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Thread: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205
    "the Slug" is who Molly keeps referring to.

    As far as who's killing the old heroes generation...they eluded to it being him...but I don't think so. Slug is the one that see's Molly whenever she see's him.

    I honestly believe that either Peter or a version of Hiro or someone they brought through the rift is killing of the old generation. I know that sounds crazy but I purchased something from someone off of ebay that was a set staffer & they were telling me about the Hiro rift deal.
    WTF?! What's the slug?! And Hiro? Can you explain it to me without giving away spoilers as that sounds awesome!!

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205
    "the Slug" is who Molly keeps referring to.

    As far as who's killing the old heroes generation...they eluded to it being him...but I don't think so. Slug is the one that see's Molly whenever she see's him.

    I honestly believe that either Peter or a version of Hiro or someone they brought through the rift is killing of the old generation. I know that sounds crazy but I purchased something from someone off of ebay that was a set staffer & they were telling me about the Hiro rift deal.
    WTF?! What's the slug?! And Hiro? Can you explain it to me without giving away spoilers as that sounds awesome!!
    hiro = hiro nakamora the lil asian fella? you know ? YAKAAAAAAA

  3. #18
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205
    "the Slug" is who Molly keeps referring to.

    As far as who's killing the old heroes generation...they eluded to it being him...but I don't think so. Slug is the one that see's Molly whenever she see's him.

    I honestly believe that either Peter or a version of Hiro or someone they brought through the rift is killing of the old generation. I know that sounds crazy but I purchased something from someone off of ebay that was a set staffer & they were telling me about the Hiro rift deal.
    WTF?! What's the slug?! And Hiro? Can you explain it to me without giving away spoilers as that sounds awesome!!
    hiro = hiro nakamora the lil asian fella? you know ? YAKAAAAAAA
    LMOA,i KNOW THAT BRO!! I mean Hiro as in Hiro killing the old generation?!?!?! What is the Hiro rift deal(without spoilers please!!!_)

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Heroes draws so many parrallels with LOST for me.

    It’s hard for me to pick characters that I can say are my favorites. Every episode that develops a character’s personality makes it more & more tuff with each Monday night.

    My favorite of all time is either Peter Petrelli or Gabrielle Sylar.

    I’m curious to see how Sylar thinks that he’s going to engulf the abilities of Maya Herrera & her twin brother Alejandro…the ones that inflict the plague of death on everyone that they come in contact with. That will be a mess if he actually pulls that off.

    Also…Micah’s new realatives are the shat so far.

    I’m curious to see what’s up with Christian Belle joining the show as one of the Petrelli’s also.

    HRG (aka: Horn Rimmed Glasses, aka: Claires daddy, aka: Noah) is still the most compelling one of the bunch & the fact that he’s in the middle of everything & that he’s trying to take down the “Primatech Paper Corporation” is what makes me like him the most. The last painting of Issac that shows HRG shot in the noggin really REALLY puts a spin on the entire show. Can’t wait!!!!

    The Haitian’s cool as shit too.

    Sylar still makes the show…but I want to see him & Peter tussle again.
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205
    "the Slug" is who Molly keeps referring to.

    As far as who's killing the old heroes generation...they eluded to it being him...but I don't think so. Slug is the one that see's Molly whenever she see's him.

    I honestly believe that either Peter or a version of Hiro or someone they brought through the rift is killing of the old generation. I know that sounds crazy but I purchased something from someone off of ebay that was a set staffer & they were telling me about the Hiro rift deal.
    WTF?! What's the slug?! And Hiro? Can you explain it to me without giving away spoilers as that sounds awesome!!
    hiro = hiro nakamora the lil asian fella? you know ? YAKAAAAAAA
    LMOA,i KNOW THAT BRO!! I mean Hiro as in Hiro killing the old generation?!?!?! What is the Hiro rift deal(without spoilers please!!!_)
    Everytime that Hiro travels back & forth thru the future & past he runs a risk of starting a rift in the time & space continuem. Things come back with him or get scrambled in the future...just like in the episode where he was in two times @ the same time.

    Future Hiro & past Hiro were in the same spot @ the same times.

    I don't mean that Hiro himself is doing the killing but that when he does the shifts thru time he changes things...things that were'nt supposed to be changed & people that were dead are no longer see what I mean?'s my theory vs the one that I have been told theory: Hiro went back & forth & brought back someone from the dead that was not supposed to have been brought back.

    I think that it was the Petrelli's father that came back...I think that it's the Petrelli's dad that is doing the killings.

    I may be wrong...I may be right...I just don't know...but when I mentioned this to the person that I know that is in the know...he said that I was close...I also mentioned that I thought that it was Peter Petrelli that was doing the killing...that the fact that he had no memory was a factor...I was told that I was close there honestly...I don't know if I am being told that someone in the Petrelli family is involved or that he just can't really say...either way...I think that it ends up being someone that is involved with the Petrelli's...but the Petrelli's seem to be involved in the ENTIRE scope of the show...PERIOD.

    Anywho...initially I was of the opinion that it was FUTURE HIRO or some form of HIRO that was involved in the murders of the elder clan of Heroes...I don't know how close I am to's just all confusing...but apparently the Molly earlier referred now Matt Parkman's dad from the Elder clan.

    Totally confused now.
    Never beg a 40 dollar hooker...specially after she's just turned down your mom's credit card!!

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205
    "the Slug" is who Molly keeps referring to.

    As far as who's killing the old heroes generation...they eluded to it being him...but I don't think so. Slug is the one that see's Molly whenever she see's him.

    I honestly believe that either Peter or a version of Hiro or someone they brought through the rift is killing of the old generation. I know that sounds crazy but I purchased something from someone off of ebay that was a set staffer & they were telling me about the Hiro rift deal.
    WTF?! What's the slug?! And Hiro? Can you explain it to me without giving away spoilers as that sounds awesome!!
    hiro = hiro nakamora the lil asian fella? you know ? YAKAAAAAAA
    Never beg a 40 dollar hooker...specially after she's just turned down your mom's credit card!!

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    We need a place to discuss this show,I hope you don't mind Wack. Season 2 just started and it's insane.

    Hmmmm.....In season 1,Molly,when she was scanning for Syler,came across someone and said he was much scarier and was looking back at her. This,imo,is going to be the main bad guy for this season.
    No sweat. Totally down with discussing & am trying to catch up with all the questions & posts.

    That someone…referred to as the SLUG…appears to be Matt Parkman’s dad…another of the Elder’s.


    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    This season thus far,we had Hiro's dad talking about what bad things they had done(I'm guessing he was referring to the other,older genration of Heroes who features him,the mum and dad of the Petrelli's,the black dude who died,Linderman) and the way Hiro's dad spoke was as if the "older generation" had done something bad to humanity and were recieving justice when he recieved a photo of himself with the Godsend smybol on it. The Petrelli's mother also recieved the same symbol,which usualy means they are going to die in 24 hours according to Hiro's father.
    Yes…he was talking about the Elders.

    The “Godsend” symbol is the mark of the Heroes & the Sword Saint that Hiro so idolizes. Kensei appears to be the origin of the abilities…hence Hiro’s travel back through time to feudal Japan to learn all that he can & make his hero Kensei be all that he can be.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Now my question is,who killed Hiro's father? Who was that hooded figure? I have no idea why,but I thought it was Sylar??
    I keep going back & forth on it. I have a shitload of theories…but have no clue which one is correct. First I thought that it was Peter via a rift & the amnesia thing, then I thought that it was SLUG, then I thought that it was Nikki hired by the company, & lastly I thought that it was Veronica Mars’s character…as she has a tie in to the Petrellis.

    Now I have no clue.

    Too many RED HERRINGS swimming in the pond. Heh heh heh.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    As for Peter Petrelli at the end of the episode. What the heck was he doing in a container in Ireland?! And he had the godsend necklace on? And he seemed to be surprised at the fireball he let out pf his hands,which looked fricking awesome!?!?!!?
    I say that the peeps that have him in Ireland are Heroes themselves…or anti heroes…or some shit. They have the helix symbol…the Godsend mark for a tatoo.

    It soaked into Peter’s skin during the second episode once he took the brand.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    My theory: Peter is the big bad evil Molly(the tracking system) sees and is scared of. I don't know how or why but he becomes the bad guy. It would be pretty coool!
    Peter is one of my favorites…I would be sick if he became the villian…but in the future he TECHNICALLY was the bad guy…he blew up NYC & Sylar covered it up by taking on Nathan’s form & blah blah blah.

    I want Peter to get the fwock back to the US of A & get shit back on track.

    FWOCK THIS AMNESIA BS!!!! Your people need you PETE!!!!

    My wife hates it when Peter comes on screen because I generally get all Wacko & start yelling “Go Pete!!! Fuck ‘em up Peter…” & blah blah blah. What can I say…I geek out when the shows on.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Finally,that dam fine Latina girl and her brother. Now I don't know whether it was a transalting error but when they first appeared and she responed something along the lines of,we have been running for 800 miles?!?!?!?!!?!? WTF?! And then, she massacred those people in the van in which they were travelling,killing the innocent people too!! I think she turns into a monster so ugly,it scares whoever sees it,killing them. I say this because all the dead had tears of blood rolling down their cheeks.
    Nope…she’s the plague & her brother is the cure…plain & simple. They’ve been on the run for 800 miles or more & are trying to find Dr. Surresh.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    That's all I have time to type but it looks like it is going to be a super cool season. I want to know who this group is that is killing th eolder generation of Heroes and why. And I want to know what happened to Nikki,the Black dude and their kid. Have they been kicked off the show?!
    D.L. Sanders is dead, Mikah is in New Oreleans with his blood relatives who seem to have abilities too, & Nikki is about to be a hit woman for the Company.

    I say that she’s the one that is supposed to take down HRG/Noah/Claire’s daddy.

    Can’t wait!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Oh and Surinder and Bennet are STILL trying to take on the company!!
    Mohinder, Parkman, & Noah are all trying to wack the company from the inside out…& that’s going to get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhglee as hell in the upcoming months…again…CAN’T WAIT!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    loves this show, deof keeping me going untill lost starts back, watched season 1 in like 3 days lol...
    The show is the shit. I started the 1st season with the 2nd episode when it first came out because I was out eating raw fish & chugging sake. I downloaded the first episode of the show & have watched it religiously ever sense then. I was in line the day that the DVD set was released & have watched that shit FANATICALLY on a day to day basis...I love it & live it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    watched ep 3 of season 2 now - S*** hot, pissed off that nerdy F****** kid is getting into claire tho... no way would he get a girl like her
    The reason he got her so easily was due to the fact that Claire was a loner & he latched on to her because of her situation...they share that same affliction...alienation & abilities.

    That's a common lure for birds that need attention. Been there done that...& yes I can fly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    I like the show but is kinda easy to work out what the happy-hap is with it tho... i mean you got btoh peter and sylar banged up because they are to freaking hard to be a big part of it until the end - can't wait to see them square off, peter is gunna whip his bitch a** haha... i liked him in the futre wher ehe looked a right bad a** guy - but if i remeber right he had a scare, when eh could heal? couldn't work that out, now...
    As far as Peter & his future scar...he's a sponge that soaks up his he has to sort them out. Sylar eats a part of the brain & absorbs their abilities into his noggin immediately. Peter soaks abilities in the all natural way & has to sort them out...he has yet to be able to use more than one ability at a time because of the absortion factor.

    Sylar takes them in immediately...almost interveniously & it is an automatic transition into his system.

    Peter has to learn to control abilities at one time while Sylar can manifest them organically. Peter's deal is more telepathic as he has to arrange & choose what he can use & when...hence he was controlling the "exploding man" abilities & the "indestructablity ability" at the same time & he has yet to learn that feat at the time that Nathan took him into orbit for the explosion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Preme
    We seen what linderman could do with his powers, any guesses on what peter's and nathens mum can do? my guess is somethign to do with illusions... When you see Nath in the bar and he looks in the mirrior you see his face all burnt (my guess would be when he flew peter up at the end of season one) but its normal to look at? his mum aint showed her power yet and she mus thave one, so i recon its got something to do with that!
    Angela Petrelli is a hard one. I kept thinking that she was an empath...someone who can use their emotions to rule other people's the power of persuassion thing that the company girl used on Sylar when he was @ Primatech's holding cell during the "Homecoming" episode. When she convinced Nathan that it would be alright to let Peter die in the blast...that's what made me think that...I could be wrong...but he was really too comfy with letting the .07% die & Peter too.

    Not sure about Nathan's scar/beard deal...have'nt thought that one out enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    BENNEET and the Indian dude are trying to bring down the company but is it the SAME company? And what do the pictures mean>? He said there are 8,he has 1,it shows Hiro's dad dead.Very intriguing,he seems to know what they are. I just remembered this from the last episode?! :P
    The pictures that they keep uncovering are Issac's first works prior to him knowing that he was painting the future. These were supposed to have been done before he/Simmone met Peter.

    He was getting high as fwock on heroin & painting gibberish...or so he thought.

    There was nothing going on in the paintings but death & he couldn't sort it out...then, after the 8, he began painting his HEROES works.

    With the first one he labled it the 9th wonder. He then started the comic book called the 9th Wonders & those were the journey's of Hiro Nakamora...which became the comic book "The 9th Wonders" & then he began painting his master works...what he labled as the FUTURE.

    Then came all the stuff featuring Sylar, the bomb, Peter, & then Claire.

    The past & the future became all jumbled & now the old paintings...the Elders are actually what is happening in the future.

    Cool stuff if you sit down & think about it...& unfortunately...I have.
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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205
    As far as Peter & his future scar...he's a sponge that soaks up his he has to sort them out. Sylar eats a part of the brain & absorbs their abilities into his noggin immediately. Peter soaks abilities in the all natural way & has to sort them out...he has yet to be able to use more than one ability at a time because of the absortion factor.

    Sylar takes them in immediately...almost interveniously & it is an automatic transition into his system.

    Peter has to learn to control abilities at one time while Sylar can manifest them organically. Peter's deal is more telepathic as he has to arrange & choose what he can use & when...hence he was controlling the "exploding man" abilities & the "indestructablity ability" at the same time & he has yet to learn that feat at the time that Nathan took him into orbit for the explosion

    We seen what linderman could do with his powers, any guesses on what peter's and nathens mum can do? my guess is somethign to do with illusions... When you see Nath in the bar and he looks in the mirrior you see his face all burnt (my guess would be when he flew peter up at the end of season one) but its normal to look at? his mum aint showed her power yet and she mus thave one, so i recon its got something to do with that!
    lol i know how peter's abilites work - but if he came into contact with claire his scar would of healed, if he hadn't come into contact with claire, how the fuck did he regenerate to be alive after he blew up.

    Quote Originally Posted by wacko3205

    Angela Petrelli is a hard one. I kept thinking that she was an empath...someone who can use their emotions to rule other people's the power of persuassion thing that the company girl used on Sylar when he was @ Primatech's holding cell during the "Homecoming" episode. When she convinced Nathan that it would be alright to let Peter die in the blast...that's what made me think that...I could be wrong...but he was really too comfy with letting the .07% die & Peter too.

    Not sure about Nathan's scar/beard deal...have'nt thought that one out enough.
    Nathen's fucked up face has to be because he was to close or in contact with peter when he blew, the beard, er prolly because he was on a downer, drinking like a nutter and just could no be arsed to shave...

    again in episode 4 we see his face completley burnt and disfigured, but only in a mirrow shot, i still maintain this has to have something to do with his mother, or maybe hiro's father... I would asume only his mum (MAYBE hiro's dad) would of been the only ones with powers to have seen nathen after peter blew up, my money is on his mother has power to heal wounds, or put some sort of elusion on them so no one else can see them.

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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Wow! Nice episode yesterday! HMMM.....

    Sylar escaped from that jungle/Lost like place!!! And he met up with the brother and sister and saw their power in use!!! I'm just wondering why he didn't eat their brains there and then first and second,I still do not understand the purpose of him being alive!!? Why?? I have a feeling they are going to have him face off v the main bad guy at some point and he'll die,remember where you heard it first

    Nice to see Nathan back,although that image of Peter in the mirror is darn freaky! If that is truly what happened,then what the heck was Peter doing in a cargo in Ireland,tied up?!? Did something happen that Nathan has forgotten?

    It was awesome to see the picture of the 12 older Heroes? Or where they? Remember,Kaito Nakamura said,jsut before he was killed,that they were being punished for what they had done! And how comes we could not see Peter's dad's face,he was turning away from the camera! The man Mohinder is working for was one of the 12!! Where they all a part of the company at 1 point and wanted to catch the other heroes,subject them to experiements?

    I really hope Parkmans' father is not the main bad guy for 2 reasons. The first being,it's Parkamsn parents for crying out loud,the guy could not even pass his detective test and the second,I would rather it someone else,someone new,not related to these guys.

    I have to say,I'm really dissappointed that there is YET ANOTHER new character. I'm not happy about this at all and she appears to be able to learn new things quickly,just by seeing them(the wrestling move,the cutting food in designs form the tv programme) I'm not too keen on her and I just don't think there is any need for MORE characters when some of the ones in the show already are not being given enough air time(Peter/Nathan etc)

    I want to see Peter open that dam box and get back into the mix of the things. He is just an outside in the story right now and I really don't care about any potential love angle with the Irish girl!They don't even know each other FFS!

    I'm not too keen on the Claire angle either but I'm glad the Haitian is there to help Claire's dad,I love the Haitian!!

    Could the Haitian have wiped Peter's memory?I don't know,I'm just clutching at straws! I really really really would like to see the invisible man again,he knows ALOT MORE than he let on. REMEMBER,when he first met Peter,he said,oh no,not another one of your type again,insinuating that there had been someone like Peter before,who could absob powers?! One of the older generation maybe? What if time is repeating itself,ie the older generation where in a similar situation,had someone similar to Peter etc and then as their time passed,there is some sort of deal,they have to die??

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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    A decent episode. It seems Matt's dad is one of the badguys! He can block Matt's mind reading and create illusions based on the person's worst nightmare! I like that blonde girl with the lightning,that was a really cool power but still,I'm not sold on the Burger joint girl. I'm just not sold on the character...

    I wonder what Hiro's scroll said at the end,where it was unreadable. I really wanted to see Sylar this episode and I really miss the invisible man!!! I was also slightly dissappointed by the contents of Peters box,nothing helped and it appears the lady he is with is going to be with him for a while until(my theory) she dies and it unleashes Peter's dark side.

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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    A decent episode. It seems Matt's dad is one of the badguys! He can block Matt's mind reading and create illusions based on the person's worst nightmare! I like that blonde girl with the lightning,that was a really cool power but still,I'm not sold on the Burger joint girl. I'm just not sold on the character...

    I wonder what Hiro's scroll said at the end,where it was unreadable. I really wanted to see Sylar this episode and I really miss the invisible man!!! I was also slightly dissappointed by the contents of Peters box,nothing helped and it appears the lady he is with is going to be with him for a while until(my theory) she dies and it unleashes Peter's dark side.
    Slug aint a bad guy - he is more missunderstood IMO...

    His power is what his boys is, he started off mindreading to but to gets bigger, it might of been a hint that all of their powers get stronger and can do more..

    You didn't notice that parkamn before could only read minds, but he screamed IN nathan's head for him to stop during the fight... the power is getting IN peoples head, read minds, speak in their head, see their thoughts and its looks like also manipulate them...

    This chick will prolly die, but not so much unleash peters dark side, just man him up a bit, like the future peter we seen in season 1... he will always be a good guy, just one with balls, hes the onyl one who can really stop sylar or the others...

    My opinion is the main bad guy, the electric girls father... he is like peter, does what he does... hope sylar dies soon, he bores me.

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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    I OTLD YOOOOUUUUUU!!! I KNEW ITTTT!! DAM,THE POST IS ON THE OLD SERVER BUT I CALLED IT,TAKEZO KENSEI,AKA adam monroe is the bad guy! He travelled through time and kills everyone. The slug was working for him. Dam,the post I made is on the other thread,,some of the guests must have read it!

    Also,Surinder appears to be a bad guy now! Is it me or does it look like Bob is liying? There;s something he is not telling. Also,Noah and his family are in ruins!!! Everyone is after him!

    Oh and save the ceerleader,save the world was not just for last season. Nikki has used the virus,the strain and there is no cure...except Claire. ADAM IS TAKEZO KENSIE!HIRO IS AN ASS!!

    I was also SHOCKED that when Peter did his lightning attack,it had 0000000 effect on Adam! He laughed it off! The SLug was working for Adam but to be honest,he seems like an inconsequential character.

    The only thing I don't understand..where does Sylar fit into all this? And the brother and sister? And how did Peter get into the cargo with the "Godsend" Necklace? Oh and what happened with the blast,the images Nathan sees?

    An AWESOME AWESOME episode,think I'll watch it again later.BTW,I'd like to add that whilst last season was 1 big ARC(the styory carried on for the WHOLE season) this season,there are smaller arcs and this one finshes or is supposed to finish at the end of the year(which could be dissappointing!) I don't want it to end!


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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Im here with you Gamo, there is another heroes fan
    Knowledge is Power

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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Quote Originally Posted by 1-hit Wonder
    Im here with you Gamo, there is another heroes fan
    Thanks man.It feels weird talking to myself sometimes. Especially since that bastard OumaFan did a runner

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    Default Re: Heroes thread(contains theories and possible spoilers)

    Although I would like to add that my man Wacko nailed the main theory,Hiro travelling through time and messing it up.

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