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Poll: Do you agree with the death penalty?

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Thread: The death penalty! for it or against it???

  1. #16
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    I think we should have the death penalty and i would gladly do the executions for free , will no remorse, its time for a shake up of this pathetic nanny state we live in called the UK.

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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    If there is, it should be hanging or beheading so that body parts can be used.
    Im against it really,lock down and forced reading of only certain materials is a great way to go BG.
    I take it torture is out of the question .

    A duel between the deceased closest relative and the perp could be an option heres a sword for you, and heres a uzi for you, oh lets make sure it fires alright first, ok there you go,yes dear just point it at him,hold the top down with one hand and as he runs at you pull that little trigger; we got you covered if he gets within 10 feet.

    Or for the more game, a plastic knitting needle verses the long sword.
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Yes, they need to institute a cull of the criminal class. I'd slash crime in Britain through a simple three-step criminal justice programme that I call "Arrest, Try, Execute." I'd execute even teenagers for belonging to gangs. That'd nip the gang problem in the bud. Same for people who can't keep out of prison, repeat criminals etc. Just execute all of them. I know they have deprived backgrounds and deficient learning skills and what have you but that's just their tough luck.

    I would legalise all drugs though. You could legalise everything and it would cause far less social problems and cost than the current system of prohibition does. And that way I wouldn't get executed. By my own policy.

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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Yes, they need to institute a cull of the criminal class. I'd slash crime in Britain through a simple three-step criminal justice programme that I call "Arrest, Try, Execute." I'd execute even teenagers for belonging to gangs. That'd nip the gang problem in the bud. Same for people who can't keep out of prison, repeat criminals etc. Just execute all of them. I know they have deprived backgrounds and deficient learning skills and what have you but that's just their tough luck.

    I would legalise all drugs though. You could legalise everything and it would cause far less social problems and cost than the current system of prohibition does. And that way I wouldn't get executed. By my own policy.
    Actually just have a special unit go around to all the trailer parks, just catch them in a net as they are all born and nip it all right in the bud.
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  5. #20
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    I am adamandtly against the death penalty, just as I am adamantly against abortion, human life is not ours to take in my opinion.

    I don't think the death penalty has any place in a modern 21st century nation.

    Of course I'd love to see the Ian Huntley's of this world hung, drawn and quartered for his child killings but let's be honest here, child killers amount to about 0.1% of all criminals.

    If the death penalty was brought in many people whose crimes wern't on that magnitude would likely die too, along with the innocent.

    I also cannot see how murdering a murderer makes anything right. If the taking of a human life is wrong (and it is) then a system of vengeful retaliation cannot be right surely?

    Also what constitutes murder? To me someone who chooses to have their unborn but still living child scraped out of their uterus and thrown into a bin because they don't want the hassle of looking after it is as guilty of murder as anyone who kills somebody who is actually born.

  6. #21
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    I am adamantly for it. Put it on PPV and I'm buying it. Motherfuckers that go out and destroy childrens lives by molesting them; people that go into a jealous rage and murder your sister, etc. etc. Kill em all. I bet I do it 1st though before waiting for the tedious job of the judicial system to do it.

    Killing someone obviously doesn't take away the deed or even make the pain of whatever happened go away; but vengeance is sweet and watching someone experience the same fear of knowing they are about to die is a beautiful thing.
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  7. #22
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    I am adamandtly against the death penalty, just as I am adamantly against abortion, human life is not ours to take in my opinion.

    I don't think the death penalty has any place in a modern 21st century nation.

    Of course I'd love to see the Ian Huntley's of this world hung, drawn and quartered for his child killings but let's be honest here, child killers amount to about 0.1% of all criminals.

    If the death penalty was brought in many people whose crimes wern't on that magnitude would likely die too, along with the innocent.

    I also cannot see how murdering a murderer makes anything right. If the taking of a human life is wrong (and it is) then a system of vengeful retaliation cannot be right surely?

    Also what constitutes murder? To me someone who chooses to have their unborn but still living child scraped out of their uterus and thrown into a bin because they don't want the hassle of looking after it is as guilty of murder as anyone who kills somebody who is actually born.

    At what point in this world of "Live and Let Live" would you say, is the "Rights" of the victims covered?

    I respect what you belive in, even tho I do not agree with it. If it make you feel better than who am I to crush your world. But this ain't no perfect world and this may come off as being a little harsh and make me an asshole.

    But when it comes to kids, death is not the worst thing that could happen to them. (the kids that is) 0.1% does not even come close to the number of crimes against kids that deserve a death sentence. But bleeding hearts let these "Offenders" go to rehab and try to cure them of their sickness.
    (must stop here)

    Moving on.. You ever have some one close to you murdered? I have had too many friends die over the years. Some due to accidents and some due to illness. But nothing comes close to the loss and the anger that comes from losing a grandmother and aunt in one afternoon. Killing the man who did that would not have been enough.

    In the your case on "Abortions". You paint a pretty nasty picture with scrapping and all, but you are not the one who, when 13 or 14 gets pregnant after being raped repeatly and have to choose to keep it or not. Matter of fact, you being male have no say what so ever on what a girl or woman does with their own body, even if it was your sperm that got her pregnant in the first place.

    Remember, this is the 21st Century, not the 17th where women had no say in such issues.
    Last edited by Ghost; 10-17-2008 at 11:36 PM.
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  8. #23
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    I am adamandtly against the death penalty, just as I am adamantly against abortion, human life is not ours to take in my opinion.

    I don't think the death penalty has any place in a modern 21st century nation.

    Of course I'd love to see the Ian Huntley's of this world hung, drawn and quartered for his child killings but let's be honest here, child killers amount to about 0.1% of all criminals.

    If the death penalty was brought in many people whose crimes wern't on that magnitude would likely die too, along with the innocent.

    I also cannot see how murdering a murderer makes anything right. If the taking of a human life is wrong (and it is) then a system of vengeful retaliation cannot be right surely?

    Also what constitutes murder? To me someone who chooses to have their unborn but still living child scraped out of their uterus and thrown into a bin because they don't want the hassle of looking after it is as guilty of murder as anyone who kills somebody who is actually born.
    Im actually fully against the death penalty, I was joking along in my post.

    But on abortion Bilbo watch out with taking sides on that one and getting your emotions involved into hatred of some who are forced into that decision. There are degrees of stuff too, in regards abortion. Rape,known genetic disorders that will create a life of misery etc etc.
    I know you are leaning towards the churches accepted religious beliefs and what they have taught in regards to what you should accept or should not accept.
    BUT When the spirit ,atman, or soul enters a human body it does so right on the first breath taken in, outside of the mother.
    It as a life force being isnt in its body to be, during pregnancy, although the fetus does go through all the practice modes for its future physical survival including thumb sucking etc.
    Any spirit is not allowed to possess or be inside any other spirit which includes one being inside a mother in waiting.
    This is where the God given human birth right of freedom of choice comes right into action.
    Dark energies or evil spirits if you like, can only enter into another being if you on some level accept it. They suck energy and light force from people with light bodies and then steal health and energy as they cannot generate light energies themselves, they take.
    They also attempt to stop light beings from having freedom of choice in any issue so that they have control over others. Unlike God and the white light brotherhood there is no judgment in regards to any of these matters.
    And if you and the Church are correct and do actually speak for God; then where exactly does the commandment " Thou shall not judge come into play? It doesn't because then they lose their control over others and they start to die off.
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  9. #24
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    I am adamandtly against the death penalty, just as I am adamantly against abortion, human life is not ours to take in my opinion.

    I don't think the death penalty has any place in a modern 21st century nation.

    Of course I'd love to see the Ian Huntley's of this world hung, drawn and quartered for his child killings but let's be honest here, child killers amount to about 0.1% of all criminals.

    If the death penalty was brought in many people whose crimes wern't on that magnitude would likely die too, along with the innocent.

    I also cannot see how murdering a murderer makes anything right. If the taking of a human life is wrong (and it is) then a system of vengeful retaliation cannot be right surely?

    Also what constitutes murder? To me someone who chooses to have their unborn but still living child scraped out of their uterus and thrown into a bin because they don't want the hassle of looking after it is as guilty of murder as anyone who kills somebody who is actually born.

    At what point in this world of "Live and Let Live" would you say, is the "Rights" of the victims covered?

    I respect what you belive in, even tho I do not agree with it. If it make you feel better than who am I to crush your world. But this ain't no perfect world and this may come off as being a little harsh and make me an asshole.

    But when it comes to kids, death is not the worst thing that could happen to them. (the kids that is) 0.1% does not even come close to the number of crimes against kids that deserve a death sentence. But bleeding hearts let these "Offenders" go to rehab and try to cure them of their sickness.
    (must stop here)

    Moving on.. You ever have some one close to you murdered? I have had too many friends die over the years. Some due to accidents and some due to illness. But nothing comes close to the loss and the anger that comes from losing a grandmother and aunt in one afternoon. Killing the man who did that would not have been enough.

    In the your case on "Abortions". You paint a pretty nasty picture with scrapping and all, but you are not the one who, when 13 or 14 gets pregnant after being raped repeatly and have to choose to keep it or not. Matter of fact, you being male have no say what so ever on what a girl or woman does with their own body, even if it was your sperm that got her pregnant in the first place.

    Remember, this is the 21st Century, not the 17th where women had no say in such issues.
    Read my post again I was not talking about them, the 0.1% of girls who have abortion for that reason, I was talking about those adult women who have an abortion for no other reason than they do not want the child.

    A quick google of abortion stats
    Abortion Statistics

    Reveals the following regarding abortion in the United States, which I guess will be typical to the rest of the Western world.

    Why women have abortions
    1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest; 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child, and 93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient).

    93% because they arn't wanted and yet people who defend it ALWAYS bring up the raped, those carrying sick and deformed babies and mums who might die if they give birth.

    Again I am not referring to those, they have legitimate reasons for termination.

    But the other 93%, just murderers in my eyes. Sorry if that offends but it is my view on things, just because it's socially acceptable doesn't make it morally right.

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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    I am adamandtly against the death penalty, just as I am adamantly against abortion, human life is not ours to take in my opinion.

    I don't think the death penalty has any place in a modern 21st century nation.

    Of course I'd love to see the Ian Huntley's of this world hung, drawn and quartered for his child killings but let's be honest here, child killers amount to about 0.1% of all criminals.

    If the death penalty was brought in many people whose crimes wern't on that magnitude would likely die too, along with the innocent.

    I also cannot see how murdering a murderer makes anything right. If the taking of a human life is wrong (and it is) then a system of vengeful retaliation cannot be right surely?

    Also what constitutes murder? To me someone who chooses to have their unborn but still living child scraped out of their uterus and thrown into a bin because they don't want the hassle of looking after it is as guilty of murder as anyone who kills somebody who is actually born.
    Im actually fully against the death penalty, I was joking along in my post.

    But on abortion Bilbo watch out with taking sides on that one and getting your emotions involved into hatred of some who are forced into that decision. There are degrees of stuff too, in regards abortion. Rape,known genetic disorders that will create a life of misery etc etc.
    I know you are leaning towards the churches accepted religious beliefs and what they have taught in regards to what you should accept or should not accept.
    BUT When the spirit ,atman, or soul enters a human body it does so right on the first breath taken in, outside of the mother.
    It as a life force being isnt in its body to be, during pregnancy, although the fetus does go through all the practice modes for its future physical survival including thumb sucking etc.
    Any spirit is not allowed to possess or be inside any other spirit which includes one being inside a mother in waiting.
    This is where the God given human birth right of freedom of choice comes right into action.
    Dark energies or evil spirits if you like, can only enter into another being if you on some level accept it. They suck energy and light force from people with light bodies and then steal health and energy as they cannot generate light energies themselves, they take.
    They also attempt to stop light beings from having freedom of choice in any issue so that they have control over others. Unlike God and the white light brotherhood there is no judgment in regards to any of these matters.
    And if you and the Church are correct and do actually speak for God; then where exactly does the commandment " Thou shall not judge come into play? It doesn't because then they lose their control over others and they start to die off.

    you gotta love this kat Andre; I can't understand a f#cking thing he says.
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  11. #26
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Oh and I would have replied to you Andre but as usual you had completely lost me by the second line

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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Never offended mate , it is all freedom of choice though.
    I don't agree with most of it either to be honest, but I'm sure as hell not going to judge them for it either, or I lose something.
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Oh and I would have replied to you Andre but as usual you had completely lost me by the second line
    HAhaha of course go without saying.
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    I'm for the death penalty. Kill the fuckers.

  15. #30
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by LEGION View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    I am adamandtly against the death penalty, just as I am adamantly against abortion, human life is not ours to take in my opinion.

    I don't think the death penalty has any place in a modern 21st century nation.

    Of course I'd love to see the Ian Huntley's of this world hung, drawn and quartered for his child killings but let's be honest here, child killers amount to about 0.1% of all criminals.

    If the death penalty was brought in many people whose crimes wern't on that magnitude would likely die too, along with the innocent.

    I also cannot see how murdering a murderer makes anything right. If the taking of a human life is wrong (and it is) then a system of vengeful retaliation cannot be right surely?

    Also what constitutes murder? To me someone who chooses to have their unborn but still living child scraped out of their uterus and thrown into a bin because they don't want the hassle of looking after it is as guilty of murder as anyone who kills somebody who is actually born.
    Im actually fully against the death penalty, I was joking along in my post.

    But on abortion Bilbo watch out with taking sides on that one and getting your emotions involved into hatred of some who are forced into that decision. There are degrees of stuff too, in regards abortion. Rape,known genetic disorders that will create a life of misery etc etc.
    I know you are leaning towards the churches accepted religious beliefs and what they have taught in regards to what you should accept or should not accept.
    BUT When the spirit ,atman, or soul enters a human body it does so right on the first breath taken in, outside of the mother.
    It as a life force being isnt in its body to be, during pregnancy, although the fetus does go through all the practice modes for its future physical survival including thumb sucking etc.
    Any spirit is not allowed to possess or be inside any other spirit which includes one being inside a mother in waiting.
    This is where the God given human birth right of freedom of choice comes right into action.
    Dark energies or evil spirits if you like, can only enter into another being if you on some level accept it. They suck energy and light force from people with light bodies and then steal health and energy as they cannot generate light energies themselves, they take.
    They also attempt to stop light beings from having freedom of choice in any issue so that they have control over others. Unlike God and the white light brotherhood there is no judgment in regards to any of these matters.
    And if you and the Church are correct and do actually speak for God; then where exactly does the commandment " Thou shall not judge come into play? It doesn't because then they lose their control over others and they start to die off.

    you gotta love this kat Andre; I can't understand a f#cking thing he says.
    You too .
    Well,you cant fathom truth just utilizing the brain alone, although if you did take it to heart; all the false social and religious beliefs taught to us and all the self guilt would fall off you like chains and you'd feel free,unjudged and think better about yourself then everyone and everything.
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    I can explain it.
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