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Poll: Do you agree with the death penalty?

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Thread: The death penalty! for it or against it???

  1. #31
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGION View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post

    Im actually fully against the death penalty, I was joking along in my post.

    But on abortion Bilbo watch out with taking sides on that one and getting your emotions involved into hatred of some who are forced into that decision. There are degrees of stuff too, in regards abortion. Rape,known genetic disorders that will create a life of misery etc etc.
    I know you are leaning towards the churches accepted religious beliefs and what they have taught in regards to what you should accept or should not accept.
    BUT When the spirit ,atman, or soul enters a human body it does so right on the first breath taken in, outside of the mother.
    It as a life force being isnt in its body to be, during pregnancy, although the fetus does go through all the practice modes for its future physical survival including thumb sucking etc.
    Any spirit is not allowed to possess or be inside any other spirit which includes one being inside a mother in waiting.
    This is where the God given human birth right of freedom of choice comes right into action.
    Dark energies or evil spirits if you like, can only enter into another being if you on some level accept it. They suck energy and light force from people with light bodies and then steal health and energy as they cannot generate light energies themselves, they take.
    They also attempt to stop light beings from having freedom of choice in any issue so that they have control over others. Unlike God and the white light brotherhood there is no judgment in regards to any of these matters.
    And if you and the Church are correct and do actually speak for God; then where exactly does the commandment " Thou shall not judge come into play? It doesn't because then they lose their control over others and they start to die off.

    you gotta love this kat Andre; I can't understand a f#cking thing he says.
    You too .
    Well,you cant fathom truth just utilizing the brain alone, although if you did take it to heart; all the false social and religious beliefs taught to us and all the self guilt would fall off you like chains and you'd feel free,unjudged and think better about yourself then everyone and everything.
    It's like listening to a Paul Williams interview

  2. #32
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    As I already said Bilbo "I respect what you belive in, even tho I do not agree with it."

    But you seem to have missed the rest of the post

    "Matter of fact, you being male have no say what so ever on what a girl or woman does with their own body, even if it was your sperm that got her pregnant in the first place.

    Remember, this is the 21st Century, not the 17th where women had no say in such issues.

    And "Statistics" are only a way for a person and/or group of people to justify their opions on any given subject. Statistics can be made to reflex anything that you want.

    Nothing personal Bilbo.
    Hidden Content Boot Hill, Where the Real Fights Are Fought.

  3. #33
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Yes, they need to institute a cull of the criminal class. I'd slash crime in Britain through a simple three-step criminal justice programme that I call "Arrest, Try, Execute." I'd execute even teenagers for belonging to gangs. That'd nip the gang problem in the bud. Same for people who can't keep out of prison, repeat criminals etc. Just execute all of them. I know they have deprived backgrounds and deficient learning skills and what have you but that's just their tough luck.

    I would legalise all drugs though. You could legalise everything and it would cause far less social problems and cost than the current system of prohibition does. And that way I wouldn't get executed. By my own policy.
    Actually just have a special unit go around to all the trailer parks, just catch them in a net as they are all born and nip it all right in the bud.
    Round the females up, cut them open and scoop their ovaries out. That'll solve the problem for good.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost View Post
    As I already said Bilbo "I respect what you belive in, even tho I do not agree with it."

    But you seem to have missed the rest of the post

    "Matter of fact, you being male have no say what so ever on what a girl or woman does with their own body, even if it was your sperm that got her pregnant in the first place.

    Remember, this is the 21st Century, not the 17th where women had no say in such issues.

    And "Statistics" are only a way for a person and/or group of people to justify their opions on any given subject. Statistics can be made to reflex anything that you want.

    Nothing personal Bilbo.
    I disagree, it's up to a woman to do what she wants with her OWN body, but not the body inside her.

    If an adult woman gets pregnant and decides she doesn't want the baby so gets it killed it's just fucking evil imo.

    It may be legal, but I'd never get with a girl who values her own life and enjoyment above the life of an unborn child.

    Again I'm not talking about the 7% of legitimate abortions I'm talking about all the others.

    You are right about statistics being manipulatable but come on man you know as well as I do that virtually all abortions are done simply because the woman doesn't want the child.

    1.21 million abortions in the US alone in 2005, that's a hell of a lot of kids getting raped and impregnated don't you think?

    It's also true that around 40% of all woman going for an abortion have had one previously.

    It's just wrong is all I'm saying.

    It's no different to the Chinese drowing unwanted girls in the river just with modern technology we can kill them sooner.

    I mean if a thief broke into your home and stole a valuable ring it would be theft, but if he stole it in the mail whilst it was being sent to you would it not be theft, as after all the ring was not delivered yet?

    It's such a weak and selfish argument.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Oh and if you argue that it's the woman's choice, and I accept legally it is, then under the freedom of speech act I can exercise my own right to say that it's fucking evil and that they have done a shameful thing.

    In a non judgemental way of course

  6. #36
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Far too many cases of Current DNA findings resulting in the release of people proven innocent.Also,I just have an issue with the State and or Federal government ordering,mandating executions of any citizen.In some ways,Execution is far to easy for someone proven through DNA or substantiated eye witness accounts to have taken a life in the most savage of by case,Let em suffer in a cold dank cell,alone and on a diet of saltines & water.And why all of the Animal testing with these types available? All of the IED's maiming Guy's/Gal's over sea's.....just have these fawks walk in front of the hummers?How about a real life 'Saw" movie?Shit...those crash test dummies could use a break after much more definative results can you hope for with side collision impact than the real thing?Or just let the Victims direct family make the ultimate decision?Honestly,If a member of my family were to be harmed by another individual,The courts would have to beat me to a "decision".But I really can not stand Saltines either.....

  7. #37
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGION View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post

    Im actually fully against the death penalty, I was joking along in my post.

    But on abortion Bilbo watch out with taking sides on that one and getting your emotions involved into hatred of some who are forced into that decision. There are degrees of stuff too, in regards abortion. Rape,known genetic disorders that will create a life of misery etc etc.
    I know you are leaning towards the churches accepted religious beliefs and what they have taught in regards to what you should accept or should not accept.
    BUT When the spirit ,atman, or soul enters a human body it does so right on the first breath taken in, outside of the mother.
    It as a life force being isnt in its body to be, during pregnancy, although the fetus does go through all the practice modes for its future physical survival including thumb sucking etc.
    Any spirit is not allowed to possess or be inside any other spirit which includes one being inside a mother in waiting.
    This is where the God given human birth right of freedom of choice comes right into action.
    Dark energies or evil spirits if you like, can only enter into another being if you on some level accept it. They suck energy and light force from people with light bodies and then steal health and energy as they cannot generate light energies themselves, they take.
    They also attempt to stop light beings from having freedom of choice in any issue so that they have control over others. Unlike God and the white light brotherhood there is no judgment in regards to any of these matters.
    And if you and the Church are correct and do actually speak for God; then where exactly does the commandment " Thou shall not judge come into play? It doesn't because then they lose their control over others and they start to die off.

    you gotta love this kat Andre; I can't understand a f#cking thing he says.
    You too .
    Well,you cant fathom truth just utilizing the brain alone, although if you did take it to heart; all the false social and religious beliefs taught to us and all the self guilt would fall off you like chains and you'd feel free,unjudged and think better about yourself then everyone and everything.
    Andre we have got to go on the piss when I'm in Australia , you are pretty wise for a senile Old Guy

  8. #38
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    We're on abortion now?!?!?!

    Well here is my view on that... I think abortion does need to be safe and therefore Government controlled (a part of me dies each time I use those two words together), however I think education needs to be a big part of helping solve this problem abortion shouldn't be the main type of birth control (because basically that's what the pro-choicers think it is) people use, also this whole "It's my body and nobody can tell me what to do with it" excuse is BULLCRAP! It's an ABORTION not a fucking tatoo! The government tells everyone what they can and can't do with their bodies...I can't do illegal drugs but "It's my body", I can't walk naked down the center of town but "It's my body".

    Abortion does need to be safe though, we don't need the 1930's style back alley doctors shoving coathangers in women. If it HAS to be done then it needs to be done humanely.

    I also think individual States should decide stuff like this gay marraige and what drugs are legal or illegal because it's not in the Constitution or any of the Ammendments.

  9. #39
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle View Post
    We're on abortion now?!?!?!

    Well here is my view on that... I think abortion does need to be safe and therefore Government controlled (a part of me dies each time I use those two words together), however I think education needs to be a big part of helping solve this problem abortion shouldn't be the main type of birth control (because basically that's what the pro-choicers think it is) people use, also this whole "It's my body and nobody can tell me what to do with it" excuse is BULLCRAP! It's an ABORTION not a fucking tatoo! The government tells everyone what they can and can't do with their bodies...I can't do illegal drugs but "It's my body", I can't walk naked down the center of town but "It's my body".

    Abortion does need to be safe though, we don't need the 1930's style back alley doctors shoving coathangers in women. If it HAS to be done then it needs to be done humanely.

    I also think individual States should decide stuff like this gay marraige and what drugs are legal or illegal because it's not in the Constitution or any of the Ammendments.
    1000% agree with this, it is not within the scope of what the Federal government does.
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  10. #40
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle View Post
    We're on abortion now?!?!?!

    Well here is my view on that... I think abortion does need to be safe and therefore Government controlled (a part of me dies each time I use those two words together), however I think education needs to be a big part of helping solve this problem abortion shouldn't be the main type of birth control (because basically that's what the pro-choicers think it is) people use, also this whole "It's my body and nobody can tell me what to do with it" excuse is BULLCRAP! It's an ABORTION not a fucking tatoo! The government tells everyone what they can and can't do with their bodies...I can't do illegal drugs but "It's my body", I can't walk naked down the center of town but "It's my body".

    Abortion does need to be safe though, we don't need the 1930's style back alley doctors shoving coathangers in women. If it HAS to be done then it needs to be done humanely.

    I also think individual States should decide stuff like this gay marraige and what drugs are legal or illegal because it's not in the Constitution or any of the Ammendments.
    One of the best posts you've ever written Lyle, 100% agree mate

  11. #41
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    I'm going to keep my response short and sweet.. I'm all for it under very particular circumstances... And only really for the fact of saving the cost of keeping someone alive, locked up and feeding them for 60 odd years when they are never going to be released...

    To me, it's a just a question that gets to the point of, should a certain person be kept out of society for the rest of their life for everyone else's safety.. If the case is yes, because that person is horrible and will damage to society if released, then the question is what do you do with them then??

    Maybe they should have the choice between being in a cell forever or being put to death..

    I just wish they'd get sentencing laws right to protect citizens, before worrying about what to do with the ones they've got stored...

  12. #42
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizaster View Post
    I'm going to keep my response short and sweet.. I'm all for it under very particular circumstances... And only really for the fact of saving the cost of keeping someone alive, locked up and feeding them for 60 odd years when they are never going to be released...

    To me, it's a just a question that gets to the point of, should a certain person be kept out of society for the rest of their life for everyone else's safety.. If the case is yes, because that person is horrible and will damage to society if released, then the question is what do you do with them then??

    Maybe they should have the choice between being in a cell forever or being put to death..

    I just wish they'd get sentencing laws right to protect citizens, before worrying about what to do with the ones they've got stored...
    I'm still wondering if is euthanasia is ethical or not. My answer would depend on who is supposed to be given death penalty.

    I'd say yes if these are the people who caused the 9/11 and the likes.

    I'd say no if they are not terrorists.

  13. #43
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Voted against the death penalty because you can always get the wrong person and actually spending the rset of you life behind bars is worse than death. Its also cheaper as appeals cost and lawyers love those appeals.
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  14. #44
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    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Anybody ever sat in a holding cell,when they really hadnt done anything wrong?
    You think their going to get any nicer just because its a capitol case?
    There is no justice,there's just us

  15. #45
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: The death penalty! for it or against it???

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Voted against the death penalty because you can always get the wrong person and actually spending the rset of you life behind bars is worse than death. Its also cheaper as appeals cost and lawyers love those appeals.
    I think in certain cases the convicted should be fast tracked to the death penalty...let's say #1 If they ask for it and are of sound mind #2 If there are a number of reliable witnesses at least more than one but the more that saw 1 thing and agree on it the better #3 If they to some extent or another admit to the crime while of sound mind and not being threatened in any manner #4 If the defendant has a history of violent crime and is found guilty of murder.

    What about the victim's family? What about their lives? Giving someone life (especially if they have the possibility of parole) isn't very reassuring and doesn't give the family much closure.

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