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Thread: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

  1. #46
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    So, how well is this righty pc stuff going to go down with students? Somehow I don't see it working.

    Take universities first. Harvard poll their intake every year to see where they are on the ideological spectrum and ninety five percent of them are left liberal. A significant chunk of them are so lefty liberal that the Harvard faculty are terrified of teaching or saying something that offends them in case it blows up into a controversy and costs them their job. This is definitely a problem. This I'm sure is pretty much the case in every elite college and basically every college* to some extent. The graduates of elite places and not so elite places, the people who will be running America to a large extent in twenty or thirty years are nine plus out of ten lefty liberal.

    So it must be the schools right? All those woke teachers creating this almost uniform lefty liberal cohort.

    I don't think so. Look at Harvard again. Their entire entire yearly intake, the medical school, law school and every single course they offer is around two and a half thousand places a year that aren't dean's list people whose parents paid two or three million to let them in or legacy students whose families paid something similar. Two and a half thousand and there are around 27 000 high schools out there. So one out of ten schools sends one person a year to Harvard. Add on all the elite school places and it's probably around thirty thousand altogether so one person a year makes it from every high school to an Ivy league type college.

    Every one of these thirty thousand has known for years that they're smarter than everybody they know. They have the smarts coupled with a gigantic work ethic and have taken in huge amounts of knowledge over and above what they're taught by teachers. They are not impressed or overawed or influenced to any significant extent by their teachers. Most of them will have a low or less than good opinion of their teachers' knowledge and intelligence levels and will probably feel sorry for them rather than have any chance of being indoctrinated by them.

    They arrive at college with lots of fully formed Opinions and they're not shy about letting you know about them. I was at one of these places in England thirty years ago and it was no different then. Kids haven't changed any in the meantime. But even while they're forming these opinions at school there's no chance they can be indoctrinated by teachers or anybody else. Trying to tell highly intelligent human beings what to think is like trying to herd cats. You have no chance at all of doing it.

    Third post coming later at some point. Just think about what these fuckers are thinking about when they see one party denying climate change or where half of them don't believe in evolution and are having righty religious alternatives to it taught in schools or are massively anti science/knowledge and so on. And now they're banning books and political appointees are setting curriculums? They're accepting conspiracy lunatics into their party and these people are becoming major figures in their party?

    And maybe things have changed a little since I was at school:

    Maybe kids are just naturally developing less of the behaviours we associate with righty/conservative attitudes and more of the lefty/liberal stuff.

    * OK, not Liberty University or any of the Christian/righty places. But look how the market values those schools versus their competitors.
    Last edited by Kirkland Laing; 02-26-2023 at 06:40 AM.

  2. #47
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!


    Either you write really fast (all of that between fights )... or the time between fights was longer than I thought.

    In any case, and from what I could gather from speed reading your post (it's close to 1:30 am here, and past my bedtime)... I personally have never attached government or political parties to the PC culture that has taken over the country.

    Yes I know. The liberals are the ones mostly into being politically correct. But I don't blame anyone other than the people themselves.

    IMHO, there has been a gradual cultural shift over time. Probably due to faulty child rearing.

    People's sensitivities are now on "ultra-touchy" mode. Regardless of whether is meant to be insulting or not... it IS... and must be removed or renamed to some bland version.

    Sports teams... pancake brands... toy names... feminine products... everything's on the table.

    It all responds to the well-known "pendulum theory", where the reactions are often multiple times worse than the original action.

    Racism and sexism have been problem areas for years... so let's overreact to the point where EVERYTHING'S deemed racist or sexist. To hell with intent.

    The problem for me is that a lot of it is nothing more than TOKEN actions. All fluff... no substance.

    "Hey... we changed the Aunt Jemima name on the pancake syrup. Let's all go in a corner and pat each other on the back on a job well done. Meanwhile, we'll continue being the same old racist bastards behind the scenes."

    I read an article some time ago where it was reported that even many Native Americans said they couldn't care less about the name of the Washington Redskins. Changing the name wasn't going to change anything in their lives or the struggles they are faced with on a daily basis. So it wasn't even the Native Americans pushing for the change. It was the PC Police. Why? So they could circle jerk themselves and feel all warm and mushy inside.

    Anyone with more than two grams of gray matter between their ears should be more than capable of discerning between positive, constructive effort to minimize or prevent harmful and discriminatory actions toward minority groups... and superficial, fake-looking, token gestures that reek of hypocrisy.

    Anyway... that's my two cents on the matter. Only reason I've written so much is that Subriel Matias won... and it'll be a while before I wind down and go to bed.

    'Night, gentlemen.

  3. #48
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  4. #49
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Bryan Cranston on the 'Make America Great Again' slogan: 'Do you accept that that could possibly be construed as a racist remark?'

    Of course the slogan itself isn't racist. Everyone knows that.

    But I think most people get the message. He makes some good points. Give that man a beer.

  5. #50
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Ok so this is a healthy reversal of the absolutely absurd. Reediting aka censoring by the publisher and a group called 'Inclusive Minds' would have not only original text and passages reworded/removed but even the addition lines that were never written by the author. That right there is some dangerous shat. We're seeing some assbackwards thinking pointed at literature as of late, Government used as a hammer and it's become quite the moralist banner for a certain Presidential candidate named Desantis.

  6. #51
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post

    Ok so this is a healthy reversal of the absolutely absurd. Reediting aka censoring by the publisher and a group called 'Inclusive Minds' would have not only original text and passages reworded/removed but even the addition lines that were never written by the author. That right there is some dangerous shat. We're seeing some assbackwards thinking pointed at literature as of late, Government used as a hammer and it's become quite the moralist banner for a certain Presidential candidate named Desantis.

    Man... these are children's books FFS. Most of them decades old.

    Forget slippery slopes. We have slipped off the slope and are freefalling off the side of the cliff.

    Not only is NOTHING out of bounds... but groups like you describe are out there roaming the cultural landscape... scouring children's toys, books, product brands, and just about everything one can think of.

    There must be some big, fat weight-challenged bonuses being dangled out there for those who identify the next "danger" to be censored.

  7. #52
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    Either you write really fast (all of that between fights )... or the time between fights was longer than I thought.

    In any case, and from what I could gather from speed reading your post (it's close to 1:30 am here, and past my bedtime)... I personally have never attached government or political parties to the PC culture that has taken over the country.

    Yes I know. The liberals are the ones mostly into being politically correct. But I don't blame anyone other than the people themselves.

    IMHO, there has been a gradual cultural shift over time. Probably due to faulty child rearing.

    People's sensitivities are now on "ultra-touchy" mode. Regardless of whether is meant to be insulting or not... it IS... and must be removed or renamed to some bland version.

    Sports teams... pancake brands... toy names... feminine products... everything's on the table.

    It all responds to the well-known "pendulum theory", where the reactions are often multiple times worse than the original action.

    Racism and sexism have been problem areas for years... so let's overreact to the point where EVERYTHING'S deemed racist or sexist. To hell with intent.

    The problem for me is that a lot of it is nothing more than TOKEN actions. All fluff... no substance.

    "Hey... we changed the Aunt Jemima name on the pancake syrup. Let's all go in a corner and pat each other on the back on a job well done. Meanwhile, we'll continue being the same old racist bastards behind the scenes."

    I read an article some time ago where it was reported that even many Native Americans said they couldn't care less about the name of the Washington Redskins. Changing the name wasn't going to change anything in their lives or the struggles they are faced with on a daily basis. So it wasn't even the Native Americans pushing for the change. It was the PC Police. Why? So they could circle jerk themselves and feel all warm and mushy inside.

    Anyone with more than two grams of gray matter between their ears should be more than capable of discerning between positive, constructive effort to minimize or prevent harmful and discriminatory actions toward minority groups... and superficial, fake-looking, token gestures that reek of hypocrisy.

    Anyway... that's my two cents on the matter. Only reason I've written so much is that Subriel Matias won... and it'll be a while before I wind down and go to bed.

    'Night, gentlemen.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post

    Ok so this is a healthy reversal of the absolutely absurd. Reediting aka censoring by the publisher and a group called 'Inclusive Minds' would have not only original text and passages reworded/removed but even the addition lines that were never written by the author. That right there is some dangerous shat. We're seeing some assbackwards thinking pointed at literature as of late, Government used as a hammer and it's become quite the moralist banner for a certain Presidential candidate named Desantis.

    Man... these are children's books FFS. Most of them decades old.

    Forget slippery slopes. We have slipped off the slope and are freefalling off the side of the cliff.

    Not only is NOTHING out of bounds... but groups like you describe are out there roaming the cultural landscape... scouring children's toys, books, product brands, and just about everything one can think of.

    There must be some big, fat weight-challenged bonuses being dangled out there for those who identify the next "danger" to be censored.

    There has been a rush of stuff recently that has undergone name changes or image changes. Campaigners have been after the Redskins and the Indians to change their name for decades and it didn't happen but then all of a sudden all this stuff started happening. And it's directly due to the George Floyd protests, or at least what those protests revealed about American public opinion.

    When they started I thought oh well, Trump is going to win the election easily now. I was waiting for a massive backlash from middle America to go with the inevitable conservative backlash. But it never came. Instead BLM at the time were polling about sixty percent approval. Republican Senators were rushing out in groups to make joint statements condemning racism, saying that there was indeed systemic racism, there needed to be reforms, signing up to bills to change the names of military bases and so on. Senators of both parties are a very reliable bellwether of American opinion. One thing all those fuckers have in common is they know how to read a poll. For GOP senators to come out en masse like that or at the very least to shut up and not take the other side meant there was a sea change in public opinion.

    And all of these brands/publishers/businesses whether it's pancake syrup or the Redskins or Doctor Seuss are just trying to get ahead of things before changes in public opinion affect their sales. That's it with the brands and the publishers. It's entirely down to money. It doesn't matter that Native Americans couldn't care less about the Redskins name. It's what middle America thinks that matters to the Redskins owner and the NFL and middle America has a couple of years ago revealed that it has changed its opinion on the level of racism and discrimination in society. That's why we have the name changes. And it is all just token actions, not much else has really changed. You only get incremental changes in this stuff over the years and a lot of time time it's two steps forwards one step backwards but then over a lifespan the little changes add up. When you're old and grey things will look at lot different than they did when you were a youngster.

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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post

    Ok so this is a healthy reversal of the absolutely absurd. Reediting aka censoring by the publisher and a group called 'Inclusive Minds' would have not only original text and passages reworded/removed but even the addition lines that were never written by the author. That right there is some dangerous shat. We're seeing some assbackwards thinking pointed at literature as of late, Government used as a hammer and it's become quite the moralist banner for a certain Presidential candidate named Desantis.

    When the Dr.Seuss thing happened I was sure that publishers were looking at Dr. Seuss books being forty nine out of the top fifty sellers on amazon and conservative buying them by the truckload thinking the libs were trying to cancel them when the Seuss estate were only doing this to avoid potential damage to the brand in future and the publishers thinking fuck, what do we have in our catalogues that is vaguely racist and could set off a sales bonanza if we announce we're changing it. I think in this case it's the publisher genuinely thinking that they're protecting the brand from future controversies but it's just ridiculous, isn't it.

    DeSantis is going after Disney now:

    If approved, the board will garner the power to manage the special district’s infrastructure, services, taxing authority, and more. DeSantis suggested Monday that the board might push for a say in Disney’s content if the corporation wants its tax-friendly home base to remain as is.
    “When you lose your way, you gotta have people that are going to tell you the truth,” DeSantis said. “All these board members very much would like to see the type of entertainment that all families can appreciate.”

    This might help him win the nomination but it's not going to play well in the election.

    There is a problem with liberals and their cultural agenda. A lot of it is illiberal and the campaigns to block people speaking at colleges or trying to get professors fired because they're teaching something people don't agree with or some of the stuff happening in political circles (google David Shor being fired) is riduculous and ultimately self defeating but it does just seem to be restricted to intra-lefty fratricide (I would probably get cancelled for using fratricide instead of the gender neutral term eh). In the wider would it seems to have claimed a few victims who by and large deserved it, Harvey Weinstein, that ginger comedian, a tv presenter or three come to mind. This is not the libs enforcing their beliefs on the entire country although it's painted that way for political advantage and profit.

    On the other side you have fuckers like Ron who are reacting to what looks like liberal cultural domination by using the power of the government, which is antithetical to everything conservatives are supposed to stand for, to enforce their ideology on the public. It looks like a lot of the conservative movement is fully on board with this too. I can only imagine the reaction if Biden was trying to legislate lefty ideology and enforce it onto the country.

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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

  10. #55
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    "Native American group threatens Washington Commanders with boycott over name change"

    Gee... imagine that.

    A little background here for the uninformed.

    So apparently, the PC police and woke mob had been hounding the National Football League (NFL) in recent years to get the name changed on the Washington Redskins franchise. The Redskins... supposedly around the 6th oldest team in the NFL. Formed in 1932, and steeped in tradition and history. After a huge amount of pressure, the Redskins' ownership caved, and ditched the Redskins name and logo. Tellingly, the owner decided not to adopt a team right away... and the team became simply the Washington Football Team (WTF, only slightly reordered). They let that absurdity stew for a while, until finally in February of last year, they changed the team name to Commanders.

    Diehard football fans still call the team the Washington Redskins (including me). I've always felt that token changes in team names and pancake syrup brands are merely superficial brain farts thought up by good ol' white boys wanting to pat themselves on the back after "a job well done." Change a team name or a pancake syrup brand... you've solved all the racism problems in the U.S. It's as pathetic as it sounds.

    Native American groups had always voiced their opposition to changing the name of the Redskins. Probably realizing, as most people with more than three brain cells, that changing a team name doesn't address or solve their problems. But the PC police said "Move aside, Native Americans. This doesn't concern you."

    Now we have this. Damn Native Americans just won't leave well enough alone. Always getting in the way of what is being done for their own good.

    Putting Band-Aids where a tourniquet should go. Typical of self-back-patting PC warriors.

    This is yet ANOTHER reason why society is going to shit.

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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Didn't you get the memo? Just be positive lol. We aren't allowed to talk about negative stuff anymore.

  12. #57
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    "Native American group threatens Washington Commanders with boycott over name change"

    Gee... imagine that.

    A little background here for the uninformed.

    So apparently, the PC police and woke mob had been hounding the National Football League (NFL) in recent years to get the name changed on the Washington Redskins franchise. The Redskins... supposedly around the 6th oldest team in the NFL. Formed in 1932, and steeped in tradition and history. After a huge amount of pressure, the Redskins' ownership caved, and ditched the Redskins name and logo. Tellingly, the owner decided not to adopt a team right away... and the team became simply the Washington Football Team (WTF, only slightly reordered). They let that absurdity stew for a while, until finally in February of last year, they changed the team name to Commanders.

    Diehard football fans still call the team the Washington Redskins (including me). I've always felt that token changes in team names and pancake syrup brands are merely superficial brain farts thought up by good ol' white boys wanting to pat themselves on the back after "a job well done." Change a team name or a pancake syrup brand... you've solved all the racism problems in the U.S. It's as pathetic as it sounds.

    Native American groups had always voiced their opposition to changing the name of the Redskins. Probably realizing, as most people with more than three brain cells, that changing a team name doesn't address or solve their problems. But the PC police said "Move aside, Native Americans. This doesn't concern you."

    Now we have this. Damn Native Americans just won't leave well enough alone. Always getting in the way of what is being done for their own good.

    Putting Band-Aids where a tourniquet should go. Typical of self-back-patting PC warriors.

    This is yet ANOTHER reason why society is going to shit.

    I am up to here with Political correctness!! (

    Society is not going to shit. It's getting better!

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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

  14. #59
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

  15. #60
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    Default Re: I am up to here with Political correctness!!

    Don’t really see a political correctness angle more just how people set agendas and fall back on stereotypes. Black man highlights hypocrisy and a wide lack of focus on crime. Shocking. And not the exception. Screw blm where’s the empty suits in elected office and community leaders. Take blm out of the equation, would same sources even address the topic. Just more finger pointing and playing for clicks off of divisions.

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