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Poll: Who would you vote for??

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Thread: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    From where I sit I have a good opinion of Tony Blair.

    Friend to Bush; Friend to Boxing Gorilla.
    Friend to Boxing Gorilla; Unremarkable to Bush.

    It's one way...

  2. #17
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow
    Straight LibDem ticket.
    As I would say to someone who voted straight ticket for Republicans as well.......


  3. #18
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow
    Straight LibDem ticket.
    As I would say to someone who voted straight ticket for Republicans as well.......

    Yeah, I suppose that was a pretty stupid idea, Lyle. But I think I was joking at the time I wrote that.
    "et ignotas animum dimittit in artes naturamque nouat" Ovid's Metamorphoses

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  4. #19
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow
    Straight LibDem ticket.
    As I would say to someone who voted straight ticket for Republicans as well.......

    Yeehaw cowboy, I thought you'd be too busy firing your pistol in the air to talk about politics. I can't believe Lyle has just told someone 'THAT'S STUPID' when 5 mins ago he says

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    ........Conservative of course.....because they are the only ones willing to stand up to anybody.....(unless you count Churchhill who was Labour)
    Did you know that there wouldn't be a war in Iraq the first place if in the late 80's/ early 90's John Major and George Bush Snr sold billions of Dollars worth of weaponry to the iraqis then a couple of years later went over there and blew the shit out of them. Then after the iraq distraction oops I mean war (150,000 Iraq casualties, USA.. 79) Clinton sends 15 $3m missiles over for a failed alleged assasination attempt on George Bush Snr, killing 5 innocent civilians, just to gain votes because idiots like you think america needs to be "willing to stand up to anybody". Ok, now we get on to the current "War on Terror" that currently takes up 53% of he american budget. That means america spends over 10 times more on "defence" (Defence in republican territory means blowing the shit out of innocent people) than it does on Health. (4.7%) good to know you guys over there have your priorities in order
    Remember the good old days, we miss you Marco!

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by yoitsdan
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by The Shadow
    Straight LibDem ticket.
    As I would say to someone who voted straight ticket for Republicans as well.......

    Yeehaw cowboy, I thought you'd be too busy firing your pistol in the air to talk about politics. I can't believe Lyle has just told someone 'THAT'S STUPID' when 5 mins ago he says

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    ........Conservative of course.....because they are the only ones willing to stand up to anybody.....(unless you count Churchhill who was Labour)
    Did you know that there wouldn't be a war in Iraq the first place if in the late 80's/ early 90's John Major and George Bush Snr sold billions of Dollars worth of weaponry to the iraqis then a couple of years later went over there and blew the S*** out of them. Then after the iraq distraction oops I mean war (150,000 Iraq casualties, USA.. 79) Clinton sends 15 $3m missiles over for a failed alleged assasination attempt on George Bush Snr, killing 5 innocent civilians, just to gain votes because idiots like you think america needs to be "willing to stand up to anybody". Ok, now we get on to the current "War on Terror" that currently takes up 53% of he american budget. That means america spends over 10 times more on "defence" (Defence in republican territory means blowing the S*** out of innocent people) than it does on Health. (4.7%) good to know you guys over there have your priorities in order
    "et ignotas animum dimittit in artes naturamque nouat" Ovid's Metamorphoses

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  6. #21
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Well it's all very complicated DAN on one hand Saddam was a Sunni and since we're mainly friends with Sunni's (The Arabs/ Saudi Royal Family etc) we gave him the benefit of the doubt and then he just had to be put down.

    I never heard of George H.W. Bush selling weapons to Iraq.....I mean I heard of the Iran-Contra scandle where Reagan sold guns to Iran to fight to Soviets and to the Contra's to fight the Sandinistas.

    As for War on Terror spending vs Health doesn't mean much when planes crash into and kill you.

    Now that you got me all riled up

    Liberals want the US out of Iraq in 2008....they talk about the current leaders not having an exit strategy.....well just leaving won't help many people.

    ALSO the liberals try to say "Well the Iraqis won't fight for themseleves because we're fighting for them".......yet they do love pushing welfare on American citizens.....I'm glad I get to pay so that lazy people don't have to work.....that's wonderful! A huge hypocrisy....the government shouldn't do over there but it should do over here for people won't do jack shit.

    You know the Congress right now could just stop funding the War on Terror....but they won't, they want a POLITICAL victory and not a real victory.

    I'm more libertarian than Democrat or Republican but jesus don't sit on the fence when the soldiers out there DESERVE a solid answer, yes we continue fighting,or no we get out. But in my opinion we owe the Iraqi people to rebuild their country because we're the ones who blew it to shit....Liberals are supporting this let's leave right now and it tells me we don't have to be responsible or even accountable for what we do.....and isn't that what makes people dislike America to begin with?

  7. #22
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    ....oh and also I (as conservative as I may be) NEVER EVER EVER will vote straight ticket. If everyone agrees then no thought goes into decisions, no one says "Hey if we do that then this may happen, or these people will be negatively affected"

    I think dissent is healthy but being anti-american is no good, I won't vote for anyone like that.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Pac by KO

  9. #24
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Send as many troops over there as it takes to get the fucking job done !!!

    In Military speak its turned into a Royal gangfuck but we are there now so get it sorted !!

    All this talk of exit strategy is annoying it was big talk and half measures that got us here in the 1st place to cut and run now would be a travesty to the people who have given their lives in the pursuit of ' freedom' .

    Get it fucking sorted and get it done properly or in 10 years there will be some fucking nutter smack bang in the middle of the middle east worse than saddam hussien and more deadly than Osama Bin Laden calling him the leader of Iraq or the Shiek of the Land of 2 rivers .

    Blair and Bush are responsible for this so get it sorted get nasty and get real .

  10. #25
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?


    Only ones who will clean this fucking immigrant infested fucking shit hole cleaned up!

  11. #26
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme

    Only ones who will clean this fucking immigrant infested fucking shit hole cleaned up!

    With out immigrants we would have nobady to do building work,hospital jobs drive our buses,taxis and trains,work long hours in factories and all the other shit jobs that the native people of Great Britian cant be arsed to do.

    But the immigrats who come here to just go on the dole,thats another story.They should be sent on there way.

    If the BNP carried out there plans Britian would grind to a halt.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by porkypara
    Quote Originally Posted by Preme

    Only ones who will clean this F****** immigrant infested F****** S*** hole cleaned up!

    With out immigrants we would have nobady to do building work,hospital jobs drive our buses,taxis and trains,work long hours in factories and all the other S*** jobs that the native people of Great Britian cant be arsed to do.

    But the immigrats who come here to just go on the dole,thats another story.They should be sent on there way.

    If the BNP carried out there plans Britian would grind to a halt.
    Its not they can't be arsed to, now i got fuck all agasint the pols, they come over here for moneya nd work liek fuck, but the thing is them and others before have been coming here and working, but for fuck all, so that puts others out of work and enforces them to expand their trade putting more out of work.

    Ever been down the job centre in the days? fuck load sof usless kunts down there doing fuck all 'cause they can't be arsed to go work or labour, get rid of the fucking immigrants and force those lazy twats to work - job solved, if they got cut off the dole for not taking these jobs things would change, and change fast.

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    Quote Originally Posted by porkypara
    Quote Originally Posted by Preme

    Only ones who will clean this F****** immigrant infested F****** S*** hole cleaned up!

    With out immigrants we would have nobady to do building work,hospital jobs drive our buses,taxis and trains,work long hours in factories and all the other S*** jobs that the native people of Great Britian cant be arsed to do.

    But the immigrats who come here to just go on the dole,thats another story.They should be sent on there way.

    If the BNP carried out there plans Britian would grind to a halt.
    Its not they can't be arsed to, now i got fuck all agasint the pols, they come over here for moneya nd work liek fuck, but the thing is them and others before have been coming here and working, but for fuck all, so that puts others out of work and enforces them to expand their trade putting more out of work.

    Ever been down the job centre in the days? fuck load sof usless kunts down there doing fuck all 'cause they can't be arsed to go work or labour, get rid of the fucking immigrants and force those lazy twats to work - job solved, if they got cut off the dole for not taking these jobs things would change, and change fast.
    I know so many people who have never done a days work in there lives and they rant and rave about Niggers and Pakis(there talk not mine) taking our jobs but they are to lazy to work them selves.

    I said to one why doesent he aply to run a corner shop 7 days a week and he just looked at me stupid.

  14. #29
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    ....I'm happy Ireland knows how to run their shit.....Irish Miracle baby!!!!! Why are they doing so well? LOWER TAXES!!!!!!!!!!

    As for ILLEGAL immigration, I think those people need to realize that it hurts other people when they do it.....and the keyword here is ILLEGAL. I mean when the first thing you do in this country is against the law it speaks volumes of how you will do after that!

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS KILL 13 PEOPLE A DAY.....and that's just kill, it's not injure, or how much they cost.

    I think if we are to allow illegals in the US then state sponsered programs like WELFARE, SCHOOL, MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY need to be privatized or just gotten rid of

  15. #30
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    Default Re: Who would you vote for in a British general election?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    ....I'm happy Ireland knows how to run their shit.....Irish Miracle baby!!!!! Why are they doing so well? LOWER TAXES!!!!!!!!!!

    As for ILLEGAL immigration, I think those people need to realize that it hurts other people when they do it.....and the keyword here is ILLEGAL. I mean when the first thing you do in this country is against the law it speaks volumes of how you will do after that!

    ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS KILL 13 PEOPLE A DAY.....and that's just kill, it's not injure, or how much they cost.

    I think if we are to allow illegals in the US then state sponsered programs like WELFARE, SCHOOL, MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY need to be privatized or just gotten rid of

    CC fella.

    The point is illega immigrants are the prbblem not the legal immigrants willing to work hard to earn there crust and pay there way.

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