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Thread: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

  1. #571
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    To be perfectly honest, I couldn't give less of a flying fuck what TIC or any other COVID denier wants to believe, as long as they don't pose a threat to me, or to anyone I care about.

    And let's be clear... there's ZERO chance of that ever happening... so there's that.

    HOWEVER... this IS something to worry about. "Health workers get panic buttons as COVID deniers get violent"

    THAT... is not acceptable.

    COVID deniers can go fuck themselves and have a great big gang-bang party for all many of us care.

    But when they start infringing on the rights, beliefs, and health of those of us who DO believe that COVID exists.... that's where the line should be drawn.

    "Panic buttons"?? More like tasers, batons, and pepper spray if you ask me.

    Health workers have enough on their plate to also ask them to contend with fucking idiots who are bent on forcing their convoluted fantasies on the rest of the world.

    Deniers should be glad I'm not a health worker.

    Fuck 'em.

  2. #572
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    To be perfectly honest, I couldn't give less of a flying fuck what TIC or any other COVID denier wants to believe, as long as they don't pose a threat to me, or to anyone I care about.

    And let's be clear... there's ZERO chance of that ever happening... so there's that.

    HOWEVER... this IS something to worry about. "Health workers get panic buttons as COVID deniers get violent"

    THAT... is not acceptable.

    COVID deniers can go fuck themselves and have a great big gang-bang party for all many of us care.

    But when they start infringing on the rights, beliefs, and health of those of us who DO believe that COVID exists.... that's where the line should be drawn.

    "Panic buttons"?? More like tasers, batons, and pepper spray if you ask me.

    Health workers have enough on their plate to also ask them to contend with fucking idiots who are bent on forcing their convoluted fantasies on the rest of the world.

    Deniers should be glad I'm not a health worker.

    Fuck 'em.
    you & i agree that other peoples beliefs shouldn't infringe on the rights of others. but you are happy for the rights to be infringed
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

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    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

  4. #574
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    the whistle blower seems like an inside plant to increase censorship
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  5. #575
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    @Beanz @Master @TitoFan

    Do you guys have knowledge of family members who dealt with TB?

    I was watching an Eddie Murphy inteview where he stated his mom had Tuberculoisis and had to stay at some place- I remembered my mom saying that about her dad- my grandfather.

    I just read something about Europe that had Tuberculosis sanatoriums?

    The article finished by stating - Western nations failed to build a health infrastructure that could effectively combat the infectious diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries.

    What I gather so far is
    1. TB was not used as a tool of the other party.
    2. USA caught dealth with TB but for some reason decided not to go that route..(prepare) like my job last night we had DR aka Disaster recovery- where we go through the motions of - if servers stop, backups fail,lost aka contingency plan

    that means IMO'
    3. Our leaders let us down by refusing to prepare for the next great pandemic. I am aware some of it was stopped by Trump admin but I dont know the extent.

    when I read the following:

    July 18, 1921, the first infant was inoculated with a live bovine strain of bacteria (Mycobacterium bovis). His mother had died from an infection with the closely related human pathogen M. tuberculosis. Nowadays, BCG is given to more than 100 million babies each year

    I consider had Trump been president back then- Rush Limabugh Alex Jones & the hatemob in jesus' name existed...and the above was done via democratic president...I think titofan, Slimtrae none of us on this part of the earth might be here today.

    He would've murdered the nation in the name of staying in office...his cult worshippers would hollar in 1920s...I'll be damn if I give my baby some of that liberal mark of the beast stuff.

    His supporters have become blood thirsty western demonic jihadists. They proclaim holy war...and damn..that isnt even in the bible!!!

    So when I read about them getting violent over vaccines? kicking the dog shit out of disabled people greeting people at a friggin walmart with a request to wear a mask free of charge?

    Look at this sick-minded male who is probably somebody's grandpa pushing his way in....the dude could have knocked that old man out & given him more brain damage than rightwing hate media has done for his poor- but condemnable soul. So he had to control himself because a donaldict-addict can't control themselves. Donaldict Arnold controls them & decides for them.

    The people who are forcing the hosptials for panic buttons are but one faction. Hateful, spiteful.... But plentiful and stocked with armories they call basements. They are willing to kill people- relabel their murders as merely enforcing their 2nd amendment right... then sit at the dinner table with a big ass ham in the middle & pray in the name of a Jewish Man Named Jesus...
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 10-07-2021 at 11:08 AM.
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  6. #576
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    To Trump supporters: Don't let the liberals deter you. meet each other indoors. No masks & Be sure to breathe on each other.
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  7. #577
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    I know someone who had TB, he was given medication/injections/tablets think they were antibiotics after a short stay at the hospital. He is OK now.

    Another person who was suffering from Leukaemia had it too but she passed away. She was very unwell when she had it.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  8. #578
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Finally after stating they couldn't bring forth cyber nutjobbers...I mean ninjas effort because the main dude was suffering from covid.

    No big deal -all that wait produced the same results
    Amazing that the people who claimed covid was a liberal hoax - were ok with this dude stating he cant tell U Don lost right now...cause he is suffering from what you claimed was just the common cold

    and we know what people deserve for stating dumb deloise really did lose....
    death threats of course!

    "It found no hard evidence of substantial fraud and, in fact, awarded Joe Biden 99 more votes and Trump 261 fewer votes," Kurtz reported.

    None of them are angry at cyberninjas? Just those who reported cyberninja results: more for Joe, less for Don. had Don not lied about covid last year- I think he would have still won.

    Which is worse- losing in 2008 to a black kenyan
    or evangelical conservatives losing to his VP...even Obama once stated- "never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up"

    He could have screwed up SO much,.. but since he has been killing them in the name of covid...the hardest hit states turned red to blue.
    Damn Don lost to Joe.
    But Joe has to carry the death banner of new liberal world order Mike Pompeo sold to the United Nations.
    You killed yourself in the name of partisan politics.
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  9. #579
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    She stated last year- SHE HOPED TO GET COVID ” just to prove she’d had “bouts of food poisoning that are more serious and life threatening than a hyped up virus.”
    “Have you ever eaten bad fajitas? That will kill you faster than COVID,”


    Right-wing activist Laura Loomer confirmed this week she has COVID-19 and the symptoms have been “brutal.” In the past, she expressed an interest in contracting the virus so she could prove it’s no worse than food poisoning.

    “Just pray for me please,” she wrote on Gettr, a social media platform launched by Jason Miller, a former spokesperson for Donald Trump. “Can’t even begin to explain how brutal the body aches and nausea that come with covid are. I am in so much pain. This is honestly the worst part about it.”

    Why should anyone pray for a person to be relieved of what they hoped for?
    She was listening to Don and the hate minions. The greatest villains the world will ever know- trumpaholics.
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  10. #580
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    It’s a “scam-demic. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading infectious disease expert, is a “power-tripping lying freak,”
    -- Dick Farrel Newsmax

    Then the tune changed. when he caught something.

    call it covid
    call it a disease
    call it the cost of voting for a demon named donnie...

    The name is irrelevant
    What is relevant is how many people around the planet are dying from similar symptoms... we all know it exists...except in USA a faction of hardlined western jihadists unworthy of the stewarship of the south their parents were the racist dixicrats of the 1960s... the klan of the 1900s...they followed guys like Dick Farrel- who they called the other rush Limbaugh...but wait!!!!! Once he caught it.....he stated-- “Get the vax,”

    well now he knows and now he is deceased.

    “Covid took one of my best friends!” wrote a grieving Amy Keigh Hair on Facebook after his death last Wednesday. “RIP Dick Farrel. He is the reason I took the shot!

    “He was known as the other Rush Limbaugh,” his partner, Kit Farley, wrote in a now-private post obtained by Deadline.

    As recently as June, though, Farrel was calling pro-vaccination people “power trip libb loons” and urged people not to get the shots.

    Both friends quoted in the above got vaccines.
    Now watch their ratings fall because that is how loyal donnie's demons are.
    I am not promoting the vaccine nor am I calling it the mark of the beast.
    I am simply calling out those whose initially felt the best resolve about covid- was entrusted to the Commander In Chief. (ALONE)
    Your loyalty to him has caused you death.
    and your death now plagues the world and we have to suffer this dreadful virus because your loyalty to don was and still is unwaivering.
    He came in God's name.
    Called himself the chosen one---while looking up into the sky.

    Your bible told you- before the would come ahead..of him. offering peace & deceiving the elite into thinking the world is great place now that HE has come. Did Obama do that? Nope. You called it a bad day for he Obama never qualified according to what exegesis taught you to look out for.

    AND HELL would follow aka plagues...we have never had to deal with viruses in which we all knew the names of their strains..or have we...look at the hell this earth is under since Don.
    alphaq, gamma, delta, delta+, lambda...damn!!!!
    May the God of this Universe give to all of you who voted for him that which is just.
    A triple portion's worth.

    5th Anti-Vax Right-Wing Radio Host Dies Of COVID-19 In The Past 6 Weeks
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  11. #581
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Bob Enyart died. His death was announced in a Facebook post that claims Enyart “lost his battle with Covid.”

    But one of the things that was very clear about Enyart was how against mask mandates he was in addition to his opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine.

    Interesting how in the past 2 years or less, the people who came in God's name are the ones leaving this earth under similar circumstances. Taking away all of the decieved peoples' leaders, talkshow hosts, forcing the people who claim they follow God to reaccess themselves...without the aid of a hate radio disc jockey.
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  12. #582
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Marc Bernier

    Florida Anti-Vaxxer Who Dubbed Himself ‘Mr. Anti-Vax’ Dies of COVID-19
    Florida DJ Marc Bernier reportedly refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19. On Saturday, he died duer to COVID.

    He had many many listeners. Once upon a time radio was for music, newscast top of the hour, But in USA? Dj's who ascribe to right wingism in the name of conservatism are the scribes and griots of our day. They are even praised and prayed for on their radio broadcasts.

    As Rudy stated....just a few days ago his sources was social media...something huh...when social platforms are the basis for claiming vote fraud.
    And a god-damnable disc jockey is the one to tune in for health & wellness aka covid virus-listen to the DJ.
    Damn if U dont want to take the vaccine- it is one's right!
    But to learn where the majority of Republican voters get their information from....again DJ's & talkshow hosts rule republicans in America.
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  13. #583
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    When my people sang last night a DJ saved my life...we were talking about dancing...let our troubles go, no drugs, no sorrow on ya boy/girl/ donald trump, no false gods, just get on up -----to get on down!!!

    When Trump supporters say a DJ saved their lives...they mean that bullstuff for real!!! Damn...DJ's dictate to them on ALL affairs of life!!!

    So much so! that if a politician is being talked about on any given day? they will call into to explain themselves....Dick Cheney did that to Disc Jockey Limbaugh in like 2004 or so...
    The Vice President called into a talk show because the people were in agreement with Rush...maybe Cheney isnt what we thought he was...that is an elohim (source of power)

    DJ saves the lives of White America!!! They proclaim: vote Republican---even if he was a lifetime democrat whose only political friendships were of the Clintons

    That's a DJ who destroyed your lives....
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  14. #584
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    Anti-Vaxxing Capitol Riot Lawyer Who Defended Kyle Rittenhouse Is In Grave Condition With COVID-19

    Source: EMILY KASK / Getty

    Meet right-wing attorney John Pierce.

    Pierce—a lawyer who once represented Kenosha shooter and conservative sweetheart, Kyle Rittenhouse, and is now representing 17 members of the Jan. 6, whiney white people rebellion…sorry, the Capitol riot—is a staunch conservative who, for months, had been using his Twitter account as a hub for anti-vaccine nonsense. Now, he’s a COVID-19 carrier who is hospitalized and on a ventilator, according to one of his colleagues.

    Newsweek reported that on Wednesday, Pierce was due in court for a hearing for alleged Capitol rioter Shane Jenkins. When he didn’t show up, Pierce’s legal partner, Ryan Marshall told the judge, “Mr. Pierce is in the hospital, we believe, with COVID-19, on a ventilator, non-responsive.”
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  15. #585
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    Default Re: Who’s had the vaccine ? Side effects ?

    “This whole thing is just beyond ridiculous at this point. Take your mask off and live your life. We are Americans. I can’t even believe this has to be said. If you want to do something about COVID, tell your Congressman to man up and declare war on the [Chinese Community Party].”
    --John Pierce before passing.
    Laila All-lies

    claims: “They know it was created to harm humanity.”

    Was it? Was it created to harm? Was it created to find solution for one thing then something else occurred? Was it asleep in some hunk of ice that thawed from tens of thousands of years ago?

    How did it make it to India to become delta + or to Peru to become lambda? Makes it to a coronavirus dream vacation spot- non-masked, anti-vaccine ham sandwich eating' whiskey drinking Trumptards.....and not a damn new strain? I find that puzzling!
    One would think Texas could say...welcome to TEXAS home of the multivirus capital of the world...but that isnt happening either.'

    Laila is against the vaccine, I have no issues with it. I do however question her logic- she KNOWS it was invented.
    And to harm.
    I think the immune system is number one...but damn Laila!!! one has to have a good diet...for years not just the past few months. One also has to have no prexisting conditions for their immune system to perform at maximum potential.

    Our food supply is jacked up with chemicals that weaken our some instances pharmecuetical drugs are the best remedy.
    But when it is all named as pro-Biden or Anti-Trump...or intended to kill...I stray from those people & their rationale.
    That is why I am Pro Ann Wolfe Long live Ann Ali...worthy of a great name.
    Spoiled rich kids really have their own zone of thinking I guess....
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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