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Thread: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

  1. #1
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    Default Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    I think it's high time we had a thread like this. Shame on us for not thinking about it sooner. All the focus is on Trump and Biden. Hogwash. Senators and Representatives deserve some love too.

    So without further ado... here's a thread honoring those brilliant, trustworthy, bastions of leadership that inhabit the halls of Congress today.

    Gives one a "warm and fuzzy" just knowing the future of the country is in their hands.

    Let's kick things off with an article about Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R).

    "Marjorie Taylor Greene Apparently Didn’t Know What The Holocaust Was Until Yesterday"

    Fake claims of fake news aside... this is hugely astounding. Don't you think?

    Hey... before people go jumping all down Ms. Taylor's throat... let it be said that she owned up to her mistake. So let's cut her some slack, shall we?
    I mean... how was she supposed to know the real gravity of the Holocaust without visiting a museum, for crying out loud??
    C'mon. Seriously, folks.

    Ok, ok. Some of you are going to point out that she's a wacko conspiracy theorist and gets into trouble more often than a school yard bully.
    Hey... at least she's not Matt Gaetz. Huh? Huh? Am I right?

    Anyway, we'll talk about Matty later on. There's plenty of Congresspeople worthy of our love and admiration. Curiously, most of them happen to be Republicans. Hmm... why would that be?
    A lot of the credit has to go to Donald Trump... but again... this thread is about Congressmen/women... not Don the Con (another stolen nickname).

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    The worst thing about our government elected officals is how they embraced what common citizens knew nothing about (1776ish) POLIICAL PARTY.

    George Washington is the only dude who did not advocate for a political party. Everyone after him did.
    I am under the impression the 1st (MAJOR) political party was the Federalists. Ironically, these were the dudes in HIS cabinet. The dudes who fought to eliminate the Articles of Confederation, they did NOT want to update it, rather eliminate it and with that came concepts of the need to have a central bank. The need to affix to the new government the same betting system fuckin' over Europe aka mercantile or stock exchange- (Democratic Republicans whom would eventually become the Democratic Party) refered to them as stock jobbers. Meant as an insult to claim they could manipulate via insider trading (way back then)

    The key to that for me is it is nearly impossible to find poor/common people a part of this party. Seems the total opposite; they were elitists, owners of property, well learned.
    Not yeomen (hand by trade like blacksmiths etc)
    Not agrarian (farmers, agricultural)

    To me that means common people were NOT Federalists, why o why then would we side with them or their ideology?

    The Fderalists party appealed to businesses and to conservatives who favored banks, national over state government.
    The Federalists called for fostering friendly relationships with Great Britain- Why? They fight a war to gain independance from Britain at the help of the French. They win, then want to adopt the governing system they killed to free themselves from?

    The anti-federalists weren't a party, rather people who were in opposition to a government that wanted to cede power from the states.

    The Federalists regrouped in the 1800s and renamed themselves The Nationalists- who were for conservatism, banks, stocks.
    The Nationalists came and went and were replaced by the Whigs- who used IMO a bullshit con job-claiming a love of patriotism like their founding fathers who wore whigs...people bought it...then hated it.

    End result- Andrew Jackson predecessor to trailer trash aka wagon trash and the poor people had their last draw- when Jackson lost the election because Clay the banker could give his electoral votes to the dude of his choosing, so when 1828 came..Jackson made sure he had backup and formed officially the Democratic party.

    A Party that could be deemed as the (entire) nation- as he not only won the electoral & popular vote, but as an incumbent won every friggin state but one. That tells me the entire nation were Democrats.

    When he left office, I think there is way too much information to show how the Federalists-who became Nationalists who became Whigs, were now incognito- simply put- they began to subsidize politicians to run as Democrats.

    And by 1854- when the Republican Party was official- they were right there at their birth- infiltrated.

    What this means is the 1860 election was highjacked- Both Democrat Stephen Douglas And Abraham Lincoln were respecters of the Whig agenda.
    They have over 6 debates trying to outwhig each other-
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 06-17-2021 at 07:18 AM.
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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Abe said on slaves- whatever is neccesary to preserve the union.
    Step said on slaves- let the states decide
    Neither guy gave a shit from a moral standpoint.
    Both guys were pro bankers.

    And all of this was forewarned by George Washington in his last speech- it reads like it was written yesterday.
    He cautioned that Political parties leads to loyalty of an ideology which is used to represent patriotism- therefore if one loses office-George said -watch the loser seek to gain office with vengeance in their hearts.
    And that can cause the one who is sought after to unify- as a sole leader-and that sole leader can use the people to further their own ambitions.

    Since then, political parties have divided the people.
    We seem to think we need political parties.
    We don't.
    We didnt need it form the nation.
    We didnt need it under the articles of confederation.
    Why now?

    Because it allows them to identify solutions from an ideology which in turn gives the people a platform- the people dont give the plaftform- they adhere to it.
    And that platform according to GW, allows them to create additional cabinets, positions to fill. And then the people are forced to fund it via taxes.

    We didnt need a department of education, department of foreign affairs, department of interior, etc, etc, this is the result of poitical parties' agenda.

    Now we are a bloated government to which Politicians are no longer the main conduit to push such B.S.
    Somehow via technology- the media as in radio, television impressed the people (liberals & conservatives) to find their truths via Rush Limbaugh,, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper- the people in return -echo those sentiments and politicians as a result respond.

    Think suckers like Ted Cruz how he went from a so called conservative agenda 2010-2016...then all of a sudden he starts accpeting the same shit from Rush's mouth- not correcting talkshow hosts, but appeasing to them.

    China boats stocked with votes (right wing media)
    bamboo in the voting paper (tright wing media)
    Obama aint a U.S. born citizen (right wing media)
    Michelle Obama hates USA, is a monkey in heels (right wing media)
    covid vaccine turns you into a magnet (right wing media)

    children in grade school need to learn their Gay-B-C's (mainstream media)
    children have the right to a sex change (mainstream media)
    Its time to use the Bible to marry gay people (mainstream media)

    And then our politicians run on shit like that.
    Dissolve the Union, deuces.

    Personally, I think we should pay our politicians like we pay Uber/Lyft- pay them after they did the job.
    If we have potholes across the nation- don't pay em.
    "If we have to hear about healthcare, after Bush Jr said he solved it (Medicare part D for elder and HSA for workers) Obama said he solved it (Affordable Healthcare Act) and then Don said day one- he would repeal it, replace it-well that is the job of our legislative branch-

    Paul Ryan stated before he left- Affordable Healthcare Act is the law of the land-
    So we can put a man on the moon a helicopter on Mars, but we cant solve Healthcare over the stretch of 3 going on 4 presidents.
    Not because that is their job- they sign or veto that is all.

    It is the fault of the entire legislative brancgh that now caves in to advice from talkshow hosts, hollywooders and think tanks.
    We follow along.
    Dissolve the Union.
    Imprison Senators & House Rep in the process.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 06-17-2021 at 09:28 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    The Alien and Sedition Acts also exposed John Adams and the Federalists.

    The mothers & fathers of today's republican party (who cry, wimper and holler about suprression of speech) did just that: suppress free speech.

    End result Democratic-Republicans fought it.

    yesterday's republicans were accused of suppressing free speech
    todays Democrats accused of suppressing free speech.

    yesterday's Democrats loved the confederate flag
    today's republicans love the confederate flag.

    yesterday's democrats welcomed white supremacist groups
    today's republicans welcomed white supremacist groups

    1990s democrats fought to stop illegal immigrants
    1990s republicans did not
    today democrats fight on behalf of illegals
    today republicans forgot it was their governors on the border states that allowed the inflow to increase.

    1950s democrats were against abortion (mainly catholics)
    1990s republicans are against abortion (mainly evangelicals)

    Under Obama-Republican politicians loathe eminent domain
    Under Trump- their politicians said nothing when Don sang praises for eminent domain

    Under today's Democratic politicians- deficit soars
    Under today's Republican politiciansdeficit soars

    Under Republican politicians we invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria & murdured a military leader of Iran
    Under Democratic politicians we invaded afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, & murdured the Libyan leader

    Under Democratic politicians- foriegn military bases are everywhere
    Under Republican politicians foriegn military bases are everywhere

    And under both House & Senate-they united to prevent any 3rd party from entering debates- and if the people know this and STILL DON'T CARE? whose to blame?
    We, the people.
    The Constitution makes no mention of political parties
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Abe said on slaves- whatever is neccesary to preserve the union.
    Step said on slaves- let the states decide
    Neither guy gave a shit from a moral standpoint.
    Both guys were pro bankers.

    And all of this was forewarned by George Washington in his last speech- it reads like it was written yesterday.
    He cautioned that Political parties leads to loyalty of an ideology which is used to represent patriotism- therefore if one loses office-George said -watch the loser seek to gain office with vengeance in their hearts.
    And that can cause the one who is sought after to unify- as a sole leader-and that sole leader can use the people to further their own ambitions.

    Since then, political parties have divided the people.
    We seem to think we need political parties.
    We don't.
    We didnt need it form the nation.
    We didnt need it under the articles of confederation.
    Why now?

    Because it allows them to identify solutions from an ideology which in turn gives the people a platform- the people dont give the plaftform- they adhere to it.
    And that platform according to GW, allows them to create additional cabinets, positions to fill. And then the people are forced to fund it via taxes.

    We didnt need a department of education, department of foreign affairs, department of interior, etc, etc, this is the result of poitical parties' agenda.

    Now we are a bloated government to which Politicians are no longer the main conduit to push such B.S.
    Somehow via technology- the media as in radio, television impressed the people (liberals & conservatives) to find their truths via Rush Limbaugh,, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper- the people in return -echo those sentiments and politicians as a result respond.

    Think suckers like Ted Cruz how he went from a so called conservative agenda 2010-2016...then all of a sudden he starts accpeting the same shit from Rush's mouth- not correcting talkshow hosts, but appeasing to them.

    China boats stocked with votes (right wing media)
    bamboo in the voting paper (tright wing media)
    Obama aint a U.S. born citizen (right wing media)
    Michelle Obama hates USA, is a monkey in heels (right wing media)
    covid vaccine turns you into a magnet (right wing media)

    children in grade school need to learn their Gay-B-C's (mainstream media)
    children have the right to a sex change (mainstream media)
    Its time to use the Bible to marry gay people (mainstream media)

    And then our politicians run on shit like that.
    Dissolve the Union, deuces.

    Personally, I think we should pay our politicians like we pay Uber/Lyft- pay them after they did the job.
    If we have potholes across the nation- don't pay em.
    "If we have to hear about healthcare, after Bush Jr said he solved it (Medicare part D for elder and HSA for workers) Obama said he solved it (Affordable Healthcare Act) and then Don said day one- he would repeal it, replace it-well that is the job of our legislative branch-

    Paul Ryan stated before he left- Affordable Healthcare Act is the law of the land-
    So we can put a man on the moon a helicopter on Mars, but we cant solve Healthcare over the stretch of 3 going on 4 presidents.
    Not because that is their job- they sign or veto that is all.

    It is the fault of the entire legislative brancgh that now caves in to advice from talkshow hosts, hollywooders and think tanks.
    We follow along.
    Dissolve the Union.
    Imprison Senators & House Rep in the process.

    We agree on political parties. All they do is provide opposing points of view on a wide range of issues... so that people can robotically latch on to whichever party suits their fancy. It eliminates individual thought. It discourages agreeing on one issue and disagreeing on another. If you're a Republican, you blindly agree with every damn bit of policy they've churned out on every topic imaginable. Democrats, likewise. No room for individual thought. If you disagree on part of the platform... you're branded a traitor and banished from the Party.

    Under the Cheeto-in-Chief (another stolen nickname), this polarization (let's call it what it is) has become even worse. It has driven supposed educated men, like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, to perform the most shameful of flip-flops... where suddenly everything they "stood for" at some point in time, is now wrong... and vice versa. This polarization monster spawned by political parties and now accentuated by Donald Drumpf (I'll keep on stealing) has not only removed most of the gray matter between the ears of many elected government officials... it has also surgically removed backbones. And don't even get me started on the gray matter (or lack thereof) of the legions of voters who will plunge off the nearest available cliff, Pied Piper style, for the braindead, spineless officials they support.

    Which brings me back to the purpose of this thread. It's not just stumbling Biden or the Orange Slug. It's the riffraff that increasingly fills the halls of Congress, a place that used to at least resemble a place of logic... a place of order... a place of equanimity... a place of national pride. There have always been goofballs and outcasts in Congress. But they used to be the exception, rather than the rule. All of a sudden, in comes Diaper Don and all hell has broken loose in Congress. We have to put up with spineless flip-floppers like Cruz and Graham... and human trash like Gaetz and Taylor Greene.

    But back to your point on political parties. No... there is no good reason they should have ever existed. They make people into polarized automatons. Republicans could add "taking a dump on neighbors' lawns" into their platform... and the hats and T-shirts would soon follow. It's all or nothing, no brains required. Check your principles at the door, please.

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Abe said on slaves- whatever is neccesary to preserve the union.
    Step said on slaves- let the states decide
    Neither guy gave a shit from a moral standpoint.
    Both guys were pro bankers.

    And all of this was forewarned by George Washington in his last speech- it reads like it was written yesterday.
    He cautioned that Political parties leads to loyalty of an ideology which is used to represent patriotism- therefore if one loses office-George said -watch the loser seek to gain office with vengeance in their hearts.
    And that can cause the one who is sought after to unify- as a sole leader-and that sole leader can use the people to further their own ambitions.

    Since then, political parties have divided the people.
    We seem to think we need political parties.
    We don't.
    We didnt need it form the nation.
    We didnt need it under the articles of confederation.
    Why now?

    Because it allows them to identify solutions from an ideology which in turn gives the people a platform- the people dont give the plaftform- they adhere to it.
    And that platform according to GW, allows them to create additional cabinets, positions to fill. And then the people are forced to fund it via taxes.

    We didnt need a department of education, department of foreign affairs, department of interior, etc, etc, this is the result of poitical parties' agenda.

    Now we are a bloated government to which Politicians are no longer the main conduit to push such B.S.
    Somehow via technology- the media as in radio, television impressed the people (liberals & conservatives) to find their truths via Rush Limbaugh,, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper- the people in return -echo those sentiments and politicians as a result respond.

    Think suckers like Ted Cruz how he went from a so called conservative agenda 2010-2016...then all of a sudden he starts accpeting the same shit from Rush's mouth- not correcting talkshow hosts, but appeasing to them.

    China boats stocked with votes (right wing media)
    bamboo in the voting paper (tright wing media)
    Obama aint a U.S. born citizen (right wing media)
    Michelle Obama hates USA, is a monkey in heels (right wing media)
    covid vaccine turns you into a magnet (right wing media)

    children in grade school need to learn their Gay-B-C's (mainstream media)
    children have the right to a sex change (mainstream media)
    Its time to use the Bible to marry gay people (mainstream media)

    And then our politicians run on shit like that.
    Dissolve the Union, deuces.

    Personally, I think we should pay our politicians like we pay Uber/Lyft- pay them after they did the job.
    If we have potholes across the nation- don't pay em.
    "If we have to hear about healthcare, after Bush Jr said he solved it (Medicare part D for elder and HSA for workers) Obama said he solved it (Affordable Healthcare Act) and then Don said day one- he would repeal it, replace it-well that is the job of our legislative branch-

    Paul Ryan stated before he left- Affordable Healthcare Act is the law of the land-
    So we can put a man on the moon a helicopter on Mars, but we cant solve Healthcare over the stretch of 3 going on 4 presidents.
    Not because that is their job- they sign or veto that is all.

    It is the fault of the entire legislative brancgh that now caves in to advice from talkshow hosts, hollywooders and think tanks.
    We follow along.
    Dissolve the Union.
    Imprison Senators & House Rep in the process.

    We agree on political parties. All they do is provide opposing points of view on a wide range of issues... so that people can robotically latch on to whichever party suits their fancy. It eliminates individual thought. It discourages agreeing on one issue and disagreeing on another. If you're a Republican, you blindly agree with every damn bit of policy they've churned out on every topic imaginable. Democrats, likewise. No room for individual thought. If you disagree on part of the platform... you're branded a traitor and banished from the Party.

    Under the Cheeto-in-Chief (another stolen nickname), this polarization (let's call it what it is) has become even worse. It has driven supposed educated men, like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, to perform the most shameful of flip-flops... where suddenly everything they "stood for" at some point in time, is now wrong... and vice versa. This polarization monster spawned by political parties and now accentuated by Donald Drumpf (I'll keep on stealing) has not only removed most of the gray matter between the ears of many elected government officials... it has also surgically removed backbones. And don't even get me started on the gray matter (or lack thereof) of the legions of voters who will plunge off the nearest available cliff, Pied Piper style, for the braindead, spineless officials they support.

    Which brings me back to the purpose of this thread. It's not just stumbling Biden or the Orange Slug. It's the riffraff that increasingly fills the halls of Congress, a place that used to at least resemble a place of logic... a place of order... a place of equanimity... a place of national pride. There have always been goofballs and outcasts in Congress. But they used to be the exception, rather than the rule. All of a sudden, in comes Diaper Don and all hell has broken loose in Congress. We have to put up with spineless flip-floppers like Cruz and Graham... and human trash like Gaetz and Taylor Greene.

    But back to your point on political parties. No... there is no good reason they should have ever existed. They make people into polarized automatons. Republicans could add "taking a dump on neighbors' lawns" into their platform... and the hats and T-shirts would soon follow. It's all or nothing, no brains required. Check your principles at the door, please.
    Top Notch Posting!
    Remember when democrats and comedians stated the elections were rigged and republicans called them out for it? How the tables have turned.
    Teach Brother Carlin!!

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Thank you for that vid.

    I think a lot of us miss ol' George and his style. Tell it like it is... no holds barred. We could use a few more George Carlins nowadays, although I'm not sure they'd survive today's upside down, ultra-mega-censoring PC world.

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Pound for pound the biggest idiot in Congress over the last decade or two. I'm not counting fuckers like Gaetz who are just performance artists out to get famous or the Jewish space laser lady who genuinely seems to believe the crazy stuff. I'm looking at pre Trump people and this guy takes some beating.

    The wacky wing of the GOP are now apparently blaming the FBI for January the sixth. It was simultaneously just a bunch of tourists staying between the rope lines, an antifa plot, a legitimate act of protest and an FBI operation.

    The problem with the FBI becoming a right wing boogeyman is that it paves the way for a future GOP cult leader to neuter the FBI, put his own guy in charge and have it act as his personal law enforcement apparatus. When this inevitably happens it will have the enthusiastic support of a critical mass of Republican voters. This demonisation of the FBI is not a sign of a healthy polity or a healthy electorate. The banana republicisation of America is happening right in front of our eyes.

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    Pound for pound the biggest idiot -- the Jewish space laser lady who genuinely seems to believe the crazy stuff. I'm looking at pre Trump people and this guy takes some beating.

    Jewish Space lady LOL! has a lot of competition for P4P Biggest female idiot...I am sure Republican men love the choices they got for women politicians, leaders.

    'I Was Allowed To Believe Things That Weren't True'
    --Marjorie- 'no reasonable person would believe what I said' Green

    or hiring a chick to head education- who had nothing close to experience needed...decided to quit the end of his presidency, why o why not ride out the last few weeks?

    Or Michelle "we have seen an orgy' bachman
    gay and lesbian lifestyle is personal bondage

    Lexington Concord, Newhampshire? asks a stumped Wallace- she responded- she was using an obama teleprompter. I get it, not like she can use her brain.

    She did a like to post that reccomended a bullet to the head of democrats.

    or that loud mouth- raise ya voice till ya yelling your speech Kimbery Goodgrief Guifoyle

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Let's not forget the kind of black women they prefer to listen to, no need to listen to a graduate like Michelle Obama, so let women with long ass ghetto fingernails, hair doo'd all up speaking in str8 ebonics

    hey ya'll...mmmm girl, sho nuff.

    2017...they said he's gonna build that know the wall that began under Bush Jr, continued under Obama, then stalled from 2017-2019...where they did a rush job to replace walls, that got blown over by wind...yup, these are the women of the Republican Party.

    Or why not Omarosa -claim to fame =reality show and a book called how to turn off and on the BITCH SWITCH. Sounds like republican christian material huh?

    Speaking of Christ...let us end this with a Republican pastor telling women- they need to look like a trophy wife. aka Melania..skip the fact of plastic surgery

    Praise the lord, this is how a christ like woman dresses & behaves...

    I mean Republican women aren't lesbians...they just like doing photoshoots looking like lesbos..

    And after they shit-talk dudes who dress like women, get sex change operations...they call it a liberal culture..and to show their disdain? FOX invited a dude who became a female...gave her/him/it an ovation.

    Who would have thought these are the women Republicans prefer, an olympian dude who got a sex change in his midlife years....

    Stiff competition for the best female role model for the Republican Party.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 06-18-2021 at 06:58 AM.
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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    @Kirkland Laing Top that!
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Here's to elected government officials in the U.S.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    And after they shit-talk dudes who dress like women, get sex change operations...they call it a liberal culture..and to show their disdain? FOX invited a dude who became a female...gave her/him/it an ovation.

    Who would have thought these are the women Republicans prefer, an olympian dude who got a sex change in his midlife years....

    Stiff competition for the best female role model for the Republican Party.

    Jenner should certainly feel at home in the three-ring circus that is the Republican Party nowadays.

    However... the jury's out on whether or not Jenner (cannot bring myself to use a pronoun here) is currently able to provide "stiff" competition.

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