Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
He ran a mile, walked another, impressive. Nice to see TM's regime is intense

You got a video of him doing his mile run, what a feat, he's so heroic.

Andrews day starts at 6 am getting 3 of 5 kids ready for school then its off to work back home at 6 does his meager workout in the whole 45 mins he has then its dinner and feeding those 6 kids ( the babies still require high chairs and help) that is followed by baths for all 6 then bedtime stories phone calls homework cleaning whatever messes they make getting school clothes ready for the next day then finally by 9 pm they are all usually in bed and again he is doing push ups and situps IF he is able to stay up till 11 or 12 then he has a couple of hours to himself but he pays for those by again waking at 6 am to start all over again and all that is on a good day when nothing goes wrong ( rare indeed) so how long is your day?

TM it was Andrews choice to attempt some kind of training while he can you know with the kids and the wife working nights he is never sure what will be happen day to day so he is doing what He can while he can