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Thread: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?


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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Slim, are there specific questions you would like to ask me? I used the word coup because it is a word used a lot along with the word insurrection. I consider this to have been a largely peaceful protest. Some got rowdy and out of control. That sometimes happens. I do not think Trump is responsible for violence having asked for a peaceful demonstration of democratic principles.

    This thread seems to be about Q. It is not something I have any history of posting about, so will abstain from that conversation.
    Sorry I missed this post. If you do venture back-Let's go by the numbers, cool?!

    **edit** You state you have no history or knowledge of qanon- I hope you will take time to learn them. In fact I posted them- their videos are here-telling why they did what they did, nothing holding you back sir, but you. Since you have spoken on the riot, how can one speak on the riot but not know who particpated in the riot/or coup or insurrection? I'd ask of you to take time The way you know of BLM or Antifa...if you do post of them that is...
    ok by the numbers-

    1. I'd ask- How can there be a coup/insurrection without a leader calling for one?

    This is how I & most people who aren't pro-right wing viewed it- QAnon Rep. Vows to Disrupt Electoral College Vote Count as Trump Tweets 'See Everyone in D.C.' not billed as an insurrection (leading up to the day)

    2. I've asked in general several times noone replied, so I will ask of you- When the Don tweeted-Be There. Will Be Wild!’
    How does one interpret a (wild) event to be peaceful?

    3. How did you conclude that the deaths of 5 people, 100 injured is equivalent to a peaceful protest? How many have to die for you to say- that was NOT peacefully protesting?

    4. Now this I admit is a sarcastic question, my bad, but when you wrote: This thread seems to be about Q....What would be a better way to let you know that- if writing it this way: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    wasn't sufficient for you to see that was the basis of this thread- Qanon- not being mentioned by Trump supporters, right wingers.

    Trumps' words not being quoted. qanon not being given credit for what they asked-

    Everything else I write is rhetorical, for the board in general -but feel free to chime in.. @Gandalf, I would really like to know your position(s) U know I dont critique!

    Follow up post I asked for those who felt this was antifa, why not post the vids of those antifa/blm posing as qanon/Oath keepers/Pboys then?

    So I began posting some who were arrested- 300 so far...and I was critisized for proving my point (not by you)

    How can 9 oath keepers be charged- and no one -not a single trump supporter responds to why they are being arrested?

    Watching them walk into the capital- knowing exactly where to go- amazing they were within 100 feet of Pence- and that was a coincedence?
    They lounged around as if they (KNEW) there would be no responders.

    Last- I acknowledge since the investigation began- the charges have now turned to (insurrection) when it was initally a rally called (Stop the Steal) that was intended to stop them from certifying the election- they were successful..for all of 2 hours.

    I learned that the willful ignorance -to ignore qanon- allows many to put words in don's mouth as opposed to quoting him. Be there be wild. Be forceful. Now go & walk to the does those words get continuously ignored?

    Lastly- since the investigation began -Gandalf are you aware of how many don supporters are NOT following it? I mean who wants to read- Robert J. Contee III, the city's top cop said
    5. two pipe bombs were recovered earlier one located outside the RNC and one outside the DNC.
    6. Police found a cooler from a vehicle that had a long gun and Molotov cocktail on the Capitol grounds.
    7. At least six firearms were recovered, in addition to the three recovered same night
    8. DOJ revealed scores of Private text and audio messages such as:

    "Trump said It's gonna be wild!!!!!!! It's gonna be wild!!!!!!!” Kelly Meggs, 52, a leader of Florida’s Oath Keepers, told a Facebook contact .

    Another read: “He wants us to make it WILD that's what he's saying. He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! Sir Yes Sir!!! Gentlemen we are heading to DC pack your shit!!"

    Another read- Thomas Caldwell, 65, told his collaborators they were “screwed.”

    another text read: “Pence has punked out,”
    from a Virginia resident texted at 2:06 p.m.

    18 minutes into the attack the President of the United States tweeted Pence lacked the “courage” to overturn the election.

    Just what do his actions and words suggest then? How can they all have been there on their own accord, no leader, they just all decided on the fly? Do we ignore all the evidence of texts, posts? in response to a request- be there- will be wild?

    And for those who say how many guns were taken...again I repeat how can any law enforcement seize guns- if they werent called to resolve 2 hours later? Yet now the investigation- using their own texts, their own cell phones, led them to where cache of weapons were stored- yet I acknowedge if don supporters refuse to follow the investigation- then they have the right to be correct due to willfull ignorance aka ignore it.

    another text in reel time: 3:05 p.m., Caldwell wrote in a Facebook message, “Inside.” Does that sound like a protest? or an act of forced entry?

    another text read- You guys Gonna carry?" Ok we aren't either, we have a heavy QRF 10 Min out though."

    If you were investigatingf such a case and these were BLM/Antifa/NAACP with those texts- would you still see it the same? Peaceful?
    Watkins, another member of the Oath Keepers, told those storming the Capitol initially would not be bringing guns because “QRF will be our law enforcement members.”

    Sounds like they knew what they were doing- because their right wing media said just that- well if no guns, then no harm..really?

    When you saw people scaling the walls, how did that convince you- that you were witnessing a protest of peace?

    How do untrained citizens scale a wall? not a mountain with grooves, to find footing, but flat walls, where there are certain spots on walls -that only protectors of our Captial would know?

    Lots of questions Gandalf, I don't expect you to answer them all. That was a distubring day- to witness supporters defend trump by speaking on his behalf as opposed to using his words, his actions to prove he was not the one that told them what to do, when to and where, then who told them?
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 03-31-2021 at 01:01 PM.
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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    While Right Wingers & Donald's kids demand to talk about Mr.--- being dropped from Potato head or Dr. Suess being dropped from reading children, others are still talking about the continued arrests such as myself.

    Don's kids are special- IMO as in too stupid in thinking they can post their actions, delete them...and think cause it was wiped from their laptop, it can't be found...well Southgate man A. Williams is 6th from Michigan arrested in Capitol attack investigation

    Law enforcement retrieved his deleted video and found every instance - of him in the building with the words "We took this [expletive] building." Again if one is a juror- and saw this--- how is he innoncently protesting?
    He Even wrote his father & grandfather would be proud of him for storming the swamp.

    Just a few days ago 2 brothers were taken in- one was found in video using a police barricade to get inside..again I ask: How is this peaceful?

    Both were seen exiting the capital -but were found opening a secure door on the north side of the capital. Millions of dollars in damage was done by like minded, again I ask: How does millions of dollars in damages=a peaceful protest? How many millions have to be destroyed before such as event is considered anything but peaceful?
    At 1:03 into the video above- one of them is beating the dogshit out of someone on the ground...with a flagpole.

    One of the brothers is shown later in the video- clashing at a previous event against BLM--you know the group right wingers claimed destroyed the capital- the point?- these brothers have a history of such acts.

    One old dude in the video was arrested showing he entered- then he stated he left immediately when he saw the carnage (not peaceful) protesting. he said he was shamed of what he saw. I believe the old white guy. Not all there were violent, but then again milions of dollars in wreckage is never accidental.

    Cameras, videos are proving who did what. 3months later...they are getting the ones who were complicit. So what Trump supporter is against finding those who did cause damage, suffering , injuries and deaths?
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 03-31-2021 at 08:46 AM.
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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    Just a few days ago, mother & son charged

    What would you guys/gals do if your family member was a part of this? In USA families are torn over this. In North Carolina a man's entire inner family turned him in

    I know this is biting sarcasm- but I call it as I see it- how stupid does one have to be- to invade a state building then brag about the shit on social platform?

    The posts between his family is responding to his post "We just took the capital"
    One member responded- YOU are bragging about this? Dont bother speaking to me again, this is treason.

    To think that anyone would be dumb enough to think that if they did somehow take the capital- one building...then the United States Marine Corp, Army, Navy, Air Force, Special Forces would all be complicit and respond: Capital is seized? Well guess we have to go along"

    As if they can't just drop drop a B on it..and rebuild the buidling- these actions/words are indicative of exactly how smart these people are NOT.

    he responded on FB - You will thank me for saving your freedom.

    A Police officer of a Highpoint North Carolina was arrested as well- wearing tactical gear walking in formation to the capital-- again, how is this the actions of peaceful protesters? In formation- being allowed to walk through a sea of people who behave like the Red Sea and just part?!

    It would be through his emails, that revealed other para-military groups were planning this as well, in other words, this wasn't just qanon- rather people who voted for Don, those who hate Democrats, hate minorities & have been inundated with decades of hate radio teaching them- literally that their country has been taken from them.
    No democracy of a USA style of Brexit...just go kill for it.

    My numbers were 300 as of last month. As of the end of March -there have been 400 charged

    Now why would a man divorce his wife over this? Now I admit I would be compromised. May have a hell of an argument, but divorce her? Well, turns out this dude is not only a police detective, but one whose wife was with another dude, clinching on him like John Ruiz in a championship fight!

    Detective Divorcing Wife Who Went to Capitol Insurrection
    709,427 views•Mar 22, 2021

    And he is a part of Oath keepers? Nope! PBoys? Nope!
    Qanon. You know the reason for this thread! They were kind of an intermediary in which all of these white supramicist groups to anti government and paramailitary organizations used as a go between- but how can anyone argue against it- if the answer from trumpers is Who is Qanon?
    wow a detective finds his wife is on Facebook planning to go with this dude and book a room together, must be the trump christian crew

    Can't be dumb to who they are- and argue on their non involvement simultaneously!

    -Donald's last words,
    before they walked down that avenue- again I ask- how are those words encouraging a peaceful protest?
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 03-31-2021 at 09:21 AM.
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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    -Donald's last words, before they walked down that avenue- again I ask- how are those words encouraging a peaceful protest?

    So let's say Trump didn't incite the violence that day. How then does one review words such as


    "Be there will be wild"

    These are HIS words. What do they mean to you?
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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    Watching a mob chase a law enforcement official upstairs is a great example of a peaceful protest?

    I later learned this cop went in a direction opposite of the senate floor they were heading toward- into another direction. Wow, the IQ level of these individuals is just astonishingly low.

    Well the dudes ( brothers) who led the chase doesnt agree with any trumpers here- they state they are in jail because they listened to trump and should have been pardoned like the dude wearing the viking outfit who is a part of a group few want to mention...I think they are called...uhh, Qanon

    The attorny argues they were following orders of the commander in chief. Judge responded he had 2,200 miles of traveling to think his actions over. He cant use that as an excuse the judge responded.

    Again - I ask how is that a married couple who particpated in paramilitary training within months of the riot be deemed as =peaceful protestors?

    Point? neither of them stated they were BLM nor Antifa. They stated their affilition in the video above.
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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    I'd say the biggest contributors to the January 6th day of utter shame were the politicians, the so called attorneys and most of all all the hate radio stations, the right winged financed channels like NEWSMAX, OANN, FOX, SEAN INSANITY, DEAD RUSH that constantly claimed stolen election

    Yet near the whole lot of their resources have done a 180 and once forced in a court to say- they were giving their opinions. Not facts.

    How can those who believe the election was stolen- have no words for those who told them it was so? Now say otherwise?

    How could Qanon have thrived had people like this old chick of an attorney had not claimed she had facts?
    Qanon never claimed they had facts. They claimed the same as Oath keepers the same as Proud Boys- that Trump's team had undeniable proof, yet when they were taken to court, they stated the opposite. How is that ok?

    Trump lawyer walks back previous election fraud claims

    Trump's former lawyer (how many has he gone through?!) stated this in her defense:
    No reasonable person would have believed her

    Who is she talking about?

    She was brought in by Rudy
    Rudy was brought in by Donnie
    and who voted for donnie?

    How then could the no reasonable person(s) not be the donnie voters?

    How can they be ok with her using that as a defense in court? If you who believed her---were reasonable- you in fact would have NOT believed her.
    That was her defense, damn! meaning there would have been what reason to go to the stop the steal ralley which turned into graffitti, pissing in the hallways, defecating (shitting) in the Capital halls, damaging, looting, injuring and murdering...none of this would have happened - if they had used reasoning, wow...
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    Default Re: Why Do Trump Supporters Refuse To Discuss QAnon's Involvement on Jan 6th?

    Had Jan 6th not been a day Donnie told his followers to go and fight like hell....Would we be witnessing the Proud Boys snitching one each other now?
    Or wait.. That isn't being discussed by donnites either?

    Proud Boys Turn on Leader

    Gavin McInnes, the group’s founder, stepped down in 2018 after the legal ramifications of being in charge of a street-fighting group finally hit him. And Enrique Tarrio, who stepped up to replace McInnes, is now in hot water after it was revealed that he was an FBI informant.

    A few pages back in this thread I posted his interview- and oh the shit talked on this board by Enrique in favor of him by a select few here...tsk tsk...
    I asked then & now- how is it, that a known informant was just now acknowledged by trumpladiytes? (this shit aint new) just new to those who didnt want to know, but I digress!

    Enrique by some strange coicendence would be arrested 2 days before some of his members stormed the capital.
    Get this- it was because he burned a Black Lives matter Flag & had empty magazines
    Please think that over.

    He inadvertantly admitted that he presided on a grand jury panel. In defense of Roger Stone? A felon was asked to provide for such? How, why?
    Please, think that over.
    & when fellow Pboys like Ethan ‘Rufio Panman’ Nordean and Joe Biggs, who were charged for their role- he said they shouldn't have been there. He said there was NO fraudulent elections...His member get charged, for events leading up ti Jan 6th, and somehow he always remained free,.

    Tulsa Proud Boys in Oklahoma, no longer under his leadership.
    chapters of the Indiana Proud Boys, and the St. Louis Proud Boys in Missouri. all turned against the stool pigeon since Jan 6th.

    Trump confidant Roger Stone has used the Proud Boys as his personal security detail. In the interview Enrique the stool pigeon said he had Roger's phone number- during the time Drumpf said he knew nothing about them...but his boy Rog does....
    Please - think that over. And that didnt give them the street cred they needed?

    And as a result of those like Roger Stone, he today now appears to have dropped them now for Oath keepers...well up till their day in court as more and more of them arrested for Jan 6th.

    How could they have shown up- had their been no one stating stolen election?

    And those who say stolen election are recanting one by one-even NEWSMAX recanted. so why then are donnie supporters still accepting it? While Qanaon, Oath keepers and Proud Boys, former military, former police officers, husbands, wives, children believe in Donnie so much so deep they are still willing to go to jail for him?
    One by one.

    You know the Roger Stone that stated North Korean Boats Delivered Ballots Through Maine Harbor ? yeah that Stone.

    So, once again- how can someone make a statement like that and be believed? That dude just got out jail, so thats where he heard it from?

    I wonder how many people who stormed the capital believed in him as well? And why not ask Donnie what happened to all those love letters he was receiving from North korea? Not one letter stated he was going to betray his American lover Donald for sleepy Joe? Not one?

    Roger Stone Says North Korean Boats Delivered Ballots Through Maine Harbor

    I always thought Donie voters never mentioned it, because they knew it was too stupid to repeat- yet they accepted it

    We just had a prez whose boys were jailed during his stint- he bails them out, but not those who he told- go fight like hell. Be forceful, be there, be wild! going to jail one by one except Enrique the nigguhrican ...aka the FBI's STOOL PIGEON HA-CHA-CHA-CHA!

    Last edited by SlimTrae; 03-31-2021 at 10:50 AM.
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