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Thread: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

  1. #241
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    Like yourself it views even quite moderate fair capitalist ideas as communism and a threat. What Yanis proposes would represent real change and people are terrified of that. Ironically that is what those voting Brexit really have in common with many Blairite (or LIB DEM traitorous) remainers. THey want either a regression to the past or 'The same as it ever was'.
    It being the "right wing corporate elite"? Yanis is a literal Marxist and while certain folks view Marx as this intellectual giant I guess mere mortals attempting to achieve his worldview have either misunderstood how it works or misrepresented it or something but every time it's tried it fails. Perhaps there's a sweet spot somehow some way that people can achieve, but I don't want to risk 100 million lives on it when I think our economic system needs a tweak here and there in order to get us working correctly. As for "regression or same as it ever was" change happens it's a part of life, but the rate at which change happens matters for cohesive nation states, for assimilation, for polite society...the migration push (and nobody can deny it's a PUSH) isn't for nothing, there's a reason for it and in my own opinion it's to destabilize nation states so that larger overarching (unaccountable to the people) governments gain more power like the EU and UN, but that's my view and yours could be completely different, you could see those things as the wave of the future and the next logical step, I don't know but it's part of why I ask questions and appreciate your honest answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    You cannot get any more establishment than Farrge the toffs and multinational corporations that installed him. He is no alternative just as UKIP the party he formed is not. Benjamin represents a desire to regress as does Tommy because change is just too challenging to them personally.
    That's fine if that is what Farrage truly is. Who installed Corbyn and May? And if they are no different then where does one go as a voter? Carl Benjamin is running because his freedom of speech and part of how he earns his money have been under attack for years. Carl Benjamin was happy to play and review videogames but Gamergate happened, Feminists have made it their mission in life to destroy him, and various platforms ban or censor him....they could have just let him alone couldn't they? Even if he attempts to troll those people, they aren't required by law to notice him or react to him and ditto with Tommy. Carl and Tommy have followings for a reason, they didn't come out of nowhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    Its a lot to digest, and you may find it too unpalatetable, but I have nothing to gain by telling lies.

    For me the forum, like life, is kind of wasted if all we all think we can't learn anything from others.

    I have found it most instructive, if baffling at times, to be surrounded by people quite unlike most of my mates and family etc.

    I brought up Gandalf because he has been one of the most vocal on these things and in this thread but he is speaking from a place between us both.

    Most people don't even want to speak about it so don't take me or his word for it and certainly look further away from the narrow prism of Tommy, Carl and that whole 'scene'.

    It really is not very representative.
    Indeed, and I appreciate your taking the time to respond honestly. I agree we should be trying to hear voices from opposing views, we should challenge our own views and be up for defending our own views as well. I too have been completely blindsided by some of the different opinions on here and there have been more than a few times I've responded incorrectly to them, I'm attempting to do better but I'll never agree 100% with anyone I don't even 100% agree with myself after a while.

    I ask when you bring up other posters in a response to me because I feel (and maybe this is just me) but I perceive that causing more work for you as Gandalf or Al or myself or whomever will of course see they're mentioned, they'll then decide to respond and with 1 post you've now got 3-4 people you're having a discussion with instead of just the one and that would lead me to believe that oftentimes you might feel ganged up on because of that type of thing...but that's just an observation from me so take it for what it is worth.

    Well I do frequently ask questions to myself of what Tommy, Carl, etc produce, but it's never so much more than I ask of the mainstream media as those are gigantic corporations (of which we're all rightly dubious of correct?) So it kind of piques my interest when The BBC (whom you've said are far right) bring on Carl Benjamin and attempt to demolish him in an interrogation style interview because that to me doesn't add up unless of course one is to view the BBC as the establishment and Carl Benjamin then as anti-establishment in which case should we not err on the side of the little guy or is the little guy owned and operated by the mega corporations who (and this is a bit conspiracy theory-like) are at odds with other mega corporations that run media? So that's a bit tricky for me to unravel. I do of course check out other sources but Carl is (even if you disagree with his politics) quite good at what he does. He produces good arguments and debates rather well, he's been debating all over England and sure the protesters he faces aren't the best spoken lot and maybe they get a bit of stage fright, but Carl is seemingly willing to talk to anyone and everyone, shouldn't that be the case for all politicians? I'd certainly welcome it in America.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    @El Kabong here are you questions answered in full. I posted it already. You really are quite unreasonable. I get you don't like or agree with the answers but that is not the point.

    Tommy, Carl, PJW and the MSM are two sides of the same coin. They feed each other and revel in outrage and identity politics. You and many here reposting their crap are part of the same game.
    I appreciate that. If you feel I'm unreasonable then that is fine you're certainly free to feel as you like. I won't bother you with my posting if you'd rather I move along to something else.

    Tommy, Carl, and PJW don't have giant corporations behind them funding everything they do and demonizing and silencing everyone that dares disagree with them so they are quite different than the mainstream media. Very few corporations control our media in the United States and you've got STATE controlled media in the BBC in Britain so why not give a listen outside of that bubble? That is what I do and it better helps me digest news from the mainstream media because they DO lie by omission, they DO skew stories, they DO play favorites, and they hide things quite cleverly all of which leaves me questioning why? But hey that is me and my view and if you find me too troublesome to deal with then that is fine I'll leave you be.
    Thanks for both these reply posts they are awesome and of course I don't want you too stop engaging with me nor do i find you too troublesome to deal with. I have only just read these after posting my reply to your reply before these
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  2. #242
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL

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  3. #243
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    Thanks for both these reply posts they are awesome and of course I don't want you too stop engaging with me nor do i find you too troublesome to deal with. I have only just read these after posting my reply to your reply before these
    Well then let's both hope your previous response doesn't get me to lose my cool

    If I wanted to dictate what the answers were I wouldn't ask the questions. I want the answers to be as clear and in depth as possible so that misunderstandings can be avoided as I've found most forum fights can be avoided through clarity. Sorry that my numbering questions irks you, but again I do that for clarity and so that it is easier for me to follow along from previous posts. Nobody HAS to jump through hoops, I'm merely setting things up for myself so I better understand things and I'm more organized, I certainly hold no power over how you decide to respond or not to my posts. As for the issue of tone, I've never felt comfortable in judging the manner in which you post and I wouldn't put it past anyone to be passive aggressive and given that I'm attempting to bridge a gap here and I'm trusting you to do the same as you had previously indicated I have only questioned the tone rather than assume and retaliate which would have landed us right back in the rut we had previously been in.

    1. "You are outraged that people can be offended." Not in the slightest, I will typically wonder WHY someone takes offense or what the point of taking offense over seemingly trivial matters are, but hey it's their life and if they wish to live it in a way where they're constantly aghast dropping the monocles into their martini glasses then that's one way to live. My disdain comes from people making cases to affect my personal freedom and liberty to do something and THAT is what I get hacked off at.

    2. "Everyone in the Universe. Nobody. Who cares? If you want to be outraged that is your call but there is an awful lot out there that will push your buttons, whoever you are. Is that the kind of stress you want in your life?" They're free to push my buttons, they're not free to make laws limiting my freedom and liberty.

    3. Do they? Ayaan Hirsi Ali doesn't fit the profile both Carl and Tommy like her and believe she's a fierce warrior and the epitome of what TRUE Feminism is. Yet she's black, she's formerly Muslim, she's not English at all not British at all, but her work, her unwavering stand against Militant Islam inspires their own work. Ayaan tweeted "People ask me about the Tommy Robinson saga in the UK. Here is the best piece I have read on it:" ...looks like support to me and from someone foreign, of color, and from a different religious background.

    And this little pearl from the article in question: "Indeed he (Tommy Robinson) was once charged with assault for head-butting a Nazi sympathizer who wouldn’t leave an EDL protest. Not many people bothered with those details. The assault got reported, but not the cause. So the fact that Robinson had head-butted a Nazi became yet more evidence that he himself must be some kind of Nazi." ...seems of import to take notice of if we're to fully judge his character.

    I've not seen or heard of Carl Benjamin or Tommy attempting to shut down anyone's free speech. I know for a fact Carl Benjamin welcomes haters, he's eager to talk with them. "They hate being called fascists because they think that they are not the Devil incarnate." I didn't understand this, is the bold & underlined "they" referring to Tommy & Carl or Fascists because that could have multiple meanings and I want to correctly understand rather than assume. I also don't think either Carl or Tommy want laws to crack down on the free speech of others, they'd be horrible hypocrites if they did that. "They use the same language of discrimination that their critics employ to claim the position of victimhood." oh they absolutely do and that is done in order to prove a point it's showing someone what life would be like if the shoe were on the other foot. Carl Benjamin HAS called for bans on certain college courses as he sees them as poisonous and a waste of time and money, the courses he says that about aren't going to keep people from getting jobs unless of course you're a professor of one of those classes....but hey let the market decide if someone wants to waste thousands of dollars becoming dumber then by all means go ahead let the government fuck your credit up for the rest of your life.

    "They share the same overriding motivation that fascists have of wanting to install an overriding power that will remove the rights of individuals." Are there examples of this being said or referenced or hinted at?

    The Fascists of Italy were led by Mussolini who said "Fascism recognizes the real needs that gave rise to Socialism and trade-unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized by the unity of the state" and Mussolini himself was an avid Socialist in WW1. But people can change, I don't think Socialism and Fascism are all that different, they're both totalitarian, they're both replacing everything with "The State", and they're both systems of single party government either you're in THE party or you're in deep shit.

    4. Well of course there are differences in English & British cultures as one is the part of a whole. There's plenty that goes into culture and sure it's changing all the time, but evolving or replacing? How fast need it evolve or be replaced? And in one directions or many? It looks a right mess to have extreme feminists who believe in slut walks and toplessness right next to full head to toe niqabs and burkahs...which direction are we as a society going to go? Neither group wants a middle ground and that is a big problem which can/will/has caused conflict already and it'll get worse before it gets better. The main issue I see with change is that it's happening at an exponentially fast rate...I personally living in a "refugee town" as it were have noticed more people with difficulty speaking English than there used to be, and it's not that I hate them or loathe them or want them to go back where they came from it's in order for us to truly be good neighbors we need to be able to communicate clearly. Plus it's unfair to them if they're getting fucked over by not speaking the language and of course that happens it happens to people who speak English and are dealing with people speaking foreign languages too, it doesn't foster a climate of togetherness or community and those are important things right?

    "It is a fact of life on Planet earth that we will roam and you can pretend you have more rights to a piece of land or a country than other people but it is an illusory concept like money." OK then so I can just walk into your house and take food out of your fridge? Or are there rules against that? I could walk right in to say The Pentagon or 10 Downing St and make myself at home or would that be frowned upon? Prisoners have their mobility restricted, why? I mean surely as they are human they should move as others do. Money is used in place of barter for those incapable of producing goods and services on their own, there are rules to it and how it works to deny that is to pretend we're no different than cavemen....cavemen by the way would also have territory they patrolled and
    protected chimpanzees even do that and they go to BRUTAL war if someone oversteps the boundary so it's not as if we've always been free to frolic wherever we wanted to, quite the opposite really.
    I treasure English culture and history but I am not so blind to think it superior to all others just like the current version of Western civilization is not either. English culture itself is often not beautiful and brilliant and so I would not expect other cultures to be defined so narrowly and crudely.

    Well if you're joining a group hell bent on the demise of England/Britain and turning it 100% Muslim (or returning from your stint with ISIS or Al Qaeda) then yeah I'd say that's "less English". No Buddhism like Islam isn't a race or ethnicity but a religion and one of free will that you can join at your leisure. Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity and therefore is a bit different, but an ethnic Jew can be of a different religion obviously. It doesn't make you less English. What do these people believe about the rule of law and what are their philosophies? What do they share besides the same land? Foods, sporting events, arts, history, community, sometimes religion, festivals, do they band together to defend their homeland? Do they consider England their homeland?


  4. #244
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.


    5. Who am I defending that would "shut free speech down"? It IS an excuse for any kind of speech, using it responsibly is down to the person using it and the company they keep. I for one wouldn't curse in church, I CAN but I do not as I have respect which is a decision I make of my own free will and that is appreciated by those I share my community and place of worship with. If speech can be used to motivate someone to kill then does it not follow that speech can be used to maintain peace as well? Outlawing someone from expressing themselves even if it's hateful and vile is the same as outlawing their THOUGHT of those things and that is dangerous, I also feel as though nasty people who think evil things ought to show themselves so the civilized world(meaning those people of whatever cultures etc) can see them for who they are and make their choice to follow along with hate OR to choose love and choose peace. It is because I recognize it's power does not ONLY lie in evil which is why I want it free.

    6. "Words are not just words and never were" then I'm afraid you've given up your power to whoever has the ability to speak. I for one do not believe that you are some mindless zombie that I can command into tears or joy or ....well maybe if I scream "DO JUMPING JACKS FOR 5 HOURS STRAIGHT!!!" you'll actually comply, but for some reason I doubt it.

    Well Carl Benjamin is using his speech and YouTube as the platform, YouTube is available to any number of people and they're free to respond as they wish Kevin Logan has done that often and in the same manner albeit his reasoning is different of course and that is fine. People have assumptions of you like they have assumptions of me or anyone else, it's misunderstanding (accidental or on purpose), miscommunication (they read what you didn't write, you write something in a manner that is difficult to discern what you mean), reading requires reading comprehension and if you're tired or drunk or distracted all of those things can impact your reading comprehension and likewise if you're angry or upset or happy or feeling another extreme of emotion it can skew what someone has written.

    7. I'm pleased you have no animus towards me. I wonder what got you started hating Dr. Peterson and to think he's nihilistic is something I can't wrap my mind around but hey whether it's him or Carl or Tommy or Trump or whoever you're not obligated to like anyone if you don't have to I just wanted a clearer picture of why...I mean I hated Derek Jeter (American baseball player) for no other reason than he played for the Yankees other than that I had great respect for the guy.

    Well there's that

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL
    This video shows the police leading an angry mob screaming "allah akbar" into a "predominately white" area full of women, kids and families. The video even says Tommy chose the area to not cause any offence or trouble.

    Imagine the outrage if it was reversed? Imagine that was an estate full of muslims? Imagine it was friday prayers when the streets get blocked? And police led a mob of angry motorists to attack them?

    Boys will be boys but the police should be preventing mobs rucking in streets not helping them.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL
    This video shows the police leading an angry mob screaming "allah akbar" into a "predominately white" area full of women, kids and families. The video even says Tommy chose the area to not cause any offence or trouble.

    Imagine the outrage if it was reversed? Imagine that was an estate full of muslims? Imagine it was friday prayers when the streets get blocked? And police led a mob of angry motorists to attack them?

    Boys will be boys but the police should be preventing mobs rucking in streets not helping them.

    Those individuals were out of control. This lady obviously considers the South of England much safer than the North and explains why. To spin it into Robinson being the problem is a bit low considering the evidence really. Just maybe some people do not know about certain parts of the country.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    From watching these Carl videos, that area looks like heaven to me, not because it's 100% white English, because it's so beautifully clean and uncongested. Everything looks so relaxed and leisurely.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Who would have guessed this was coming?

    81 year-old Army veteran 'attacked' with milkshake outside polling station for wearing a Brexit rosette

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Who would have guessed this was coming?

    81 year-old Army veteran 'attacked' with milkshake outside polling station for wearing a Brexit rosette
    Non-rape jokes by You Tuber = No rapes.
    Media and politicians laughing about and promoting violence = Several people physically attacked for 'wrong think'.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL
    This video shows the police leading an angry mob screaming "allah akbar" into a "predominately white" area full of women, kids and families. The video even says Tommy chose the area to not cause any offence or trouble.

    Imagine the outrage if it was reversed? Imagine that was an estate full of muslims? Imagine it was friday prayers when the streets get blocked? And police led a mob of angry motorists to attack them?

    Boys will be boys but the police should be preventing mobs rucking in streets not helping them.
    No it doesn't. Neither this video or the Tommy one shows the Police leading anyone anywhere. It shows them lining up and stopping each group from getting near the other. Look again at the asian blokes video you can clearly see the MDL making their own way with no police leading them at all. It is an important point. Important because the police will often escort group even known football firms on their way to a ruckus at matches. What do you want them to do arrest everyone on one side ? It wasn't the Asian blokes who blocked the streets.

    To call it an area full of women kids and families is weird too, it is a housing estate, what do you want to do? create Christian exclusion zones

    I don't see the police helping anyone that is just Tommy's victim narrative as his mates hurl bottles at some asian blokes who are just as bad as his mob.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL
    This video shows the police leading an angry mob screaming "allah akbar" into a "predominately white" area full of women, kids and families. The video even says Tommy chose the area to not cause any offence or trouble.

    Imagine the outrage if it was reversed? Imagine that was an estate full of muslims? Imagine it was friday prayers when the streets get blocked? And police led a mob of angry motorists to attack them?

    Boys will be boys but the police should be preventing mobs rucking in streets not helping them.
    No it doesn't. Neither this video or the Tommy one shows the Police leading anyone anywhere. It shows them lining up and stopping each group from getting near the other. Look again at the asian blokes video you can clearly see the MDL making their own way with no police leading them at all. It is an important point. Important because the police will often escort group even known football firms on their way to a ruckus at matches. What do you want them to do arrest everyone on one side ? It wasn't the Asian blokes who blocked the streets.

    To call it an area full of women kids and families is weird too, it is a housing estate, what do you want to do? create Christian exclusion zones

    I don't see the police helping anyone that is just Tommy's victim narrative as his mates hurl bottles at some asian blokes who are just as bad as his mob.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL
    This video shows the police leading an angry mob screaming "allah akbar" into a "predominately white" area full of women, kids and families. The video even says Tommy chose the area to not cause any offence or trouble.

    Imagine the outrage if it was reversed? Imagine that was an estate full of muslims? Imagine it was friday prayers when the streets get blocked? And police led a mob of angry motorists to attack them?

    Boys will be boys but the police should be preventing mobs rucking in streets not helping them.
    No it doesn't. Neither this video or the Tommy one shows the Police leading anyone anywhere. It shows them lining up and stopping each group from getting near the other. Look again at the asian blokes video you can clearly see the MDL making their own way with no police leading them at all. It is an important point. Important because the police will often escort group even known football firms on their way to a ruckus at matches. What do you want them to do arrest everyone on one side ? It wasn't the Asian blokes who blocked the streets.

    To call it an area full of women kids and families is weird too, it is a housing estate, what do you want to do? create Christian exclusion zones

    I don't see the police helping anyone that is just Tommy's victim narrative as his mates hurl bottles at some asian blokes who are just as bad as his mob.
    How the funk is it "weird" to say a housing estate is full of women and kids? How do you know what the people in that community thought? The "Asian" bloke's footage revealed not everyone was supporting Robinson. He admitted it himself.

    Do you not think people were coming outside to see what the jamboree was?

    They were threatened and intimidated by a ranting and raving mob screaming and lobbing shit at them? Smashing their homes, cars and property? The "Asian" bloke's footage shows some gang members pleading with their army to stop attacking kids and smashing up people's homes.

    It's clear the "Asian" blokes footage shows Police/CSO's leading the mob through the streets (they are on on both flanks).

    How about don't encourage riots where INNOCENT people live. And that was nothing like what happens with football hooligans.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Fenster View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Not quite what the Tommy media have told you or the MSM. Lads will be lads. Quite clearly you can see bottles coming from Tommies mob and the old bill trying to stop the MDL getting close to the EDL
    This video shows the police leading an angry mob screaming "allah akbar" into a "predominately white" area full of women, kids and families. The video even says Tommy chose the area to not cause any offence or trouble.

    Imagine the outrage if it was reversed? Imagine that was an estate full of muslims? Imagine it was friday prayers when the streets get blocked? And police led a mob of angry motorists to attack them?

    Boys will be boys but the police should be preventing mobs rucking in streets not helping them.
    No it doesn't. Neither this video or the Tommy one shows the Police leading anyone anywhere. It shows them lining up and stopping each group from getting near the other. Look again at the asian blokes video you can clearly see the MDL making their own way with no police leading them at all. It is an important point. Important because the police will often escort group even known football firms on their way to a ruckus at matches. What do you want them to do arrest everyone on one side ? It wasn't the Asian blokes who blocked the streets.

    To call it an area full of women kids and families is weird too, it is a housing estate, what do you want to do? create Christian exclusion zones

    I don't see the police helping anyone that is just Tommy's victim narrative as his mates hurl bottles at some asian blokes who are just as bad as his mob.
    How the funk is it "weird" to say a housing estate is full of women and kids? How do you know what the people in that community thought? The "Asian" bloke's footage revealed not everyone was supporting Robinson. He admitted it himself.

    Do you not think people were coming outside to see what the jamboree was?

    They were threatened and intimidated by a ranting and raving mob screaming and lobbing shit at them? Smashing their homes, cars and property? The "Asian" bloke's footage shows some gang members pleading with their army to stop attacking kids and smashing up people's homes.

    It's clear the "Asian" blokes footage shows Police/CSO's leading the mob through the streets (they are on on both flanks).

    How about don't encourage riots where INNOCENT people live. And that was nothing like what happens with football hooligans.
    No it doesn't. Look again. The Police are already in a line there blocking them from proceeding. That is quite different from leading and protecting them.

    It's weird to have a rally in a housing estate. Why do you think Tommy held it there? Do you really believe he did not know the other mob were on their way?

    Even when Benjamin with UKIP turns up for days before hand all the local football firms talk quite openly on facebook on making sure that they turn up in numbers and they do.

    Ask yourself who is encouraging riots ? Some bloke who was a BNP member and then names himself after a football hooligan and then starts something called the EDL and then turns up in areas miles form his manor with a large population of muslims wearing Stone Island gear or the Police?

    It is amazing the knots people will tie themselves in to make Tommy into a victim and not a provocateur.

    And frankly I don't really buy into your expertise with football hooligans or policing. It's not something I just plucked out of the air.
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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    Why are you like this, Beanz? You seem unable to process information. You have provided nothing to counter what actually happened.

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    Default Re: Corbyn attacker get 28 days in prison, Robinson attacked and police do nothing.

    I was defending the people in that community not Tommy Robinson. The innocent victims attacked by a ranting and raving mob. The people you seem to have judged without knowing what their thoughts or feelings were?

    Frankly i'm glad you didn't just pluck something out the air? Feel free to explain your expertise in hooliganism? Facebook meetings? And Policing?

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