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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #7291
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Today in Trump Land those who claim the establishment loathes him and love the Ted Cruz' of the Party used to say it ass backwards the other way. When the right wing media is wrong about it? Pretend it never existed...

    Words from Rush 'Oxycontin' Limbaugh:

    "Ted has been ignored from the 1st day. From last summer news was always about Trump. Even at the debates Ted Cruz is smoking everybody. After the debates. Post coverage is about Trump's about what did trump say about this moderator or that moderator. he is hated by the establishment- they are the ones that ignore him."

    The Party has not lifted a finger to help him

    Kid ready to hang up Trump states

    "Now hang on thoughl..he is being dworfed & swamped by unprecedented coverage of Trump who hasnt had to spendy any money. We're told everyone hates him yet he is in 2nd place.

    I think Ted Cruz can win & he's won 9 states it isnt near over everybody want you to believe its over that crump gonna get it or it will be contested by a kasich whoever the establishmment can throw out."


    These were the sentiments across the board. But when the polls showed Cruz getting crushed by lie after lie & the liar became the leader. Rush, FOX & crew decided to follow the leader...of lies...

    Last edited by SlimTrae; 08-28-2021 at 08:20 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  2. #7292
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Two-thirds of Republicans want Donald Trump to remain key figure in GOP, Pew survey finds

    What is wild is that his fiercest supporters were once nevertrumpers.

    I also note that since he came- those who I had a slither of respect for either resigned or bullied out of office -so when we say conservative...I think we are NOT talking about the likes of William Buckley.
    He conversed with his opponents and not insult or refuse to engage at all. I see it today as rightwingism- in the name of conservatism.

    Those individuals -like Rand Paul who insulted Trumpertantrum now making senate sessions where he DEMANDS people apologize to the Donster.
    Or Ted Cruz whose wife was outted by the crotch-grabber as an ugly woman...well that dude like Rand had NO position on Team Drumpf...but one can review the past year in office and find quite a few videos where Ted is standing behind a valet.
    Doing nothing...justy standing there...
    Those are the Republicans of today and they are more for Trump today than ever.

    Pimpin' Republicans in the name of Jesus. Who would have thought America would go out like this....
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  3. #7293
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    @SlimTrae , it is my opinion that some of that fierce support is due to the lukewarm (at best) job Biden is presently doing as POTUS. Had a candidate defeated Trump and proceeded to wow the American people with true leadership on all fronts... Trump would have been reduced to an afterthought. Remember that many of those who voted Trump in 2016 actually flipped after becoming deeply disappointed/horrified at the person they had elected. These are what I call thinking, conscientious Republicans. Nothing wrong with being Republican or Democrat in this country. What's wrong is being an extremist puppet... easily encouraged to storm Capitol buildings... believing every song and dance your candidate spouts out as "truth." Sometimes I think it's not even the politicians who have ruined the country. It's the people themselves... because there seem to be more and more mindless puppets every day.

    Trump caught lightning in a bottle in 2016, when Obama's terms had run out, and all the Dems could trot out there was a universally disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton. After riding Obama's coattails on the economy for a couple of years and appealing to the darker side of the American public as skillfully as a snake oil salesman... he began sowing the seeds for the 2020 election MONTHS PRIOR, by saying the elections would be rigged. Anybody who didn't see that coming was either asleep or in a coma. So it was WIN-WIN even before the elections took place.

    Dems on the other hand, had FOUR years to come up with a good candidate to beat Trump's socks off in 2020. So what do they do?? They spend 3-1/2 of those 4 years moaning and groaning about Trump. Then they hurriedly put this unwieldly mass of primary candidates together... and the process spits out Joe Biden. A man who's even older than Trump and to be perfectly honest does not appear to have the physical and mental fortitude to last the full four years.

    And how's Biden doing right now? Well... key issues like immigration and the handling of Afghanistan have been a mess. But don't just take my word for it. Look at ANY public opinion poll. I know there are anti-Trumpers here that will gladly swallow anything Biden does because frankly..... HE'S NOT TRUMP. But I'm nothing if not realistic, and all I see is Joe Biden keeping Trump relevant. Even worse than that... along with Trump, there is his forgettable cast of spineless, morality-challenged, worthless cohorts, like Graham and Cruz.

    It's enough to make you want to puke.

  4. #7294
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    @SlimTrae , it is my opinion that some of that fierce support is due to the lukewarm (at best) job Biden is presently doing as POTUS. Had a candidate defeated Trump and proceeded to wow the American people with true leadership on all fronts... Trump would have been reduced to an afterthought. Remember that many of those who voted Trump in 2016 actually flipped after becoming deeply disappointed/horrified at the person they had elected. These are what I call thinking, conscientious Republicans. Nothing wrong with being Republican or Democrat in this country. What's wrong is being an extremist puppet... easily encouraged to storm Capitol buildings... believing every song and dance your candidate spouts out as "truth." Sometimes I think it's not even the politicians who have ruined the country. It's the people themselves... because there seem to be more and more mindless puppets every day.

    Trump caught lightning in a bottle in 2016, when Obama's terms had run out, and all the Dems could trot out there was a universally disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton. After riding Obama's coattails on the economy for a couple of years and appealing to the darker side of the American public as skillfully as a snake oil salesman... he began sowing the seeds for the 2020 election MONTHS PRIOR, by saying the elections would be rigged. Anybody who didn't see that coming was either asleep or in a coma. So it was WIN-WIN even before the elections took place.

    Dems on the other hand, had FOUR years to come up with a good candidate to beat Trump's socks off in 2020. So what do they do?? They spend 3-1/2 of those 4 years moaning and groaning about Trump. Then they hurriedly put this unwieldly mass of primary candidates together... and the process spits out Joe Biden. A man who's even older than Trump and to be perfectly honest does not appear to have the physical and mental fortitude to last the full four years.

    And how's Biden doing right now? Well... key issues like immigration and the handling of Afghanistan have been a mess. But don't just take my word for it. Look at ANY public opinion poll. I know there are anti-Trumpers here that will gladly swallow anything Biden does because frankly..... HE'S NOT TRUMP. But I'm nothing if not realistic, and all I see is Joe Biden keeping Trump relevant. Even worse than that... along with Trump, there is his forgettable cast of spineless, morality-challenged, worthless cohorts, like Graham and Cruz.

    It's enough to make you want to puke.

    You keep on going on about how parties can come up with candidates like there's a candidate factory somewhere that can create candidates that will "wow" with great leadership a 50-50 electorate who as a matter of course hate the guy from the other party and everybody will somehow be happy. That's just not how it works. You can't manufacture candidates. You have a beauty contest choice between a bunch of variously flawed human beings. The incredible length of the American election process, with the procedure to elect a president starting with primary campaigns nearly two years before an election takes place mean that the nature and character of any candidate is exposed to all over the endless campaign. Any attempt to manufacture somebody, to graft on aspects of personality or character or whatever would fall apart under the microscope. It is literally impossible to do what you're saying should be done.

    You just get the beauty contestants up on stage a bunch of times and let them answer questions and you hear them give speeches and interviews and town halls and whatever and then people pick their guy. How good the guy is depends on the talent pool available. Once in a generation you get a Kennedy or a Reagan or an Obama, most of the time it's a case of picking the least worst guy. That's what the current guy is. A nonthreatening, moderate, least worst choice.

  5. #7295
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    @SlimTrae , it is my opinion that some of that fierce support is due to the lukewarm (at best) job Biden is presently doing as POTUS.
    Interesting POV. Then again, each election leaves the successor with a mess worse than before. at some point the problems become too many for even a superstar. So when we got as you stated an older Biden....

    Had a candidate defeated Trump and proceeded to wow the American people with true leadership on all fronts... Trump would have been reduced to an afterthought.
    I have only 2 reasons this occurred. 1.Citizens united vs FEC. When they deemed money =freespeech, no great mind can be heard if they don't have millions to spend. #2. IMO as you stated the people may be more to blame, I agree. The people are hardened and they demand that you and I become as extremist left/right as they are, meaning no matter how great a plan is...the voters who are hellbent on liberalism/rightwingism will vote against their own welfare, health, economy- if the other party endorsed it.
    I think of for example 1913 Banking Act. The right wanted to privatize the banking system again, but when the people balked at it. The left countered.
    So Aldrich Act wanted to privatize banking and the Federal Reserve act likewise.

    1980 Reagan wanted to bring in NAO North American Accord Act . In 1992 Bush Sr, we know wanted to bring in NAFTA- hard to see difference in the plan. so we went with Clinton a Democrat and got NAFTA, meaning it didnt matter the money barrons were backing both candidates with different names to the same bills.
    Same again in 2008, either privatize healthcare via Romney or Obama.

    Candidates who want whats best for the people will never be allowed to make it to the front, if so, we could manufacture great politicians like we do in every profession or trade.
    Oh & both parties uniting to ensure there will NEVER be a 3rd party candidate allowed the way Ross Perot did. So they took over that system leaving us with highprofile, low morality candidates. Pushing the agenda of both committees DNC/RNC but doing so in the name of the people- in that regards, too hard to find a candidate to ignite the moderates on both sides.

    Remember that many of those who voted Trump in 2016 actually flipped after becoming deeply disappointed/horrified at the person they had elected.
    These are what I call thinking, conscientious Republicans. Nothing wrong with being Republican or Democrat in this country.
    I agree!
    What's wrong is being an extremist puppet... easily encouraged to storm Capitol buildings... believing every song and dance your candidate spouts out as "truth." Sometimes I think it's not even the politicians who have ruined the country. It's the people themselves... because there seem to be more and more mindless puppets every day.

    Spot on!
    Trump caught lightning in a bottle in 2016, when Obama's terms had run out, and all the Dems could trot out there was a universally disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton.
    Yeah, they were given a fumble picked it up and did a Jim Marshall of the Vikings and ran 55 yards to the wrong damn end zone.

    After riding Obama's coattails on the economy for a couple of years and appealing to the darker side of the American public as skillfully as a snake oil salesman... he began sowing the seeds for the 2020 election MONTHS PRIOR, by saying the elections would be rigged. Anybody who didn't see that coming was either asleep or in a coma. So it was WIN-WIN even before the elections took place.

    I got to give Rush Limbaugh some of that praise. he spent 30 years conditioning his audience to embrace the hate in their hearts. Trump tuned in & used it to his advantage.
    Dems on the other hand, had FOUR years to come up with a good candidate to beat Trump's socks off in 2020. So what do they do?? They spend 3-1/2 of those 4 years moaning and groaning about Trump.
    I appeal to the President Washington outgoing address. The best I have read in my life.
    “I have already intimated to you the danger of Parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on Geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party, generally.”
    Political Parties IMO are the conduit in which the money barron control the people. We didnt need any in 1776. None in 1780..not until 1789? Federalists and then the next major party Jackon's Democrats. Money barrons wised up and began to endorse candidates on both sides, no way out IMO. Kill the party would have worked but the sickness of ideology is deeply embedded with them. IMO it's too late.

    Then they hurriedly put this unwieldly mass of primary candidates together... and the process spits out Joe Biden. A man who's even older than Trump and to be perfectly honest does not appear to have the physical and mental fortitude to last the full four years.
    So sad, so true.

    And how's Biden doing right now? Well... key issues like immigration and the handling of Afghanistan have been a mess. But don't just take my word for it. Look at ANY public opinion poll. I know there are anti-Trumpers here that will gladly swallow anything Biden does because frankly..... HE'S NOT TRUMP. But I'm nothing if not realistic, and all I see is Joe Biden keeping Trump relevant. Even worse than that... along with Trump, there is his forgettable cast of spineless, morality-challenged, worthless cohorts, like Graham and Cruz.

    yes he is keeping him relevant. So, too are the many newsbroadcasts. I check out a few liberals on youtube like DavidPakman, Ring of Rire and TYT they make me so angry. Every friggin' day they say something about Donster. Why? They keep him relevant, they refuse to talk politics. Each segment is about Trump or those siding with Trump or the anti-vaxxers. So if this is what the people have....he will no longer be relvant when USA follows same path to the history bin.

    It's enough to make you want to puke.
    Very objective post!
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 10-08-2021 at 08:05 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  6. #7296
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Dems looking like the gang that can't shoot straight. They seriously need to get their collective shit together and present a unified front..grit your teeth and kill these public spats and pissing contests. The AOC and Cory Bush campus clown rants do no good. Sinema may be nuttier than a Christmas fruit cake but you don't follow someone into the bathroom ffs. Repubs are just going to wait them out till mid terms otherwise. I'd like to see Biden grab both the moderate and progressive dividers by the short hairs and remind them of the absolute unamerican catastrophe that was one Trump. Get it together! Bernie you ran, you lost, sit down and stfu. Equally have no faith in what passes for Repubs now who have devolved into a gaggle of boot licking weak sycophant's. Donald belongs in an orange jumpsuit with shower shoes that are too small curled up on a metal cot. Future of what was this Republic, I have concerns.

  7. #7297
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    @SlimTrae , it is my opinion that some of that fierce support is due to the lukewarm (at best) job Biden is presently doing as POTUS. Had a candidate defeated Trump and proceeded to wow the American people with true leadership on all fronts... Trump would have been reduced to an afterthought. Remember that many of those who voted Trump in 2016 actually flipped after becoming deeply disappointed/horrified at the person they had elected. These are what I call thinking, conscientious Republicans. Nothing wrong with being Republican or Democrat in this country. What's wrong is being an extremist puppet... easily encouraged to storm Capitol buildings... believing every song and dance your candidate spouts out as "truth." Sometimes I think it's not even the politicians who have ruined the country. It's the people themselves... because there seem to be more and more mindless puppets every day.

    Trump caught lightning in a bottle in 2016, when Obama's terms had run out, and all the Dems could trot out there was a universally disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton. After riding Obama's coattails on the economy for a couple of years and appealing to the darker side of the American public as skillfully as a snake oil salesman... he began sowing the seeds for the 2020 election MONTHS PRIOR, by saying the elections would be rigged. Anybody who didn't see that coming was either asleep or in a coma. So it was WIN-WIN even before the elections took place.

    Dems on the other hand, had FOUR years to come up with a good candidate to beat Trump's socks off in 2020. So what do they do?? They spend 3-1/2 of those 4 years moaning and groaning about Trump. Then they hurriedly put this unwieldly mass of primary candidates together... and the process spits out Joe Biden. A man who's even older than Trump and to be perfectly honest does not appear to have the physical and mental fortitude to last the full four years.

    And how's Biden doing right now? Well... key issues like immigration and the handling of Afghanistan have been a mess. But don't just take my word for it. Look at ANY public opinion poll. I know there are anti-Trumpers here that will gladly swallow anything Biden does because frankly..... HE'S NOT TRUMP. But I'm nothing if not realistic, and all I see is Joe Biden keeping Trump relevant. Even worse than that... along with Trump, there is his forgettable cast of spineless, morality-challenged, worthless cohorts, like Graham and Cruz.

    It's enough to make you want to puke.

    You keep on going on about how parties can come up with candidates like there's a candidate factory somewhere that can create candidates that will "wow" with great leadership a 50-50 electorate who as a matter of course hate the guy from the other party and everybody will somehow be happy. That's just not how it works. You can't manufacture candidates. You have a beauty contest choice between a bunch of variously flawed human beings. The incredible length of the American election process, with the procedure to elect a president starting with primary campaigns nearly two years before an election takes place mean that the nature and character of any candidate is exposed to all over the endless campaign. Any attempt to manufacture somebody, to graft on aspects of personality or character or whatever would fall apart under the microscope. It is literally impossible to do what you're saying should be done.

    You just get the beauty contestants up on stage a bunch of times and let them answer questions and you hear them give speeches and interviews and town halls and whatever and then people pick their guy. How good the guy is depends on the talent pool available. Once in a generation you get a Kennedy or a Reagan or an Obama, most of the time it's a case of picking the least worst guy. That's what the current guy is. A nonthreatening, moderate, least worst choice.

    Nobody's talking about manufacturing candidates or beauty contests. FFS... if Trump was so inadequate for the position (which he most definitely was)... then is it so much to ask to find SOMEONE adequate enough to beat him in an election four years later? It speaks poorly of the pool of candidates for political office if we have to talk about "manufacturing" and "beauty contests." It also speaks poorly of the millions of voters who are tasked with voting for the correct candidate. Except lately there hasn't been much of a choice, has there. Trump or Hillary..... Trump or Biden. If the bar was any lower we'd have to dig to find it.

    Saw a speech by Reagan someone posted on FB the other day. It was pre-Presidency Reagan. Man... I forgot what an intelligent, articulate political candidate sounds like. We're so used to choosing between "Dumb and Dumber"... we've become desensitized to what we should be able to expect from the leader of the free world.

  8. #7298
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    @SlimTrae , it is my opinion that some of that fierce support is due to the lukewarm (at best) job Biden is presently doing as POTUS. Had a candidate defeated Trump and proceeded to wow the American people with true leadership on all fronts... Trump would have been reduced to an afterthought. Remember that many of those who voted Trump in 2016 actually flipped after becoming deeply disappointed/horrified at the person they had elected. These are what I call thinking, conscientious Republicans. Nothing wrong with being Republican or Democrat in this country. What's wrong is being an extremist puppet... easily encouraged to storm Capitol buildings... believing every song and dance your candidate spouts out as "truth." Sometimes I think it's not even the politicians who have ruined the country. It's the people themselves... because there seem to be more and more mindless puppets every day.

    Trump caught lightning in a bottle in 2016, when Obama's terms had run out, and all the Dems could trot out there was a universally disliked and mistrusted Hillary Clinton. After riding Obama's coattails on the economy for a couple of years and appealing to the darker side of the American public as skillfully as a snake oil salesman... he began sowing the seeds for the 2020 election MONTHS PRIOR, by saying the elections would be rigged. Anybody who didn't see that coming was either asleep or in a coma. So it was WIN-WIN even before the elections took place.

    Dems on the other hand, had FOUR years to come up with a good candidate to beat Trump's socks off in 2020. So what do they do?? They spend 3-1/2 of those 4 years moaning and groaning about Trump. Then they hurriedly put this unwieldly mass of primary candidates together... and the process spits out Joe Biden. A man who's even older than Trump and to be perfectly honest does not appear to have the physical and mental fortitude to last the full four years.

    And how's Biden doing right now? Well... key issues like immigration and the handling of Afghanistan have been a mess. But don't just take my word for it. Look at ANY public opinion poll. I know there are anti-Trumpers here that will gladly swallow anything Biden does because frankly..... HE'S NOT TRUMP. But I'm nothing if not realistic, and all I see is Joe Biden keeping Trump relevant. Even worse than that... along with Trump, there is his forgettable cast of spineless, morality-challenged, worthless cohorts, like Graham and Cruz.

    It's enough to make you want to puke.

    You keep on going on about how parties can come up with candidates like there's a candidate factory somewhere that can create candidates that will "wow" with great leadership a 50-50 electorate who as a matter of course hate the guy from the other party and everybody will somehow be happy. That's just not how it works. You can't manufacture candidates. You have a beauty contest choice between a bunch of variously flawed human beings. The incredible length of the American election process, with the procedure to elect a president starting with primary campaigns nearly two years before an election takes place mean that the nature and character of any candidate is exposed to all over the endless campaign. Any attempt to manufacture somebody, to graft on aspects of personality or character or whatever would fall apart under the microscope. It is literally impossible to do what you're saying should be done.

    You just get the beauty contestants up on stage a bunch of times and let them answer questions and you hear them give speeches and interviews and town halls and whatever and then people pick their guy. How good the guy is depends on the talent pool available. Once in a generation you get a Kennedy or a Reagan or an Obama, most of the time it's a case of picking the least worst guy. That's what the current guy is. A nonthreatening, moderate, least worst choice.

    Nobody's talking about manufacturing candidates or beauty contests. FFS... if Trump was so inadequate for the position (which he most definitely was)... then is it so much to ask to find SOMEONE adequate enough to beat him in an election four years later? It speaks poorly of the pool of candidates for political office if we have to talk about "manufacturing" and "beauty contests." It also speaks poorly of the millions of voters who are tasked with voting for the correct candidate. Except lately there hasn't been much of a choice, has there. Trump or Hillary..... Trump or Biden. If the bar was any lower we'd have to dig to find it.

    Saw a speech by Reagan someone posted on FB the other day. It was pre-Presidency Reagan. Man... I forgot what an intelligent, articulate political candidate sounds like. We're so used to choosing between "Dumb and Dumber"... we've become desensitized to what we should be able to expect from the leader of the free world.

    Id Reagan was around now he'd be called a RINO, socialist, communist and so on. The GOP has moved massively rightwards even since Reagan. If you're not a conspiracy theory spouting lib owning white nationalist the GOP base aren't just going to ignore you, they're going to despise you.

    The Democrats have their own problems with voters and policies. This is an excellent read. If the NYT won't let you read it install the noscript addon and clear your cookies and cache and so on and then click the link again. Worth the effort to read this:

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Dems looking like the gang that can't shoot straight. They seriously need to get their collective shit together and present a unified front..grit your teeth and kill these public spats and pissing contests. The AOC and Cory Bush campus clown rants do no good. Sinema may be nuttier than a Christmas fruit cake but you don't follow someone into the bathroom ffs. Repubs are just going to wait them out till mid terms otherwise. I'd like to see Biden grab both the moderate and progressive dividers by the short hairs and remind them of the absolute unamerican catastrophe that was one Trump. Get it together! Bernie you ran, you lost, sit down and stfu. Equally have no faith in what passes for Repubs now who have devolved into a gaggle of boot licking weak sycophant's. Donald belongs in an orange jumpsuit with shower shoes that are too small curled up on a metal cot. Future of what was this Republic, I have concerns.

    To be fair to the Democrats there are like two people in the Senate and a couple in the House holding the whole thing up. Everybody else will pass whatever comes out of the sausage making process. The progressive part of the Democratic party have already accepted the bill will only be half as big as originally planned.

    Manchin's fortune is in fossil fuels and it's difficult to get turkeys to vote for Christmas. Sinema released a statement saying her vote can't be bought or forced by anybody while she's literally holding fundraisers with lobbyists who are trying to kill the whole bill.

    But even Manchin, representing and trying to get reelected in an R+35 state is well to the left of where Obama was in 2009 when he was willing to trade cuts in Medicare and Social Security for tax increases on top earners. Cutting those two programmes was being a moderate Democrat twelve years ago. Now being a moderate Democrat is backing a two trillion dollar spending programme although Manchin and Sinema have blocked raising taxes on the top one percent to pay for the spending.

    I'll do the bill after the next fight.

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    The bill itself doesn't seem to be very good. The only thing people know about it is it's three and a half trillion. It eventually won't even crack two trillion and that's spread over ten years. It's two hundred billion a year which is the size of the Trump tax cut. The Trump cut goes entirely to the top one percent soon as the cut for the ninety nine percent expires in a year or so. The Democratic spending goes to low and middle income earners, Medicare recipients and basically the ninety nine percent. It's full of supply side stimulus you'd think the GOP would like* like subsidised childcare to get more people back into the labour market.

    Whatever bill does pass is going to mean socialism and the end of America and bankrupcy (it'll be less than 0.5% of GDP) and so on but you know the first and probably only thing (was for Trump) the GOP manage to pass next time they're running things will be another top one percent tax cut that is completely unfunded and just cranks up the deficit.

    *Of course the whole supply side adherance in the GOP is because it's the only was to remotely justify top one percent tax cuts. Never mind that there's forty years of evidence showing they don't work.

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    Sinema is getting huge campaign contributions to keep this out of the bill. Same with Manchin. Both of them will use this and other issues to earn themselves future lobbying jobs in DC for massive money when they leave the Senate. They do what the pharma lobbyists want now and get huge paying jobs when they leave office. Sinema will take the lobbying job, Manchin is already rich so will probably get future investment opportunities with guaranteed returns in pharma projects and no fingerprints.

    And this gets little mention in the media. To the media they're just moderate Democrats with serious concerns about spending and deficits and debt. Amazing that the interests of corporations are the moderate position and the radical leftist position is the one shared by eighty three percent of Americans.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    And this is just fucking horrific. These detestable people should be thrown out of office and put in jail for years for this. Keep scrolling , lots of posts:

    And this kind of thing isn't all that unusual. There was a judge went to prison a year or three ago for something similar. They're basically jailing children for profit. Here's some more on it:

    More again if you google the school to prison pipeline.

    Here we go. Twenty eight years in prison for sending kids to jail:

    A Black Teen Jailed for Not Doing Her Schoolwork Is Now Free

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  14. #7304
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And this is just fucking horrific. These detestable people should be thrown out of office and put in jail for years for this. Keep scrolling , lots of posts:

    And this kind of thing isn't all that unusual. There was a judge went to prison a year or three ago for something similar. They're basically jailing children for profit. Here's some more on it:

    More again if you google the school to prison pipeline.

    Here we go. Twenty eight years in prison for sending kids to jail:

    A Black Teen Jailed for Not Doing Her Schoolwork Is Now Free
    Good posting m8, you guys just know way more about this stuff than me so there's not much point in me replying, my contribution would (at best) amount to "bloody ell, that's like someone took the seinfeld finale really seriously and decided to enact it on black children, but it's not that funny in real life:S"... And the dog in the promo video for the detention centre was pretty cool...

    Anyway good posting keep it up!.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    When a former president can tell voters...
    Trump says Republicans won’t vote in 2022 or 2024 unless his bogus election fraud claims are ‘solved’vote in 2022 ...and they consider listening.......damn...

    so don't vote- let democrats take control of both houses then?

    What I find is amazing-is how mainstream claims Don is no longer relevent- yet they can't stop making articles about him. Quoting him.
    They are keeping him alive, relevant. I think...MSNBC, CNN probably cover Donnie as much as FOX does now.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 10-15-2021 at 07:27 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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