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Thread: What A Complete Douche

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    I don't really see the problem. I mean if it was a contact sport and the points difference was 100 points then yeah it should be stopped but it's basketball.

    I've played on small hockey teams outnumbered by opponents before. Sometimes we'd loose by a long way but with nothing to be ashamed of because you know you're playing short anyway it can be more fun in some ways.

    You get a lot more time in the game rather than subbing in ad out. You get a good run because you might play 2 positions. It's no longer about the score so much as just being proud to not give up and to give it a good shot and it sounds like the loosing team was proud of that.

    I'm stunned the winning team would be expected to apologise! I mean i'd find it demeaning and embarassing knowing that my opponents had to do that and I'd rather loose by a long way playing a proper game than be mollycoddled.

    Plus how does this make news?!?! Some people take what should be recreational high school sports and winning or loosing waaaaay too seriously!

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    100 zip against a private dyslexic school that has what 20 students?
    Why dont you just womp on retarded kids while your at it.
    Those girls had their parents in attendence,if your dominating that bad,you could have pulled the foot off the throttle,but this idiot was cheering when they got close to 100 points.
    These are kids for the love of god,great,way to scar a bunch of obviously overmatched girls for life so you can get 100 points
    And it isnt about winning or losing,its about somebody grinding a teenage girls nose in the losing.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    I think you can cheer your team on without being demeaning towards the opposite team. If you cheer when a point is scored fine - if you bad mouth the other team then that sucks but there's no mention of that.

    So the team which lost came from a small school - the only way it really hurts them is if someone teaches them that loosing a basketball game characterizes who they are.

    It shouldn't be a big deal. If they play with good sportspersonship, shake hands at the end of it and get a good run at it I think it could be waaay more fun then winning as part of an overly serious team.

    There is nothing in the article that suggests the girls left the field upset. In fact it said they'd lost every game but were still playing and determined to finsh the game no matter how outscored they were. If they cared about loosing that much they wouldn't have a team because they would have quit after one of their other many losses.

    Knowing it doesn't matter win or loose is probably half the reason they enjoy it! I think making a news item out of it and a big deal is way worse than loosing in the first place. Now EVERYONE knows they're on a loosing streak.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    We have womens basket ball teams here where the coaches who are fathers take to it like they have sheep stations bet on each game.They live for it and are obsessed with win at all costs.
    Their girls follow the pressure and even try to take out our girls illeagally.
    Its a sad indication on peoples liitle spirits entering into areas that they shouldnt.

    When our girls play they enjoy all our teams company and its usually lighthearted ;if the other side are getting completly trounced by us, then they all go for stuff that is near impossible for practice, so that the other team gets a few shots off too.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla View Post
    I think you can cheer your team on without being demeaning towards the opposite team. If you cheer when a point is scored fine - if you bad mouth the other team then that sucks but there's no mention of that.

    So the team which lost came from a small school - the only way it really hurts them is if someone teaches them that loosing a basketball game characterizes who they are.

    It shouldn't be a big deal. If they play with good sportspersonship, shake hands at the end of it and get a good run at it I think it could be waaay more fun then winning as part of an overly serious team.

    There is nothing in the article that suggests the girls left the field upset. In fact it said they'd lost every game but were still playing and determined to finsh the game no matter how outscored they were. If they cared about loosing that much they wouldn't have a team because they would have quit after one of their other many losses.

    Knowing it doesn't matter win or loose is probably half the reason they enjoy it! I think making a news item out of it and a big deal is way worse than loosing in the first place. Now EVERYONE knows they're on a loosing streak.
    100-0 is obscene,thats just grinding it in,hell its allmost imposable,to put it in boxing terms thats like telling your Gold Glove canidate who's 15 to hold the other kid up just so your boy can hit them more,and it doesnt help to have the other kid come in with no trainer and a little mentally deficient.
    Its kicking people when theyre down for your own personal glory,and kids no less. The only reason that coach ran the score up that bad was for his own personal glory.
    And on top of it,its a horrid lesson for the kids on the winning side,it says being a complete gloating asshole is cool

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    My older brother is dislexic and he's not mentally deficient. He gets words mixed up a little when he writes but he's better than most at maths and technical things and makes an extremely good living as an electronic engineer.

    Aside from that he's also always been above average at sports - being dislexic is no reason to be belittled on a sports ground. By making a big deal out of it I think people are being worse than the winning team's coach was to begin with.

    It's high school basketball - who really cares if you loose - until it make national news and everyone talks about you as if you are disabled just because you come from a small school with a small team and have a little difficultly reading or writing which in no way messes with your athletic ability.

    I'm not saying that the coach is cool but I think making a big thing of it is way worse than the event in the first place. It's sensationalizing it for the sake of selling a story with no regard for who is really embarassed by this - not the coach because he doesn't sound like the type to care but the kids on the loosing team.

    How many people would really care that they lost before? Now thousands more know they were thrashed and it's no longer just a fun game they lost but a public embarassment!

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    This is on CNN right now.

    Coach got fired this morning.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    this was tantamount to bullying and pack mentality. Classless pieces of shit.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    Yeah I agree the guy is a douche. On another note: a girl called me a douche bag on instant message the other day....and she spelled it differently. I told her that if you are going to call me one you had better spell it right. She then informed me that the French way to spell douche was different. I told her I preferred to be an American douche as being a french douche was just over the top...
    "If there's a better chin in the world than Pryor's, it has to be on Mount Rushmore." -Pat Putnam.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    I KO'd a kid with one punch... simply wasn't good enough to be in the ring with me. Said nothing to him. What could I say?

    I bet he'd be pretty upset if my dad then sent him a letter apologizing because I beat him so badly.

    Does Dyslexia really affect them that badly? my twin is Dyslexic and he's extremely athletic and a pretty handy boxer...

    If the other team were that bad then the match shouldn't have been played in the first place... once the game is going you can't just say "we're winning, stop the game". the other coach can forfeit... but that's his choice...

    100 points over 4 quarters isn't that ludicrous.... basketball is very high paced... what were they going to do... dribble the ball around not shooting on purpose? more humiliating then just doing what you would do against any other team in my opinion.

    At the end of the day it's just a fucking game.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    I KO'd a kid with one punch... simply wasn't good enough to be in the ring with me. Said nothing to him. What could I say?

    I bet he'd be pretty upset if my dad then sent him a letter apologizing because I beat him so badly.

    Does Dyslexia really affect them that badly? my twin is Dyslexic and he's extremely athletic and a pretty handy boxer... If they have more severe learning difficultys then they shouldn't be playing against teams like that in the first place, no one is a charity and nobody has the time to go and humour them.

    If the other team were that bad then the match shouldn't have been played in the first place... once the game is going you can't just say "we're winning, stop the game". the other coach can forfeit... but that's his choice...

    100 points over 4 quarters isn't that ludicrous.... basketball is very high paced... what were they going to do... dribble the ball around not shooting on purpose? more humiliating then just doing what you would do against any other team in my opinion.

    At the end of the day it's just a fucking game.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGB View Post
    I KO'd a kid with one punch... simply wasn't good enough to be in the ring with me. Said nothing to him. What could I say?

    I bet he'd be pretty upset if my dad then sent him a letter apologizing because I beat him so badly.

    Does Dyslexia really affect them that badly? my twin is Dyslexic and he's extremely athletic and a pretty handy boxer...

    If the other team were that bad then the match shouldn't have been played in the first place... once the game is going you can't just say "we're winning, stop the game". the other coach can forfeit... but that's his choice...

    100 points over 4 quarters isn't that ludicrous.... basketball is very high paced... what were they going to do... dribble the ball around not shooting on purpose? more humiliating then just doing what you would do against any other team in my opinion.

    At the end of the day it's just a fucking game.
    good point on dyslexia, a basketball handicap it ain't.

    good last point point also. Plus if you look closely at the story, nobody on the losing team was all that scarred or humiliated anyway.

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    Default Re: What A Complete Douche

    Quote Originally Posted by CGM View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGB View Post
    I KO'd a kid with one punch... simply wasn't good enough to be in the ring with me. Said nothing to him. What could I say?

    I bet he'd be pretty upset if my dad then sent him a letter apologizing because I beat him so badly.

    Does Dyslexia really affect them that badly? my twin is Dyslexic and he's extremely athletic and a pretty handy boxer...

    If the other team were that bad then the match shouldn't have been played in the first place... once the game is going you can't just say "we're winning, stop the game". the other coach can forfeit... but that's his choice...

    100 points over 4 quarters isn't that ludicrous.... basketball is very high paced... what were they going to do... dribble the ball around not shooting on purpose? more humiliating then just doing what you would do against any other team in my opinion.

    At the end of the day it's just a fucking game.
    good point on dyslexia, a basketball handicap it ain't.

    good last point point also. Plus if you look closely at the story, nobody on the losing team was all that scarred or humiliated anyway.
    What did it serve to beat them 100-0
    To prove you can beat a private school that specializes in learning disabilities?
    Well they havent won a game in 4 years,so Im pretty sure that was a given.
    Oh you wanted to prove that you could humiliate them.
    Way to live up to both your christian ideals,and the idea that high school sports are supposed to be learning good sportsmanship.
    Nothing says good sportsmanship like 100-0
    Other then maybe waiting until theyre on the ground and putting the boot in just because you can

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