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Thread: Should Boris Resign?

  1. #571
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    You are a misogynist and a racist based on your vile comments about a WOMAN from Gujarat INDIA.
    I’m pretty (Priti?) sure she was born in London, educated in the UK and lived all her life here.

    Her parents came from Uganda .......
    Same as AOC was born in The Bronx, USA and educated in the USA and lived here all her life, though Beanz was trying to deny her American-ness, by accusing ---for the umpteenth time--- "wacism!". Everyone knows she's American-born, so his accusations of racism are null and void, as usual. Moot. See, he cant have his cake and eat it, too. So I gave him back his own medicine with Patel. To expose the faultiness and hypocrisy of his reasoning. As for Ms. Pretty Priti, At the minimum Beanz is now forced by his own illogic to label himself a misogynist for it, since even Beanz knows deep down inside though he will never admit it, that bartending has fuck all to do with gender, as he disingenuously insisted that it did.
    Last edited by NoSavingByTheBell; 02-19-2021 at 08:11 PM.

  2. #572
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    You are a misogynist and a racist based on your vile comments about a WOMAN from Gujarat INDIA.
    I’m pretty (Priti?) sure she was born in London, educated in the UK and lived all her life here.

    Her parents came from Uganda .......
    Same as AOC was born in The Bronx, USA and educated in the USA and lived here all her life, though Beanz was trying to deny her American-ness, by accusing ---for the umpteenth time--- "wacism!". Everyone knows she's American-born, so his accusations of racism are null and void, as usual. Moot. See, he cant have his cake and eat it, too. So I gave him back his own medicine with Patel. To expose the faultiness and hypocrisy of his reasoning. As for Ms. Pretty Priti, At the minimum Beanz is now forced by his own illogic to label himself a misogynist for it, since even Beanz knows deep down inside though he will never admit it, that bartending has fuck all to do with gender, as he disingenuously insisted that it did.
    Not once did I deny that AOC was American. You can lie and pretend that I did as though that would make any difference whatsoever, but anybody can go back and see, THAT NEVER HAPPENED.

    I criticized Patel's word and actions, not because she was a woman, but because she is a bully. She should have been sacked and if it were not for Johnson, not for the first time, standing in the way of due legal process and making sure it did not happen, she would have been.

    She is about as Establishment as you can be, and utterly devoid of empathy, which is clearly why you feel compelled to defend her. That decision will be disputed in the High Court.

    This is what is so frustrating, you parrot all this fashionable bullshit about challenging the establishment to upset the apple cart, and stand up for the underdogs who get forgotten, but actually all you ever do is defend it and harangue anyone for daring to challenge the status quo.

    That is what was behind your enmity and anger at AOC. She is clearly a very talented skillful woman, far better at debating than myself or you , in fact i would suggest anybody here on the forum. Yet all you could think of was referring to her previous work as a waitress or barmaid/manager, whatever she did, rather than tackle the content of her policy proposals.

    You again are hooked on policing language, and finding people out, the most PC of worthless pastimes and it is beyond boring.
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  3. #573
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Except that 50-60% of what you just said is drivel. I agree with you on Patel's handling of the airport situation, way too little and way too late. But you denied Americanness when you cried racism to me about it, because it cant be racist IN YOUR OWN LOGIC, if she is American/if Patel is British. SO you got your own (illogical) medicine there. Now take it like a man.
    The "shithole" I referred to that you wanted to believe was outside the US and thereby making it a racist comment was, in fact, the very same shithole THAT I AM FROM, NAMELY, NEW YORK CITY, THE BRONX, BROOKLYN, QUEENS. BAck to that shithole as opposed to living in pompous, political, DC. Back to that shithole in The Bronx to face her constituents who she fucked over. And in addition you will not admit that yes, men can bartend too, so quite how it was misogynist is also the mystery that will never be solved.

    YOu think (wrongly) that only YOU can judge a woman "on her words", BUT IF OTHERS DO IT, IT MUSTN BE ON THEIR WORDS, IT MUST BE SOMETHING MORE SINISTER, BECAUSE YOU JUST KNOW..... but you know little if anything of the 65,000+ jobs AOC cost her district by insanely running out OF TOWN a huge new construction of an Amazon warehouse RIGHT IN THE BRONX WHICH HAS LIKE A 40% UNEMPLOYMENT RATE. I too judge her merits on her words and deeds. But you will never accept that. YOu will just continue as Lyle rightly says to cry racist/misogynist without even stopping to ASK what the reasons were.

    If I, a man who lives near Mexico, can agree with you in part now about Patel, about her airport fiasco, then surely you can see why TENS, IF NOT HUNDREDS, OF THOUSANDS OF NEW YORKERS detest AOC for squandering that warehouse which would have tremendously helped out the ailing Bronx community.

    If she couldnt see that, she has no business representing her district, WHICH TRUST ME AS I LIVED THERE TWICE, Spanish Harlem 1998-1999 (East 111th & 2nd Ave) and 2001-2002 (East 114th & 1st Ave), is in dire fucking need of jobs, jobs, jobs. And she fucked them over. Perhaps you didnt know, but its all about shit like that that makes MANY MANY people criticize her, even from her very own district. Maybe she SHOULD just be a bartender. Because she blew it. Those people there are suffering and she fucked them over.

    Now take your knee-jerk namecalling and go get your shine box.
    Last edited by NoSavingByTheBell; 02-19-2021 at 11:43 PM.

  4. #574
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Patel is British.

    She is also part of the establishment haviing worked her way up from representing huge tobacco and alcohol corporations and into the heart of government. She has repeatedly broke the minsterial code and was forced to resign after secret unauthorised meetings with senior Israelis under previous PM May.

    That is not drivel it is a fact. Just like her being found guilty of bullying by a tribunal is not an opinion, it is a fact.

    Nearly 120 000 British citizens are dead because of Johnson and Patel's lack of empathy and criminal negligence.

    That is not drivel.

    You pretending that you give a shit about the unemployed of the Bronx is drivel. Amazon wanted a 3 Billion dollar tax break. AOC rightly objected to that and the terrible track record they have as employers.

    Again there you are defending the globalist elite. Corporations, exactly like I said you would.

    And you have the cheek to call me disingenuous.

    And stop with the strawman arguments and blatant lies. Absolutely nowhere have I ever claimed that men cannot bartend too. Why would I claim that? Just bullshit again.

    AOC at 28 is remarkable. Wanting to invest in health, green energy and education is not about fucking people over at all.

    Go and bow down to Bezos and Trump and stop pretending.

    Now you are back to doubling down and Insisting she go back to bartending anyway.

    Billy Bullshit.
    Last edited by Beanz; 02-20-2021 at 09:59 AM.
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  5. #575
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    1% and a fucking badge?

    It is beyond horrific.

    Slow hand clap for the bastards throwing Billions down the drain or more accurately into their pals and families bank accounts and then in the case of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, ..the the absolute bag of shite disgrace, giving the very people that saved his life the middle finger.

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  6. #576
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    1% and a fucking badge?

    It is beyond horrific.

    Slow hand clap for the bastards throwing Billions down the drain or more accurately into their pals and families bank accounts and then in the case of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, ..the the absolute bag of shite disgrace, giving the very people that saved his life the middle finger.

    who are those people in the illustration?

  7. #577
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    1% and a fucking badge?

    It is beyond horrific.

    Slow hand clap for the bastards throwing Billions down the drain or more accurately into their pals and families bank accounts and then in the case of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, ..the the absolute bag of shite disgrace, giving the very people that saved his life the middle finger.

    who are those people in the illustration?


    Matt Hancock the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and a Nurse representing the NHS.

    He is responsible for the shambolic and criminally corrupt response to the Covid Pandemic and has been one of the bastards handing out Government Covid-19 contracts to Tory donors, friends and colleagues from day one. He has failed on PPE, test and trace, and the communication of even the most basic advice. Found like multiple members of the current cabinet, including the Prime Minister to have acted unlawfully, the people always claiming to be neutral and not trusting any politicians have been curiously quiet as these bastards fuck the country over. Go figure that one out.

    Until the current Government stepped aside and let the NHS, a national organisation actually qualified to do so, handle anything, they have failed abysmally. They have enriched themselves at other people's expense and costs thousands of unnecessary deaths.

    That is the CARE BADGE patronisingly bestowed upon NHS workers as though like the empty claps people could use it for anything useful.

    It is amazing how the people who voted these cunts in have remained silent while they fucked over the elderly, teachers, the population at large and now the NHS many of whom have lost their lives saving others, including Johnsnon and Hancock the shameless monsters.
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  8. #578
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    1% and a fucking badge?

    It is beyond horrific.

    Slow hand clap for the bastards throwing Billions down the drain or more accurately into their pals and families bank accounts and then in the case of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, ..the the absolute bag of shite disgrace, giving the very people that saved his life the middle finger.

    who are those people in the illustration?


    Matt Hancock the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and a Nurse representing the NHS.

    He is responsible for the shambolic and criminally corrupt response to the Covid Pandemic and has been one of the bastards handing out Government Covid-19 contracts to Tory donors, friends and colleagues from day one. He has failed on PPE, test and trace, and the communication of even the most basic advice. Found like multiple members of the current cabinet, including the Prime Minister to have acted unlawfully, the people always claiming to be neutral and not trusting any politicians have been curiously quiet as these bastards fuck the country over. Go figure that one out.

    Until the current Government stepped aside and let the NHS, a national organisation actually qualified to do so, handle anything, they have failed abysmally. They have enriched themselves at other people's expense and costs thousands of unnecessary deaths.

    That is the CARE BADGE patronisingly bestowed upon NHS workers as though like the empty claps people could use it for anything useful.

    It is amazing how the people who voted these cunts in have remained silent while they fucked over the elderly, teachers, the population at large and now the NHS many of whom have lost their lives saving others, including Johnsnon and Hancock the shameless monsters.
    Well to me, I remember in the autumn Matt Hancock insisted that vaccines were on their way. According to reports at the time, he was lambasted with disbelief by other government departments. “Hancockian” became synonymous I guess I would call it among ministers, with implausible optimism. I think you would agree with that much...

    Now 10 million of you all there have received their first jab, a MUCH MUCH higher proportion than in any other big country. Altho I wont be getting the vax, I feel the decision to spread doses to maximize coverage looks pretty solid. The UK from my research has improved its manufacturing base, and is more than ready for another round of vaccines if required by new variants. (I saw you got the missing person in Croydon with the P-! Brazil variant today.)

    But even if he was 2 weeks late, there was a global shortage of PPE and he needed to buy PPE to save lives. Furthermore, the contract that went to his pub friend at Hinpack was found, atleast by my preliminary research, to NOT be unlawful. SO yeah he was late with the publishing, but I theink he and his team were going 24/7 buying PPE which there was a global shortage of, and luckily you guys didnt run out,

  9. #579
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    1% and a fucking badge?

    It is beyond horrific.

    Slow hand clap for the bastards throwing Billions down the drain or more accurately into their pals and families bank accounts and then in the case of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, ..the the absolute bag of shite disgrace, giving the very people that saved his life the middle finger.

    who are those people in the illustration?


    Matt Hancock the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and a Nurse representing the NHS.

    He is responsible for the shambolic and criminally corrupt response to the Covid Pandemic and has been one of the bastards handing out Government Covid-19 contracts to Tory donors, friends and colleagues from day one. He has failed on PPE, test and trace, and the communication of even the most basic advice. Found like multiple members of the current cabinet, including the Prime Minister to have acted unlawfully, the people always claiming to be neutral and not trusting any politicians have been curiously quiet as these bastards fuck the country over. Go figure that one out.

    Until the current Government stepped aside and let the NHS, a national organisation actually qualified to do so, handle anything, they have failed abysmally. They have enriched themselves at other people's expense and costs thousands of unnecessary deaths.

    That is the CARE BADGE patronisingly bestowed upon NHS workers as though like the empty claps people could use it for anything useful.

    It is amazing how the people who voted these cunts in have remained silent while they fucked over the elderly, teachers, the population at large and now the NHS many of whom have lost their lives saving others, including Johnsnon and Hancock the shameless monsters.
    Well to me, I remember in the autumn Matt Hancock insisted that vaccines were on their way. According to reports at the time, he was lambasted with disbelief by other government departments. “Hancockian” became synonymous I guess I would call it among ministers, with implausible optimism. I think you would agree with that much...

    Now 10 million of you all there have received their first jab, a MUCH MUCH higher proportion than in any other big country. Altho I wont be getting the vax, I feel the decision to spread doses to maximize coverage looks pretty solid. The UK from my research has improved its manufacturing base, and is more than ready for another round of vaccines if required by new variants. (I saw you got the missing person in Croydon with the P-! Brazil variant today.)

    But even if he was 2 weeks late, there was a global shortage of PPE and he needed to buy PPE to save lives. Furthermore, the contract that went to his pub friend at Hinpack was found, atleast by my preliminary research, to NOT be unlawful. SO yeah he was late with the publishing, but I theink he and his team were going 24/7 buying PPE which there was a global shortage of, and luckily you guys didnt run out,
    I don’t think the Health Secretary should gain credit for the purchasing of PPE or the Vaccine,those are Governmental calls.
    But he can be criticised for advising too late on PPE amongst other decisions he was too late with.
    True that’s not all down to him, but he’s definitely partly responsible.
    And it is widely thought that the reason the vaccine rollout has been an unquestionable success is because it was run by the NHS rather than contracted to independent organisations that are run by his mates to make a royal fuck up of!
    Yep, the same NHS that are bailing him out is worthy of no more than a 1% pay rise.
    I suppose what I’m trying to really say is , Basically Hancock is a prick.
    Last edited by Primo Carnera; 03-06-2021 at 08:55 PM.
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    The esteemed conservative Journalist Peter Oborne on Johnson

    "We no longer value things that matter...If you believe that truth and honesty is important, as I do, and i think most people do, then you must believe there is something awful at the heart of this government, and a society ...that bases itself on deceit and falsehood, and rewards it, is a society which is in not just moral danger but in actual danger"

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  11. #581
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  12. #582
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    If I had to spend 11 billion quid, I'd start out with 3 very big, nice, round pizzas, well-done, with nice grilled eggplant and anchovies. That would spend me about 30 quid right there. I'd then buy 3 very nice, big, ice cold 1.5 liter bottles of Red Moscato or even Riesling, and that could run 20 quid. So I've spent 50 right there.

    11 billion quid.....hmmmm.... I know, I would buy every Bitcoin from @walrus

    Its amazing how much money these govts have. Tens, even hundreds of billions of pounds -- yet my street cannot get a few rather dangerous potholes filled with asphalt because the city doesnt have enough money.....

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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    If I had to spend 11 billion quid, I'd start out with 3 very big, nice, round pizzas, well-done, with nice grilled eggplant and anchovies. That would spend me about 30 quid right there. I'd then buy 3 very nice, big, ice cold 1.5 liter bottles of Red Moscato or even Riesling, and that could run 20 quid. So I've spent 50 right there.

    11 billion quid.....hmmmm.... I know, I would buy every Bitcoin from @walrus

    Its amazing how much money these govts have. Tens, even hundreds of billions of pounds -- yet my street cannot get a few rather dangerous potholes filled with asphalt because the city doesnt have enough money.....
    Well in the US it’s funneled to the public employee unions which is funneled back to politicians via donations it’s a club, been going on for years

  14. #584
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    Default Re: Should Boris Resign?

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    If I had to spend 11 billion quid, I'd start out with 3 very big, nice, round pizzas, well-done, with nice grilled eggplant and anchovies. That would spend me about 30 quid right there. I'd then buy 3 very nice, big, ice cold 1.5 liter bottles of Red Moscato or even Riesling, and that could run 20 quid. So I've spent 50 right there.

    11 billion quid.....hmmmm.... I know, I would buy every Bitcoin from @walrus

    Its amazing how much money these govts have. Tens, even hundreds of billions of pounds -- yet my street cannot get a few rather dangerous potholes filled with asphalt because the city doesnt have enough money.....
    Well in the US it’s funneled to the public employee unions which is funneled back to politicians via donations it’s a club, been going on for years
    Works even worse than that, even before Unions, private companies/criminals pay off politicians for business breaks, ignoring monopolies and illegal practices.
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