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Thread: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

  1. #16
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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Maya Rudolph on SNL summed her up for me when she did a skit and said "Hi I'm Kamala Harris, consider me the aunt that is cool enough to let you smoke marijuana...but then bust you for it afterward";D
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    I think Palin being a potential POTUS would've have been a disaster as with Harris, just different a different type of catastrophe.

    Like a hurricane ravaging your neighborhood or a tornado, take ya pick.

    cute for the old white guy or cute for the old black guy. These are the choices Americans make for a woman Vice President....
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  3. #18
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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post

    Wow this is one horrible hack -a- shack edit job.

    Looking at who made this craptacular 1 minute shit job aka John Talks...he has about 50 I hate Joe Biden edits on his page. He also has a lot of Elton John videos, not saying that's bad just saying...

    How to make Biden & Harris videos on the fly. Amazing we just had a con artist nut job leave office- he didnt have too many videos of that guy. In fact I scrolled for over 2 minutes, he had about (zero). I guess he didnt want to reveal how smart and sane that guy was.

    As far as the question- if it were to happen it would be one that the system approves of. Last time I heard of a person actually picking someone they wanted was John McCain. He wanted Joe Lieberman. The system wasn't having any of that. So they chose for him. Some chick he had never met- Her name is Sarah Palin.

    Thats how a Harris V.P would come about- whoever the International bankers is deem fit. Surely not her.
    I mean Obama picked a V.P. in which he was quoted as saying "don't ever underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

    when a person makes several videos of Biden falling on the steps of Air Force one...tells me alot.

    As an international banker I would disagree with this. We do not pick vice presidents. We simply back every horse in the race so that whoever wins a presidential election knows who to go to for the premier and most pressing aim of every newly elected American president, which is to get reelected four years later. To do that you need money so of course the best place to get the required amount of money is from the money industry.

    Picking vice presidents is a box ticking exercise. Bush 43 needed an elder statesman kind of figure due to his callowness and limited resume so Cheney got the job. Obama needed to show white America and even white Amerian Democratic voters that he wasn't an angry Black man so he picked the guy who had said something kinda racisty controversial about him in the primaries:

    Trump as a three times married fucker who didn't know the right way to hold a Bible up needed to shore up his position with the Taliban wing of the Republican party (white Evangelicals being about half of the GOP base) so he picked known godbotherer Pence. After George Floyd and me too and the ongoing summer protests Biden needed a Black woman so Harris got the gig. That's how vp picks work.

    Harris was a complete failure in the Democratic primaries. Even Democratic primary voters didn't give a fuck about her, never mind Democratic voters or national voters. If Biden isn't able to run in 2024 she'll lose if the GOP can dredge up a remotely electable candidate.

    I think you're giving Trump too much credit in his thought process. Sure... he needed a lily white Republican who would appeal to the white Evangelical base and all that. But Trump was mostly concerned with getting himself the ultimate bootlicker. A lapdog who checked all the right boxes and appeared to have no thoughts of his own. You look up controversies under Mike Pence before Trump and you get a few crickets and a lot of empty space. Trump needed the ultimate "Yes Man." Someone who when Trump would say "JUMP" would say "How high?" Whatever political life Pence had before Trump... he gave it all up... sort of like when Will Smith gave up his Earthly life to become "J" in Men in Black. Mike Pence will forever be known as the only VP whom the President called a cowardly bitch because he wouldn't go down in flames taking fire for Trump during the Capitol insurgence. I'm not sure whether Pence had a backbone BEFORE become Kermit to Trump's Jim Henson. But if he did he had it removed shortly thereafter.

    I agree. There's no way that Trump could have anybody as vice president who would take any amount of attention away from the main event. Whoever it was had to be a complete nonentity and a charisma free zone as well as being a godbotherer in good standing. Pence was basically the identikit person. You can imagine Trump meeting him and thinking yep, that's the guy.

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post

    Wow this is one horrible hack -a- shack edit job.

    Looking at who made this craptacular 1 minute shit job aka John Talks...he has about 50 I hate Joe Biden edits on his page. He also has a lot of Elton John videos, not saying that's bad just saying...

    How to make Biden & Harris videos on the fly. Amazing we just had a con artist nut job leave office- he didnt have too many videos of that guy. In fact I scrolled for over 2 minutes, he had about (zero). I guess he didnt want to reveal how smart and sane that guy was.

    As far as the question- if it were to happen it would be one that the system approves of. Last time I heard of a person actually picking someone they wanted was John McCain. He wanted Joe Lieberman. The system wasn't having any of that. So they chose for him. Some chick he had never met- Her name is Sarah Palin.

    Thats how a Harris V.P would come about- whoever the International bankers is deem fit. Surely not her.
    I mean Obama picked a V.P. in which he was quoted as saying "don't ever underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

    when a person makes several videos of Biden falling on the steps of Air Force one...tells me alot.

    As an international banker I would disagree with this. We do not pick vice presidents. We simply back every horse in the race so that whoever wins a presidential election knows who to go to for the premier and most pressing aim of every newly elected American president, which is to get reelected four years later. To do that you need money so of course the best place to get the required amount of money is from the money industry.

    Picking vice presidents is a box ticking exercise. Bush 43 needed an elder statesman kind of figure due to his callowness and limited resume so Cheney got the job. Obama needed to show white America and even white Amerian Democratic voters that he wasn't an angry Black man so he picked the guy who had said something kinda racisty controversial about him in the primaries:

    Trump as a three times married fucker who didn't know the right way to hold a Bible up needed to shore up his position with the Taliban wing of the Republican party (white Evangelicals being about half of the GOP base) so he picked known godbotherer Pence. After George Floyd and me too and the ongoing summer protests Biden needed a Black woman so Harris got the gig. That's how vp picks work.

    Harris was a complete failure in the Democratic primaries. Even Democratic primary voters didn't give a fuck about her, never mind Democratic voters or national voters. If Biden isn't able to run in 2024 she'll lose if the GOP can dredge up a remotely electable candidate.

    I understand your point(s) all noted. I agree with the logic & understood it as they occurred.
    Your point would then validate why Abraham Lincoln a Northerner chose Andrew Johnson a Democratic Southerner- I get that.

    My point is John McCain didn't choose Palin- someone chose her for him- they never met. he wanted Lieberman.
    Ronald Reagan didn't choose Bush, someone else did.
    Trump wanted Chris Christie, but same as with McCain- they went by advisors who we both know looked at who could bring in big demographic numbers to the polls, like Tony Fabrizio who persuaded Donald to reconsider Pence- a man he had just called a loser because he was in a tight race with John Gregg.

    That was/is my point if somehow Kamala were to take the spot.

    Biden's numbers were dismal- it was all about Sanders vs Warren, there was no Biden in the equation- until he got to the south and the African-American vote got him over the top- I would say in that sense- no the big bankers didnt choose her. Those who helped Biden win did-

    That means those who really run the show were ok with her- she wasn't a threat to the prevailing powers or else they would've axed her like they did Abraham Lincoln's choice, Reagan's choice, McCain's choice.
    Trump's choice the same- based on Pence getting the evangelical vote- and as soon as he got him, he started talking like he was a christian- he didnt talk like that before Pence.

    That's what I meant by international bankers- not that they (personally) choose-rather they have the ability to say- OK we approve, that pick won't upset the applecart.

    The powers that run the show IMO laughed and skeeted & jizzed all over their walls when they learned the people chose a man so deep into debt as their President- how could they not have been ok with a Trump presidency?

    Trump has upset what major corporations? No major banking institutions, no pharmecuetical companies, no billion dollar war machine contractors have had their money-line from the tax payer to their pockets disrupted. hell even fannie mae & freddie mac got about the biggest infusion of cash under him- not obama.

    U.S. taxpayers could be responsible for paying back much of the nearly $850 million in Freddie Mac financing if Kushner Companies defaults and its properties drop significantly in value

    And even NEWSMAX reported that funding for abortion increased under Trump.- IMO the powers that be look for those that will increase the debt of the people. They make it happen because they run the media, be it right wing or mainstream. Their cohorts- big business supply lobbyists not the people.

    The media did their normal job in deflection- he told lobby hobby or whatever their name is- they didnt have to support abortions- In jesus name, yet the funding continued- point being- HE ADDED to the deficit like all previous.

    So who at the top cares about Pence or a Kamala V.P. pick- so as long as they all continue to saddle America with unparalled debt?
    Someone or some group gets those $- that is what i mean by she wont't be choosing someone that benefits the people. if it came to pass.

    McCain did choose Palin. He absolutely did. I don't have the time to do this post justice at the minute and I'll come back to it tomorrow. Bottom line about the debt though, it doesn't work like that either. I'll have to write a fuckine essay to explain it though.

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    McCain did choose Palin. He absolutely did. I don't have the time to do this post justice at the minute and I'll come back to it tomorrow. Bottom line about the debt though, it doesn't work like that either. I'll have to write a fuckine essay to explain it though.

    Amazingly presidential candidates do actually choose their vice presidents and they choose them to give them the best possible chance of winning the election. No donors control who gets picked. They may well have opinions but in the end that's all they have. Why would they be bothered about who the second banana is? Presidents as a general rule don't die in office. If they do die then the new prez needs the big donors to get reelected too. It doesn't matter who the prez is so long as the system is set up to allow moneyed interests so much say in the legislative process.

    Imagine if Biden had picked Warren who was on the very left of the field and then carked it. Imagine Warren, or somebody even leftier, said fuck it, I don't care about getting reelected I'm going to pass Medicare For All and give unions seats on the board of corporations and various other lefty stuff. That would be easy for the Senate to block by the corporations just buying off a few senators so Warren couldn't get to fifty or sixty votes. Like the healthcare corporations did with Obamacare so an actual decent healthcare plan couldn't be passed.

    If a radical anti big business prez got elected and somehow got sixty votes for stuff the Supreme Court, which has half a dozen corporate lawyers on it now, would just block it. That's how it works.

    Biden had poor numbers in New Hampshire and Iowa because they're states not representative of the Democratic base. Once the primaries moved to states where the electorate looked like the national electorate Biden started winning. Not because of big business or anything else. Biden won the primaries because he was genuinely popular with Democratic primary voters and they voted for him.

    The government underwrites every loan Fannie and Freddie make but they also underwite the loans of their competitors. Kushner's loan was entirely above board. If it wasn't there would have been massive media coverage of the impropriety. Wherever you got those few lines from is just writing a hysterical clickbait article selling a bullshit narrative to Trump haters.

    Corporations are not trying to saddle Americans with massive debt. That's not their aim at all. But you don't have to worry about the debt. Sovereign debt is not the same as personal or business debt. You'll never have to pay it back and neither will your kids. Government debt actually forms the bedrock of the financial system. It means the interest you pay on debt you do have during your lifetime will be much lower than if government debt didn't exist.

    It may be in a year or so that we see politics change. Up until now the GOP could cut taxes and not cut the budget and get away with it. In future a GOP prez wanting to cut taxes might face having to wither cut military spending or Medicare/ Social Security to cut those taxes. Cuts to either would create massive problems for the reelection chances of the GOP prez. But if he doesn't make the tax cuts his donors would desert him.

    I've missed out loads here but otherwise I'd be writing a book. The issues you've brought up you could write several books about.

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Big business run politics just look at David Cameron and Greensill Capital. Really corrupt and wrong but it will be all washed over with no repercussions for the ex prime minister.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post

    As far as the question- if it were to happen it would be one that the system approves of. Last time I heard of a person actually picking someone they wanted was John McCain. He wanted Joe Lieberman. The system wasn't having any of that. So they chose for him. Some chick he had never met- Her name is Sarah Palin.

    Picking vice presidents is a box ticking exercise. Bush 43 needed an elder statesman kind of figure due to his callowness and limited resume so Cheney got the job. Obama needed to show white America and even white Amerian Democratic voters that he wasn't an angry Black man so he picked the guy who had said something kinda racisty controversial about him in the primaries:

    Trump as a three times married fucker who didn't know the right way to hold a Bible up needed to shore up his position with the Taliban wing of the Republican party (white Evangelicals being about half of the GOP base) so he picked known godbotherer Pence. After George Floyd and me too and the ongoing summer protests Biden needed a Black woman so Harris got the gig. That's how vp picks work.

    Harris was a complete failure in the Democratic primaries. Even Democratic primary voters didn't give a fuck about her, never mind Democratic voters or national voters. If Biden isn't able to run in 2024 she'll lose if the GOP can dredge up a remotely electable candidate.

    My point is John McCain didn't choose Palin- someone chose her for him- they never met. he wanted Lieberman.

    That's what I meant by international bankers- not that they (personally) choose-rather they have the ability to say- OK we approve, that pick won't upset the applecart.

    McCain did choose Palin. He absolutely did. I don't have the time to do this post justice at the minute and I'll come back to it tomorrow. Bottom line about the debt though, it doesn't work like that either. I'll have to write a fuckine essay to explain it though.

    He acceppted Palin not chose after being derided for wanting Joe Lieberman.
    Jill Hazelbaker, spokeswoman for John McCain rewrote the entire episode the month he (accepted) her via his advisor(s). It was she who claimed he was impressed with her a year before-no articles to prove?

    They had to rewrite/phrase his insult

    Now here she is endorsing the bridge.

    Now here she is with him as he revises the bridge to nowhere speech than has the nerve to state she was against the bridge-when the previouse vid showed she was in favor.


    " When John McCain ran in 2008, he almost picked a Democrat to be his vice presidential running mate(1st) — Sen. Joe Lieberman. It's easy to lose sight of this fact."

    I've read the revisions. I've seen the videos of how it all changed.

    I say He picked Palin after he was derided for his original choice. No one cared at 1st because he wasnt in the top 5. & when he got the nominee- He even went on record stating he regretted his decision.

    Articles back then word it this way:
    "McCain-Lieberman ticket as intriguing as it was: A war hero presidential candidate nearly making history by choosing America's first Jewish vice president only to ultimately go down to defeat by choosing a controversial alternative."

    KEYWORD =alternative. We can debate on how or why he chose the alternative, but the facts are long submitted. He didnt know her. He dogged her bridge plan and then he had to rewrite her as being against what she was for.

    Here he is stating when they chose her- his numbers went up- they were looking for a person who could grab demographics -I get it.

    + he wasn't even the establishment's pick. FOX, Dead Limbaugh & the entire right wing spectrum had pushed Mit Romney to no avail, just as with Biden in 2020. They (powers that be) found solace in their pick for John it was Mit. Maverick said hell to the no! Palin was 2nd pick- after Mitt, or after Joe L= his 3rd round draft.
    This was discussed constantly on Hannity, Rush, Levin, Inghram's shows.

    The reason for haggling for a pick so late was that John won by default. Agree?

    Lieberman marveled at the Arizona senator's chutzpa choosing Lieberman stating: "It was not just that we were good friends — he trusted me, we'd vote alike on particularly foreign policy. John felt that he had to prove that he would be a change too, so obviously having a bipartisan ticket would've countered Obama's theme of change."

    I quote that to validate how often the talk was of Joe (when John) was in the bottom tier.
    John had zero endorsements from right wing media. The front runners were chosen by right wing media, big donors- aka Mitt R & Fred Thompson the republican voters rejected both outright & got stuck with John in 2008 much like Joe for Dems in 2020.

    Add on the fact that Joe went about endorsing John early on- talks raised as to why- would he be his V.P. if he gets the nod? When He clinched the nominee Mitt was talked about being his initial V.P by FOX, then they tried to blindside Obama picking Biden by announcing McCain's pick of Palin same week if not day.
    For a moment they stole Obama's spotlight...until people actually listened to palin the dingbat; unplugged!

    I welcome any info you have to dispute that McCain in NO way wanted Palin. It was politics as usual that got her the picked, not John's. He caved in.

    And I totally disagree with this statement: . After George Floyd and me too and the ongoing summer protests Biden needed a Black woman so Harris got the gig. That's how vp picks work.

    Step back from the twitter for a moment and dig what the black community had to say- they intervened. Harris was not chosen by Biden, she was the trade of several blacks stating they would help the down & almost out Biden.

    1. Joe Biden almost dropped out of the race – until Black voters in South Carolina delivered him a resounding win.
    There was a massive campaign that began in S. Carolina- stating if they were successful in helping him clinch the nominee- he would have to do in return, not the other way around.
    2. Antjuan Seawright, a Democratic strategist in South Carolina begs to differ that Joe chose the Harris.

    3. David Bowen of Wisconin agreed with memos being sent via black churches, grassroots orgs- stating "“[Trump] made a conscious decision to make an enemy of an entire movement for Black lives, - & decided they would NOT back just any Democratic nominee (hence why Warren & Sanders) NEVER resonated with black voters. Contrast to the narrative in media- blacks just want free this or that why not vote Sanders?) See You are right that BLM & Floyd was an issue- but Joe never initiated that talk. It happened when South Carolina gave them their blueprint for winning the POTUS.

    Bowen insisted voters eventually backed Biden as “a down payment toward a bigger goal in the future”.-Please dont take away their view-without understanding it- they see themselves as choosing Biden, Biden didnt choose blacks-let alone Harrius; he had all but dropped out. We/They saved his campaign.

    Please don't overlook the biggest name for my people: His name is : James Clyburn.
    He was the one in our minds who put the strategy together than began in South Carolina- in the strength of his name & his works, black across the country that wanted to vote democrat followed his lead. They said no to every dem. Rep. Joe Cunningham then took the message to Democrats in general that Joe is our man.
    While America only talked bout CNN or Charmalagn the God endorsing Biden- black gospel radio stations across the nation had one pick-we down with Clyburn's pick of Biden.
    I quote the very same words - pleading with South Carolinians to follow his lead,
    Joe Biden, called to thank him.

    “I would never be in this position, if it werent for you,’’

    “You’re quite welcome,’’ Clyburn answered.

    Clyburn, pushed for a Kamala as a woman, a black and an Asian to be on Biden’s ticket, --Not Joe, Joe just kept his word -since his gravedigging campaign got revived, by blacks first.

    Expectation was stated, documented, recorded- if he wins, pick Harris. Thats how the VP pick worked in 2020, when asking those who canvassed.
    “One of us”: South Asians celebrate Kamala Harris as VP choice

    Joe dug it.
    That's how he came to accept her, not chose her. And the powers that be- there I go again- saw no need to fret. She aint doing jack for the Asians, the blacks nor the female, they know her agenda. Why? IMO- 'Cause Anyone running as a Democrat/Republican are complicit. So No offense to you as a banking official. I dont see bankers solely- some say wealthy families, some same illuminati. I view the powers that run the world like dark matter or gravity. We can't see it directly but we see its effect in the universe.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 04-14-2021 at 11:19 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Just dawned on me...

    To present my facts in a chronological time frame being specific- McCain's spokesperson that rewrote the history of how Palin's bridge was never her idea and John always respected her- gets its roots from Bill Krystal.

    He was the 1st to mention her as a V.P. Pick based on Heritage Foundation, to the Weekly Standard. They knew how to pick names that garnered respect from their biggest base: evangelicals & the audience of white, I mean right wing media.

    I quote"
    ".... more than anyone else —more than John McCain, the candidate who picked her as his running mate, more than Steve Schmidt, the adviser who urged McCain to do it — Kristol is credited with launching Palin's career."

    Bill was at some event- I'm stretching from memory- he reported on one of his weekly reviews how there was new fresh faces to be excited about- he witnessed her screw over the dude who got her in the game in Alaska- by taking the governor's seat from her mentor when she was saddling wasilla alaska with debt. She played the conservative card. The 2nd amendment card. Bill stated some chick had read the playbook and mastered it. She would be a great choice and a soon to be up n commer.

    I can find it if need, hopefullhy the link provided gives solace to accept that Palin was too dumb to be anyone's pick. She was fabricated right out of the right wing think tanks.
    A carriacture of a supposed great American Gosh- jee wolly' talking Female that would be sold as an American hockey mom.
    Skip the fact she was loathed by the hockey parents who called her often tardy and incompetent...Bill K. Knew!

    By the the time people would learn the truth- she'd be in some office.
    John won the nominee by doing one thing: He out lasted

    Tommy Thompson the- 'I said hell NO! to everybody' candidate
    Rudy Guiliani the 'I spent the most millions in history to win 1 delegate' candidate
    Fred Thompson 'the last to get in the race and 1st to exit it' candidate
    Duncan Hunter the 'who the hell is this guy' candidate
    Alan keys 'the house negro' candidate
    Ron Paul the only candidate FOX news talked shit about constantly- claimed he belonged on the other stage & other right wingers followed suit.

    & finally the candidate all of hate radio endorsed aka Romney

    here is a skit- shown by the hypocritcal FOX panel that derides McCain, derides late night show SNL--YET when he got the nominee they found themselves talking of how funny he was- also note that the skit with Tina Fey- he endorses McCain Fine Gold...sounds like Feingold another Jewish Democrat he worked with. letting you know he didn WANT Palin LMAO!!!

    He was told wanna win? Drop the Jew, Drop Democrats and choose a golly-jee-shux talking dingbat for a candidate. The people they seek will love her & the powers that be can rest well at night knowing she isn't intelligent enough to know how to fight for the people!

    John did NOT choose her, he was given her as an option over Romney, he acquiesced.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Joe Biden did not choose Kamala Harris.

    After he got his arse handed & had no endorsement from Obama, none from the DNC, none from the liberal talkshows that ranted over Sanders or Warren

    It was- the Democratic voters that decided they wanted nothing to do with Harris (many blacks saw her as criminalizing her own people)

    Democrats of all races wanted nothing to do with Corey Booker who had just got outed for having his biggest fundraiser done by the Trump/Kushners

    After The DNC marginalized Sanders in 2016, they did it to Andrew Chang in few could identify his positions accept that stipend which many didnt like.
    I considered voting for him

    They saw Gabbard as a razor-toothed female Tyrannosaurs con-serving narrator masquerading as a Democrat by gladly telling Fox News, her own party is attempting to “undermine the rights and freedoms” guaranteed under the Constitution. the real “domestic enemies” At that point her high rising stock fell like Bush jr economy from 07- great to 08, OMG!
    Rep. Tulsi Gabbard: The Democrat that Republicans love and the DNC can’t control

    The gay machine in USA thought they could push a pro gay candidate- Why not push Pete Buttigieg as a worthy candidate- that just happens to be gay? Naw, they had to push the envelope and proclaim- its time for a gay president. We see how that turned out.

    Delany, Castro, O'Rourke , Steyer were just names with no faces, no agenda that stood out.
    Klobuchar, Gillibrand couldnt place themselves as the first female nothing, Hillary hogged that one up...none of them presented IMO a dang, darn tootin of a different agenda than the next Democrat.

    They were seen as generic, while Joe was seen as a geriatric.

    When the smoke decipated & warren licked her sorry I claimed Indian status wounds, Booker & Harris looking like RINOs in Democratic name...after Bloomberg waited too late & got labeled as trying to buy the election...guess who was still standing?
    The dude who was the last candidate that charmalgen the god brought on, he even had Andrew Chang on before sleepy who was standing last?

    African Americans found their uniter- Clyburn. He told Joe the gameplan & where it would begin- if he wanted the black vote.
    & Along with the Asian vote 63-31, Biden began to gain traction.
    Like a boxer getting routed in the 1st 7 or 8 rounds, he stopped listening to his trainer, found someone else (Clyburn) giving instructions from ringside & when he did that?
    He got the vote and honored his word and accepted their choice of Harris.
    The powers that be couldn't care less, cause they know more about her than she know about herself.
    That is all!
    For now.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Big business run politics
    Or I could've just said the above.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    According to Credit Suisse, other investors in the funds "suffered no loss as a result of these relationships" between Greensill and Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank. Plus, it is Sanjeev Gupta's fault for the insolvency of Greensill. It was GFG Alliance's fault.

    Cameron had an unpaid position with BaFin.
    It was Rishi Sunak's fault.

    Johnson has ordered an investigaion already into Greensill and Cameron.

    And let's not forget that Tokyo Marine fucked over Greensill!

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    According to Credit Suisse, other investors in the funds "suffered no loss as a result of these relationships" between Greensill and Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank. Plus, it is Sanjeev Gupta's fault for the insolvency of Greensill. It was GFG Alliance's fault.

    Cameron had an unpaid position with BaFin.
    It was Rishi Sunak's fault.

    Johnson has ordered an investigaion already into Greensill and Cameron.

    And let's not forget that Tokyo Marine fucked over Greensill!

    You are such an ill informed brown nosing moron. You are making excuses for somebody who made the life of millions a misery with his bullshit Austerity whilst pocketing 40 Million quid for himself. Thousands of people are dead because of Johnson and Cameron and here you are without any dog in the fight making excuses for these tossers.

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  13. #28
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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    According to Credit Suisse, other investors in the funds "suffered no loss as a result of these relationships" between Greensill and Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank. Plus, it is Sanjeev Gupta's fault for the insolvency of Greensill. It was GFG Alliance's fault.

    Cameron had an unpaid position with BaFin.
    It was Rishi Sunak's fault.

    Johnson has ordered an investigaion already into Greensill and Cameron.

    And let's not forget that Tokyo Marine fucked over Greensill!

    What the fuck this has to do with Kamala Harris is anyone's guess but just to highlight the inane cap doffing boot licking fuckwittery of that kind of logic.

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    According to Credit Suisse, other investors in the funds "suffered no loss as a result of these relationships" between Greensill and Masayoshi Son, the CEO of Softbank. Plus, it is Sanjeev Gupta's fault for the insolvency of Greensill. It was GFG Alliance's fault.

    Cameron had an unpaid position with BaFin.
    It was Rishi Sunak's fault.

    Johnson has ordered an investigaion already into Greensill and Cameron.

    And let's not forget that Tokyo Marine fucked over Greensill!

    What the fuck this has to do with Kamala Harris is anyone's guess but just to highlight the inane cap doffing boot licking fuckwittery of that kind of logic.

    I can tell by the hair who the blonde dude is-Boris. Not sure of the one circled on top?

    At 1st glance, the way they're all dressed and posing, I thought these guys were the British kiddie-group version of Menudo! I wanted to reply what the F does posting the British menudo fag boyband have fuckwittery to do with Kamala LMAO! My bad!!

    Last edited by SlimTrae; 04-15-2021 at 10:48 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  15. #30
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    Default Re: President Kamala Harris: who will she choose as her VP?

    Menudo...Borris & The BritBad Boys, will never have nothing on Fat Larry's!!

    Aint gonna let you live this one down!!! Smack! Just one kiss and I was out of whack
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 04-15-2021 at 10:55 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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