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Thread: Today In Biden Land

  1. #571
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Kirky: people act on their own accord. Trump cannot force anyone to do anything. Whoever went in, went in, Trump supporters, anarchists wearing Trump hats, BLM, Antifa, agents provocateurs, etc. People act on their own accord. They were going in while Giuliani was still speaking before Trump even started, if you believe in Trump Rays & Beams that hypnotized people to do this or that, then YOU are the one who needs to come with the proof, twinkle toes.

    Bottom line is Trump did nothing wrong.

    What do you mean "they were going in" while Giuliani was speaking? The attack on the Capitol started well after the rally ended.
    The attack was planned well in advance of the rally where trump encouraged people to act peacefully (you don’t hear that in the media much though when they play those clips) CNN and other networks signed Sullivan to film the riots on 6Jan. He signed it 6Jan. Are legal documents usually written in a day. There was plenty of actionable intelligence something was about to go down days prior to the 6Jan yet nothing was done. Of course DC has been loaded with the national Guard since. The more we learn about this the more you question things, unless you made your mind up already and just run with that of course, which is you in a nutshell

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    It’s really quite interesting to see how the media portrays Biden, how they published live letters to the Gov of NYC in the NYT, emmys saying the Hunter shit was russian disinformation despite an active investigation. And we just eat this shit up. Does our media even report anymore?

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I don't even think his own supporters are going to be very enthusiastic after a few days or weeks. He has no personality at all and he mumbles and stutters and forgets his lines and looks very awkward and fake when he makes his hand gestures

    Kamala Harris may have been a very good prosecutor in California although I heard she made some pretty bad deals for the African American community in terms of them getting overly long and punitive sentences for minor marijuana charges. But I believe she will have to step in for Joe Biden after a couple of months and I just cannot imagine her running this country.

    Can we imagine, Harris meeting with Kim jong-un and Vladimir Putin and tayip Erdagon? I just can't imagine her being effective without having had any kind of international experience
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Like I've always said AOC should just go back to the job she used to have as a bartender in The Bronx.

    That is it in a nutshell.

    No problem imagining Trump who actually got on his knees before Putin and Kim Jong Un handling international diplomacy, which he absolutely failed at in a way no President has ever managed to before, but the Idea of a female President actually doing a better job is just too much for you.

    This is the thing. It seems you think it OK to call the White Supremacist who broke into the Capitol building with his '6 Million Jews was not enough' T-Shirt, a self hating Jew, but when it is rightly pointed out by anyone that NO. these are the actual Neo Nazis you guys have been telling us for years are rare as unicorns , you pull out the victim card and cry about having your right to free speech curtailed.

    Look at the last week how the entire forum has been shittied up by you refusing to admit that and just pretending that anyone pointing out your bullshit is some kind of oppressor. That is beyond lame.

    You guys really are the language police
    Fucking Bass-Ackwards Bonkers. YOu just made that all up. I never called anyone a "self-hating Jew" what the absolute fuck are you hallucinating on today ?? Not worth replying anymore to your fantasy posts really. Its like conversing with a doorknob. PLENTY of women are capable of ruling, being President, etc, JUST NOT THOSE TWO!
    Last edited by NoSavingByTheBell; 02-20-2021 at 06:46 PM.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    It’s really quite interesting to see how the media portrays Biden, how they published live letters to the Gov of NYC in the NYT, emmys saying the Hunter shit was russian disinformation despite an active investigation. And we just eat this shit up. Does our media even report anymore?
    THE MEDIA are licking his hairy legs and tonguing his rectum. They are happy the Swamp is fully back in the saddle.

  5. #575
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Holy Fuck, seriously

  6. #576
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Nothing on Biden claiming there was no vaccine before he got in office despite his receiving the vaccine prior to assuming office?

    Wow, y'all are doing a bang up job holding this guy to the standard you held Trump to. Bravo!

  7. #577
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Holy Fuck, seriously

    Gotta day Joe made that vaccine pretty damn quick. He may actually have forgotten it was around before he was president which is even more scary. As far as his comments about blacks and Hispanics that doesn’t even surprise me. The Democratic Party had long said “we take care of them, we feed them.” It really is a disgusting bigotry. I guess it’s a soft bigotry but it’s so shameful. Keep them stuck and dependent on the government, fuck I could tell you stories about the obstacles put up to keep people reliant on government hand outs and how so many of them hate it. Then one paper glitch and they can’t fill their meds or get their food what a fucking racket.

  8. #578
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Holy Fuck, seriously

    The dude who made this must've been on another planet the past 4 years! Or had his head up his arse in denial.

    This 8 minute clip is NOT interupted by narration. Just Drumpf. What a shame individuals like Berandi show their bias for & against. Both Biden & Drumpf made it to the nominee because money backed them up. Both of their campaigns were riddled with falsehoods, misconceptions, misprounciation, brainfarts.
    How else, why else would Americans send old geezers to do the job of an adult, not a senior citizen?

    I'd love to go up against this Berandi dude; line by line & see who had the most mistatements, misprounciations, lies, false promises. Line by line or by the numbers that Drumpf would run circles around him. To see an individual leave office that claimed the Virgin Islands had their own president? and his voters ignored it?

    "I met with the President of The Virgin Islands"
    -Donald The Dumb.

    - is proof this nation will always be divided, not just racially, socially, but biased for and against on the basis of ideology.

    Who in their right mind would make it seem like we just had a well spoken wise man leave the office? Cori Berandi? Whose words are in alignment with Right Wingers in America?

    Berandi- the one who said President Trump 'is playing a coronavirus masterclass- is now trusted to be objective in comparing what a cognatively compromised president sounds like?

    That dude & the panel said the same biased, bigoted arguements as seen in right wing today- its only N.Y. & Minorties catching covid.

    As soon as I heard Berandi on that punkified "its a lefty thing" lost me. We all gotta be Lefty/Righty? Well this dude thinks that on covid, no wonder he put together that Biden montage.

    Does he have a Best of for Diaper Don? to show his understanding of the English language(the best words)- you know stuff like pronouncing, enunciation? Not sounding political, but just sound sane. The 8 minutes I postede proves he can't enunicate, then tries to backpeddle away, tsk, tsk, Berandi wants his people to see (one) side of the coin.

    Do you also believe Berandi in saying Diaper Don shouldn't help with New York or California because they're Democratic strong holds? So (F) them?
    Fastfoward to today- Red states just as sickened by covid as Blue, what a shame we all cant be red, white & blue.

    Bragged about Trump's 2 trillion dollar giveaway -then invoked Ralph Nader via a 3 panel team
    I love the hypocrisy of the guy on the left (J.Marrow?) stating all the experts told the Democratic socialist mayor who is utterly incompetent, feckless, - stop going out, you're spreading the virus...really? What experts? Liberals? Doctors, CDC, WHO?

    Diaper-Don was so horrid with quotes, pronunciation, facts, lies none of his voters quoted him. We got a Trump thread to prove it. 477 + pages where his voters posted everything but his quotes, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, MSNBC, CNN- but few quotes to contrast and see how bad biden is -or compare?

    Yup the video you posted of Biden shows he's too old, too out of it. But why point him out alone? We just had 4 years of the most indignant jacktail to ever speak on a world stage & I would be willing to go line by line, video by video side by side to compare & prove it.
    No emotions, no commentary, just by the numbers
    And see who can list the most bafoonish comments : Joe or Don.

    I think to call him beligerent, nasty, narcissitic, masogynist & racist is bang on the money- Interesting how these words ring hallow when it isn't from Democrats in USA.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 02-21-2021 at 08:39 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  9. #579
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Holy fuck

  10. #580
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Holy Fuck, this asshole cant even answer this question but wants the nomination

  11. #581
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    It’s really quite interesting to see how the media portrays Biden, how they published live letters to the Gov of NYC in the NYT, emmys saying the Hunter shit was russian disinformation despite an active investigation. And we just eat this shit up. Does our media even report anymore?
    THE MEDIA are licking his hairy legs and tonguing his rectum. They are happy the Swamp is fully back in the saddle.
    Swamp never went away, it flourished and covered the arse of the Ex Pres through and through. He has mealy mouth Mitch to thank for even being able to cling to political relevance. Bootlickers on parade.

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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land


  13. #583
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Kirky: people act on their own accord. Trump cannot force anyone to do anything. Whoever went in, went in, Trump supporters, anarchists wearing Trump hats, BLM, Antifa, agents provocateurs, etc. People act on their own accord. They were going in while Giuliani was still speaking before Trump even started, if you believe in Trump Rays & Beams that hypnotized people to do this or that, then YOU are the one who needs to come with the proof, twinkle toes.

    Bottom line is Trump did nothing wrong.

    What do you mean "they were going in" while Giuliani was speaking? The attack on the Capitol started well after the rally ended.
    The attack was planned well in advance of the rally where trump encouraged people to act peacefully (you don’t hear that in the media much though when they play those clips) CNN and other networks signed Sullivan to film the riots on 6Jan. He signed it 6Jan. Are legal documents usually written in a day. There was plenty of actionable intelligence something was about to go down days prior to the 6Jan yet nothing was done. Of course DC has been loaded with the national Guard since. The more we learn about this the more you question things, unless you made your mind up already and just run with that of course, which is you in a nutshell

    Trump started planning for the rally a few days after the election. He spent fifty million dollars advertising it to his supporters versus five million dollars in legal fees actually contesting the election. He used the word "fight" over 250 times when talking about the upcoming rally over a period of weeks along like other descriptions such as "it will be wild". And a whole load of other stuff that I can't be bothered to google up. For instance, not giving the OK for any reinforcements to be brought in even though his staff and US senators inside the building were begging him to. Or telling his supporters to stand down while the fighting was going on. And so on and so on.

  14. #584
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    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Nothing on Biden claiming there was no vaccine before he got in office despite his receiving the vaccine prior to assuming office?

    Wow, y'all are doing a bang up job holding this guy to the standard you held Trump to. Bravo!

    That's because he didn't say it.

  15. #585
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today In Biden Land

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Nothing on Biden claiming there was no vaccine before he got in office despite his receiving the vaccine prior to assuming office?

    Wow, y'all are doing a bang up job holding this guy to the standard you held Trump to. Bravo!

    That's because he didn't say it.

    Oh he didn't?

    Guess that wasn't him saying and I quote "It's one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn't have when I came into office"

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