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Thread: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Long jack / Tongkat Ali

    The definition and Science:
    Long jack or Tongkat Ali is a clinically researched herb, which has been used for centuries to boost testerone.
    The plant Eurycoma longifolia Jack is a flowering plant native to Indonesia and theregions of Malaysia. It is a samll evergreen treewhich became popular for it's testerone enhancing properties and is well known for it's aphrodisiac properties.
    The supplement is not a drug, but when extract of the root is taken it increases testerone production and as aresult increases muscle size.
    Health Risks;
    There have been substantial amounts of claims made against the use of this supplement as it has been linked to insomnia, anxiety and restlessness. Tongkat ali should not be used by pregnant or nursing women or children.
    Because tongkat ali increases testosterone levels it should not be used by men with breast cancer or prostate cancer, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, or sleep apnea.
    Tongkat ali should not be used by people with weakened immune systems as some evidence suggests it may further weaken immune function.
    Usage and Benefits:
    In the past the extract was used to treat sexual dysfunction in males or to increase libido. In this context, Jacks is used to increase muscle size and strength "naturally."
    Users of Long Jack often comment that they would never go back to any other Testosterone supplement ever again. It's Testosterone boosting abilities can also mean higher sex drive and a better feeling of well-being.
    LA Muscle's Long Jack is the only Pharmaceutical Grade product of its kind.
    As a guideline, you should take at least 1.5 to 2 grams of quality protein per lb of bodyweight per day. This should be spaced out throughout the day. You should also train heavy and hard, on a split routine.
    Tablets are taken three times a day and are used on a continuos basis.
    Final Thoughts;
    A legal option for those considering boosting their testosterone levels, there is evidence that this product is indeed a hazard if used improperly. Should you wish to take a course you would be advised to research it personally and only in cases where you are of perfect health. The gains are real, but so too are the risks.
    Good product but proceed with care.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle View Post
    Also NO2-explode or whatever....what the hell does that do?
    Muscle Milk is good stuff. It's whey protein and a few other goodies. For NO2 - Explode, see my post on Arginine. That will give you a pretty good summary of NO2 products.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;


    (Branched Chain Amino Acids)

    Definition and Science:

    Amino acids are the chemical units, or “building blocks” that make up human muscle tissue. Protein quality is measured by the amount of the specific amino’s within it.

    The 22 amino acids are the molecular building blocks of proteins. 9 are referred to as essential, meaning that they must be supplied from some food or supplement source, and the others, which are known as non-essential, or more correctly, dispensable or conditionally indispensable, are based on the body's ability to synthesize them from other amino acids.

    L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine are the most important group of amino acids for athletes. Around 33% of muscle protein consists of BCAA’s. Even moderate exercise causes levels of BCAA’s to drop rapidly which results in muscle tissue breakdown (catabolism), fatigue, and a drop in testosterone levels.

    Benefits to you:

    Amino acids are essential to the human body and athletes can especially benefit from supplementing amino acids because they aid in repair, growth, and development of muscle tissue. The body, through assimilation of amino acids, produces over 50,000 proteins and over 15,000 enzymes. Amino acids are not only responsible for the production of all the body's enzymes (including digestive enzymes), but they also play a key role in normalizing moods, concentration, aggression, attention, sleep, and sex drive. After protein is consumed, it is broken down into amino acids. Then, individual amino acids are used to create necessary body proteins and enzymes. Digestive enzymes break down the proteins a person consumes into amino acids.

    The benefits are broken down below....

    Maximizes lean muscle growth

    Optimises post-workout recovery

    Maintenance of cells

    Maintenance of tissues

    Helps avoid muscle degeneration

    When To Take:

    Personally the best time to take BCAA's are basically anytime your body is in a catabolic state. This is mainly first thing on a morning when you've fasted for around 8 hours. Also immediately after training when your body is in a very catabolic state. Basically comsuming BCAA's at this time changes your body's state from a state of catabalism to a state of anabalism.

    Why Not Use Just Whey?:

    The simple answer is....BCAA's are readily broken down (from protein molecules) so they can be absorbed into the bloodtsream immediately.


    Only around 3-5grams are required per serving. In capsule form this translates to between 6-10 capsules. Personally i like mega dose BCAA's.

    Final Thoughts:

    I'd say BCAA's are a must for any athlete. They are very cheap (around £15 for 500 capsules). They prevent muscle breakdown which is basically your main goal when wanting to build lean muscle. Other protein based foods and supplements do this aswell but they need to be broken down first so your body would spend more time in a catabolic state (which is bad). Below i've explained (basically) the process of protein digestion. Hopefully this will give you a clear view of why BCAA's are important.....

    When consumed, protein takes the form of very complex molecules arranged in chains of amino acids. So the bonds binding these complex molecules together must first be broken down. This digestive process begins in the stomach (unlike starch, which begins in the mouth), where hydrochloric acid attacks the protein molecules separating them and breaking them down into amino acids. Once this has happened the gastric enzyme pepsin starts to digest the amino acids.

    BCCA's bypass the initial digestion stage which enables muscle repair to begin much quicker than it would do without supplementation.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;



    CLA is an unsaturated fatty acid found naturally in small amounts in full fat milk, meat and cheese. Supplements are made from sunflower and sunflower oils.


    It's sold as a fat loss supplement. It's supposed to help reduce fat storage and increase fat burning.
    It's thought that CLA works by stimulating hormone sensitive lipase (which releases fat from cells) and suppressing lipo-protein lipase (which transports fat into cells). Many successful trials and studies suggest that CLA is an effective supplement. CLA can also help increase muscle mass and strength when combined with resistance training.


    Most researchers recommend 2-5g per day split up into 3 doses.


    none reported.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Quote Originally Posted by irish warrior View Post
    what can i have i'm 12.
    Best to stick to the veg and meat.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    nice thread...
    &quot;Walk up into Fight Club with 8 ounce white gloves &amp; leave with red ones...&quot;<br /><br />Royce The Nickel Nine~Ding!

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    Question Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    L-Arginine is better in pill form or powder form....?
    &quot;Walk up into Fight Club with 8 ounce white gloves &amp; leave with red ones...&quot;<br /><br />Royce The Nickel Nine~Ding!

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Quote Originally Posted by Prophetic:::Poet View Post
    L-Arginine is better in pill form or powder form....?
    Taken on it's own it's probably more concentrated in pill form, but if you get the powder its often combined with glutamine and whey which makes for a great recovery mix.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    What can anyone tell me of Max International? It is the product endorsed by Jack Mosley and according to him used by Shane Mosley leading up to the Margarito fight. Here is a video of Jack promoting the product.

    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="<A href=""></param><param">"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

    They do a fair job of explaining it, but I'd like to hear more information if anyone has some.
    Last edited by MyDixieWrecked; 02-10-2009 at 02:54 PM. Reason: Embedding of video didn't work properly.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Dixie Wrecked, I'm sure you've googled it, but here's some more.
    Review of the Max International MLM(Home Business) Compensation | Know What You Do Not Know About Money

    Its main function is to promote glutathione, explained well in Wiki
    Glutathione - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Or for a more sports orientated view;
    Glutathione Information on

    Essentially it is a small molecule which does occir naturally within the body, as stressed in all articles.
    It's function is an antioxidant, it clewanses cells, and like clearing your PC's recycle bin allows the body to run smoothly.

    It is said to have an anti-aging effect as the body'saging is speculated to be reduced as impurities or "radicals" and are prevented from having an adverse effect on the body over time.

    Thats all I know....
    Oh except it's virtually useless taken orally. It will be digested before it reaches the blood stream.
    In order for it to take effect you need to inject.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Nitric Oxide

    Nitric Oxide is a naturally occuring signalling molecule present in all mammals. It is used by the body to prevent ischemic damage to organs within the body.
    The body utilises the aforementioned argenine in combination with oxygen to form this chemical messenger which is also a huge communicator in the spinal/nervous system.

    Technically;Nitric oxide (NO) contributes to vessel homeostasis by inhibiting vascular smooth muscle contraction and growth, platelet aggregation, and leukocyte adhesion to the endothelium.

    The claim is that NO is a vasildator.
    This means the substance allows the muscle a greater supply of oxygen and nutrients, dramatically increasing muscle growth.
    The intake of NO certainly accelerates the distribution of oxygen throughout the body and provides the "pumps" which are beneficial in serious physical training.

    As withy most naturally occuring substances the body has a fine balance between optimum levels and overdoding.
    Excessive NO levels are known to contribute toward reperfusion injury, reacting with superoxide to produce a toxic chemical named "peryoxynitrite."

    From first hand experience I must state that I have my doubts about NO as a vasildator. Although brands such as "NO Explode," NO TRAC by MHP" and a couple of others are regarded as excellent supplements I contribute the muscle growth to the protein and other chems mixed in the product.

    What NO does provide is a massive amount of short term energy and indeed explosiveness. Ideal for bodybuiders, MMA fighters and to some extent boxers, the "pumps" from this supplement are second to none. The explosive energy and mental focus are worth the cost on their own.

    Final Thoughts;
    This is a great supplement for weightlifters and people participating in short explosive exercises.
    I find over a longer distance the NO can cause the stomach to feel sickly and it is quite rough on the palate.

    I have heard it used in JIU JItsu and amateur boxing competition to great success, but I feel this supplement is best reserved for the strength and conditioning elements of a fighters preparation.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Bit out of my depth here but figure I'll just ask.......Panax Ginseng and L Arginine taken together daily in pill form ......any risks,advice?Whats an ideal starting amount,Mg's ?

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Bit out of my depth here but figure I'll just ask.......Panax Ginseng and L Arginine taken together daily in pill form ......any risks,advice?Whats an ideal starting amount,Mg's ?
    No one huh Wow.

    Well for what its worth I think Ive had a reaction to the Arginine.Took 500 mg's last night...worked out for a hour and woke up this morning with a serious rash.Eyes red,red splotches on face.misc spots itching over torso,etc.Took with a minor cold...which may have been a mistake.

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    No one huh Wow.

    Well for what its worth I think Ive had a reaction to the Arginine.Took 500 mg's last night...worked out for a hour and woke up this morning with a serious rash.Eyes red,red splotches on face.misc spots itching over torso,etc.Took with a minor cold...which may have been a mistake.
    Hey Spicoli, sorry, I've not been on in quite a while.

    Arginine is a great supplement, but it can be pretty harsh on the dermal layer. You really need to be perfectly hydrated to avoid spots etc.

    It gives you a nice little kick when you're lifting, particularly if taken blended with creatine or a stimulant like tyrosine, but there's a real comedown.
    I think that if you're using an ordinary daily ginseng supplements you should be just fine, but using some of the harsher energy enhancers can resulted in loss of sleep and racing of the heart.

    500mgs sounds a little heavy to me dude

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    Default Re: Saddo's Supplement Dictionary;

    Quote Originally Posted by hitmandonny View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    No one huh Wow.

    Well for what its worth I think Ive had a reaction to the Arginine.Took 500 mg's last night...worked out for a hour and woke up this morning with a serious rash.Eyes red,red splotches on face.misc spots itching over torso,etc.Took with a minor cold...which may have been a mistake.
    Hey Spicoli, sorry, I've not been on in quite a while.

    Arginine is a great supplement, but it can be pretty harsh on the dermal layer. You really need to be perfectly hydrated to avoid spots etc.

    It gives you a nice little kick when you're lifting, particularly if taken blended with creatine or a stimulant like tyrosine, but there's a real comedown.
    I think that if you're using an ordinary daily ginseng supplements you should be just fine, but using some of the harsher energy enhancers can resulted in loss of sleep and racing of the heart.

    500mgs sounds a little heavy to me dude
    Thanks Donny.Cannot say it was the cause 100% but quite the kick in the azz,this morning my eyes resembled Golotas in the Mollo fight....nasty.The hydration point is key and dont feel that I was.Got a pred injection this A.M and all is coming back into form...burning and reddening reduced.Cheers

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