bank fraud, no pyramid scheme involvement, no fraud in general, no trying to get a Secretary of State in a state you lost an election in to change the election result and so on. Stay away from those kind of crimes and and current or future president will be just fine, no legal worries at all.

    I don't know anything about these Marxists or antifa people. Tell me all about it. Are these Marxists all lazy and unemployed criminals?
    Oh so Republicans are ok with breaking the rule of law and democracy to be upended? I guess that's why they were so much in favor of the 9 months of continuous rioting....oh wait, that was the Democrats. That's not a good thing Kirkland, tut tut IT'S DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT right Kirkland? I mean show me the Republicans bailing out any and all charged in the 1/6 storming of the any?

    Sure, that's how it'll work.

    Yeah, ask Beanz, they're his peeps. Homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, and a few who are well enough off to LARP or lead that band of Marxist agitator zombies.

    What happened to

    "I free you from having to communicate with me. Go be happy now" ?

    You are like a dog constantly begging for attention. Trolling and begging to play the victim 24/7.

    Being homeless or mentally ill is not something that anybody is immune to and certainly not a reason that any genuinely decent person would use to attack them.

    It is weird because unlike yourself i don't actually use any drugs, pharmaceutical or otherwise, bar alcohol of a weekend (not even tobacco or Anti Inflammatories) and most of the people i know don't either. They all have jobs and families and are often extremely well educated, but the one thing that unites them, and sets them apart from you, is the fact that they do actually think for themselves. They would never be so unquestioning and gullible, or robotic in assuming that anyone who disagrees with them must be a zombie.

    You have made it quite clear though that is exactly how you carry on and it explains an awful lot.

    I do feel genuinely sorry that you are so conditioned by your environment that you seem unable to engage in even the most rudimentary form of self analysis.

    Life has a lot more to offer than Breakfast, Work, lunch, dinner, entertain me, day off housework. You are entitled to some measure of happiness and lasting satisfaction.

    If all you have to make up for it is a compulsion to troll people on here, and a desire to shoot down anyone in flames who actually chooses to do something different with their lives, you have certainly settled for not very much.

    Cheer Up mate.

    At least you were not stupid enough to go and storm the Capitol or boast about doing so on here as though you can not tell the difference between fantasy and reality.

    That is some people's idea of happiness.

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  12. #7137
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    What happened to

    "I free you from having to communicate with me. Go be happy now" ?
    That'd be why I said "Ask Beanz" instead of "Hey @Beanz" and also it wasn't in response to a post from you.

    And please note, I wouldn't have bothered responding to this, but you're a confused old man and I'm trying to guide you back to where you need to be (pats head)

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Trump is supported by a significant majority of Republican voters. Definitely more than any other Republican. This doesn't mean that Trump isn't guilty, it just means the majority of Republican voters don't actually give a shit about the rule of law and are quite happy for the law to be broken and democracy to be upended so long as they get what they want. That's not a good thing Lyle.

    For the DOJ to bring charges against somebody they'd have to have evidence that shows they were guilty of a crime beyond reasonable doubt. So all any current or future president would have to do would be to make sure they didn't actually commit any crimes and they'll be fine. No dodgy real estate deals, no defrauding the taxman, no bank fraud, no pyramid scheme involvement, no fraud in general, no trying to get a Secretary of State in a state you lost an election in to change the election result and so on. Stay away from those kind of crimes and and current or future president will be just fine, no legal worries at all.

    I don't know anything about these Marxists or antifa people. Tell me all about it. Are these Marxists all lazy and unemployed criminals?
    Oh so Republicans are ok with breaking the rule of law and democracy to be upended? I guess that's why they were so much in favor of the 9 months of continuous rioting....oh wait, that was the Democrats. That's not a good thing Kirkland, tut tut IT'S DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT right Kirkland? I mean show me the Republicans bailing out any and all charged in the 1/6 storming of the any?

    Sure, that's how it'll work.

    Yeah, ask Beanz, they're his peeps. Homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, and a few who are well enough off to LARP or lead that band of Marxist agitator zombies.

    We'll come back to the protests but first tell me all about these BLM lazy unemployed Marxist antifa criminals.

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  15. #7140
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Trump is supported by a significant majority of Republican voters. Definitely more than any other Republican. This doesn't mean that Trump isn't guilty, it just means the majority of Republican voters don't actually give a shit about the rule of law and are quite happy for the law to be broken and democracy to be upended so long as they get what they want. That's not a good thing Lyle.

    For the DOJ to bring charges against somebody they'd have to have evidence that shows they were guilty of a crime beyond reasonable doubt. So all any current or future president would have to do would be to make sure they didn't actually commit any crimes and they'll be fine. No dodgy real estate deals, no defrauding the taxman, no bank fraud, no pyramid scheme involvement, no fraud in general, no trying to get a Secretary of State in a state you lost an election in to change the election result and so on. Stay away from those kind of crimes and and current or future president will be just fine, no legal worries at all.

    I don't know anything about these Marxists or antifa people. Tell me all about it. Are these Marxists all lazy and unemployed criminals?
    Oh so Republicans are ok with breaking the rule of law and democracy to be upended? I guess that's why they were so much in favor of the 9 months of continuous rioting....oh wait, that was the Democrats. That's not a good thing Kirkland, tut tut IT'S DIFFERENT WHEN WE DO IT right Kirkland? I mean show me the Republicans bailing out any and all charged in the 1/6 storming of the any?

    Sure, that's how it'll work.

    Yeah, ask Beanz, they're his peeps. Homeless, mentally ill, drug addicts, and a few who are well enough off to LARP or lead that band of Marxist agitator zombies.

    We'll come back to the protests but first tell me all about these BLM lazy unemployed Marxist antifa criminals.

    Come on Lyle. You're not normally shy about these kind of issues.

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