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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #1501
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Because the best defense is a good offense. Learned that from my football coach and old war movies.

    By touting ALL OF MEDIA as fake news, Trump effectively disarms ANY criticism that may come his way.

    Trump's a racist? Fake news!

    Trump's a sexist? Fake news!

    Trump insulted all of Mexico many times over? Fake news!

    It's all over before it even begins. Put the media..... the ENTIRE media on the defensive, and they'll be too busy defending themselves to even think of continuing to cover Trump, as they should.

    Free press?? Hogwash!!!

    The 1st Amendment only exists for a privileged few. For the rest it's merely a pipe dream.

    That's the way it works. You say the right thing...... you're covered by Freedom of Speech. You say the "wrong" thing.......... Fake News!

    It would be more comical if it weren't so tragic.
    Does he tout literally ALL OF MEDIA as fake news?

    Someone says "Trump's a racist"....all I ask is "Where's the proof?" and I've yet to get anything other than 'He called Mexicans rapists' which doesn't really set the bar very high in terms of racism AND yes many a border crossing illegal IS a rapist, stats back that up.

    Someone says "Trump is sexist"....again I ask for proof and what do I get? He's a womanizer, he's been married several times...yeah that doesn't automatically make one a sexist. "He called Omarosa a dog!" well she was welcomed into the White House and then proceeded to not pay any attention at all to her NDA which she signed willingly and secretly recorded many a meeting...not good, not a smart thing. An insult to dogs more than an insult to Omarosa...dogs are loyal, Omarosa is something else completely.

    Mexico has earned some insulting to be frank. They aren't living up to what they should be and it's not America's fault...or it wasn't before Eric Holder decided to arm their drug cartels...ooh OOPS did I say that?

    Nobody is stopping the media from doing their job, they aren't helping themselves by getting hurt feelings that Trump hits back. They took an 8 year nap and now they want to be taken seriously again, they can fuck right off with that! They let Obama slide on EVERYTHING. Question Obama at all...AT ALL and it's racism......both sides aren't treated the same. 90% negative coverage...90% that's effort my friend, that's dedication to a cause and that cause isn't "news"

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    It all started with the Inaugural Crowd!!! FFS.

    Spicer (remember him?) standing up there and insisting on parroting Trump's claim that his crowd was bigger than Obama's.

    Not only was that ridiculously wrong (uhhhh....... cameras?), but in the whole context of things...............


    That set the tone for what was to come.

    The media lies, even when there's video to prove otherwise.

    Trump has a low opinion of the intelligence of the average American.
    Ha! Exactly then people are being told that THEY are wasting time on inconsequential frivolous stuff when they criticise Trump for often quite pertinent stuff.....

    Straight out of the Saul Allinsky rule book?

    And yet Trump, people are told, despite using the exact same 'rules for radicals' is nothing like Dronebama, Hitlary or 'duh' Bushes.

    He is just so blatant people refuse to belive their own ears and eyes.

    Takes real chutzpah but it ain't no swamp draining.

    Ask the kids in Yemen if things have changed.
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  3. #1503
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Ha! Exactly then people are being told that THEY are wasting time on inconsequential frivolous stuff when they criticise Trump for often quite pertinent stuff.....
    Yes like ice cream scoops

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Someone says "Trump is sexist"....again I ask for proof and what do I get? He's a womanizer, he's been married several times...yeah that doesn't automatically make one a sexist. "He called Omarosa a dog!" well she was welcomed into the White House and then proceeded to not pay any attention at all to her NDA which she signed willingly and secretly recorded many a meeting...not good, not a smart thing. An insult to dogs more than an insult to Omarosa...dogs are loyal, Omarosa is something else completely.

    C'mon Lyle.

    You asked for proof and I mentioned that Trump's a womanizer and he's been married several times? I mentioned about him calling Omarosa a dog?

    Fact is, I said none of those things. I mentioned how he gets personal with women he doesn't like in a way he doesn't do with men. Bloody facelifts, fat, pig, yes... dog, all sorts of insults a normal person would withhold no matter how tense the situation got. But hey..... I've said it before. If no one else minds Trump getting into petty schoolyard insult fights with the public, who am I to object?

  5. #1505
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    C'mon Lyle.

    You asked for proof and I mentioned that Trump's a womanizer and he's been married several times? I mentioned about him calling Omarosa a dog?

    Fact is, I said none of those things. I mentioned how he gets personal with women he doesn't like in a way he doesn't do with men. Bloody facelifts, fat, pig, yes... dog, all sorts of insults a normal person would withhold no matter how tense the situation got. But hey..... I've said it before. If no one else minds Trump getting into petty schoolyard insult fights with the public, who am I to object?
    So he doesn't get personal with men in that way you say? (have you told Jim Acosta?)

    If you or anyone else really cared about insulting the poor poor women then where was everyone during Bill Clinton's Presidency? Hmmm? Where were ya?

    Paula Jones "That's what you get when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".....Hmmm Where was the outrage? HMMM There was NONE Sir! And it's because of exactly that, that Trump gets away with it. It's the media double standard biting them in the fair and don't bitch a strike is a strike when it's called by the umpire and when you're dodgey calling the strikes on one team then there will be backlash and now you've got it.

    Mika Brzenski and Rosie O'Donnell? Awww poor poor women poor poor multimillionaire women with no media platform to spew their anti-Trump hatred....don't act like they are the same as Paula Jones, Juanita Broaderick et al...those women were RUINED by the Clinton "Bimbo Eruption Squad" which was led by Hillary.

    Trump got elected because he didn't take shit and people are crying now because they want Trump to act like all the nutless Republicans before "Awww just play dead and let us attack you nonstop...awww come on".......nope, this is going to be 8 years of learning a lesson for the media, for Democrats, and for establishment Republicans who think they can just play nice.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I am seriously waiting for Tito fan to get up here and start defending Mexico 🌽

  7. #1507
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Ha! Exactly then people are being told that THEY are wasting time on inconsequential frivolous stuff when they criticise Trump for often quite pertinent stuff.....
    Yes like ice cream scoops
    Strawman again Lyle..get out of dee Nile. I was talking about people raising legitimate concerns here on the forum and they are just ignored. You and the Trump supporters resort like you are now to the most frivilous of this case Ice cream scoops to discredit ANY criticism. It's OK I understand why. Trump lies ALL of the time. Politicians have always lied it is in their genes but Trump was at it long before entering politics and now is just blatant with it all day every day.

    It is so constant that at first your brain must accept it and then before you have a chance to verify or combat it he releases another lie a constant stream that like the social media and internet he is using disrupts our consciousness. It becomes impossible to keep up and equally difficult for you and Trump supporters to ever climb down. The thought is terrifying. And so you dig your heels in.

    Every time someone questions Trumps false information/Fake News/Illusory truth, it becomes implanted even further into your mind.

    16 years of brainwashing from a cult tells me that it is very easy to do.

    The cult of celebrity. Trumpsville mate that is where you are heading
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  8. #1508
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    I am seriously waiting for Tito fan to get up here and start defending Mexico 🌽

    Some of my best friends are Mexican?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    bwaaaaHAHAHA hijo de la Gran Foking Chihuahua

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Pretty much. I get a kick nowadays about how people supposedly need the media to create and state what is fairly obvious by an individual on a world stage, daily, multiple times a day as is Trumps habit. Blaming the media as daily routine because you are held accountable for your words, deeds and actions is an old tired dog that hasn't left the porch in years now. I don't know the man on a personal basis and I've never shaken his hand which I would welcome the chance, but I sure as shit know bigoted speech, mannerisms and sparking divide like flint on steel.
    So things like "Trump gets two scoops of ice cream when everyone else gets one" ....headlines and chyrons like that are just "the media doing their job"? It's every fucking day you get that petty bullshit.

    That's news?

    I mean I guess Trump did mock the guy, but he didn't mock his disability....he's used the exact same movement and speech pattern for various people to paint them as flustered

    News? I mean I could literally do this all day long just post CNN chyrons where they are misleading, lying, or hyperbolic...but hey it's "news"....nobody is stopping them from doing it meaning the freedom of the press to post damn near anything is still there but what Trump can't call them on their bullshit? Obama called bullshit on FoxNews every chance he could...turnabout is fair play. These "Journalists" need to sack up and either accept they are bullshit or do better at their jobs the whining ain't becoming of them.

    And the cognitive dissonance "Trump is separating families at the border".....well yeah because 'Operation Streamline' 2005 which provided prosecution exemption for children of illegals when previously entire family units were sent back from whence they came. Meaning bringing lil children along for the dangerous trek across the border was INCENTIVIZED by the American government well before Trump got in to politics....but that's NEVER discussed, NEVER.

    The media has narratives, too often these narratives have been aligned to place phony political pressure on our leaders or give cover to our leaders who want to pass laws which will harm the average American family in the long run.....why should we put up with it?
    Brother if that's you're interpretation of fake news than you and Trump are further apart than one would think. He's not talking about petty nonsense pieces he is labeling the entire media that reports things he does not like as fake. Or an enemy of the State. Or an enemy of the people. His words. That's what I see. And he does it with zero factual details or specific refuting. I'd give anything for them to call a press conference and refute 'fake news' point for point if it's so very rampant. It's his wide brush security blanket and mantra. And the irony is...he's all over the 'fake news' yelling it into every bright camera that airs his every word. The media is not there nor is it their job to be a Government officials lap dog, water fetcher or sammich maker. CNN, FOX, MSNBC and more so the printed press etc have all taken turns smacking around Presidents since pen was put to paper. One day it's Trumps hair or an interview HE sat down for with Time that gave them the dumb Ice cream dribble and yesterday it was what color Obamas suit or curtains were. Btw that guy in your screen shot Chris Lizzigaa did an interview last month with the director of the US immigration policy program pointing out the history of Operation Streamline and it's run through Bush, Obama and now Trump. Trust NO one network or outlet with eye candy scrolls and catch phrases but we cannot pretend actual news is not there. It's on us to research them and draw our conclusion. Sometimes it's like fishing for your wedding band that fell into a shat filled toilet but the days of straight line lone newsman are long gone.

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    The papers of record are to the point where oped pieces are front page news. The attacks are daily and petty. Now we find there is no Omarosa N word tape but it has been since it was mentioned. All this Russia Russia Russia shit and not one piece of evidence. These papers that are so good at digging shit up, especiallly on Trump have found Zilch but it’s still front page everyday. It was a Hillary campaign tactic. Glorious leader is right to fight back

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I don't mean this with any disrespect at all but I have never seen a poster I disagree with more or see things more oppositely than than Spicoli. It's like we're watching two different versions of Trump. I see the mainstream media constantly and unfairly bashing him 24/7 for the past two years and he wants to see a point-by-point refutation of all of the mainstream media is fake news. It's as if he has not been paying attention to every time the mainstream media came up with butter nonsense only to have it refuted and backtracked a few days later. I mean there are literally millions and millions of times that this is happened over the past two years and you can find these lists anywhere you look. The thing is he will never watch an Alex Jones Show so he will never get to those lists and he will never watch a show on Hannity presentation so he will never see those lists either. Spicoli do you really think that CNN and MSNBC are going to report on all of the things that they wrongly said about Trump and that they had to apologize or retract the following week? I think you're deliberately trying not to see it

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    And no you can't just whitewash the story and say that all presidents had the same thing. That is utter nonsense. Donald Trump has taken more garbage from the mainstream media than the last 50 presidents combined

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    I don't mean this with any disrespect at all but I have never seen a poster I disagree with more or see things more oppositely than than Spicoli. It's like we're watching two different versions of Trump. I see the mainstream media constantly and unfairly bashing him 24/7 for the past two years and he wants to see a point-by-point refutation of all of the mainstream media is fake news. It's as if he has not been paying attention to every time the mainstream media came up with butter nonsense only to have it refuted and backtracked a few days later. I mean there are literally millions and millions of times that this is happened over the past two years and you can find these lists anywhere you look. The thing is he will never watch an Alex Jones Show so he will never get to those lists and he will never watch a show on Hannity presentation so he will never see those lists either. Spicoli do you really think that CNN and MSNBC are going to report on all of the things that they wrongly said about Trump and that they had to apologize or retract the following week? I think you're deliberately trying not to see it
    Dude. Don't talk around me like you're gathering an audience, that's just kind of silly . And why leave Fox out of that pro or con media goofs and errors? So according to you one needs to watch Alex Jones to find honest media and fact checks on other outlets? Gotcha. I actually watch me some Hannity too but just don't quote him line for line and drop tweets like Trump did last night. Darn bias in media .

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    I don't mean this with any disrespect at all but I have never seen a poster I disagree with more or see things more oppositely than than Spicoli. It's like we're watching two different versions of Trump. I see the mainstream media constantly and unfairly bashing him 24/7 for the past two years and he wants to see a point-by-point refutation of all of the mainstream media is fake news. It's as if he has not been paying attention to every time the mainstream media came up with butter nonsense only to have it refuted and backtracked a few days later. I mean there are literally millions and millions of times that this is happened over the past two years and you can find these lists anywhere you look. The thing is he will never watch an Alex Jones Show so he will never get to those lists and he will never watch a show on Hannity presentation so he will never see those lists either. Spicoli do you really think that CNN and MSNBC are going to report on all of the things that they wrongly said about Trump and that they had to apologize or retract the following week? I think you're deliberately trying not to see it
    Dude. Don't talk around me like you're gathering an audience, that's just kind of silly . And why leave Fox out of that pro or con media goofs and errors? So according to you one needs to watch Alex Jones to find honest media and fact checks on other outlets? Gotcha. I actually watch me some Hannity too but just don't quote him line for line and drop tweets like Trump did last night. Darn bias in media .
    For the record I watch Fox I can honestly tell you he is often criticized but it’s more on current policy and constitionality issues. They don’t go as far as CNN with the Nixon and facist ruler drum beat. I watch MSNBC also, I’m one of the 1,000 viewers as they have good financial news but they get into that all of trumps followers are racist thing as well. Trump says some stupid shit but to me it’s refreshing. All we have here are plastic politicians saying shit proofread one hundred times and 98% of it is bullshit. Most of those guys dodge any controversy or scandal brought up against them and will expertly dodge any reference to it. Trump takes the shit by the horns. When the other side was threatening attack by impeachment prior to u even taking office fuck em. The other side is calling for harassing anyone who supports trump, encouraging it, come on that’s disgusting shit. I disliked obama but I’m not gonna bother someone who supported him. I called my senator to complain about all the crap he says about trump and remind him there are many trump supporters in his state, I didn’t even get a form letter back and every speech the guy pledges to block any trump legislation before he even sees it. It’s bad but then you see antifa march against 12 “altrightkkkwhitesupremacist” trump supporters and it’s antifa tearing shit up attacking cops. These people didn’t give trump a chance. It really is a strange climate.

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