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Thread: Phuking Republicans!

  1. #16
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Perot was a good candidate and had he just stayed in the race he would have won HANDS DOWN.

    Ross Perot is a great man and his VP candidate was a solid choice as well although people really rode him about being bad in the debates...they just didn't understand where he was coming from.

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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer Monkey View Post
    McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time
    What road is he in the middle of,a highway with a tanker truck bearing down?
    And experience at sucking,is still sucking
    Im sure whores are good at taking it up the ass,but I wouldnt want my daughter learning how to do it
    McCain voted with Republicans 86% of the time meanwhile Obama voted with Democrats 97% of the time. McCain has actually written some laws and is willing to take a stand on serious issues...Obama has been a US Senator for like 140 working days....all the things people dislike about W are apparently positives for Obama. He's never made a big decision, never really had much going on with politics, and has no experience of running anything outside of politics ie a business.

    Danny_G I don't watch CNN OR Fox...I wonder if your shapeshifting reptilian overlords know that you know what is REALLY going on .....get a life wierdo

    I don't mind Obama, I just think he needs more experience and Americans will vote for him.

    Bilbo, no one cares about Gordon Brown and no one cares he's a Prime Minister and not a one cares that England will never be ready for a President
    Lyle, McCain said it himself

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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Republicans are kinda grotesque. America NEEDS a change and old man McCain and his oddball hench woman are not change enough. Obama will most likely get elected and so what if he hasnt got as much political experience? Thats nonsense. Its about making smart choices. As simple as. Politics and business are not so far apart. Intelligent people make sound choices. Fools with experience just make experienced foolish decisions.
    Last edited by Gandalf; 09-05-2008 at 03:20 PM.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    what the hell kinda change will Obama bring? nothin' that what

    dude is just presenting the same ol' socialist platform...blah blah blah. His arrogant condescension is sickening.

    dude is the best teleprompter reader ever but that is about it. I will give him that but if y'all are satisfied with that then vote for him. Get him w/o a script and dude um's himself to death.

    I am sick of phonies man.....and both biden and girly girl obama are phonies. I ain't voting 4 mccain either. I liked Rudy but ........oh well dude couldn't run a campaign for shiot....

    out of the 4 Palin has more executive experience that all of them

    she has exceeded the Repubs short term goals and that is to electrify the base. Prior to her selection, the base I would argue, would have stayed home. Now they are coming to vote.

    prediction: she is gonna tear up Biden at the debates. Dude is a phony and she isn't.
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  5. #20
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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Dog View Post
    what the hell kinda change will Obama bring? nothin' that what

    dude is just presenting the same ol' socialist platform...blah blah blah. His arrogant condescension is sickening.

    dude is the best teleprompter reader ever but that is about it. I will give him that but if y'all are satisfied with that then vote for him. Get him w/o a script and dude um's himself to death.

    I am sick of phonies man.....and both biden and girly girl obama are phonies. I ain't voting 4 mccain either. I liked Rudy but ........oh well dude couldn't run a campaign for shiot....

    out of the 4 Palin has more executive experience that all of them

    she has exceeded the Repubs short term goals and that is to electrify the base. Prior to her selection, the base I would argue, would have stayed home. Now they are coming to vote.

    prediction: she is gonna tear up Biden at the debates. Dude is a phony and she isn't.
    Whats does McCain bring?
    4 more years of high gas prices,stagnant wages,shitty schools,enviromental disaster,war
    Gee where I can I sign up to canvas for that?

  6. #21
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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Its always the same(not only in the US) have two canidates and now you try to choose the lesser of two evils...of course everybody knows you Americans screwd that up the last two times...

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  7. #22
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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    What does it really matter how much of a "Maverick" McCain was when it suited him since he's changed most of his stances in order to get elected? McCain brings political pandering to impressive levels.

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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer Monkey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Dog View Post
    what the hell kinda change will Obama bring? nothin' that what

    dude is just presenting the same ol' socialist platform...blah blah blah. His arrogant condescension is sickening.

    dude is the best teleprompter reader ever but that is about it. I will give him that but if y'all are satisfied with that then vote for him. Get him w/o a script and dude um's himself to death.

    I am sick of phonies man.....and both biden and girly girl obama are phonies. I ain't voting 4 mccain either. I liked Rudy but ........oh well dude couldn't run a campaign for shiot....

    out of the 4 Palin has more executive experience that all of them

    she has exceeded the Repubs short term goals and that is to electrify the base. Prior to her selection, the base I would argue, would have stayed home. Now they are coming to vote.

    prediction: she is gonna tear up Biden at the debates. Dude is a phony and she isn't.
    Whats does McCain bring?
    4 more years of high gas prices,stagnant wages,shitty schools,enviromental disaster,war
    Gee where I can I sign up to canvas for that?
    I hate McCain the Insane so do not think I support him. I hate Messiah Obama too. But for you to think that the President controls high gas prices, wages, and schools is troubling. The oils markets are controlled by a various factors, including supply and demand. Wages have various factors that control them too. Schools, well they are controlled by local school boards and States here in America. Does your leader have total control over these issues where you are from? The feds do not control that here. What environmental disasters do you speak of specifically, that was confusing.....

    You are only right that the President controls war, by the way both candidates the Messiah Obama too have said that they would keep the troops there. Right after he said it, Obama's base shrieked and he back pedaled

    I bet if he wins, he keeps them there....he is and always will be a phony.
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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyKickAss View Post
    Its always the same(not only in the US) have two canidates and now you try to choose the lesser of two evils...of course everybody knows you Americans screwd that up the last two times...
    You are right. It should be a case of damage limitation. A choice of two and a vote for which one might reduce the standard of living the least. My, thats ambitious politics.

  10. #25
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Quote Originally Posted by OumaFan View Post
    What does it really matter how much of a "Maverick" McCain was when it suited him since he's changed most of his stances in order to get elected? McCain brings political pandering to impressive levels.
    And Obama hasn't FISA bill anyone

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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Of course Obama has, the Energy one was truly depressing, but they all do, its just McCain who has taken it to amazing new heights. Especially considering how often he talks about being a Maverick. Who refers to themselves as a maverick? Seriously? But question him on his flip flops and he'll tell you he was a POW.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer Monkey View Post
    McCain voted with Bush 90% of the time
    What road is he in the middle of,a highway with a tanker truck bearing down?
    And experience at sucking,is still sucking
    Im sure whores are good at taking it up the ass,but I wouldnt want my daughter learning how to do it
    McCain voted with Republicans 86% of the time meanwhile Obama voted with Democrats 97% of the time. McCain has actually written some laws and is willing to take a stand on serious issues...Obama has been a US Senator for like 140 working days....all the things people dislike about W are apparently positives for Obama. He's never made a big decision, never really had much going on with politics, and has no experience of running anything outside of politics ie a business.

    Danny_G I don't watch CNN OR Fox...I wonder if your shapeshifting reptilian overlords know that you know what is REALLY going on .....get a life wierdo

    I don't mind Obama, I just think he needs more experience and Americans will vote for him.

    Bilbo, no one cares about Gordon Brown and no one cares he's a Prime Minister and not a one cares that England will never be ready for a President
    The GOP positions McCain voted against, like the torture bill, he's now flip flopped and is campaigning for GOP orthodoxy on those issues. The legislation he authored and that has his name on it he's now campaigning against also, the first candidate in history to do so. There isn't a single principle or position that he previously held that he hasn't flipped on to try and get elected.

    The Democrats rightly point out that the GOP want to abolish social security because that's actually GOP policy -- Bush tried and failed to scrap it in 2005.

    The GOP have pandering and fear mongering down to a fine art. Like appointing a vice president candidate with zero credentials to try and win votes.

    The way this campaign is being fought and the media coverage of it shames America.

  13. #28
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    The media coverage doesn't shame AMERICA it shames NBC because of their HORRID coverage (MSNBC is the guilty party).

    Kirkland I don't disagree that politics involves pandering to an extent but what you fail to admit is that the Democrats do it too....but it's just another thing they suck at

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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    NBC is owned by GE, a conglomerate who make over 40% of their profits from government contracting. In any other democracy in the world it's illegal for a company that does government contracting to own any media outlets for fear of corruption of their news output, however everything you watch in the US is owned by firms that do. But I digress.

    As usual you've fallen for the latest bit of GOP propaganda. Sarah Palin is an unqualified bs artist with endless questions hanging over her, so anybody asking those questions is getting stamped on by the GOP. The White House did the same at the start of the Iraq war, creating a similar manufactured controversy over how liberal MSNBC was and managed to get them to cancel their highest-rated show (Donohue) because he was actually asking questions (that the media now admits it should have asked) and refused to allow the "retired generals" on his show that we now know were part of a Pentagon propaganda programme to bs the American people into supporting the war, something you can read about here :

    I didn't see any of the GOP convention coverage (you've seen one white power rally, you've seen them all) but I'm sure it was up to its usual standards of completely ignoring the fact that the GOP don't ever mention any policies, they just attack and smear the opposition. The US media never actually cover anything relevant like policies or positions in elections, they just cover the horse-race aspect of the campaigns, who's winning, who made a gaffe, who said what about who. It's not reporting or analysis it's gossip.

    If they were actually reporting on stuff they'd cover the huge bailout of Fannie and Freddie at the weekend, something you'll personally be paying for for decades and all due to GOP economic policies a few years ago, the Bush administration having scrapped decades of banking regulations which would have prevented the current fiancial crisis. An ever-increasing part of every American's daily labour now goes and obviously will continue to go to subsidise Wall Street by the socialisation of risk. It's socialism for the banking class and savage capitalism for you. Why doesn't that get covered in the media? Why is nobody asking McCain why he's planning on scrapping even more regulations and has policies which will create even bigger financial problems in future? The US media is a sick joke.

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    Default Re: Phuking Republicans!

    To think that Palin will out-debate Biden is similar to my cheering for Baldomir against PBF. It isn't going to happen.

    Biden is a heavyweight politician. He is by far the most qualified of the four (P and VP). To have picked someone like Palin whenever you are a cancer survivor/poor ass health I believe is a most unpatriotic move (pure politics).
    "If there's a better chin in the world than Pryor's, it has to be on Mount Rushmore." -Pat Putnam.

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