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Thread: Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    My vacation is almost over so before I go, I thought I should leave some serious thoughts...

    This is in re to PSL's post:

    Probably for most people, the issue is not really whether God exists or not but whether they need God or not. Being a long-time spiritual-philosophical person who has been living a semi-hermit life and meditating for decades, I'd say if you're happy and don't believe in God, then fine, no problem for you. It all goes down to this: are you really happy? If you even think about the existence of God, then you're probably not because most people who really don't believe in God usually don't give a hoot and don't even think about it. Problem is that many people have an image of a father figure for God, which I really doubt. I think God has nothing to do with my or your father, who're no different from us, and probably He's someone totally beyond our imagination, at least at our level of development today.

    The belief in God or some Supreme Being - and to me names or denominations don't matter (I just don't believe in monopoly of faith, like 'we go to heaven and you go to hell' attitude, which is just too human for me) - has solved the most pervasive problem in meditation I encountered. When you meditate, naturally thoughts starts to hover in your mind and there's nothing you can do about them, at least at the beginning. The problem is when disturbing thoughts starts to take over, which usually does especially when people meditate because they want to get rid of some emotional problem. For years during my early years of practicing meditation, I wasn't able to get rid of those thoughts, no matter what I did or how hard I tried [meditation 101, trying hard is one of the antithesis of meditation, the more you try the more you fail]. So how did I get rid of them? I got rid of them one by one when I started to put my attention on Someone up there, believing that He is in total control and that everything will be absolutely all right, and stopped trying too hard and just started letting them be and eventually letting them go - the 'letting go' principle I've been preaching here. I see all the problem in this world as a sort of thick haze enveloping the world and clouding my view, but I firmly believe beyond the haze is The light clearly shining, day in and day out. I've been using this image during difficult times and it almost always helped.

    'I got rid of them one by one when I started to put my attention on Someone up there, believing that He is in total control and that everything will be absolutely all right...'

    '...I see all the problem in this world as a sort of thick haze that's enveloping the world and clouding my view, but I firmly believe beyond the haze is The light clearly shining day in and day out.'

    Now when I meditate, there are no more disturbing thoughts, at least most ot the time, but when they do come, I just sweep them aside and let them go. And when my mind is clear and pure, I feel only the vast energy within and outside myself and the boundary sometimes disappears almost completely. Someday when I totally master meditation, the boundary will totally and permanently disappear in the final state they call nirvana. That's all meditators' ultimate goal.

    ***I have a simple words or thought to live by - just a sentence long - for anyone who sometimes gets overwhelmed by problems. Just PM me and I will PM back it to you. No tricks or conditions except that you must be a believer or choose to believe, otherwise it won't work. It's just a simple thought so don't expect a miracle or some voodoo magic, but more like my 'haze' principle above. Why am I not just writing it down here? I just want to know if there is anyone serious about these philosophical things I often write about here. Feel free to ask. I'll be here just for awhile so don't hesistate. And, as I've said before, I'm a pretty nice guy and I certainly don't bite...
    Last edited by pacfan; 01-21-2011 at 02:33 AM.
    Once in awhile, get outside in fresh air, take a deep breath & with a deep sigh, let out all the things that's bottled up inside you & be free, & you'll get a glimpse of nirvana.

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    i am almost certain he doesnt exist!

    god is an excuse for everything! they can blame everything on him, its his will, if i do this or that it will be gods will

    plus I heard on the radio earlier on abt a child being kidnapped then being reunited with parents yrs later & the mothers saying 'that god! he brought her back to us blah blah blah

    she didnt say 'god took her from us!

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    Yo fellas, I'm back. Where were we...We have no way of proving the existence or the non-existence of God, so it's a 50-50 way, and I will not argue with that. The issue has already been debated to pulp here and elsewhere, going nowhere and will probably keep on going nowhere.

    But my point is not whether God really exists or not. What I'm pointing out are the benefits believing in God brings to people, and I think that has been prove numerous times. So what I'm pointing out, particularly to those who're going through difficulties in life, is that believing in God will bring some peace in their heart. To me personally, sorry I might sound a bit selfish here, whether God really exists or not is not the issue here. What matters to me more is that for our own selfish interest, it'll be good to believe in Him. That's why I've been pitching for it, especially to people who has been complaining about life here at the saddos and elsewhere. Again, if you're happy, no problem, but if you're not, believing in God can really help you, and unlike the issue of His existence, that has been proven again and again. People who believe in God are happier and they live longer. Now, that's a fact. Let's just not mold Him into something, or worse, some 'favor', we wish, because if you do, you'll be disappointed - you know that's not the way He works in this world.

    ...'it's been proven again and again... (that)People who believe in God are happier and they live longer. Now that's a fact...

    BTW, thanks Drago, for being the first brave soul to challenge me. I respect your, as well as everybody elses' opinion. Now where are the rest?!

    Thanks also to the people who PM'd me.
    Once in awhile, get outside in fresh air, take a deep breath & with a deep sigh, let out all the things that's bottled up inside you & be free, & you'll get a glimpse of nirvana.

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    For me God is simply a made up word.

    Some other say Rah, some Oncollo coolo others Allah they are just words.
    Those words in all the different languages dont all come to mean some white haired bearded old man as portrayed in all of the last few centuries oil paintings.

    Some/many the majority actually mean Great Spirit.

    The word we use for the overall being and that is what we all are, Beings be-ing; we cant begin to grasp the enormity of whats occurring here on the macro and micro levels of existence or the infinite balance between all things.

    Free will exists: there is just one miracle to be thankful for,aside from the unlimited paths we can go up or down in order to change and evolve further as beings.
    Just that being our real experience here should bring into focus a little clearer where the gift of love and allowance stands on what we do as a whole group.
    To blame God for this or that is a touch crazy, we warp alot of energy and our experience out of shape from what it should be like on this level.

    The excuses are removed in that light.
    Last edited by Andre; 01-21-2011 at 10:45 PM.
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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    God is man made to make us feel better about bad things and death.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    I agree there Master,its funny mentioning death in what you say.

    In these lower levels there exists a duality of thoughts like good and evil and we humans tend to shove things in either category to make it all easier on ourselves.

    (Its doesn't btw. Its part of a self imposed mental trap that keeps us in fear as do the two major religions who claim otherwise).

    In these lower levels things group in threes: hot cold luke warm, night ,day ,sunset twilight etc. When we only see things in black and white (when we judge;which is exactly what their scriptures tell them not to do) When we do,we are trapped and we miss what we love the most,which is the in between things of balance.We avoid the Trinity.

    Death is not one of the duality. Life as it is meant to be lived and suffering are in fact opposites. Death is one of the middle roads formed by the balance that some call God.(I do out of love and respect to be honest). Whats important to begin with is to realize or better still except that we are not just material measuring devices.

    If that is all someone believes then that is where all of their power is centered and that will be their experience of what is around them.

    Even the moon drags the ocean around and has major effects on some peoples mental balance and that isnt even 1% of it.
    Some will blame that. So be it.
    It is actually on our side once you choose to stand in the balance.
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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    I think the theory and belief in god has caused massive amounts of suffering, pain and war over the centuries, and that will massively negate any benefits to individuals from lengthening life and improving happiness.

    From the use of Latin in English churches to keep the masses ignorant and persuade them to keep toiling in the servitude otherwise they go to hell, to more modern day instances such as the Catholic/Protestant conflict in Ireland and the jihad against the west.

    To complete my compelling argument, I will reference the great encyclopedia of our times, Family Guy. In the parallel dimensions episode the dimension without god is the most technologically advanced and educated, as the repression of religion never happened. I think there is more than a grain of truth there.

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    God is man made to make us feel better about bad things and death.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    I agree there Master,its funny mentioning death in what you say.

    In these lower levels there exists a duality of thoughts like good and evil and we humans tend to shove things in either category to make it all easier on ourselves.

    (Its doesn't btw. Its part of a self imposed mental trap that keeps us in fear as do the two major religions who claim otherwise).

    In these lower levels things group in threes: hot cold luke warm, night ,day ,sunset twilight etc. When we only see things in black and white (when we judge;which is exactly what their scriptures tell them not to do) When we do,we are trapped and we miss what we love the most,which is the in between things of balance.We avoid the Trinity.

    Death is not one of the duality. Life as it is meant to be lived and suffering are in fact opposites. Death is one of the middle roads formed by the balance that some call God.(I do out of love and respect to be honest). Whats important to begin with is to realize or better still except that we are not just material measuring devices.

    If that is all someone believes then that is where all of their power is centered and that will be their experience of what is around them.

    Even the moon drags the ocean around and has major effects on some peoples mental balance and that isnt even 1% of it.
    Some will blame that. So be it.
    It is actually on our side once you choose to stand in the balance.
    It's getting to be interesting, fellas. I think it's more of 'people molded God into what they wanted Him to be' than Him not existing. Why do almost all civilization have belief in God (as well as sacrifice rituals). It's like belief in God is built-in unto human instinct, but why? There must be a reason, something necessary for the evolutionary advancement of man. I'll try to answer that when I come back. So you guys keep thinking too, as they say here in the Philippines, 'use your coconut'!

    gotta go now, back to my mountain lair. I'll be back.
    Once in awhile, get outside in fresh air, take a deep breath & with a deep sigh, let out all the things that's bottled up inside you & be free, & you'll get a glimpse of nirvana.

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    Quote Originally Posted by superheavyrhun View Post
    I think the theory and belief in god has caused massive amounts of suffering, pain and war over the centuries, and that will massively negate any benefits to individuals from lengthening life and improving happiness.

    From the use of Latin in English churches to keep the masses ignorant and persuade them to keep toiling in the servitude otherwise they go to hell, to more modern day instances such as the Catholic/Protestant conflict in Ireland and the jihad against the west.

    To complete my compelling argument, I will reference the great encyclopedia of our times, Family Guy. In the parallel dimensions episode the dimension without god is the most technologically advanced and educated, as the repression of religion never happened. I think there is more than a grain of truth there.
    Ruhn it is misinformation on God and about free will by the ones who wish to take control over others.They will have you in darkness and they will feed off you if allowed to.
    Indian givers, excuse the term.

    If anyone uses excuses like "It is the will of God" or God moves in mysterious ways" as an excuse for why things occur here on Earth ,then they are covering the real truth they are not coming from the correct direction from within light and love, they dont know God personally they only know of other mans words regarding God and you will find those men always place something or someone in between you and God. That is their works ,that is what they are planting that is what they will reap.
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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post

    Ruhn it is misinformation on God and about free will by the ones who wish to take control over others.They will have you in darkness and they will feed off you if allowed to.
    Indian givers, excuse the term.

    If anyone uses excuses like "It is the will of God" or God moves in mysterious ways" as an excuse for why things occur here on Earth ,then they are covering the real truth they are not coming from the correct direction from within light and love, they dont know God personally they only know of other mans words regarding God and you will find those men always place something or someone in between you and God. That is their works ,that is what they are planting that is what they will reap.
    Sorry Andre, even with the misinformation or stories of organised religion, I essentially have two problems that mean I'm agnostic, veering on the side of atheist when it comes to the question of god, and this is essentially comes down to the question of why do bad things happen to good people, and there is no doubt that often the bad things are massive, life-destroying and out of proportion with any transgressions god may perceive. Yes, I know it's simplistic, and a very black and white way to look at things, but the answers I deduce from that question give very little middle ground.

    My two possible answers for this are:
    a) God is an amoral being who created an universe but doesn't really get involved with the day-to-day running of his creation, and doesn't care about the torments inflicted. If this is the case, then I very much doubt god would be interested in my opinion of him, and whether i try to connect to him or not won't bother Him much either way.
    b) There is no god.

    I have no doubt there is great comfort and strength to be drawn from belief in god, and a perceived connection with this being, but I cannot bring myself to believe in such a deity.

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    Quote Originally Posted by superheavyrhun View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post

    Ruhn it is misinformation on God and about free will by the ones who wish to take control over others.They will have you in darkness and they will feed off you if allowed to.
    Indian givers, excuse the term.

    If anyone uses excuses like "It is the will of God" or God moves in mysterious ways" as an excuse for why things occur here on Earth ,then they are covering the real truth they are not coming from the correct direction from within light and love, they dont know God personally they only know of other mans words regarding God and you will find those men always place something or someone in between you and God. That is their works ,that is what they are planting that is what they will reap.
    Sorry Andre, even with the misinformation or stories of organised religion, I essentially have two problems that mean I'm agnostic, veering on the side of atheist when it comes to the question of god, and this is essentially comes down to the question of why do bad things happen to good people, and there is no doubt that often the bad things are massive, life-destroying and out of proportion with any transgressions god may perceive. Yes, I know it's simplistic, and a very black and white way to look at things, but the answers I deduce from that question give very little middle ground.

    My two possible answers for this are:
    a) God is an amoral being who created an universe but doesn't really get involved with the day-to-day running of his creation, and doesn't care about the torments inflicted. If this is the case, then I very much doubt god would be interested in my opinion of him, and whether i try to connect to him or not won't bother Him much either way.
    b) There is no god.

    I have no doubt there is great comfort and strength to be drawn from belief in god, and a perceived connection with this being, but I cannot bring myself to believe in such a deity.
    It matters not to me if you believe or not bro.
    It matters that the false religions have innocent people beliving in a God that is vengeful or judgmental.

    Both are false. As is the assertion that God is like us.. because of the statment 'God made us in his liking'.

    It was meant in its true language that We can become magnificent beings even God like,if we so choose to aim that way.

    In regards to people being born with problems or gaining problems in life. There can be a few reasons: First is karmic debt repayments from a past life, two is a self imposed spiritual test or sometimes a rescue of others.
    You would be surprised at what levels some very Angelic beings will descend into in order to save another from many lifetimes of karmic debt.
    God simply allows all things their time to decide.
    That is why we are in such a mess down here, we did it all and we continue to do more of the same, densefing energies further and further inbreeding further and further,against the original recommendations. 'The sins of the fathers visiting on the sons' wasnt a vengeful thing; it meant the truth, that whatever the forefathers did to effect their dna and rna would run through the family lines for a few generations. They even warned about pigs for a good reason way back then, they are genetically very close to us.
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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    God is old, must be, they in South America dug into a hillside, and found Human Footprints at the side of Dinasours. Between 100 and 135 million years old, is that interesting or what.
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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrap View Post
    God is old, must be, they in South America dug into a hillside, and found Human Footprints at the side of Dinasours. Between 100 and 135 million years old, is that interesting or what.
    Bet they were a black skinned race too.
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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    According to foot size and stride they were 9ft, look it up Forbidden Archeology interesting.
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

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    Default Re: Do you ever doubt God's existence?

    People are probably going to think Ape like neanderthal men with little thought etc, but in some ancient writings; size, skin color, skull shape and size is proportional to which dimensional levels their spirits are evolved to. Higher level beings and all that.
    Bigger the heart bigger the carriage needed to tow it around down here, sort of thing.

    Prior to us all becoming more materially mentally brain orientated.

    Those big dudes carved into the side of the temples and pyramids had heads that shape (long out the back) hundreds of thousands of years ago and were reported to be that actual size, think it was twelve feet or something from memory, not sure.
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    I can explain it.
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