Have to side-eye this one just as I do Crawford v Canelo and other multi weight leaps. Not sure who plays who style wise but another making "big name" star on star match ups just for the pocket book. That's fine if we're in hollywood but the realities and physical boundaries can't be ignored. And I've always loathed division leap frogging when there are already realistic top fights for all parties involved.

I mean Tank could shrivel back down to a pace he hasn't seen in years and Inoue would be in a place up two divisions where he's never even been prior. It would likely give new meaning to a 50 percent vs 50 percent match . Both have so much sitting on their plates that would be a shot in the arm for the sport. And respect to both, they def don't need each other. Davis is going into a solid fight with Martin and hopefully moves quick after that. Sign me right up for Tank and buzzsaw Barboza. I really look forward to Inoue kicking the door in on 126 and think it has a good chance of being entertaining with either Ford or Lopez and sweeping up all the straps for 3 division full unification which is insane. Huge things ahead for both if politricks doesn't get in the way.