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Thread: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

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    Default Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    The European governments and the European Commission speak of a ‘manipulation’ by Russia, but people perceive very well that the decision to stop importing Russian gas and oil was a European decision, taken by Brussels without even thinking of the impact it will have on the European economy. Many Europeans aren’t buying the narrative that the situation, which culminated in the shut down of gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, is all Vladimir Putin’s fault.

    I am HERE AND NOW blasting European leaders for their obsession with net zero and climate change hysteria, which has left the continent totally lacking in self-sufficiency.

    For the last 15 years, European leaders have gone into a climate craze, promoting magic mirrors and windmills as the solution. It does not work. These solutions demand the same capacity in gas power plants. I HERE AND NOW blame globalist technocrat leaders for sacrificing the interests of Europeans on the altar of prolonging a war that will cause economic devastation.

    The Europeans even believe that it is the bad Russians that have closed the tap of oil and gas, while it is their own leaders in Europe that have stupidly imposed these sanctions that are destroying the European economy. Europeans are bringing stagflation onto their heads. Before the people realize it, it will be too late. Macron, Scholz, von der Leyen and the like will never admit they were wrong and present excuses.

    Now into the US disaster. Biden shuts down the pipelines on his 1st day in office. WTF did he think would happen. Same catastrophe here in the US. Same technocrat globalist elite scum.

    Winter 2022-2023. Bundle up. Scrounge for some coal. Prepare.

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    yeah it's really funny I mean Tony Blair was a very very dominant figure in British politics and it seemed that David Cameron wanted to model himself on Tony Blair and since then the UK really haven't had a proper conservative figure ...the country thought Boris Johnson was because he picked up on the concept of Brexit, picked up on the mantra of brexit and controlling borders and when he put that to the country he won the biggest majority in 40 years. I think in all of UK capital cities where you know politicians are influenced/ conservatives are influenced by Big Business, big media, they finish up miles away from ordinary voters living outside the beltways.

    4 prime ministers in the space of 6 years, there are imperfections... I will say this though unless the conservative party get a grip they're going to find the pound going into Free Fall against the dollar, 25% inflation, with energy possible blackouts coming this winter and a massive socialist labor majority next time round. Liz Truss has said some of the right things, she now needs to act very very quickly.

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    The European governments and the European Commission speak of a ‘manipulation’ by Russia, but people perceive very well that the decision to stop importing Russian gas and oil was a European decision, taken by Brussels without even thinking of the impact it will have on the European economy. Many Europeans aren’t buying the narrative that the situation, which culminated in the shut down of gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, is all Vladimir Putin’s fault.

    I am HERE AND NOW blasting European leaders for their obsession with net zero and climate change hysteria, which has left the continent totally lacking in self-sufficiency.

    For the last 15 years, European leaders have gone into a climate craze, promoting magic mirrors and windmills as the solution. It does not work. These solutions demand the same capacity in gas power plants. I HERE AND NOW blame globalist technocrat leaders for sacrificing the interests of Europeans on the altar of prolonging a war that will cause economic devastation.

    The Europeans even believe that it is the bad Russians that have closed the tap of oil and gas, while it is their own leaders in Europe that have stupidly imposed these sanctions that are destroying the European economy. Europeans are bringing stagflation onto their heads. Before the people realize it, it will be too late. Macron, Scholz, von der Leyen and the like will never admit they were wrong and present excuses.

    Now into the US disaster. Biden shuts down the pipelines on his 1st day in office. WTF did he think would happen. Same catastrophe here in the US. Same technocrat globalist elite scum.

    Winter 2022-2023. Bundle up. Scrounge for some coal. Prepare.
    You are not capable of coherent thought or if you are you're incapable of putting it into words and you have a limited vocabulary so when you post something like this it's obviously stolen from somewhere. In this case:

    The economist blasted European leaders for their obsession with net zero and climate change hysteria, which has left the continent totally lacking in self-sufficiency.“For the last 15 years, our European leaders have gone into a climate craze, promoting magic mirrors and windmills as the solution. It does not work. These solutions demand the same capacity in gas power plants,” Gave said.
    The economist firmly blamed globalist technocrat leaders for sacrificing the interests of Europeans on the altar of prolonging a war that will cause economic devastation.
    “They [Europeans] even believe that it is the bad Russians that have closed the tap of oil and gas, while it is our own leaders in Europe that have stupidly imposed these sanctions that are destroying the European economy. We, Europeans, are bringing stagflation onto our head. Before the people realize it, it will be too late. Macron, [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz, von der Leyen and the like will never admit they were wrong and present excuses,” he asserted.

    Economist: Europeans Are “Mad With Anger And it Will Worsen” – Summit News

    So here you're literally parroting a known Russian propagandist.

    And which pipelines did Biden shut down. He prevented one pipeline that had only had a few miles actually built and wouldn't have been operational for the best part of a decade from being continued, that's it. The pipeline was wanted by the refining industry in America due to self interest (profits). The facts are that any Alberta tar oil produced can be sent to market the way the rest of their tar oil gets there, the pipeline wouldn't have added a single barrel to global markets and oil is a global commodity, how much is refined in the US is irrelevant to the global oil price. In reality the huge increase in American oil production that started due to new policies instituted by Barack Hussein Obama back in 2009 has continued to increase after dropping due to the pandemic and this year will probably hit the previous 2019 peak:


    The US gas price is high due to a number of reasons. This article from one of the US business news channels explains in more detail:

    Full of facts and evidence. You might want to read more than a few sentences.

    Trump also benefitted fro the fact that the fracking industry lost hundreds of billions of dollars in the years he was in office effectively subsidising cheap gasoline for American consumers to the point where he actually intervened in the market to force prices up. Frackers are currently returning their profits to investors to cover their previous losses and avoiding new investment because they took such a hammering in the 2010s.

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    yeah it's really funny I mean Tony Blair was a very very dominant figure in British politics and it seemed that David Cameron wanted to model himself on Tony Blair and since then the UK really haven't had a proper conservative figure ...the country thought Boris Johnson was because he picked up on the concept of Brexit, picked up on the mantra of brexit and controlling borders and when he put that to the country he won the biggest majority in 40 years. I think in all of UK capital cities where you know politicians are influenced/ conservatives are influenced by Big Business, big media, they finish up miles away from ordinary voters living outside the beltways.

    4 prime ministers in the space of 6 years, there are imperfections... I will say this though unless the conservative party get a grip they're going to find the pound going into Free Fall against the dollar, 25% inflation, with energy possible blackouts coming this winter and a massive socialist labor majority next time round. Liz Truss has said some of the right things, she now needs to act very very quickly.
    You wrote the first paragraph, pinched bits of the second from somewhere.

    I have some questions here.

    Tony Blair was a conservative?

    Do you think that conservative leaders produce better economic outcomes than politicians of other stripes? Can you provide any evidence of this?

    To the extent that UK inflation has a component other than food and energy prices which are set by global markets and outside the control of any nation's politicians it's the fact the Britain imports so much of its goods. The reason it imports so much is directly down to changes made by arch conservative margaret Thatcher who changed Britain's economy from one that manufactured things to a service economy and from having a trade surplus when she took office Britain now has a trade deficit of eight percent of the economy, the highest of any major economy leaving Britain very exposed to inflation via the deficit. Ignoramus.

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US


    the decision to stop importing Russian gas and oil was a European decision, taken by Brussels without even thinking of the impact it will have on the European economy. Many Europeans aren’t buying the narrative that the situation, which culminated in the shut down of gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, is all Vladimir Putin’s fault.

    I am HERE AND NOW blasting European leaders for their obsession with net zero and climate change hysteria, which has left the continent totally lacking in self-sufficiency.

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    I am sure that every single European leader blinked and sat up a little straighter in their seats once they heard from their senior advisers that you were blasting them 😂
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    well I want to say this: they have so let people down since 2019, nothing is working in the UK whether it's the NHS, it doesn't matter where you look nothing actually works anymore BUT the size of the state, the power of the state increases, surveillance increases and it doesn't feel like a libertarian conservative government at all. I got three big ideas for Truss: the first is the Channel --she's going to confront that very very quickly! 2,000 Albanians this weekend that we know of LOL, well okay a majority of them from Albania -- an EU applicant country and NATO member. She's going to deal with that and if she thinks a British Bill of Rights its gonna work she's wrong! no other option. secondly energy of course, the looming crisis, I have no doubt that she will find to 100 billion to reduce bills for individuals and businesses ---frankly she's got no choice but if you keep bills affordable and the UK get a cold winter, people will use more and more energy and that will put yet more pressure on supply. What I want to hear from Truss is that the UK is going to become energy independent within the next two to three years.

    She talks a big game and it sounds pretty good so far but she has a lot to do and she needs to get going fast. By the next election UK must be energy independent and it can be done BUT let's see if she's got the courage to push that through, and thirdly British economic woes (I've been saying this now for some time). British need growth FFS it was 650 billion was the deficit when David Cameron took over, now you're heading up towards two and a half trillion ---now to get your way out of this mess you need growth. I don't believe that growth comes from big companies and big factories I believe that growth comes through simultaneous transactions taking place amongst hundreds of thousands if not indeed millions of people. They are everything from taxi drivers the plumbers the physical therapists--- they're out there and even were threatened during the pandemic.

    if any group of people deserve to have the weight of red tape and bureaucracy lifted off their backs it's that group of people and Brexit allows you to do that. So Truss MUST stop them coming over the Channel, put some life back into the British economy from the grassroots.... if you do those three things you may just avoid a 1997 style wipeout.

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    What an ignorant, gullible , poisonous thick twat of a man you can be. The fact that as an adult you would listen to a moron like PJW explains some of it but honestly it is almost beyond belief how manipulated you are. The conmen, wideboys and racist fucking peasants whose views you seem to subscribe to wholesale, would not give you five minutes in the real world and yet here you are like someone with Stockholm Syndrome repeating their bullshit propaganda as though it was Gospel.

    Truss is an imbecile. She has absolutely no moral back bone or points of principle unless she thinks it will further her career. That she can even trump a fool like Johnson for idiocy is scary enough in a British PM but add to that the gleeful contempt she shows for the working people of this country and you can see the same selfish cruel Tory dogma is alive and well, even after Johnson and his criminal cohorts have left the stage. Brexit has been a complete and utter disaster for this country, a scam that has done nothing but removed the unparalled liberties and freedoms of nearly 50 years. Nobody in Europe is as fucked as the Brits and Brexit is to blame for that.

    No surprise that like Trump, Putin's little lap dog, you can't seem to bring yourself to acknowledge that you have always supported the elitist scum from day one. You bragged about dragging your traitorous arse up the Capitol to try and upend a democratic decision and now here you are refusing to accept that if you had not joined the mainstream sheeple and muppets believing that Corbyn was some kind of communist threat, you would have to admit that the UK would be in a far better place right now. Nationalising the Energy companies as Corbyn suggested, would have made a massive impact and done far more to support small businesses than the Tories ever have. The Tories have always been about supporting massive corporations at the expense of the working man. Look at Truss today refusing to contemplate a windfall tax for the hige energy companies while Starmer insisted that was the fair way to help inject some kind of common sense into the situation.

    Hardly surprising when Truss used to work for SHELL. These are the kind of people you support. TRUMP, JOHNSON, TRUSS. The true globalist elite who waste millions jetting around the world to satisfy their massive egos.

    Give yourself a slap across the face with a wet fish and wake up. Your dog whistling racist bollocks is disgusting. Crush people into the sand and then blame them for getting your boots dirty? Wanker.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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    Default Re: Winter 2022-2023 predictions: Europe and US

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    the decision to stop importing Russian gas and oil was a European decision, taken by Brussels without even thinking of the impact it will have on the European economy. Many Europeans aren’t buying the narrative that the situation, which culminated in the shut down of gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, is all Vladimir Putin’s fault.

    I am HERE AND NOW blasting European leaders for their obsession with net zero and climate change hysteria, which has left the continent totally lacking in self-sufficiency.

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