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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #151
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It turns out America's top Bible thumper is a paedophile. How about that.
    And Republicans have immediately distanced themselves and called for him to step aside....meanwhile Bob Menendez
    A lot of Republicans haven't. And the ones who did immediately used the qualifier "if true". And Republican voters are still backing a paedophile. At least we now know what the Republican age of consent is.
    Last edited by Kirkland Laing; 11-15-2017 at 10:12 AM.

  2. #152
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    A lot of Republicans haven't. And the ones who did immediately used the qualifier "if true". And Republican voters are still backing a paedophile.
    Haven't they?

    Well yeah people used "if true" these are allegations which just so happened to spring up before the election. Would you rather them say "burn the witch"?

    Well I cannot speak for the folks voting in Alabama, but it wouldn't be a first for either party and ALLEGED pedo, not that it matters and not that I'm defending Judge Moore.

  3. #153
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    You must be delighted with the GOP tax cut plans. Half of all families with children are going to get a tax increase so there can be a massive cut in corporate taxes. And your state and local tax deduction is going to go to finance a huge cut for people like me. Tomorrow you should go to an ATM and with draw a thousand dollars, head down to Bowling Green, find a fund manager, and give it to him. Or send it to me. That's what Trump is going to make you do with the new tax code. Every year.

    Oh, and because I can engineer some pass through income I can still deduct all my state and local taxes. How about that? Only regular working folks, Trump voters, will have to pay the new tax increases. Everybody at the top gets gigantic cuts.

    Are you tired of all the winning yet?
    Sooooo you're complaining about tax cuts you assume you're getting and then you're doubling down by being elitist and patronizing thinking that 'Trump voters voted against their best interests'. Had Hillary won and you NOT received a tax cut but rather a tax INCREASE would you have been so smug? "HAHAHAHA Brockton, I'm paying more in taxes HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! In your face!!!!!"

    You don't really plant your flag anywhere specific you are very vague as to what you truly believe but you're not hesitant in pillorying others for their beliefs, you REALLY seem to enjoy that and you haven't the slightest idea as to what their lives are truly like. That strikes me as very sad and petty, you poor poor man.
    It's unquestionable that Trump voters voted against their economic best interests. Trump won the election by promising to end the rigged economy and his plan to derig it is to rig it even more in favour of the wealthy. Fifty percent of families with children are going to get a tax increase so that corporations can get a massive tax cut.The bill also cancels deductions that benefit veterans, the disabled, people suffering from rare diseases, orphans, poor people attending college, but does keep loopholes that benefit hedge fund managers and golf course owners. It also does away with the estate tax so Paris Hilton can inherit a few extra tens of millions.

    It's very difficult for me to get a tax cut as I don't pay much in the way of tax anyway. I'd like to see a change in the tax regime that increases the amount I pay about twenty times. That would be reasonably fair. Even a wealth tax would be acceptable providing it was a one off and not every year. That would greatly help to derig the economy. Instead this tax bill looks like it's been written by Trump's accountants.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Kirlkland is probably not such a poor man with Donald in power.
    Our deductible will go from $12,600 a year to $24,400 a year. Thanks to Donald Trump we will be saving $12,000 a year in reported income that we would normally have to pay tax on.
    Deduction, not deductible. You need to read the small print on that double deduction. As you live in a state with state and local taxes if you have children you have a much higher than fifty percent chance of paying more in taxes. Somebody has to pay for that 20% corporate tax trate and the end of the estate tax. If you don't have kids you have a 30% chance of paying more tax. But you definitely won't pay significantly less even if you do get a cut. Maybe two or three hundred dollars for the middle quintile. Bottom quintile get $60. Top 0.1% get ten million.

    this is badly misleading – the plan would increase the standardized deductions available to taxpayers by 15% or less. Meanwhile, taxpayers who still wouldn’t take the standard deduction under the Republican plan – those who would instead deduct things like mortgage interest – would pay tax on more of their income than they do now.
    Here’s the important fine print: “To simplify the tax rules, the additional standard deduction and the personal exemptions for taxpayer and spouse are consolidated into this larger standard deduction.”
    Here’s how that math works. Let’s say you are single with no dependents, and you have a moderate income. Currently, you get to take the standard deduction ($6,350) and one personal exemption ($4,050). If you are 65 or older, you also get to take an additional standard deduction ($1,250). That adds up to $10,400, or $11,650 if you’re over 65.
    The Republican plan would replace all these provisions with a single deduction of $12,000 ($24,000 for married couples.) That’s a 15% increase – except for seniors, who get a 3% increase.
    And then your first dollar of taxable income would be subjected to a 12% tax rate, instead of the current 10%. But don’t worry – the framework says “additional tax relief,” as yet unspecified, will emerge for you during the committee process.
    For married couples, all the relevant amounts are doubled under the current tax code and under the Republican proposal, so the percent changes would be the same.
    If you have children, your fate is uncertain. The plan would abolish the $4,050 exemption you get to take for each of your dependent children. But it would also increase the child tax credit – by an unspecified amount. Once that amount is specified, you’ll be able to figure out whether you face a tax increase or a tax cut or what.
    Meanwhile, taxpayers who itemize their tax deductions for things like mortgage interest and state and local taxes would pay tax on more of their income under the Republican plan. The proposal says “most” itemized deductions would be abolished anyway, but those for mortgage interest and charitable giving would be retained.
    Currently, you get to take the personal exemption even if you also itemize deductions, but you get to take the standard deduction only if you forego itemized deductions. Combining these provisions into a single, standard deduction would mean itemizers lose their personal exemption and get nothing back – meaning they’ll typically pay tax on an extra $4,050 of income if they’re single, or $8,100 if they’re married.

    And you deliberately looked as mad as possible in that photograph, didn't you? You're not going to be able to outdo that one without wearing a toilet seat round your neck and sticking carrots up your nostrils. You've definitely got room for carrots like.

  5. #155
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    A lot of Republicans haven't. And the ones who did immediately used the qualifier "if true". And Republican voters are still backing a paedophile.
    Haven't they?

    Well yeah people used "if true" these are allegations which just so happened to spring up before the election. Would you rather them say "burn the witch"?

    Well I cannot speak for the folks voting in Alabama, but it wouldn't be a first for either party and ALLEGED pedo, not that it matters and not that I'm defending Judge Moore.

    The liberal Alabama media.

    Montgomery Advertiser, Oct. 13, 2002.

  6. #156
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    A lot of Republicans haven't. And the ones who did immediately used the qualifier "if true". And Republican voters are still backing a paedophile.
    Haven't they?

    Well yeah people used "if true" these are allegations which just so happened to spring up before the election. Would you rather them say "burn the witch"?

    Well I cannot speak for the folks voting in Alabama, but it wouldn't be a first for either party and ALLEGED pedo, not that it matters and not that I'm defending Judge Moore.

    The liberal Alabama media.

    Montgomery Advertiser, Oct. 13, 2002.

    WOW, that is a real smoking gun there

    A little scant on the details there, was he a bad boss? Was he a tyrant? Was he a blowhard? Was he a pedo? That "article" doesn't really shine much light....again, not defending him, just looking at the article and noticing a real lack of depth and detail.

  7. #157
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Draining the swamp. The treasury, energy department, education department, healthcare, environment and more are all now run by former lobbyists. That's most of the economy being governed by lobbyists for the corporations that have been lobbying these departments to get what they want for decades. This is how you unrig the economy apparently, by putting a bunch of foxes in charge of the henhouses.

    Former Eli Lilly Executive Is Trump’s Choice for Health Secretary

    WASHINGTON — President Trump, who has repeatedly assailed pharmaceutical companies for the high cost of prescription medications in the United States, nominated on Monday a former executive of one of the nation’s largest drug companies to be secretary of health and human services, which has responsibility for regulating the pharmaceutical industry.
    Mr. Trump announced his choice of Alex M. Azar II, a former president of the American division of Eli Lilly and a health official in the George W. Bush administration, on Twitter while traveling in Asia. If confirmed, Mr. Azar would succeed Tom Price, who resigned from the post after revelations that he repeatedly used chartered jets for routine government travel.


    WASHINGTON — For several decades, a consensus has grown that reining in the United States’ $3.2 trillion annual medical bill begins with changing the way doctors are paid: Instead of compensating them for every appointment, service and procedure, they should be paid based on the quality of their care.
    The Obama administration used the authority of the Affordable Care Act to aggressively advance this idea, but many doctors chafed at the scope and speed of its experiments to change the way Medicare pays for everything from primary care to cancer treatment. Now, the Trump administration is siding with doctors — making a series of regulatory changes that slow or shrink some of these initiatives and let many doctors delay adopting the new system.
    The efforts to chip away at mandatory payment programs have attracted far less attention than attempts by President Trump and congressional Republicans to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, but they have the potential to affect far more people, because private insurers tend to follow what Medicare does. That in turn affects the country’s ability to deal with soaring health care costs that have pushed up insurance premiums and deductibles.
    The administration has proposed canceling or shrinking Medicare initiatives that required doctors to accept lump sums for cardiac care and joint replacements, two of Medicare’s biggest cost drivers. More than 1,100 hospitals were scheduled to take part in the cardiac initiative starting in January, and 800 have been participating in the joint replacement program.

    Continue reading the main story
    And while Congress passed a bipartisan law in 2015 creating a new payment framework that is supposed to reward doctors for value over volume, Mr. Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services has exempted more doctors from a provision that created merit pay by giving them bonuses or penalties depending on the quality of their work.
    Continue reading the main story Advertisement

    Continue reading the main story

    In September, the department released an outline of a “new direction” for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation, set up by the Affordable Care Act to test models aimed at improving medical care and reducing costs. While the Obama administration had pushed large, mandatory experiments to test new models of pay, the Trump administration wants to encourage smaller, voluntary programs — and has asked the doctors to help design them.

    “Clearly a great big foot has been put on the brake,” said Donald Crane, the chief executive of CAPG, a group of doctors and hospital administrators that, unlike many in the profession, has pushed to tie physician pay to quality measures rather than the old model of fee for service.

  8. #158
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Trump Junior caught colluding with Wikileaks:

    It’s not clear what investigators will make of the correspondence, which represents a small portion of the thousands of documents Donald Trump Jr.’s lawyer says he turned over to them. The stakes for the Trump family, however, are high. Trump Jr.’s June 2016 meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer with connections to Russia’s powerful prosecutor general, is already reportedly a subject of interest in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, as is the White House statement defending him. (Trump Jr. was emailed an offer of “information that would incriminate Hillary,” and responded in part, “If it’s what you say I love it.”) The messages exchanged with WikiLeaks add a second instance in which Trump Jr. appears eager to obtain damaging information about Hillary Clinton, despite its provenance.
    Though Trump Jr. mostly ignored the frequent messages from WikiLeaks, he at times appears to have acted on its requests. When WikiLeaks first reached out to Trump Jr. about, for instance, Trump Jr. followed up on his promise to “ask around.” According to a source familiar with the congressional investigations into Russian interference with the 2016 campaign, who requested anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, on the same day that Trump Jr. received the first message from WikiLeaks, he emailed other senior officials with the Trump campaign, including Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, Brad Parscale, and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, telling them WikiLeaks had made contact. Kushner then forwarded the email to campaign communications staffer Hope Hicks. At no point during the 10-month correspondence does Trump Jr. rebuff WikiLeaks, which had published stolen documents and was already observed to be releasing information that benefited Russian interests.
    WikiLeaks played a pivotal role in the presidential campaign. In July 2016, on the first day of the Democratic National Convention, WikiLeaks released emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee's servers that spring. The emails showed DNC officials denigrating Bernie Sanders, renewing tensions on the eve of Clinton’s acceptance of the nomination. On October 7, less than an hour after the Washington Post released the Access Hollywood tape, in which Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, Wikileaks released emails that hackers had pilfered from the personal email account of Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta.
    On October 3, 2016, WikiLeaks wrote again. “Hiya, it’d be great if you guys could comment on/push this story,” WikiLeaks suggested, attaching a quote from then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton about wanting to “just drone” WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange.
    “Already did that earlier today,” Trump Jr. responded an hour-and-a-half later. “It’s amazing what she can get away with.”
    Two minutes later, Trump Jr. wrote again, asking, “What’s behind this Wednesday leak I keep reading about?” The day before, Roger Stone, an informal advisor to Donald Trump, had tweeted, “Wednesday@HillaryClinton is done. #WikiLeaks.”
    WikiLeaks didn’t respond to that message, but on October 12, 2016, the account again messaged Trump Jr. “Hey Donald, great to see you and your dad talking about our publications,” WikiLeaks wrote. (At a rally on October 10, Donald Trump had proclaimed, “I love WikiLeaks!”)
    “Strongly suggest your dad tweets this link if he mentions us,” WikiLeaks went on, pointing Trump Jr. to the link, which it said would help Trump’s followers dig through the trove of stolen documents and find stories. “There’s many great stories the press are missing and we’re sure some of your follows [sic] will find it,” WikiLeaks went on. “Btw we just released Podesta Emails Part 4.”
    Trump Jr. did not respond to this message. But just 15 minutes after it was sent, as The Wall Street Journal’s Byron Tau pointed out, Donald Trump himself tweeted, “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. So dishonest! Rigged system!”

    If he walked in the room now I wouldn't recognise him. He was a low level volunteer who worked temporarily for the campaign. He was only my son for a short period of time.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    A lot of Republicans haven't. And the ones who did immediately used the qualifier "if true". And Republican voters are still backing a paedophile.
    Haven't they?

    Well yeah people used "if true" these are allegations which just so happened to spring up before the election. Would you rather them say "burn the witch"?

    Well I cannot speak for the folks voting in Alabama, but it wouldn't be a first for either party and ALLEGED pedo, not that it matters and not that I'm defending Judge Moore.

    The liberal Alabama media.

    Montgomery Advertiser, Oct. 13, 2002.

    WOW, that is a real smoking gun there

    A little scant on the details there, was he a bad boss? Was he a tyrant? Was he a blowhard? Was he a pedo? That "article" doesn't really shine much light....again, not defending him, just looking at the article and noticing a real lack of depth and detail.
    So you're not defending a paedophile then? It's fine for a thirtysomething guy in a position of authority to constantly chase young girls to the point he got banned from the local mall?

    The guy was obviously doing this for years. He had to quickly leave Alabama for some unexplained reason and I think went abroad for a couple of years. There are bound to be various news organisations down there working on stories. Lots more to come on this.

  10. #160
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    "Trump Jr!!!!!!" hold on there.....Fusion GPS, The Podesta Group, phony Trump "dossier" Obama uses that 'dossier' to illegally surveil the Trump campaign and you have what no issues with that at all? None? Hillary Clinton denied funding the 'dossier' then admitted it saying "Oh it's just oppo research".....your moral relativism is astounding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    So you're not defending a paedophile then? It's fine for a thirtysomething guy in a position of authority to constantly chase young girls to the point he got banned from the local mall?

    The guy was obviously doing this for years. He had to quickly leave Alabama for some unexplained reason and I think went abroad for a couple of years. There are bound to be various news organisations down there working on stories. Lots more to come on this.
    No, I am NOT defending a pedo. No I'm not defending the alleged behavior of Roy Moore.

    Perhaps he was, but again just because he's accused doesn't automatically mean he's guilty.....I'm of the belief he should step aside regardless. But where are you when Democrats are accused of these things? Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express for example? Bill Clinton RAPING Juanita Broaderick? Anything? Anything? Hillary Clinton viciously ATTACKING her husband's accusers saying "paula Jones is what you get when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".....where were you?

  11. #161
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Aren't High school seniors 18? What's the prob?

  12. #162
    El Kabong Guest

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    "Trump Jr!!!!!!" hold on there.....Fusion GPS, The Podesta Group, phony Trump "dossier" Obama uses that 'dossier' to illegally surveil the Trump campaign and you have what no issues with that at all? None? Hillary Clinton denied funding the 'dossier' then admitted it saying "Oh it's just oppo research".....your moral relativism is astounding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    So you're not defending a paedophile then? It's fine for a thirtysomething guy in a position of authority to constantly chase young girls to the point he got banned from the local mall?

    The guy was obviously doing this for years. He had to quickly leave Alabama for some unexplained reason and I think went abroad for a couple of years. There are bound to be various news organisations down there working on stories. Lots more to come on this.
    No, I am NOT defending a pedo. No I'm not defending the alleged behavior of Roy Moore.

    Perhaps he was, but again just because he's accused doesn't automatically mean he's guilty.....I'm of the belief he should step aside regardless. But where are you when Democrats are accused of these things? Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express for example? Bill Clinton RAPING Juanita Broaderick? Anything? Anything? Hillary Clinton viciously ATTACKING her husband's accusers saying "paula Jones is what you get when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".....where were you?
    Obama using a dossier to illegally do what? What a load of nonsense. Some oppo research dossier originally funded by a GOP donor was then funded by Hillary but then never used. John McCain somehow got hold of a copy and gave it to the FBI who looked into it. Nothing was made public about it until January this year.

    I'm fine acknowledging Bill Clinton's sexual history if you acknowledge Trump's. There have been twenty women accuse him of everything from groping to rape. He's on video admitting to routine sexual assault. Let's have both of them investigated and if any charges can be brought then that's fine with me.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    The nation's biggest Bible thumper and moral scold turing out to be a paedohile is a gigantic juicy story. Some trial of a Senator for being caught doing stuff which is fairly routine on Capitol Hill isn't likely to get a lot of coverage unless the guy is actually found guilty. Unless it's a live boy or a dead girl trials involving Senators of either party, especially if it's just common influence pedalling, don't get much coverage because they don't get good ratings. Cable news needs scandal and controversy. Moore is the story of the year outside of Trump related stuff, maybe the story of several years.

  15. #165
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    "Trump Jr!!!!!!" hold on there.....Fusion GPS, The Podesta Group, phony Trump "dossier" Obama uses that 'dossier' to illegally surveil the Trump campaign and you have what no issues with that at all? None? Hillary Clinton denied funding the 'dossier' then admitted it saying "Oh it's just oppo research".....your moral relativism is astounding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    So you're not defending a paedophile then? It's fine for a thirtysomething guy in a position of authority to constantly chase young girls to the point he got banned from the local mall?

    The guy was obviously doing this for years. He had to quickly leave Alabama for some unexplained reason and I think went abroad for a couple of years. There are bound to be various news organisations down there working on stories. Lots more to come on this.
    No, I am NOT defending a pedo. No I'm not defending the alleged behavior of Roy Moore.

    Perhaps he was, but again just because he's accused doesn't automatically mean he's guilty.....I'm of the belief he should step aside regardless. But where are you when Democrats are accused of these things? Bill Clinton on the Lolita Express for example? Bill Clinton RAPING Juanita Broaderick? Anything? Anything? Hillary Clinton viciously ATTACKING her husband's accusers saying "paula Jones is what you get when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".....where were you?

    Look. Crazy people.

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