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Thread: Two of my fights!

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    Default Two of my fights!

    ::: Chamber Media Player :::

    For Greynotsoold who asked to see clips of two of my fights (the only ones I have online) Im on first on the first video and the second video (dated 2/12/10) I have gold shorts with black trim and tattoos. From what I can see my faults are moving backwards too much instead of stepping to the side, getting in and staying there instead of being in and out and my punches arn't very quick and sharp. I know I have a lot more faults but that is why I am here Any help would be appreciated, I can take constructive criticisim very well (I wouldn't be posting the vids otherwise!! ) But please if anyone just wants to come on and say 'You're useless, give up' or anything along those lines plz dont bother (not that I expect it from here everyone so far has been great), im in it for the long run no matter how far I go I love the sport and wanna stick to it, its a hobby afterall. Thanks in advance! P.S record white collar - Won 4, drew 1, lost 1

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    PS Please excuse the interviews at the end was more nervous about that than the fight itself!! ha

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    Pretty impressed. From White collar I expected nothing to that standard.

    When you are punching do not look over and down along the arm to where the shot lands.
    Look at the point just below the thumb. This will protect your chin when you throw and keep your head from flaring up when you punch.

    From the second video I think your viewpoint may be limiting your reach. If you look straight out over your torso as you would while standing your reach is limited to arm length. If you look in the same line as your hip and knee toward the opponent you maximise the reach in the jab and create great scope for pivoting the right hand. Also has defensive benefits.

    Thank you for being so open as to share your very personal experience
    Last edited by donnydarkoIRL; 02-15-2011 at 12:19 AM.

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    Thanksa million Trueno, i've been nervously anticipating a response since I posted this But as I said im open to constructive criticisim. I've always believed theres faults no matter how hard you try you can't see in yourself and it just takes another opinion to help you pick up on those faults. I've been boxing ten months now, so think i'm gonna go into the amateur game now and see how that goes

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    i have my first white collar fight coming up in June, we will be wearing head guards tho

    this is the first i have watched without

    looks good tho dude
    Officially the only saddo who has had a girlfriend

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    There were a few things that really jumped out at me, the most notable being the you really push your punches, another being that your chin is right up in the air. And you were right; you do go straight back every time. Other than your chin in the air, I think all of this can be traced back to your feet.
    The video is primarily waist up, but I'm pretty sure your feet are a bit wide apart at the start, and this is compounded when you step with your jab and leave your left foot behind. At that point you have made it impossible to throw a right hook, and you are reaching and pawing with your straight left. Other than the jab, evry punch involves a shift of weight: it begins on one foot and ends on the other. Now, if you are throwing a straight left at an opponent that is 18" away, and your feet are 36" apart, your hand will arrive long before your weight- a pushed or slapping blow.
    Real basic, real dull series of exercises: get in your stance and get your feet under your shoulders (and, as a southpaw, being so squared up is really counter-productive;it takes away the evil advantage being a southpaw gives you). Taking small shuffling steps and move forward- right foot (maybe 2"), then bring the left foot up. Then go backwards- left foot, then right foot. Then mix in punches- every time your right foot moves, jab, then fire the straight left as you bring up your left foot. Doing going backwards too.
    And right here you should learn something- an advantage to be gained going straight back. Throwing your left with these short steps you'll feel like there's nothing on it: DO NOT compensate by yaking longer steps. Compensate by really torquing your hips and shoulders (this is something I don't see you doing in your videos), and really turning over your right leg. I watched both of these videos all the way through and everybody comes straight forward after a guy going straight back; master this straight left going backwards, and you'll get some knockdowns.
    Which isn't to say that you should keep making a habit of it, because you shouldn't. Minimize going to your left and start pivoting/circling to your right behind your jab: this labbing/circling to the right is why many people believe all southpaws should be drowned at birth. From your stance- remember, right shoulder frontward, feet under your shoulders- slide your right foot to the right just a couple inches, jabbing as you do so, then pivot on that right foot, until you are back to your original position and, as your left foot settles, straight left hand. (That is of course, to remind you to bring your left foot with you as you drill. In competition you don't need to throw the left every time, though I would advise bringing along your left foot as often as possible. But that constant jab and circle to the right will help ypou score points and keep you out of the way of punches. He CANNOT hit you if you are outside his left arm. Also as he turns to follow you, it will open up opportunities for a right hook and stright left.)
    When you do move to your left, I would suggest it be for a specific purpose only; not it seems that you move that way habitually, and that you don't punch when moving left. That is because you move left foot first. Try this. Begin by sliding your right foot first, a small bit and jabbing as you do so, then pivot to your left (and throw a left). This is, of course, a drill and practice it, but, when you shadow box, I think you'll see how this can drastically and suddenly change the punching angles and open up avenuse for the straight left and right hook.
    When you have these drills down moving short distances, hands and feet in coordination, start moving further and faster. It is what I call a 'fencing step'- James Toney and Ricardo Lopez were masters at it. Push off your back foot, sliding the front foot forward: two or three should get you across the ring, then go backwards, pushing off your front foot. Then work in your hands; going forward, jab as your front foot moves, so that your arm is fully extended as the foot settles. Going backwards, jab as you push off (can you see the value in this?). Work in your left hand, throwing it as you as you bring the left foot forward (when going forward), or, when going backwards, as the right foot comes back.
    I'm sorry if this is long and confusing- probably should've broken it up in two or three pieces. Drill your feet and you'll notice a lot of improvement'

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    I think you must work more on your jab. You have no weight behind it and i think that this makes you anxios and you try every time to land left hand. What Plius they hit you over your right hand. Keep it alitle bit higher and to your right to be able to parry his jab.
    And when you goes back you are running and your chin goes up. This way you are going to hit the ropes every time and if your oponent knows what to do he will hit you every time on the chin plus you can't punch from there. As you are going back take your head with your back leg and don't streighten yourself. Load your back hand.
    Am i mistaken or your weight is more on the front leg? If this is the situation it explains the jab, the running back with chin up and distance problems.

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    i think you look good man, these 6 white collar fights all you have had?

    for someone so inexperienced you look composed and skillfull

    obviously compared to the pros you could do a few things better but you seem to be doing nicely

    have you got a coach?
    Officially the only saddo who has had a girlfriend

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    Greynotsoold, what a fantastic post you've really took the time to look properly at my videos and your right, I had to read your post a couple of times before I understood it properly! but that is just because how in depth it is. Iv wrote down your post and I am going to take it to the gym tomorrow and work on what you said. What you said about my feet being too wide is definately a problem I suffer with I tend to leave or drag my left foot when I move forward. Also you say about staying on the outside of my opponents left foot, I really struggle with this and my coach is working with me to try and get around this as you say it takes away my advantage of being a southpaw. I seem to get out of the habbit on the pads, just struggle when it comes down to it in sparring and bouts. I think most of my problems are down to my footwork. Thanks a lot guys.

    To the last person who posted (can't remember your name sorry) Yeah I've just had these white collars and I do have a coach, a fantastic one at that, he used to box for England as an amateur and had 14 pro fights before being forced to retire through injury, he took up coaching about 18 months ago.

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    Solid advice by Grey!

  11. #11
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    Sorry to hijack the thread, only a quick question.

    What is "White collar boxing"?

    Always hear the term and never actually understood it!

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    basically it started in the US when you started having buisiness men in New York going to the boxing gyms to keep fit. When they got better and more interested in actually taking part in boxing they decided to set up White Collar Boxing as they wasn't good enough for the pro game and too old for amateur. So it stemmed from their really the idea caught on over in the UK and they called it Fight Club (after the film). But over the years it has improved more and more and its hardly any buisiness men in it really (from my experience anyway) its more, ex amateurs, young lads who want to earn a bit of extra cash and In my case just a bit of experience although I want to go amateur soon. Its not unlicensed although it isnt sanctioned by the British Boxing board. Theres always a medical for every boxer before fights and a weigh in. I've heard rumours of fight fixing but not in the one I box in which is the BBU but there is more like EBF, Fightclub etc. I boxed at one at the guildhall in portsmouth which is a pretty big venue and it was sell out so people are definately interested in it. If you're interested in getting involved i'll try n find out where your nearest local gym is if you like?

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    I've wanted to get involved in boxing for ages now, even had great motivation from guys on here but there is always some reason or another that keeps me from getting to a gym. The latest excuse I give myself is that I've just had a baby and I'm too tired for more activities due to being sleep deprived. Really need to just get out and do it.

    I live in Plymouth, Devon. Even more isoltaed than Pompy!

    The white collar thing sounds like someone like me, working long hours in my suit each day, no time to make the normal group boxing traning sessions.

    Juts watched your videos (was viewing on mobile yesterday) and I was really impressed. I obviously have no idea what to look for, but it looked natural and I thought you looked like a pro!

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    Default Re: Two of my fights!

    For Greynotsoold who asked to see clips of two of my fights (the only ones I have online) Im on first on the first video and the second video (dated 2/12/10) I have gold shorts with black trim and tattoos. From what I can see my faults are moving backwards too much instead of stepping to the side, getting in and staying there instead of being in and out and my punches arn't very quick and sharp. I know I have a lot more faults but that is why I am here Any help would be appreciated, I can take constructive criticisim very well (I wouldn't be posting the vids otherwise!! ) But please if anyone just wants to come on and say 'You're useless, give up' or anything along those lines plz dont bother (not that I expect it from here everyone so far has been great), im in it for the long run no matter how far I go I love the sport and wanna stick to it, its a hobby afterall. Thanks in advance! P.S record white collar - Won 4, drew 1, lost 1[/QUOTE]

    Dude you are revy good!!!! well done

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