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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #7201
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    As far as the next election goes:



    If he's still alive in 2024 and not actually locked up, and he'd be able to delay any trial until after the 2024 election, unless Biden wins by huge margins in the half dozen states that will decide the election then Trumpist yes men who will be running the elections by then (see the first link) will throw the election to Trump. The situation is getting worse every day.

  2. #7202
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Trump is slowly losing his grip and influence on the Republican Party. They seem to be getting a back bone.
    I think it gets blocked in the senate though, American politics seems to be set up to get nothing done.
    Unfortunately it will. For the life of me it's beyond comprehension to have that level of disdain and cowardice in refusing to reveal the truths that occurred. Foxes guarding the hen house knowing a bi partisan commission will show many for what they are and what they recklessly encouraged to come to a head. Now you have professional trolls and media influencers like that boulder headed horse face Green raking in millions while actual Conservatives are targeted for daring to take principled stances and speaking truth to power. Trump and his mind set are like festering black mold.

  3. #7203
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I can only imagine the reaction if the Kenyan tyrant had done something like this.

    Imagine what a second Trump term would be like.

  4. #7204
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    I can only imagine the reaction if the Kenyan tyrant had done something like this.

    Imagine what a second Trump term would be like.
    Federal Government at the highest levels obtaining private citizens home and work place communication sources, contacts, dates times etc. Wholly un American. Deep State was never so 'deep' at all turns out.

  5. #7205
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Donald Trump's first National Security Advisor:


    Arizona recount latest. I wish I could paste the whole article as it's behind a paywall (ha found a non paywalled version, good old google). The stuff going on is unbelievable. This bit sums it up though:

    The Senate retained Cyber Ninjas for $150,000 after Fann consulted with other legislators. (She later explained that a forensics firm that worked for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security would have cost $8 million.)

    Here's another story about it. I've got to say I'fascinated by the whole thing:

    I was stunned to see spinning conveyor wheels, whizzing hundreds of ballots past “counters,” who struggled to mark, on a tally sheet, each voter’s selection for the presidential and Senate races. They had only a few seconds to record what they saw. Occasionally, I saw a counter look up, realize they missed a ballot and then grab the wheel to stop it. This process sets them up to make so many mistakes, I kept thinking. Humans are terrible at tedious, repetitive tasks; we’re especially bad at counting. That’s why, in all the other audits I’ve seen, bipartisan teams follow a tallying method that allows for careful review and inspection of each ballot, followed by a verification process. I’d never seen an audit use contraptions to speed up the process.

    Speed doesn’t necessarily pose a problem if the audit has a process for catching and correcting mistakes. But it didn’t. Each table had three volunteers tallying the ballots, and their tally sheets were considered “done” as long as two of the three tallies matched, and the third was off by no more than two ballots. The volunteers only recounted if their tally sheets had three or more errors - a threshold they stuck to, no matter how many ballots a stack contained, whether it was 50 or 100. This allowed for a shocking amount of error. Some table managers told the counters to go back and recount when there were too many errors; other table managers just instructed the counters to fix their “math mistakes.” At no point did anyone track how many ballots they were processing at their station, to ensure that none got added or lost during handling.


    But procedures should never change in the middle of an audit. Here, they did, and not just a couple of times, but almost daily. The training for volunteers also evolved. When I asked my designated auditor about these shifting guidelines, he called it “process improvement.”

    What I saw in Arizona shook me. If the process wraps up and Cyber Ninjas puts together some kind of report, that report will almost certainly claim that there were issues with Maricopa County’s ballots. After all, Cyber Ninjas chief executive Doug Logan has publicly voiced his wild conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. But the real problem is the so-called audit itself.

  6. #7206
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Not Trump related but this isn't worth its own thread so I'm dumping it in here.

    The Jewish space laser lady who's making all the headlines recently. I just worked out what she looks like. I'm sure she's got some Native American blood in her. Have a look at the photograph at the link. Her face is very masculine Native American, wouldn't you say?

  7. #7207
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Trump is slowly losing his grip and influence on the Republican Party. They seem to be getting a back bone.

    I think you & @Kirkland Laing are both right!
    Trump is slowly losing his grip on those who refused to play- Liz Cheney comes to mind.
    But those who swore loyalty to Trump- his grip is tighter than G.I. Joe's Kung Fu Grip.
    Know for sure! There is an internal battle for the republican party.

    IMO once Allen Weisselberg is deep into the line of questioning for Ivanka Trump who is playing the I didnt know him during Daddy's or grandad's tenure- role? That is when we should see exactly how deep the hate is for Republicans vs Trumplicans.

    Princess Ivanka will bring in the donaldict calvarly.
    And no matter how far Rudy G may go to turn on Don (if he does) I predict it wont matter because they turned him into such a trick of the system they will use Rudy against rudy to prove, he is too stupid to be taken seriously. So no different than Michael Cohen- a corrupt man that Trump had no clue they could be that way- so he could do time like Cohen and none will care under the Trumplican Demon-train.

    Dick Cheney is trying to do it under cover...getting others to write letters, tells me how powerful Don is in the minds of his worshippers that Dick wont even stand up to a microphone & speak.
    He wont write an article-with his name.
    He wont do a blog. Not a single interview...and if so, who will allow it and face consequences? Damn sure not OAN.
    FOX is all but a psycho reality show.
    This is pure cowardice. He understands there is NO republican party anymore. There is no love for Reagan, none.
    So who will do the bidding for the neocon branch of the Republican party to take it off course fron the WeWorshipTrump Party?

    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Trump is slowly losing his grip and influence on the Republican Party. They seem to be getting a back bone.
    I think it gets blocked in the senate though, American politics seems to be set up to get nothing done.
    I think that was always the means. Whoever ran the show from 1776-until constitution have been so blotted out from history we don't really know how the colonists wanted to run their country because the winners of war made sure we begin our precise understanding from 1790ish on. Not `1776.

    They ensured we would have a british-styled cancelling of policies tory or labor.

    aka one party constantly cancelling out the other party.
    The Federalists were a pro-British party
    The Democratic Republicans were a pro-French party.

    who the fuck is for a style of government in which they wage war with?
    With the constant theme :2 party system. emphasis on if to state there can never be, should never be a 3, 4 or 5 party system or worse!!!

    There is no need for a political party.
    Common people under Articles of Confederation have ther history so hard to find, so I am under the impression
    1. Political factions or parties began to form during the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787

    It was (initially) interstate driven. They wanted more or less to be their own nation/state. Noway do the powers want to try to get 13 state governments, 13 central banks, that would take decades!
    Got to convince them one nation, and then add a bank you cant fuck with. Add a mercantile system where we can wage insider trading aka stockjobbers-& unlike the articles of confederation, we need a document to identify our product: 3/5 slaves clause to let ya know constitution is PRO SLAVERY!!!

    Whereas under the articles of confederation the Territorial Governance Act drafted by Jefferson and ratified by Congress in 1784 outlawed new slaves states......... only to be defeated by the racists within the colonies.

    By years' end it was about ratifying the articles of confederation
    By one year past, abolitionists walked away claiming there was no intent to ratify the articles, but rather scratch them and write a policy that is PRO BRITIAN & Anti France- regardless that France helped the colonies win the war.

    Why fight to get independence from Britain, then seek to develop a government like it?
    Something's afoot!

    By 1800, they were so punked they changed their name from Federalists to Nationalists.
    Once again they changed their name this time using patriotism....we are the WHIGS.
    The whig party so horrible, that when Andrew Jackson officially got the Democratic Party going...these were the agrarians (farmers) the yeomen (trade) by his 2nd tenure he won 15 out of 16 states. That means the entire country was Democrats!

    And because the Federalists/Nationalists/Whig/banker/corporate party had initial control they used a term to hide their dictatorship IMO by calling it the Organic Act.

    What that means to me- is timewise 1828 to 1848 America had access to as far as state line of Minnesota/Wisconsin or the midwest.
    In 1828 it was called territory-not a state so no one could run for office, one had to be selected to be governor. aka Organic Act- that names land as territory to be assigned, not electable positions for common man. Thus reason why Jackson only had 16 states to vie for in 1828. 50 years after the revolution and they gained just 3 states?

    Yet 1848 Wisconsins became just that- a state. 32nd in other words over 16 states came to be under Democratic rule. vs 3 under Alex Hamilton's Federalists.

    By 1850...the whig party aka Freddy Krueger of politics rose again, this time they funded democratic politicians and when abolitionists, freed man (whites)
    as blacks were called slaves or ex slaves, not freed...and a 3rd demographic showed up aka banksters, tricksters whigs...showed up and from the inception -Republican Party had whigs embedded like bedbugs in a new mattress.

    Roaches in a grocery bag waiting to be delivered to your new home! In ther words, when Stephen Douglas ran against Abraham Lincoln...they were both funded by whig backers.

    So who gave a damn on which party would win the 1860 election, when both front runners were subisdized & basically sanctioned by the money barrons who funded the nationalists, and before that the federalists.
    The dudes who were NOT poor- deciding to kick the british tea overboard..,,as if that wasn't a means to say- what we gotta do to get a war going on here!?

    And since then, no matter what grassroots party begins...the money barrons, private families, illuminati, whoever they are....have been successful at making America and the rest of the so called democratic societies think
    1. Every nations needs partisan parties
    2 They must be 2.... to cancel each other out!!!!

    Give a man land -regardless of color and he will show his worth.
    Take a man's land and watch him beg for a job.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  8. #7208
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The Republican Governors Association on Tuesday threw out Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow and a top Trump ally, after he showed up to its spring conference in Tennessee, he told POLITICO in an interview.

    and a democrat was thrown out by republicans as well-

    Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D) was "stripped" of her ability to "defend election lawsuits" by the state's Republican-led House Appropriations Committee,

    Trumplicans are kicking out democrats, republicans, conservatives.
    Only loyalists need apply or face the wrath of Donnies' demons.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 05-26-2021 at 01:45 PM.
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  9. #7209
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I would love to see what Sean Hannity would do if Dick Cheney wants to get him some me-time. Limbaugh was probably content knowing he was witnessing the death of his own party via implosion.

    Now we dont get to see who would Rush choose. After he chose Ted Cruz, then dumped him for Paul Ryan. Then dumped him for a man he stated Was not a conservative: Donaldict Arnold, the greatest demonic force on the entire Northern American Continent.
    Cheney came up with idea of Defense secretaries letter, says fellow ex-chief

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney came up with the idea for nearly a dozen former Pentagon chiefs to write an opinion piece urging current Defense Department officials to stay out of President Trump's bid to overturn the results of the presidential election, according to one signatory.

    How did right wing keep this so quiet? Are they suggesting they have no issues with cancel culture? sounds like a sitcom: Cancelling Cheney

    Typed in every right wing site I could...and closest to report on him was:

    It appears that the former “Worst Leaders of All-time” are having to step up against the current “Worst Leaders of All-time,” to save our democracy.

    This is where we are right now.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 05-26-2021 at 02:04 PM.
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  10. #7210
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    Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene compared face mask rule to Jews facing the Holocaust

    Just think ...American Republicans dont have to be murdured in gas chambers to understand the holocaust- just wait until Donaldict's facemask mandate is turned over to democrats....and now they know the pain of the Jews.

    They, alone.
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  11. #7211
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    How is it possible to have a website for free speech, then use it to cry one has no free speech?

    Why must liberals provide all the tek goodies, pcs, websites, blogs, forums? Gates, Jobs are liberals, so conservatives can't make their own?

    Where is YOUR free speech at on Donnie's website? He stated:
    Big Tech is actively silencing conservative voices and Building Walls around the modern town square.

    How is it possible to be in love with capitalism then hate it, in the form of big tech? Is big tech demonic? hateful of Jesus? How did they become the culprit?

    No one has taken the bigots speech away at saddo they just stopped showing up. Must be a hard time to waddle through their own verbal feces.

    i still wonder why Don's website doesnt have at least 35 out of those 75 million we were told denied their freedom.
    why isnt there millions hollering that old negro spiritual, FREE AT LAST, THANK TRUMP ALMIGHTY...WE GOT 45POTUS.COM & WE FREE AT LAST!!
    Not even one million? Ya got nothing from his as POTUS and nothing from him for your freedom's sake on his website.

    and why dont they care- that there is NO place for them to post, blog, just a place to give him their info.

    Pimpin' Don. One of a kind.
    I dont mind, saying he knew the time.
    The time that showed division.
    He hit ya'll like a head on collision
    All Bullshit, but with precision.
    Republiucans-It is time to make a decision.

    Do you love Donald more than you love your own country?
    Do you hate Democrats more than you hate the fact that every nation has a duration.
    'tiktok tiktok.
    Republicans it is time to make a decision.

    Or witness our country fall into history's waste bin

    America The Great Has Fallen.

    And she can't get up.

    Thats the new tiktok, tiktok time to make that decision...
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  12. #7212
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Not sure if this was covered -

    Arizona Audit has proven no different than those 60 court cases presented- losses determined by republicans, well same again!

    The analysis was based on the "cast-vote record" of every vote on every ballot in the two counties, -Donaldickticus losermus loss by 11,000 according to The analysis from Maricopa and Pima Counties claimed the Cyberninja team was put together for the purpose of not using the data available, but trying to create a system in which has to be secretive.

    Nevertheless, when ," Benny White, a former military and commercial pilot went through all the ballots, there was a stark trend leading to a number he wants Americans to know: 75,000

    He, his team and now both counties are awaiting cyberninja to chime on the fact that those 2 counties claim out of 75,000 votes that were UP & DOWN for ALL Republicans....BUT ONE position:

    75,000 in those counties voted for Republicans--UNTIL they got to the vote for President.
    Less than a few thousand voted Biden. Over 70,000 did NOT VOTE for POTUS in 2020
    Arizona Analysis Shows That Many Republicans Did Not Vote for Trump in 2020


    We were told dead Fidel Castro intervened. Korea sent boats filled with ballots. Then China.
    We were told black people in Georgia, Michagan & Wisconsin voted illegally.

    Yet when Republicans speak (NOT Trump worshippers) they recounted as asked & found more votes for Biden in Wisconsin & now we learn 75 thousand Republicans dont have to be asked why they voted Republican for every position but the presidency.
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  13. #7213
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    Hundreds in publishing sign letter objecting to book deals for the Trump administration

    I understand their concern. Yet I would have to say this is the definition of suppression of free speech.
    Not cancelling his youtube, facebook or twitter account- that was businesses telling him to GTFO.

    No one stopped Parler from coming into existance.
    No one stopped NEWSMAX from coming into existance.
    No one stops FIX so-called news from spewing lies taken to court then plead they're just entertainment.
    Below is the letter and those who signed it.

    Just my opinion- I understand they feared the lies to be continued- but hell that is what the law is for: plagerism, intent to impugn one's name.
    Each of these publishers should stay quiet, shut up and on their own merit decide NOT to publish The Chronicle of an American Pimptologist, I mean President.

    By asking the entire industry to stay mum- is suppression of free speech.

    We all love book publishing, but we have to be honest — our country is where it is in part because publishing has chased the money and notoriety of some pretty sketchy people, and has granted those same people both the imprimatur of respectability and a lot of money through sweetheart book deals.

    As members of the writing and publishing community of the United States, we affirm that participation in the administration of Donald Trump must be considered a uniquely mitigating criterion for publishing houses when considering book deals.

    Consequently, we believe: No participant in an administration that caged children, performed involuntary surgeries on captive women, and scoffed at science as millions were infected with a deadly virus should be enriched by the almost rote largesse of a big book deal. And no one who incited, suborned, instigated, or otherwise supported the January 6, 2021 coup attempt should have their philosophies remunerated and disseminated through our beloved publishing houses.

    “Son of Sam” laws exist to prevent criminals from benefiting financially from writing about their crimes. In that spirit, those who enabled, promulgated, and covered up crimes against the American people should not be enriched through the coffers of publishing.

    We are writers, editors, journalists, agents, and professionals in multiple forms of publishing. We believe in the power of words and we are tired of the industry we love enriching the monsters among us, and we will do whatever is in our power to stop it.

    [Authors, editors, agents, and all other publishing professionals in the US may sign the letter here.]

    [Count as of 5/1/21: 638]


    (the link above gives all the names.) So many there isnt enough character space...ya know what? F' it...BRB...
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Part 1 of publishers, writers against Pimpin Don chronicling, peddling his demonism.


    Authors, editors, agents, and all other publishing professionals in the US may sign the letter here.]

    [Count as of 5/1/21: 638]


    Barry Lyga (Author)

    Chris Abouzeid (Co-owner, Belmont Books)

    Alex Acks (Author)

    Kaylan Adair (Executive Editor, Candlewick Press)

    Vikas Adam (Audiobook Narrator (PRH, Macmillan, Audible, Simon & Schuster))

    Alyssa Adamovich (Brilliance Publishing)

    Mari Adkins (writer / editor)

    Dahlia Adler (Author )

    Wajahat Ali (Writer)

    Jenny Allen (Author)

    Adi Alsaid (Writer)

    Suzie Althens (Audiobook narrator)

    Elissa Alves (Literary and Operations Associate, Folio Literary Management)

    Charlie Jane Anders (author, Victories Greater Than Death)

    Kathleen Anderson (President, ANDERSON LITERARY MANAGEMENT LLC)

    Pearse Anderson (Author)

    Sarah M. Anderson (Author)

    Jill Anderson (Author Love Song Graphics)

    Melissa Anelli (Author )

    Elizabeth Anker (Author)

    Mary Anne Hinkle (Author)

    Nicole Aronis (Author)

    Kukuwa Ashun (Editorial Assistant)

    Holly Atkinson (Editor)

    Tanya Avakian (Author)

    Pauline avendano (Author)

    J. Averre (Author)

    Jessica Awad (Media Assistant Editor, W. W. Norton & Company)

    Kim Baccellia-Rapier (Author)

    Morgan Baden (Author)

    Elizabeth Baldwin (ERB Publishing, w/a Elizabeth Essex)

    Dr. Martha Baldwin (Scholar and Author)

    Tracey Baptiste (Author)

    Frank Bardessono (Author)

    Kelly Barnhill (Author)

    Rachel Kempster Barry (Author/Consultant)

    Phoebe Barton (Writer)

    Sophie Bartow (Author)

    Hallie Bateman (Author)

    Emi Battaglia (President Emi Battaglia Public Relations)

    Jessica LeTourneur Bax (Freelance university press & trade copyeditor)

    Melinda Beatty (Author, PRH)

    Mark Richard Beaulieu (Author)

    Rebecca Bednarz (Editor)

    Hayley Behal (Production editor, The History Press)

    Jolanta Benal (freelance copyeditor)

    Karen E. Bender (Author)

    Daphne Benedis-Grab (author, Scholastic)

    Andrew Benge (Author)

    Kat Bennett (Senior Cartographer, Hachette Book Group)

    Kendall Berdinsky (Editorial Assistant)

    Kathi Inman Berens (Associate Professor of Book Publishing, Portland State University)

    Lauren Beukes (Author)

    Bob Bianchini (Senior Designer - Penguin Random House, Author/Illustrator)

    Diana Biller (Writer)

    Jeanne Birdsall (Author)

    Lauren Bittrich (Editorial Assistant, Flatiron Books)

    Jason Black (Developmental Editor)

    Holly Black (Author)

    Stephen Blackmoore (Author)

    Kari Blackmoore (Author)

    Rachel Blaifeder (Editor, Cambridge University Press)

    Alison Block (Marketing Coordinator, Oxford University Press)

    Lesiie Bockol (Author and Editor)

    Sheena Boekweg (Author)

    Gwenda Bond (Author)

    Karyn Bosnak (Author)

    Joanna Bourne (Author)

    Lisa Brackmann (Author)

    Robin Brande (Author)

    Gayle Brandeis (Author)

    Loryn Brantz (Author)

    Scott Brick (Audiobook narrator)

    Daniel Brigman (Author)

    Suzanne Brockmann (Author)

    Megan Broderick (Assistant Editor, Harlequin)

    Sam Brody (Editorial Assistant at Hachette Book Group)

    Aimee Brown (Author)

    Barron Brown (Author)

    Joseph Bruchac (Professional writer and editor)

    Polly Bruno (Author)

    Geri Buckley (Writer)

    Alafair Burke (Author)

    Penelope Burns (Associate Literary Agent, Gelfman Schneider/ICM Partners)

    Aimee Burpee (Associate Registrar, Special Projects)

    Michelle Cacho-Negrete (Author)

    Chelsea M. Cameron (Author)

    Emma Mieko Candon (Editor, Seven Seas; Author)

    Janet Cannon (Author)

    Juliette Capra (Editorial Assistant, Chronicle Books)

    Courtney Carbone (Author/Editor)

    Dee Carney (Author)

    Megan Carr (Senior Sales Support Associate, HarperCollins Publishers)

    Natalie J Case (Author)

    Sona Charaipotra (Author)

    Maxine Charles (editorial assistant, Flatiron Books)

    Mike Chen (Author)

    Alison Cherry (Author, editor)

    Amanda R Cherry (Author)

    Preeti Chhibber (Author)

    Danielle Chiotti (Agent, Upstart Crow Literary)

    Henna Cho (Digital Sales Associate (SImon & Schuster))

    Angelica Chong (Editorial Assistant, Macmillan)

    Cassandra Clare (Writer)

    William Clark (Wm Clark Associates)

    Peter Clines (author)

    Adriana Cloud (Editor)

    Erin Clyburn (The Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency)

    Elizabeth Coale (Bookseller)

    Matthew Cody (Author)

    SueLynn Cole (Author)

    Manda Collins (Author)

    Andrea Colvin (Editorial Director, Hachette Book Group)

    Melanie Conklin (author)

    J Patrick Conlon (Oddity Prodigy Productions)

    D. Robert Cooley (Associate Professor)

    Josh Coom (Porter Square Books )

    M Cooper (None)

    David Cooper (Writer and book critic)

    Melinda R. Cordell (Author, Rosefiend Publishing.)

    Tom Corson-Knowles (CEO of TCK Publishing)

    Tricia Crawford Coscia (Author)

    David Hyde Costello (Author/illustrator )

    Mia Council (Assistant editor, Penguin Random House)

    Jessica Craig (Founder, Craig Literary LLC)

    Sylvan Creekmore (Associate Editor, St. Martin's Publishing Group)

    David Crews Ph.D. (Author)

    Lily Cronig (Editorial Assistant, St. Martin's Press)

    Jesse Vilinsky Crowley (CEO - Jesse Vilinsky VO)

    Alison A Curtin (Baker & Taylor)

    Melissa Cynova (Author)
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Part 2 of publishers, writers against Pimpin Don chronicling, peddling his demonism.

    Michael Moccio (Editor, NBC Universal)

    Tim Mohr (Author)

    Rachel Molland (Associate Publicist, Penguin Random House)

    Sarah Mollo-Christensen (Audiobook Narrator (freelance))

    Andrea Monagle (Copy Editor)

    Andrea Monagle (Copy Editor)

    Devon Monk (Odd House Press)

    Clayton Moore (Reviewer)

    Fernando Morales (Simon & Schuster, Josh Hawley book)

    Dan Moren (Author)

    Rhea Morgan (Editor)

    Christyne Morrell (Author)

    George Morris (Associate Director, Special Markets Sales - Penguin Random House)

    Laurie Morrison (Author)

    Elizabeth Morrow (Thornrose Publishing)

    Norma M Mousseau (Educator)

    Erin Murphy (President, Erin Murphy Literary Agency)

    Nneka Myers (Illustrator)

    Rebecca Naimon (Publishing Operations Assistant (Macmillan))

    Celeste Ng (Author)

    Kelsey Nicholson (Design Assistant)

    Lena Nowak-Laird (Assistant Editor)

    Carrie O'Brien (Accounts Payable Coordinator, Hachette)

    Caitlin O'Connell (Associate Editor)

    George W O'Connor (author, illustaror)

    Hannah O'Grady (Associate Editor, St. Martin's Press)

    Susan Kramer O'Neill (Don't Mean Nothing: Short stories of Viet Nam (current: Serving House Books))

    Ellen Oh (Writer)

    Shannon Okey (Publisher, Cooperative Press)

    Daniel Jose Older (Author )

    Dawn-Marie Oliver (Author)

    Michael M. Jones (Author/ Reviewer (Publishers Weekly))

    Cary G. Osborne (Author)

    Molly Knox Ostertag (Author)

    Margaret Owen (Author)

    Kimi Owens (Consumer Marketing Director (Avalon Travel, Hachette Book Group))

    Tom Paine ("Scar Vegas", Harcourt, author)

    Kirsten Palladino (Equally Wed)

    Veronica Park (Agent, Fuse Literary )

    Elana Roth Parker (Literary Agent, Laura Dail Literary Agency)

    Madison M Parrotta (Senior Volunteer Editor, Includas Publishing)

    Catherine Paul (Author)

    Rebecca Pausley (Librarian in charge of purchasing)

    John Pavlovitz (Author)

    Amy Phillips Penn (Elaine’s. Skyhorse)

    Amy Penn (Author)

    Dr. Gary Percesepe (Author)

    Marlene Perez (Author)

    Joseph Perry (President, Perry Literary, Inc. )

    Jas Perry (Associate Agent, KT Literary, LLC.)

    Vicki Pettersson (author)

    Kiel Phegley (Author, Penguin Random House & Scholastic)

    beth phelan (literary agent at gallt & zacker)

    James Phelan (Author)

    Matthew Phillion (Author)

    Katelyn Phillips (Associate Marketing Manager, OUP)

    Stuart Phillips (Editor in Chief, Causeway Lit.)

    Sandra Phillips (Author)

    Deesha Philyaw (Author)

    Leslie Pietrzyk (Author)

    Sarah Pinsker (Author)

    James Piper (Author)

    Jonas J. Ploeger (owner of Zagava Books)

    Jessica Plummer (Penguin Random House)

    William Plunkett (Sales Coordinator, Simon & Schuster)

    Daniela Plunkett (Edelweiss Manager, Macmillan)

    Chelsea Polk (Novelist)

    Karen Polyak (Author)

    Lorenzo Porricelli (President, Southern California Writers Association; Director, Orange County Screenwriters Association; Publisher, Gun Hill Road Productions)

    Gabrielle Sara Prendergast (Author)

    Daniel Price (Author, Penguin Random House)

    Margi Prideaux (Publisher, Stormbird Press)

    Donna Prinzmetal (Author)

    Nathan Pyritz (Senior Designer, Typesetting Manager, Candlewick Press)

    Sabrina Pyun (Editorial Assistant, Simon and Schuster)

    Mariam Quraishi (Designer, illustrator)

    Molly Rabbitt (Translator (Seven Seas, Denpa, Kodansha))

    Cat Rambo (Author)

    Catherine Ramos (Author)

    Abby Ranger (Abby Ranger Editorial, LLC)

    Anna Ravenelle (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

    Deanna Raybourn (Author)

    Thomas C Raymond (Author)

    Amy Rechner (Author)

    S.G. Redling (Author)

    MK Reed (writer)

    Ruthanne Reid (Author)

    Alex Richards (author )

    Julie A. Richman (Author)

    Jace Ridley (Writer)

    Ronnie Riley (Writer, Creator of #LGBTNPit)

    Julia Rios (Editor, Mermaids Monthly)

    Olivia Ritchie (Managing Editorial Assistant - Simon & Schuster)

    Lilliam Rivera (Author )

    Susan H Robbins (Author- Poet)

    Andrea Robertson (Author)

    Janet R. Robinson (Receiving Inventory Specialist)

    Paula Robinson (Author)

    Marsheila Rockwell (author)

    Matt Roeser (Associate Art Director, Candlewick Press)

    Stephanie Rojas (Publicist, Georgetown University Press)

    Nathalie M.L. Römer (Emerentsia Publications)

    Shelly Romero (Assistant Editor)

    R.M. Romero (Writer)

    April Rondeau (Owner, Ipsum Editorial)

    Christina Rooney (Audiobook Director)

    Ann Rose (Prospect Agency)

    Lev Rosen (author)

    Bev Katz Rosenbaum (Author)

    Charlotte Roth (Sales Associate, Candlewick Press)

    Pratiti Roy (Writer)

    Lauren M. Roy (author and former Hachette Book Group sales rep)

    Elizabeth Rubio (writer and editor)

    Adi Rule (Author)

    Ravina S (Production Designer, Hachette Book Group)

    Stephen Salhany (Serials and Cataloging Librarian)

    Victoria M. Sanchez (Writer )

    Melanie Sanders (Production Editor, Macmillan)

    Shawn Aveningo Sanders (Publisher, The Poetry Box)

    Karen R. Sanderson (Author, “No Boundaries,” Shark Bite Publishing)

    Kathy Sandler (Senior Manager, Penguin Random House)

    Jason Sanford (Author)

    Jerry Sawyer (Author)

    Derek Sayer (Author for Princeton University Press)

    Katie Schenkel (Author)

    Melissa Schirmer (Production Editor)

    Mary Schlesinger (Principal/Owner, Schlesinger Design)

    Tiffany Schmidt (Author)

    Ravina Schneider (Production Designer)

    Ella Schwartz (Author)

    Richard Schweitzer (Author, tindog music & stuff)

    Allison Winn Scotch (Author)

    Brian Scott (Publisher, ExtraCurricular Press)

    Samantha Seaman (Author)

    Lila Selle (Graphic Designer at Hachette)

    Edward Sellner (Author and university professor)

    Stephanie Sendaula (Library Journal)

    Anna Sequoia (Author)

    Andrea Shane (President-Books on Call NYC)

    Jenny Shank (writer, editor, book critic, Mile High MFA faculty)

    Rob Shapiro (President, Chez Piro Productions; Narrator)

    Katrina Shawver (Author)

    Viveca Shearin (Not a Pipe Publishing )

    Jackie Shepherd (Candlewick Press)

    Michael Sherer (Author)

    Fiona Sherlock (Author)

    Amy Sherman (Managing Editor, University of Pittsburgh Press)

    Monica Shields (Author)

    Marshall Scott Shields (Author)

    Anna Sikorska (Senior Designer, HarperCollins)

    Mick Silva (Sr. Acquisitions Editor, Zondervan/HarperCollins)

    Annie Silvestro (Author)

    Sasha Simic (Central Books Ltd - London UK)

    Mira Singer (Senior Editor of Miniver Press)

    Amy Siskind (Author)

    Jon Skovron (Author)

    Katie Slivensky (Children's Author)

    Jane Sloven (Author)

    Carly Smith (Freelance Editor)

    Patricia A Smith (THE YEAR OF NEEDY GIRLS (Kaylie Jones Books))

    David Solomon (Ph.D.)

    Alex Speidel (OPA, Paizo Inc.)

    Mary Sprouse (Author)

    Lindsey Stangl (Marketing Assistant at Oxford University Press)

    Brina Starler (Author)

    Michael Stearns (Founder, Upstart Crow Literary)

    Mato J. Steger (Author)

    Anna Stein (literary agent)

    Josephine Stewart (Freelancer, 15 years)

    Miranda J. Stinson (Assistant, Penguin Random House)

    Angela Stockman (Creating Inclusive Writing Cultures in the K-12 Classroom)

    Rene Stofflett (Author and editor)

    Laura Stolk (Author)

    Julie M. Stone (Author)

    Cassie Stossel (Publicity Manager )

    Jared Stossel (Publicist)

    AdriAnne Strickland (Author)

    Lisa Stringfellow (Author and Educator)

    Linda Sue Park (Author )

    Rachel Sussman (agent and co-founder, Chalberg & Sussman)

    James Sutter (Author)

    Karah Sutton (Author, Penguin Random House)

    Claudia Suzanne (Founder, Wambtac Ghostwriters)

    Bryan Tann (Random Evolved Media)

    August Tarrier (Director)


    Kate Schafer Testerman (Literary Agent and Founder, KT Literary, LLC)

    R J Theodore (Author)

    Andrea Todd (Author)

    Adrian Todd Zuniga (Author)

    Mark Turetsky (Audiobook narrator (S&S, PRH, Harper, Scholastic))

    Jill Twiss (Author)

    John Underwood (Author)

    Diana Urban (Author)

    Nicole Valentine (Author )

    Michele van allen (Michele Van Allen assemblies)

    Greg van Eekhout (Author)

    Heather Van Syckle (Author)

    K.B. Wagers (Author)

    Robert Wakefield (Author The Year Zero Bellissima Publishing)

    Suzanne Walker (Writer/Editor)

    Jonathan Walker (Author)

    Judy Walters (Author)

    Jane Ward (Author)

    Janine G. Webb (Director, Specialty & Gift Sales at Highlights for Children)

    Elizabeth Crowley Webber (Editorial, Design, and Production Manager)

    Christy Webster (Children's Book Writer and Editor)

    Catherine Weening (Production Editor, Scholastic)

    Amy Weingartner (AMDA College of Performing Arts)

    Sarah Weinman (writer)

    Samantha Wekstein (Literary Agent)

    Martha Wells (Author)

    Rebecca Kim Wells (Author)

    Katherine Welsh (Royalties Data Manager, KT Literary, LLC.)

    Chuck Wendig (Author with PRH, S&S, etc)

    Chloe Wertz (University of Pittsburgh Press)

    Jacqueline West (Author)

    Casey Whalen (Director of Sales & Marketing, Anthology Editions)

    Alana Whitman (Author Marketing Manager, Book Highlight)

    Flannery Wiest (Freelance Editor)

    Kimberly Willardson (Vincent Brothers Publishing)

    Lily Williams (Author, Illustrator, books with Macmillan and Bloomsbury)

    Kerigan Williams (writer)

    Daniel Williamson

    Cat Winters (Author)

    John Wiswell (Author)

    Lori Witt (Author)

    Merc Fenn Wolfmoor (Author)

    Jack Womack (Writer)

    Leah Wood (Marketing)

    Katie Wurtzel (Publishing Assistant)

    Stan Yan (Graphic Novelist )

    Lisa Yee (Author)

    Andi Zeisler (Cofounder, Bitch Media)

    Michael Zierler (Editor and Owner, RedOx Scientific Editing)

    Eva Zimmerman ((Publicist, Chronicle Books))

    Samantha Zukergood (Assistant Marketing Manager, Flatiron Books)

    Mary Kay Zuravleff (Author)
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 06-17-2021 at 10:34 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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