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Thread: Trump's Revenge Tour

  1. #1
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    Default Trump's Revenge Tour

    No..... Donald didn't suddenly become a rock musician and named his tour "The Revenge Tour."

    Although I'm sure if he did, he'd have plenty large audiences, probably complete with mask-burning parties and other popular events.

    This is actually about Trump's deep-rooted desire to exact revenge on those (particularly GOP lawmakers) who didn't kiss his ass till the very end.

    "Trump wants revenge on Alaska's Sen. Murkowski. His advisers think he won't follow through because the flight is too long."

    Now... I am a little disappointed in this bit of news... if it IS true that Trump wouldn't follow through on threats to fly to Alaska to campaign against Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and try to derail her political career. All because "the flight's too long." Damn. If that has any truth to it... what a wimp! If his exit from the White House hadn't been so contentious, maybe he could ask to borrow Air Force One or try and hitch a ride on it.... so he could have the Presidential creature comforts on his way up there.

    But anyway, I'm not surprised to see where the priorities lie nowadays.

    Never mind the country and what it needs. Never mind trying to help the American people in any way you can. Never mind using your considerable influence as former President to do the right thing.

    Nah... FUCK THAT.

    Revenge is where it's at.

    I'll try and keep everyone abreast of Trump's efforts on his "Revenge Tour".

    Soon coming to a city near you.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    I'll take that as its too expensive- if the taxpayers won't foot the bill for all that jet fuel. He knows what its like to travel free 4 years to his golf resorts, his clubs, his properties at taxpayer's expense, no way does he want to travel too far now that he has to use his own dollars. Especially if there is no place he can stay free of charge.

    As far as the revenge tour- I think his 1st stop is completed- virtual aka his website

    I gurantee that pimp will use that website to ask for more money the way he asked to help fight court cases- then pocketed a nice %.

    Just looking at how naked and bare that website is- wreaks of a pimptacular fleecing of hard earned money to be continued from some of the dumbest damned people in the country.

    Now this is Democracy at work. Had there been no one allowing him a domain to publish it- that IMO would be a denial of freedom of speech. Not whimpering about what another mans' social platform prescribes to or prohibits.

    Filled with the expected I kicked ass and changed the world meme one would expect from a professional slanderer.

    I laughed then sighed when I read - His dethroning political dynasties. Wow, he refuses tea party members to his cabinets and filled his team with former Bush Jr alumni & Wall Streeters...and he dethroned what political dynasty? Is he referring to Jeb Bush not getting elected?

    He paid bigpharma just like the last president(s). He spent our tax $ in the Middle East just like the others (Bush=Afghanistan, Iraq) Obama=back to Iraq murder a dude in Lybia, went to Syria) (Trump= Syria , Yemen and murdured an Iranian via a Bush Jr holdover aka Bolton) he kept the dynasty of war machine in tact. Same amount of military bases. Same overflow of paying military contractors to do lord knows what in those countries.
    But he dethroned political dynasties by being the 1st prez to lose the senate, house and Oval Office, what a gimp nation that follows such an unfunny clown.

    That MF'er did bailouts like the last 2 previous prez as well, by the billions. at that. But his website says he detrhoned political dynasties. words not too big for his constituents.

    And his tour will rehash every lie he told and they will suck it up while continueing to die for a coronavirus they deemed no different than the flu. refusing Biden's vaccine push -regardless it is their fearful leader's Operation Warp Speed that demands they get their shots.

    Oh, his tour will be more geared virtual IMO- he will take all his followers in every state for a ride. Via that soon to come -donate button.
    He will every last dollar out of them and return they will and then over his speeches filled with I saved the world analogies. Thats his tour sir, a tour of his worshippers wallets and purses.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 03-31-2021 at 12:35 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    At first glance this is the fakest website I've seen.

    Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump enjoy hearing from the American people. Due to the volume of media requests President and Mrs. Trump receive, we will not provide status updates.

    he's got a page for the demographic he made is punkass carreer off of-

    The webpage just out and already making excuses- due to the media requests no status updates?
    Where's the page for the people?
    Where's the forum? I guess the people will be too busy hearing him and not being listened to.

    Where's the accomplishment page based on bill passage bills passed through, I guess he will claim it and we believe it.

    get a load of this Pinnochio President's Position on the Border via his virtual tour where he takes us on a ride of lies, dreams, distortions, fantasies to the land of make believe....

    "Understanding that border security is national security, President Trump achieved the most secure border in United States history"

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour


    Trump is set to become the 2021 version of Big League Televangelist.

    Everything is in place.

    An adoring crowd hungry for more rallies, and more incendiary rhetoric. GOP mega-donors itching to throw their money at a "Trump 2024" campaign.

    Shit... if the likes of Oral Roberts, Jesse Duplantis, and Jim Bakker can shake flocks of sheep down for millions of dollars... Donald should definitely be able "trump" that with one hand tied behind his back.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Not just Trump but the GOP on Trump's behalf.

    The first article here very much worth reading. The other two are kind of related. If you can't read these articles due to a paywall download the noscript browser addon. It blocks various malware and tracking stuff and also slides past a lot of paywalls because it won't let websites fuck with your computer via javascript and similar which is how a lot of paywalls work. Works for prety much everything including the NYT but not for WSJ, FT or Washington Post. You have to manually allow it to trust various sites you'll find and you can set it either temporarily or permanently. So add it and clear your cookies and whatnot and restart the browser and read what you want.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    I was unaware of this trickery to avoid pay walls, good work!

    Although I pay for some sites as I think if no one does we will be left with terrible sensationalist click bait news taking over......... :S

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Not just Trump but the GOP on Trump's behalf.

    The first article here very much worth reading. The other two are kind of related. If you can't read these articles due to a paywall download the noscript browser addon. It blocks various malware and tracking stuff and also slides past a lot of paywalls because it won't let websites fuck with your computer via javascript and similar which is how a lot of paywalls work. Works for prety much everything including the NYT but not for WSJ, FT or Washington Post. You have to manually allow it to trust various sites you'll find and you can set it either temporarily or permanently. So add it and clear your cookies and whatnot and restart the browser and read what you want.

    I read the first article, but will probably soon be hit with the paywall, as it seems they let you read a certain number for free and then they say you've used up your free access. We'll see... Thanks for the tidbit of information on that.

    Anyway... it's a mixture of disgusting and scary the way these GOP lawmakers are doing their damnest to ensure future elections are skewed in their favor.

    Next thing you know they'll be approving some sort of "exam" to voters in order to see if they qualify to vote or not.

    The democratic process is going to hell in a handbasket.

    As I always say... there are four years ahead of the next Presidential elections. Plenty of time for concerned folks to make the necessary adjustments and fight the necessary battles in order to ensure the sanctity of the electoral process.

    Just like I always railed against the Democrat hand-wringing over Trump (for the entire term!!) instead of stopping the hang-wringing after 6 months and getting to work on constructive measures (Trump lost anyway, but it could've been an even bigger stomping)........ I now say that with this knowledge in mind, the powers that be need to head these bastards off at the pass.

    Elections may have been fair in 2020....... but some of these GOP muppets will be damned if they'll let that happen again..... from what it seems like.

    But it's not like enough warning has not been given.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    I was unaware of this trickery to avoid pay walls, good work!

    Although I pay for some sites as I think if no one does we will be left with terrible sensationalist click bait news taking over......... :S

    I only found out about it when I tried to read articles from one site on a different device to normal and they blocked me. I had no idea they even had a paywall before that. Added noscript and cleared browser stuff and it let me read everything. It blocks some sites completely until you allow them due to the site using a lot of javascript on its main page and it'll fuck you up when you're trying to make a card payment so you have to fuck with the settings to disable it.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Not just Trump but the GOP on Trump's behalf.

    The first article here very much worth reading. The other two are kind of related. If you can't read these articles due to a paywall download the noscript browser addon. It blocks various malware and tracking stuff and also slides past a lot of paywalls because it won't let websites fuck with your computer via javascript and similar which is how a lot of paywalls work. Works for prety much everything including the NYT but not for WSJ, FT or Washington Post. You have to manually allow it to trust various sites you'll find and you can set it either temporarily or permanently. So add it and clear your cookies and whatnot and restart the browser and read what you want.

    I read the first article, but will probably soon be hit with the paywall, as it seems they let you read a certain number for free and then they say you've used up your free access. We'll see... Thanks for the tidbit of information on that.

    Anyway... it's a mixture of disgusting and scary the way these GOP lawmakers are doing their damnest to ensure future elections are skewed in their favor.

    Next thing you know they'll be approving some sort of "exam" to voters in order to see if they qualify to vote or not.

    The democratic process is going to hell in a handbasket.

    As I always say... there are four years ahead of the next Presidential elections. Plenty of time for concerned folks to make the necessary adjustments and fight the necessary battles in order to ensure the sanctity of the electoral process.

    Just like I always railed against the Democrat hand-wringing over Trump (for the entire term!!) instead of stopping the hang-wringing after 6 months and getting to work on constructive measures (Trump lost anyway, but it could've been an even bigger stomping)........ I now say that with this knowledge in mind, the powers that be need to head these bastards off at the pass.

    Elections may have been fair in 2020....... but some of these GOP muppets will be damned if they'll let that happen again..... from what it seems like.

    But it's not like enough warning has not been given.

    You can't ensure the sanctity of the election process when the people in charge of it are going all out to fix it.

    Texas doing this as well. And Arizona I heard. Notice the most activity on this is in states which demographics show are about to flip from red to blue. But while they're still red the people in charge are going to do everything they can to stay in power for as long as they can.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    As evil and vile as this is, Democrats do a Michael Moorer ala George Foreman via their stance on voter id. I can't figure out why they dont just use the 4 year interval to ensure all have ids. Damn what kind- even if Repubs want a certain type- shit -it aint that complicated to get a voter ID.

    But they won't---thus allowing Repubs to take the conversation over- and in the end no matter how much voter suppression is done- a significant portion of the country will only pay attention to democrats wanting people to show up- with no physical form of identification.

    They got the fight in the bag and get cold cocked with one stupid ass shot.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    "Cold cocked"

    by Slim

    Don't be shocked
    Orange clocked:
    May get rocked
    And straight up ~cold cocked~

    Pancakes and syrup
    Ready to tear up
    Big George did a number
    Now Dems will slumber

    History repeats itself
    Mystery sits on the shelf
    Not like a dwarf but like an elf
    Hell yeah it's good for your health

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    As evil and vile as this is, Democrats do a Michael Moorer ala George Foreman via their stance on voter id. I can't figure out why they dont just use the 4 year interval to ensure all have ids. Damn what kind- even if Repubs want a certain type- shit -it aint that complicated to get a voter ID.

    But they won't---thus allowing Repubs to take the conversation over- and in the end no matter how much voter suppression is done- a significant portion of the country will only pay attention to democrats wanting people to show up- with no physical form of identification.

    They got the fight in the bag and get cold cocked with one stupid ass shot.

    You can't mandate that everybody has an ID because that would be portrayed as the beginning of a tyrannical regime and they're going to throw the Republicans in FEMA camps and so on. They're doing what they're doing because they believe it'll be the most effective way of levelling the playing field.

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    Default Re: Trump's Revenge Tour

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    As evil and vile as this is, Democrats do a Michael Moorer ala George Foreman via their stance on voter id. I can't figure out why they dont just use the 4 year interval to ensure all have ids. Damn what kind- even if Repubs want a certain type- shit -it aint that complicated to get a voter ID.

    But they won't---thus allowing Repubs to take the conversation over- and in the end no matter how much voter suppression is done- a significant portion of the country will only pay attention to democrats wanting people to show up- with no physical form of identification.

    They got the fight in the bag and get cold cocked with one stupid ass shot.

    You can't mandate that everybody has an ID because that would be portrayed as the beginning of a tyrannical regime and they're going to throw the Republicans in FEMA camps and so on. They're doing what they're doing because they believe it'll be the most effective way of levelling the playing field.
    Well the field hasn't been leveled.

    We see it from different perspectives. In my 20s I did some canvassing and some grass roots causes and remember being a part of groups that helped get people to polls.
    Those very same groups that recieve funding- some state, some out the pockets of politicians legal or illegal- my point is simple- Too many people, too many vans, too many pockets that could setup a program funded or self funded- to get an indentification card.

    In the 90s in Milwaukee Wisconsin an Alderman did some time for several crimes -one was getting a few people to put some & in our pockets to get people to vote him back in- dumb shit like a bottle of booze or some cash...that was when I began to fade away from the scene- I couldnt get down with that.
    All they needed was a utility bill or try to get them a library card...and I thought then what I think today- damn a library card get an ID.
    Not saying you are wrong rather if I had your perspective I would agree, but I don't so I wont agree.

    Having an identification card is a sensible act. Has more to do with just voting.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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