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Thread: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

  1. #1
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    Default Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Well starting next monday (5th november) i'll be starting my 50 day challenge, to see if i can get to a new level of fitness in the hope of getting my first fight.

    Current stats

    Height: 180cm
    Weight: 75kg

    Exercises Stats

    1km: 3 mins 46 seconds
    Pushups (1min): 74
    Max Situps: 150
    Pullups: 15
    Beep Test: 13.2
    Burpees: 60


    Increase punch speed
    Increase bob/weeve speed
    Tone Muscle
    1km: Sub 3 mins 30 seconds
    Pushups (1min): 100
    Max Situps: 250
    Pullups: 30
    Beep Test: Past 14
    Burpees: 100

    Now i just have to start setting up my routine to achieve this. This is also a good way to keep a record of my results.
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Ok here's what an average week is going to look like training wise hopefully:

    Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

    5am start with 10-1 pushups (knuckle and diamond)
    3x 2 min rounds of shadow boxing with the elastic rope from scrap's thread
    3x sets of plyo pushups in rest time
    5PM- 8PM Training

    Tuesdays and Thursdays
    5am start ab workout; situps, leanbacks, planks, V-ups, weighted situps.
    3x 2 min rounds of shadow boxing with the elastic rope from scrap's thread
    3x sets of plyo pushups in rest time
    4PM- 6x 2 min rounds of skipping
    6x 2 min round on heavy bag with 1 min break between each filled with; burpees and pushups
    A few minutes on the speed bag
    Interval training or Road Work

    Depends how the body feels but defently a run and pushups etc.

    Rest day

    Will be doing extra exercises especially when i can afford my dumbells for snatch, shoulder press, etc. Aswell as things like handstand pushups, bob/weeve practise. I shall record what i do each week to see if i can stick to this and at least improve.
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Monday: 5 am start did 1 sets of 10-1 (knuckle and diamond alternating)
    woke up late so had to haul ass to work
    4pm straight from work to training, about 6 rounds each on heavy, speed ball and floor to ceiling. Sprints, pushups, situps, medicine ball work then worked on my footwork at the end so no sparring for that night

    Tuesday: 5am slept in again so nothing in the morning
    started workoutout at 6.30;
    Skipping for 10 mins
    3x sets of 10-1 (knuckle and diamond pushups and burpees)
    3x sets of Shadow boxing with elastic rope and 3 without
    3x sets of my bob weeve shadow boxing
    3km runs at the end finished around 8.30
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Wednesday: Training, lot's of sprints, burpees and squats, combined with several rounds on the heavy bag, speed ball and floor to ceiling as well as a fitness circuit mainly medicine ball stuff (20 to 10's) with passes the pushups the passes then situps then passes then punches starting at 20 then making the way down to 10.

    Thursday: Killer day at work 12 hours so came home had a nap then did 2x 10 to one with knuckle pushups and diamonds, and 2x of plyo pushups and dips. With a round of situps in between each set with a 10kg metal ball on my chest. No run then as I was knackered.

    Friday: Training, got the shoulders worked hard, 3x 2 min rounds of holding 10 kg medicine ball in position (peek a boo style) then running 20 m, running back and doing ascending pushups. Then 1x 3 min round of doing the same except pushups at both ends. Then a bit of bag work and another fitness circuit with pushups, dips, situps, raising medicine ball in front and hooking the bag on the ground.

    Doing a workout each day i have defently seen my energy increase throughout the day and it's only the first week in, down to 74kg and have a beep test next wednesday so should hopefully beat my target already.
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Weekend: best not to talk about that as i ended up getting pretty drunk/late sat night, but didn't eat too badly so it should be all good.

    Monday: 3 Hours of training including 2 hours of fitness (1.5 of basketball training 0.5 of boxing) So i did quite a bit of sprinting/ cardio work. Also did quite a few pushups, situps, rowing with a metal bar. Then a bit of bag work, finished up with about 45 minds worth of sparring did about 6 or 7 rounds with people either middle or welter's. That went pretty well as i know i landed quite a few on their body as i know i need to work on that part of my boxing.

    Tuesday: Finally got my heavy bag set up on the weekend so i did the following.
    4x 10-1 (knuckle and diamond) alternating with
    4x 2 min rounds on the bag
    4x 25 jabs going with the elastic rope
    4x 25 jabs against the rope.
    And then i have a basketball game tonight, so hopefully should be 100% for the beep test tomorrow
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    damn missed a few days so here goes

    Had training so hit the various bags and circuit, was pretty intense. No sparring just a bit of mit work which was a good change.

    Just another normal workout
    6x heavy bag with 6x 50 burpees as the break
    changed it up a bit with individual sets of
    Pushups, shadow boxing (with and without rope), practising slips.

    Went and watched one of the boys from the gym fight was sweet and drove me to push myself harder

    Bought myself an ab wheel (highly recommend it), did a pretty intense workout.
    5x 10-1 (knuckle, diamond and dips all together)
    Inbetween 5 x roll outs on my knees due to the fact i can do about 1 or 2 full ones when fresh it works the core for sure.
    Then i abused my abs; situps, V-ups, double crunch, bicycle, half crunch twists with 10 kg ball. Did quite a few of those. No run tonight as i headed out and didn't drink which is a good thing, my liver/ body is loving it.

    Bit of shadow boxing and a 8 km run along the beach nearing sunset after a bit of day watching some dvd's.

    Big training night, 1.5 hours of bball training so rather intense with lots of sprints and defencive work, then straight to boxing (same gym) for another 1.5 hours of training. Did a few rounds on the bag but mainly on the fitness circuit. Then about 45 mins of sparring which was good, although by the end i was knackered and took a pretty heavy left hook on the chin by a guy two weight divisions higher. Just glad we were wearing 16's.

    Had a game of basketball so another hour of sprints, jumps and slides. Plus we won by 2 so it was pretty sweet. No other workout other than a few rolls of the ab wheel although they were hurting a bit so didn't push it.

    Had a sweet workout at the gym today i think the no drinking on the weekend helped me a lot. Did a bit of sprint training, my acceleration is getting even better (why couldn't it be like this when i did athletics?). Then sprints across the short side of a bball court 15-1 with pushups one side and squats the other, was feeling good and pushed myself a lot so i didn't slow dow. Worked on my left hook as i felt as i had been neglecting it lately, getting more power into the punch. Did some reflex drills but no sparring maybe friday.
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Pretty much the same workout as last thursday, not too intense from what i remember but the ab wheel is my new best friend.

    Training day, so pretty much killed myself in the gym, and then a few rounds of sparring, gave the same guy a blood nose again as he needs to learn to keep his gloves together when he tries to attack. So was a pretty good workout.

    was feeling great so did my 10-1's except with knuckles-dips-clap pushups, much more intense than the diamond variety. Alternated that with te shadown boxing with elastic rope (25x jabs with - 25x against - 25x with counts as a set). Did 4 sets each of that, then a bit of skipping and ab wheel work, then hit up the casino which i won a bit of money wooo.

    Unbelievably hungover, enough said really.

    Still feeling the effects of sat night, went to have a nap before training didn't wake till the next morning at 3 am. Good thing bball training was cancelled.

    Punished myself, 10-1's except with knuckles-dips-clap pushups and pullups aswell. The pullups and clap pushups included probably one of the hardest things i have done. Did a lot of skipping and shadowboxing sets with the elastic rope.

    Big sprint day, speed is just getting better an better along with endurance. Some skipping, medicine ball work, a few rounds on the bags and another 10-1 i made up with 10 kg medicine ball : Medicine ball raises - throws against a wall - knuckle pushups - throws against a wall. Was a great shoulder workout.

    Tomorrow is the half way mark, so test time, i know my handspeed is quicker already i can feel and see myself getting stronger put on a little more muscle and have dropped down to 73kg. I shalll give results tomorrow.
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Increase punch speed
    Deftently increased, thanks again for that elastic rope exercise works a treat

    Increase bob/weeve speed
    Don't think i focussed enough on this at all so wouldn't know.

    Tone Muscle
    Lost a bit of weight and got down to 72kg's so was looking good

    1km: Sub 3 mins 30 seconds
    Got this done which i haven't done in a long time

    Pushups (1min): 100
    Didn't quite get it got to 94

    Max Situps: 250
    Again didn't quite get it and got to 200, but my core strength has improved heaps due to the ab wheel can do standing up ones easily now.

    Pullups: 30
    My pull up bar has been broken so about two weeks so need to test it in a week

    Beep Test: Past 14
    Haven't had a chance to test this yet will let you know when i can

    Burpees: 100
    Haven't tried these yet, and not really looking forward to testing it


    I got myself into the best shape of my life, but this week over christmas and new year has put me back quite a bit so i am going to punish myself for a lot more to go. My ultimate aim is the fight at 69kg as soon as possible as i have become addicted to this sport and when i do i know i am going to be more stronger, faster and last longer than anyone i can face.
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    First week back to training and i would say i did pretty terribly in sparring, need to get my eye in again. I took my first hard hit to the liver and it was quite a shock but i'll count it as experience as i never want to get hit there again. This has lead me though to start targeting that area a lot more now though, so that's a new focus for me to develop that little shovel hook there to be painful. Then for the first time i was scared in sparring we were "light sparring" and i got matched up with a 130kg bloke, he didn't have his own gloves so had to borrow ones from the gym which have shit all padding left in them and was not going lightly at all. Charging at me grabbing me with his left and then trying to throw kidney shots. After that i was pretty pissed off so i just stayed the hell away from him as i really didn't need a broken nose or to be pissing blood. So i need to get back into the rythm again.
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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    First day back to the gym today after a week and a half off work and the gym from a nasty virus. It took its toll on me i was the weakest i have been since i was 11, i felt like crap i hope this doesn't keep up for too much longer as i am aiming to have a fight in late march.

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Heres my latest stats, down to 70.5kg after my sickness and finally today felt good again for the best time in 3 weeks.

    On wednesday I couldn't see anything coming kept getting caught with a left hook which I usually see coming a mile away from this guy. Tonight however was a different story punches were snappy, fast and hard again. Wasn't struggling on the running, actually dominated it, sprints were pretty good until quads started getting tight after the frog jumps. Going to get back into it full paced next week. Buying some Nitrix tomorow morning so i have two day worth in me for the start of next week see if I can notice a difference and will let you know. Might do a fitness test tomorrow and see how i go after two weeks.

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Back to the gym last night after the tailbone, was still a bit sore after the workout so i decided to rest it instead of sparring. Buying my Nitrix today and going to push myself to new levels. Doing tabata nearly every chance i get, pushups are going well can do 20+ for first 4 or 5 now, aim is to get 20 for each set. The tabata on the bag is a lot harder though and trying to do 2 sets of those every day off at the gym. Bridge is going well as i can't do situps yet. Things are looking good now, hopefully can get sparring monday after my recent bad luck of injuries and being sick.

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    Ok after to speaking to a few people about Nitrix i have decided against using it, mainly due to the cost and the fact that it does not seem to live up to the hype (unless you hit the weights). Thanks to Cortez The Killer for his valuable help.

    Anyways did my own training tonight as i couldn't get to the gym, had an extreme desire to train today and punished myself.

    12x 2min rounds on the heavy bag, included 9 rounds of practising specific combo's/ punches and 3 rounds of just freestyle bag work.

    Tabata pushups
    tabata dips

    3x 20 Calf raisers
    3x 50 squats
    3x 2 min 30 bridge
    3x 30 sidebends
    3x 10 frog jumps

    2 km warm up
    Tabata sprints

    Also did the elastic rope for the increased speed of the hands and the isometric(?) punch thing where you put your fist against the wall and hold it for 6 seconds.

    Overall was a good workout and I have found that desire again.

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    Default Re: Salty's 50 Day Challenge

    keep at it man.
    "...went 12 rounds with Ali, and never took a backwards step."

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