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  1. #196
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    [1] See SPN Members for more.
    Although SPN's member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, the Center for Media and Democracy's in-depth investigation, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network -- The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," reveals that SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the right-wing, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.[2]
    In response to CMD's report, SPN Executive Director Tracie Sharp told national and statehouse reporters that SPN affiliates are "fiercely independent." Later the same week, however, The New Yorker's Jane Mayer caught Sharp in a contradiction. In her article, "Is IKEA the New Model for the Conservative Movement?," the Pulitzer-nominated reporter revealed that, in a recent meeting behind closed doors with the heads of SPN affiliates around the country, Sharp "compared the organization’s model to that of the giant global chain IKEA." She reportedly said that SPN "would provide 'the raw materials,' along with the 'services' needed to assemble the products. Rather than acting like passive customers who buy finished products, she wanted each state group to show the enterprise and creativity needed to assemble the parts in their home states. 'Pick what you need,' she said, 'and customize it for what works best for you.'" Not only that, but Sharp "also acknowledged privately to the members that the organization's often anonymous donors frequently shape the agenda. 'The grants are driven by donor intent,' she told the gathered think-tank heads. She added that, often, 'the donors have a very specific idea of what they want to happen.'"[3]
    A set of coordinated fundraising proposals obtained and released by The Guardian in early December 2013 confirm many of these SPN members' intent to change state laws and policies, referring to "advancing model legislation" and "candidate briefings." These activities "arguably cross the line into lobbying," The Guardian notes.[4] [/I]

    So yeah, a bunch of guys who draw their salaries from right wing anti union billionaires don't like unions. Assuming your household earns sixty thousand a year which is roughly the median household income you're about one point six million out of pocket over the last forty years due to enough fucking idiots being fed bullshit like this to cause them to vote against their economic interests.[/QUOTE]

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    So you are not very informed then?
    Well that was a poor choice for you to make.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    You quote from these sources without even knowing who they are,
    Have I though? Where have I cited The Sun....go on, I'll wait. As for "The Califonina Public Policy Centre" I've Googled that and literally all I have found is 1) Public Policy Institute of California - is an independent, nonpartisan, non-profit research institution. Based in San Francisco, California, the institute was established in 1994 with a $70 million endowment from William Redington Hewlett of Hewlett-Packard. and 2) California Policy Center - is a public policy think tank located in California. The organization specializes in union policy, pension reform, spending reform, and school choice. CPC's stated mission is "to secure a more prosperous future for all Californians." CPC was founded in 2010 by Marc Bucher and Edward Ring. It is a member of the State Policy Network, an association of state-based conservative and libertarian think tanks. So either you have fucked up the name OR made it up completely. I will assume from CPC's stance on Unions and School choice you mean them and in which case I'd ask why you would FORCE someone to join a union and why you'd keep a child from going to the best school for them? And since you're back to ignoring questions completely I won't hold my breath for a rational response.....oh and you seem SO nice when you post these, not angry at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    support one of the most corrupt and morally bankrupt politicians on earth and applaud as he fills the swamp back up with sewage, and then get on your high horse about communists while ramming the bullshit that totalitarian capitalist corporations are somehow better down everyone's throats 48 hrs a day. If you think answering a question is bludgeoning you it may be time to stop pretending that the crap you are being fed by idiots is helping you.
    You don't seem to know who Hillary Clinton is or Joe Biden....curious. Donald Trump has never been a life long "party" man ergo his difficulties in the primary and underdog status when elected...oh and no worries he'll be re-elected quite easily. Capitalists by nature cannot be "totalitarian" it's an exchange based on free will, money for goods and services. The "Totalitarian" portions such as Apple for example having their phones made in sweatshops with suicide netting, that's down to CHINA's government and their labor laws. Apple is an international corporation and they're obviously taking advantage of those loose labor laws in other nations. If you think that's bad I'd suggest you never buy a chocolate bar ever again or an electric car or a pair of Nike's.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Nobody else has bought into the fantasy delusion you have. Trump gives even less of a fuck about you and your country than any of the snake oil salesmen that went before him but you are the perfect consumer still lining up at the wagon even though the people from 50 previous towns have told you it is just rancid pit water in the medicine bottle old Donald is floggin you. Most people don't buy into the right/left false choice, but you suck it up even more now with the ideas that you are better than people who follow the MSM. Ha! You have always been Mr MSM. Nothing has changed.
    What "fantasy delusion" is that? Well if Trump doesn't care about the country he's got a strange way of showing it. I notice you didn't respond to my questions to you....a return to form. How coincidental. There IS a right/left choice....want me to prove it to you?

    What happens to the NHS under a Tory government vs a Labour government? What happens to benefits? Were YOU not on here lamenting how Tories were selling everyone out? Tories were trying to be like Trump?......Was that you or was that someone else?

    None of the outlets you referenced are "Mainstream media" 0, none, nada, zilch, zero.....mainstream media would be NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, NYT, Washington Post, etc. The closest you'd have is Fox News and when do I reference them? Maybe Tucker Carlson, but that's about it.

    Back to you spaz
    My apologies i mistook you for Wally. It is quite difficult to tell the difference between you when you might as well be reading from a script, so nondescript and indistinguishable are your views. It is like you and Gandalf with this slavish adherence to Asparagus of Arsewipe. You both seem to have to check with him to see what your opinions are. I mean I know it is 2020 but the only other people i know who are that obsessed with Youtubers are my grandsons, and they are both under 10. Nuts

    I am not asking you to explain your views because they are just batshit crazy reactionary tantrums, not even coherent thoughts. It doesn't matter how corrupt the Clintons are, I have never and would never support them. We do not all live in polarised brat camps as perpetual teenagers funnily enough. Meanwhile you jumped on the bandwagon of somebody no less corrupt who is dragging your country through the mire. Is that supposed to prove how independent of thought you are? You are following Mike TV around with your tongue hanging out and you think it is all a joke. [/QUOTE]

    Yo. Why are you bringing me into this?

    Yes, I think Sargon makes interesting content, but the notion that good content cannot come from a You Tuber is asinine. You have the mainstream spilling propaganda constantly and as you saw with Peterson, they get owned by the smarter You Tuber types out there.

    Give me an Akkad video over Owen Jones wanking away in The Guardian yet again with puff opinion pieces that people always disagree with. How on earth do they even get these jobs? Their opinions are often dafter than a fox dressed as a clown breakdancing.

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    My bit is at the end of that mess. I couldn't post with all that content as I am on a phone and snipped a bit and just threw it out. Nazi's everywhere. I blame @walrus.

  3. #198
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    Default Re: Impeachment

    Where am I constantly posting Owen Jones thouhj? Only in your head Gandalf. Neither of have your own opinion on anything. It's just repeated fluff from preachy hypocrites like Peterson and embarrassing hipsters like Arogant of Sad or whatever he is called.
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  4. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Where am I constantly posting Owen Jones thouhj? Only in your head Gandalf. Neither of have your own opinion on anything. It's just repeated fluff from preachy hypocrites like Peterson and embarrassing hipsters like Arogant of Sad or whatever he is called.
    Yeah, but you are basically Owen Jones with more of a strut and a tattoo.

    Anyway, I listen to people I like and dislike whence reading that horrible recent Jones article, whence reading the Independent on their pro Eu crusade etc. I listen to all sides and make my own conclusions on topics.

    Nobody can tell me how to think. You know full well that I think Peterson has been foolish getting into heavy benzo addiction when he has all the knowledge, you know full well I disagree with Akkad that a woman's role is to breed, but there is plenty I will agree on too, especially on cultism in the modern left. I really do still consider myself pretty left wing, but only on an economic level and only with self responsibility proviso's. To a certain degree I will of course agree with Jones on Oligarchs and wealth inequality too, but thin he is a prat when he goes on about fascists.

    It is no either/or with me. I am my own person and watch all kinds of content and have my own views. You have this serious issue with Lyle liking Trump, but you know full well I have my good and bad days with Trump. Do I think he has been genuinely different? Well, a better leader than Bush so far, but really just a continuing tax cutter for the wealthy and too obsessed with the stock market which is fake.

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    How on earth is Sargon a hipster? Don't they have those piercings, tattoo's, gadgets, beanie hats, and goatee beards? They are usually lefty open border Cultural Marxist types with empty heads filled with buzzwords. You rarely encounter a sensible hipster.

  6. #201
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Impeachment

    Beanz I'm confused is it...

    A) Nobody else has bought into the fantasy delusion you have.


    B ) You don't have an original thought?

    Also would you mind providing one of YOUR original thoughts, you know just showing us peons something to aspire to?

  7. #202
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    Default Re: Impeachment

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Beanz I'm confused is it...

    A) Nobody else has bought into the fantasy delusion you have.


    B ) You don't have an original thought?

    Also would you mind providing one of YOUR original thoughts, you know just showing us peons something to aspire to?

    Being easily confused is your resting state. It is hardly news.

    The statements are not contradictory, quite the opposite. The reason you like Gandalf don't have an original thought, is because you have bought into the illusion that Trump is a real alternative. You have both thought by doing so it gets you off the hook and so you do not have to think for yourself.

    Also you have to stop pretending that i owe you fucking diddly squat. I am not unique here in thinking for myself, most people here on the forum do that. It is only complacent robotic serf ideologues like you and your mate who have bought into the idea that the whole world can be explained by drooling in front of YouTube and the self help alt right hipster garbage you watch.
    Last edited by Beanz; 03-06-2020 at 02:26 PM.
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  8. #203
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    Default Re: Impeachment

    Who is the rest of the forum?

  9. #204
    El Kabong Guest

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Being easily confused is your resting state. It is hardly news.

    The statements are not contradictory, quite the opposite. The reason you like Gandalf don't have an original thought, is because you have bought into the illusion that Trump is a real alternative. You have both thought by doing so it gets you off the hook and so you do not have to think for yourself.

    Also you have to stop pretending that i owe you fucking diddly squat. I am not unique here in thinking for myself, most people here on the forum do that. It is only complacent robotic serf ideologues like you and your mate who have bought into the idea that the whole world can be explained by drooling in front of YouTube and the self help alt right hipster garbage you watch.
    Well coming from you that means oh so much given your "resting state".

    OK so you're putting forth a theory you have....would you like to play that all the way through or do you just want to be able to make statements and never have to show your work as it were? I only ask, because you seem to get your feathers ruffled when I just dive right in and assume you're going to engage in a conversation rather than just lecture me.

    So that's a hard no on showing your work, ok, that's fine Beanz as you were. I mean if I'm all these horrible things, why keep after me? Why not avoid me and where I post? Don't give me that old "You post everywhere, it's unavoidable" I've not sought you out on the forum. Your St. Piran's day thread didn't get a response from me....I mean it COULD, would you like for me to hound you as you hound me?

  10. #205
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    Default Re: Impeachment

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Being easily confused is your resting state. It is hardly news.

    The statements are not contradictory, quite the opposite. The reason you like Gandalf don't have an original thought, is because you have bought into the illusion that Trump is a real alternative. You have both thought by doing so it gets you off the hook and so you do not have to think for yourself.

    Also you have to stop pretending that i owe you fucking diddly squat. I am not unique here in thinking for myself, most people here on the forum do that. It is only complacent robotic serf ideologues like you and your mate who have bought into the idea that the whole world can be explained by drooling in front of YouTube and the self help alt right hipster garbage you watch.
    Well coming from you that means oh so much given your "resting state".

    OK so you're putting forth a theory you have....would you like to play that all the way through or do you just want to be able to make statements and never have to show your work as it were? I only ask, because you seem to get your feathers ruffled when I just dive right in and assume you're going to engage in a conversation rather than just lecture me.

    So that's a hard no on showing your work, ok, that's fine Beanz as you were. I mean if I'm all these horrible things, why keep after me? Why not avoid me and where I post? Don't give me that old "You post everywhere, it's unavoidable" I've not sought you out on the forum. Your St. Piran's day thread didn't get a response from me....I mean it COULD, would you like for me to hound you as you hound me?

    Again you asking for the right to no reply just like your pussy president. Those are not the terms of engagement. The forum is not a safe space for you and Gandalf to be indulged in indefinitely.
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  11. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Who is the rest of the forum?

    Everyone bar 'You Guys'. Have you not noticed how you 5 are just talking to each other and actually for 90% of the time it is just you and El 'Trust Fund hipster' Kabong ?
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  12. #207
    El Kabong Guest

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Again you asking for the right to no reply just like your pussy president. Those are not the terms of engagement. The forum is not a safe space for you and Gandalf to be indulged in indefinitely.
    Not quite. I'm asking for a discussion which you don't want because YOU want the right of no reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Everyone bar 'You Guys'. Have you not noticed how you 5 are just talking to each other and actually for 90% of the time it is just you and El 'Trust Fund hipster' Kabong ?
    I guess when you're a benefits scrounger everyone looks like Daddy Warbucks.

  13. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Again you asking for the right to no reply just like your pussy president. Those are not the terms of engagement. The forum is not a safe space for you and Gandalf to be indulged in indefinitely.
    Not quite. I'm asking for a discussion which you don't want because YOU want the right of no reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Everyone bar 'You Guys'. Have you not noticed how you 5 are just talking to each other and actually for 90% of the time it is just you and El 'Trust Fund hipster' Kabong ?
    I guess when you're a benefits scrounger everyone looks like Daddy Warbucks.

    I never called you a benefits scrounger, because I would be astounded if considering the years you have wasted on here, you would be willing to put in the effort needed to pick up a pen.

    And you don't want a discussion at all. You hector and berate, mock and look down your nose with derision at anyone like Kirkland who has the decency and patience to indulge your teenage bullshit.
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  14. #209
    El Kabong Guest

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    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Again you asking for the right to no reply just like your pussy president. Those are not the terms of engagement. The forum is not a safe space for you and Gandalf to be indulged in indefinitely.
    Not quite. I'm asking for a discussion which you don't want because YOU want the right of no reply.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Everyone bar 'You Guys'. Have you not noticed how you 5 are just talking to each other and actually for 90% of the time it is just you and El 'Trust Fund hipster' Kabong ?
    I guess when you're a benefits scrounger everyone looks like Daddy Warbucks.

    I never called you a benefits scrounger, because I would be astounded if considering the years you have wasted on here, you would be willing to put in the effort needed to pick up a pen.

    And you don't want a discussion at all. You hector and berate, mock and look down your nose with derision at anyone like Kirkland who has the decency and patience to indulge your teenage bullshit.
    Heh.... Now who is confused?

    I'm calling YOU a benefits scrounger.

    Kirkland has neither decency nor patience. Kirkland is a giant fan of Paul Krugman, the economic font of knowledge who has been wrong about absolutely EVERYTHING. Example...

    Last edited by El Kabong; 03-06-2020 at 07:07 PM.

  15. #210
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    I work harder than you ever have because I don't have a trust fund to lean on. That though has nothing to do with this thread or your being an apologist for a swamp filler. It is amazing that you like Gandalf think that it is everyone else that lacks decency as you top the forum up with more hate every day.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

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