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Poll: Should Private Texts Sent During Civil Unrest be Used?

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Thread: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

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    Default Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    What Liz did, too bad I don't like her policies either. This is a stoned face female version of Dick Cheney. This Dame is ruthless. taking on THE ENTIRE TRUMP TEAM.

    & FOX
    & OAN

    What can we say about the 76 million- who Don't show up to His Website, his blog?
    What can we say when 76 million supposed voters won't even chime in about the texts coming from their heroes of the Media? RightWing?

    1. Contempt of Congress by a Former Chief of Staff
    2. A mob was summoned and as many as those involved have admitted they were provoked to violence by the president's claim. It was covered in reel time.
    3. For over 187 minutes the PRESIDENT REFUSED TO ACT.
    4. Mr. Meadows recieved numerous text messages which he has produced without any privilage claim imploring the Prez to take specific action- these texts leaves no doubt the WhiteHouse knew exactly what was happened.
    5. As the attack -
    these texts were read:

    C. THERE IS AN ARMED STANDOFF AT THE HOUSE CHAMBER (The cop shot- and was LABLED A MURDURER BY THE PRESIDENT -he called the chick that got shot- a martyr---word once reserved for Jihaddist is now used by the previous prez' worshippers.)

    So the argument is - this is their privacy being violated It is BIG Goverment run amok- DEMANDING you have no privacy, no freedoms.

    Curious if anyone will chime in? Or at least a vote?

    If there are text messages about your government (U.K., China, Austrailia, Indonesia) wherever you are...if your government got stormed by a mob for 187 minutes...& you found out there were texts messages sent during such an event...SHOULD IT BE MADE PUBLIC?
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    Who would've ever had thought the one who could catch up the Pussy-Grabber would be the daughter of Dick, a coldblooded pussy.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    Texts sent- stating:

    "They are breaking windows and doors, is Trump going to say someting?"

    "POTUS has to come out, someone is going to get killed."


    "Please get him on tv he is destroying everything"

    "He has got to condemn this shit asap"

    ---Don Jr to Meadows..

    Donnie Jr had to text Meadows to contact his own damn daddy! Those of YOU
    He bangs women during the trimester of his 3rd wife's pregnancy, he hires his kids for positions they have no knowledge in and won't even let them text him.
    So Junior pled - begged Meadows- to beg his dad.
    Who voted for this Maker-of-fools?

    After years of me saying Don cant do enough the game has a new player from the oldschool playbook.
    Cheney vs Drumpf

    This is better than Fritzie Zivac vs Antonio Margacheato with 2 Panama Lewis' in the corner with the black bottle-fiasco!!
    This WILL BE political eye gouging, rabbit punching, using the family jewels as a speedbag, headbutting, thumbing and lacing the eyes...

    Don's fight is coming against a RIDE N DIE BITCH!

    YA'LL THOUGHT HILLARY had cold blood in her veins....
    Wyoming GOP won’t recognize Liz Cheney as member over anti-Trump stance

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stripped Liz Cheney of all her committees and voted to remove her as the Republican Caucus Conference chair.

    One can do the above to the prissy dem girls, but now that they threw haymakers at her- damn look at her counterpunching skills!
    This chick is about to Go Tyson Fury on that heinous, Pimp of Christian-Conservatives.

    Liz KO Drumpf...this is the one...this is the issue that CAN'T be swept away. They are now infighting worse than Democrats.
    They want to eliminate her positions...they will have to politically bludgeon Liz to do that....Liz has the heart of a cold blooded pussy, but It's Donnie boy who will be made to look like ....a pussy.
    Un-doucheable douchbag at that.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    When Rachel Maddow is excited about a Republican named bad must the Republican infighting be?!

    Meanwhile in HateLand aka FOX, they are spinning it like a record baby rise round rise round- just look at the headlines they have regarding Cheney like: Liz Cheney primary challenger: Wyoming supports 'America First' agenda

    Liz Cheney ousted from GOP leadership
    Fuck the texts, lets just say- she needs to be kicked out! Thats their stor(ies)

    Or how about this FOX headline: Ex-Cheney adviser now challenging her in primary: She betrayed all of us

    MSNBC TO CNN, None of them have fucked up headlines about Liz...its all from THE REICH-RIGHT WING CAMP.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    NEWSMAX Can't suckoff Donnie Hard enough- so we know their headlines would NOT give a Gosh, Darn, Damn tout about Liz standing up for the 150+ officers beaten up & down the halls of the State Capital.
    For 187 minutes.

    Instead In USA, if one follows NEWSMAX? Here is what they think about the messages from right wing media, politicians to campaign staff and HIS OWN DAMN FAMILY!!!! They texted Meadows....and what does NEWSMAX find worthy on the right-reich-fight of the century?
    ColdPussy vs The FlaccidMushroom-man appropriately named by the hasbeen-tv-hoe named Stormi who fucked for a living.

    Liz Cheney's opponent says she has lost touch

    Wyoming GOP votes to stop recognizing Liz Cheney as a Republican | National Report

    One has to scroll to the bottom of the bottom to find any info on the text messages from Republicans begging the POTUS to intervene...who now all of a sudden claim it was a peaceful event.
    Or, it was Antifa, or it was Black Lives Matter...or the FBI knew, not Donster or,,,the CIA knew...or Well it was Pelosi's fault.

    Liz is fighting
    DON's apologists.
    Hypocrite Practitioneers of Christianity
    RightWing Militias.

    I thought they hurt her with those out-the-gate combos (combining all their hate to kick her off committees)
    I'll be darn-tootin! She rose off the canvas like Fury getting caught by a one dimensional slugger with power in one facet (partisanship)....
    Now we're in the midrounds and she has got an ebb n flow- Her combos has hurt them so bad....they (rightwing) media dont want to fight her fight.

    Kick AZZ Liz!!!!-Keep KICKING' Their punk buttocks!!!! I'm hoping for a Double-KO or at least a double DQ!!!!
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    One Mo' Time!

    "He has got to condemn this shit asap"
    ---Don Jr to Meadows..

    Donnie Jr had to text Meadows............................ to contact his own damn daddy!
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    Trump shouldn't be worrying about running in 2024. Trump should worry about staying out of jail and about preserving his own life from leftist nutcases (yes... there are nutcases in both extremes of the spectrum).

    As far as the protesting GOP'ers... it's always been a known fact that kneepads are part of the standard equipment issued when joining a Trump team.

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    25 (former) lawmakers Praise Liz Cheney.

    1. In May, Cheney was removed from her No. 3 leadership role as chair of the House Republican Conference
    2. Cheney is facing a Trump-backed primary challenger

    Consider what she did to deserve this from her own colleagues.
    Did she back Lesbians and Transgender? No
    Did she back Black Lives Matter? Nope again.
    Did she claim global warming is real and Al Gore is right? Don't think so.
    Did she say To Hell with Israel and she is now Pro Palestinian? Not likely...

    In America, so-called christian evangelical right-wingers have done what Barry Goldwater feared-They would take over & there would be no compromise, cause they think they ARE ACTING ON A HIGHER POWER.

    BLACK Republicans along with other minorities have given a seemingly silent oath- they will defend donald..'Even if it means asking a political committee to pay for a so-called billionaires legal fees.

    Cause he told them to.
    RNC Is Said to Agree to Pay Up to $1.6 Million of Trump's Personal Legal Bills

    Republicans of America want to pay HIS legal bills, claim he his chosen,
    They have belittled ALL of their politicians to the point that his greatest cheerleaders were once his greatest foes calling him every negative word imagineable.

    And when one stood up... it wasn't a man.
    Naw, What a bunch of Maries...
    Too afraid to stand -So a female stands.
    Looks like Dick Cheney, talks like him- very methodical, cold, rarely smiles- this chick is the Grinch's idol!

    The Right in USA is so mentally deranged- their so-called media has now upped their attack on Liz...Guess what they claim...
    She is lying, not Don the menace to society.
    And why?
    Here is Tucker Carslon saying she is for self--- I quote:

    --PuckerUp Carlson of FIX FOOL's NEWS

    Tommorrow some TrumpFool will teach that to their children- destined to grow up to become well trained pupils of hate, biased, bigotry, stupidity, foolishness
    Wathching their world erode by infighting from Democrats (Manchin) & Republicans (Cheney) fighting their own teams that have taken turns not just for the worse, but possible a turn to end their/our lives as we know it.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 12-18-2021 at 09:39 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    This is how FAR they are willing to go to protect A demon cloaked in flesh.


    1. If you live in Manchester, New Hampshire, and last month, you thought you saw Liz Cheney wandering around downtown Manchester, no, you were not hallucinating. Liz Cheney was there. And that's pretty weird if you think about it.

    2. Nor is it likely that Liz Cheney went up there by accident. it's also eight hours from the CNN studios in downtown Washington that she inhabits more often than most of us go to church and much more reverently.

    3. So the question is: What was Liz Cheney doing in Manchester, New Hampshire, and of course, there's only one conceivable answer. Liz Cheney plans to run for President of the United States.

    4. Now, you may be wondering if Liz Cheney were to run for president, what exactly would she run on? She doesn't like Trump. OK. But what would her platform be? We know the answer to that because Liz Cheney only cares about one thing and only ever has, and that is starting pointless wars in faraway countries.

    5. There's not a massive national constituency for Liz Cheney's foreign policy views. Just the opposite, in fact. People live outside D.C. do not support more pointless wars that do nothing for the United States or its core interests.

    6. Yet apparently, Liz Cheney has literally no idea. She believes she has a shot at the Republican nomination for president,

    7. Liz Cheney is delusional.

    8. She's living on another planet,

    9. Cheney has raised millions of dollars just this year, in part from political action committees run by Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell, and, needless to say, Lindsey Graham. Apparently, all of these geniuses think that Liz Cheney has a good shot of being president.

    10. So Liz Cheney is this cycle's Jeb Bush,

    Yup the playbook from - How to deflect the Problem to a Democrat- is now being used on one of their own.
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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    The Jan. 6 Committee has become the American version of a Soviet show trial or overstating it. You think? Well watch it for yourself on C-SPAN?

    So- FOX has now - in (1) article claimed this is NOT about anything other than Liz wants to be President.
    Liz Likes C-Span. Liz wants a Soviet Trial. And then at the end of his trash-job, he throws Lindsay Graham under the bus! This dude is to Trump -what O'hare was to Eddie Murphy in Coming to America....( WIPERS!) and a guy shows up to wipe his royal ass.
    Lindsay is one great ASS-WIPER so why is Tucker placing his name in this hitpiece?

    Tucker finished the hit job by stating
    Come to your own conclusions. We'll tell you this: The Jan. 6 committee has somehow awarded itself the power to seize the personal communications of its political enemies and then make them public. The arguments really simple: Turn over your text messages or we're going to send you to jail.

    So yesterday, in case you missed it, Liz Cheney found herself with a list of text messages to and from Mark Meadows. Some of those texts, it turns out, were from anchors here at Fox News, and Liz Cheney took special delight in reading those.

    Somehow he made this ALL ABOUT EVERY AMERICAN...Not about those who call themselves politicians and were visibly seen with individuals of the mob.

    "We now live in a country where none of your private communications are safe from the eyes of power-drunk politicians like Liz Cheney. Liz Cheney can harness the awesome power of the national security state to seize your personal text messages and then read them into the congressional record. And guess what? There's nothing you can do about it, Mr. Citizen. We don't care. " (this is utter bullshit, what the heck, has Pucker Carlson ever read the Patriot Act?)

    So your texts, effectively your daily diary, now belong to Liz Cheney."
    Just think there are Pucker Carlson fans silly enough to believe she has the power to take HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF TEXTS...because she wants to be Prez.

    And the question all of us, no matter who we voted for, have to ask ourselves is: Do we really want to live in a country like that? Well, probably we don't. (Lies,Tucker...You are one damnable being- she is asking for texts relevant to a day where 150 cops got beat the fuck up. In front of the world- then FIX, aka FOX now states- she will do this to ALL Americans- and FOX goers are hateful, spiteful enough to believe.

    "Three Fox anchors sent messages to Mark Meadows, and none of them cheered what was happening at the Capitol on Jan. 6. In fact, they were upset by it, even in private, when they assume no one was listening. And that shouldn't surprise you. These are principled people, what they say in public is not that far from what they say over text message."
    --Pucker-Hole Carlson

    ---if these people were so principled, why did they say the opposite of those texts for year? A YEAR? Now we know the main ones who had jackazz fools on websites like this- minimizing the beatings someone's family members took.
    They came here(Don's worshippers) and claimed it was everything but a group of people who KNEW they had free reign to scale walls like fat ass roaches...some took 12 minutes to make it up the wall...U think they thought the National Guard would come?

    Some laid back in chairs, took photos- did text messages- does that sound like a people who did NOT KNOW they had reign to act like white jihaddists?

    Liz KNOWS she has to go 12 long hard rounds with liars in the name of Christ.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Dick's Liz Grabs a handful of Don; like The Pu$$y That He Is!

    She reads the dude's history (Meadows) of denouncing Don.... adding his name to committee, then withdrawing his name.
    Then the dude after her- quotes his book...asks what is it we are asking in this committee that are more than what you wrote in your own book.

    Liz might pull off Person of the Year the way she is kicking azz. One woman, no emotions, no insults, no adjective-laced diatribe. What a shame she is the daughter of a war-monger.
    But then again, maybe that's where she got her ability to fight back against people who claimed Don was responsible Jan we refuse to answer - its our right as politicians to have privacy.

    I don't know how many rounds this fight will go, but I know this chick aint sweating, aint swelling.

    P.S. to all Don's voters:
    You are weak people to say nothing tangible, let alone to say nothing at all about How YOU would've felt if one of those cops on Jan 6th was a relative. Is that what it would take? Else, let cops get beaten at the hands of Trump supporters- then blame Pelosi and Black Lives Matter.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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