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Thread: My training log

  1. #16
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    Default Re: My training log

    In which part are you refering to Peter?
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  2. #17
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    Default Re: My training log

    Eatin' bacon and all that!

  3. #18
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    Default Re: My training log

    First of all were from two different countries. A rasher of bacon in the UK and portions of food is generally a hell of a lot smaller than in the USA.

    No I'm not trying to gain mass. Which is why I only had one rasher of bacon. And even if I did have two rashers. There is no way from one meal. You are going to gain mass. Unless..(explained below).I grilled the bacon aswell. And actually that meal minus a normal leaf salad, brown sauce, and vinegar is recommended by Jack Dempsey... As a dinner time meal. Vinegar and brown sauce have no fat...Nor does cucumber or tomato. Bread and semi skimmed milk has very little fat. So actually its quite healthy! When you brake the meal down.

    Thanks for your concern, but I do know what i'm doing..
    Its not as simple as, do this exercise+ eat this = mass. That is a common misconception in the public sector..By have a go Henry's PT instructors and dietitians, who haven't had proper training and education. Just go look at your local fitness rag or on the internet. Look at the advertisements, and look for how many have recieved any form of education or training. But it worked for them right? So it should work for everybody? No is the answer to that. I sat through 3 hour lectures in her royal majesties armed services. Having served in one of her Infantry battalions. And taking part in sports. In the lectures, they go into body types, metabolism, food, exercise, exercise intensity, exercise regularity, supplementation, and life style. Then you put it into practice, so your in no dout about what you have been taught.

    All of the previouly mentioned must be taken into consideration. When working out what to eat, and when. If you want to gain mass and gain mass quickly. With high intensity exercise,high intensity life style, with a fast metabolism, and Ectomorph body type. You would need to consume close to 5000 calories a day. That goes pretty well for a Mesomorph body type aswell. A Mesomorph could get away with eatting less in the same day to day conditions. The three main different body types are Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph. Those three body types are a good indicator on how fast your metabolism is or isn't. If your an Endomorph, then yes you should be very careful of what you eat. As Endomorphs gain weight very easily, but find it very hard to loose weight.

    Now by controlling your muscle/weight gain or loss through diet is much better than supplementation. Because the stomach and the intestines have evolved to digest the food we normally eat over a very very long time. Bodies find it harder to digest supplements. As its not in a natural form. A good example being the history of Creatine throughout the years.

    So I do a lot of conditioning, and at the intensity and regularity I do it. Plus I do a physical job. One rasher of bacon is not going to harm! I'd be surprised if a Endomorph would gain weight from one rasher of bacon after working out and with my day to day activities...
    Last edited by Dave1066; 02-09-2013 at 02:15 PM.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  4. #19
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well been out and did another 5 milers today. My times keep getting quicker and quicker. Took 36 minutes today. Sweat a good un. The first 1 1/2 miles I found pretty easy going. Though at times I feel I could of jogged faster, so I picked the pace up. At times the pace is just naturally fast. But that is usually when I am focusing on technique rather than speed. Must get my Heart rate monitor watch working again. To make sure I am working my heart in the right beats per minute zone for the performace gain and goals I have. It also maximises and economises your work out time, by making sure your heart is in the correct zone for the targeted performance gain you want.
    For instance if you jogged to slow, and your heart rate dropped. Then your wasting effort and potential performance gain, you are not fully economising your time and effort. Your just going through the motions. Its a great bit of kit for achieving performance goals quicker, especially if you train a loan. As it can be a great motivator, with an audio beep if your heart rate is dropping to low.

    Anyway came in semi skimmed milk drunk, healthy meal, and a herbal tea. To help my body rebuild its self.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  5. #20
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well earlier today, did the normal exercise. Couple times around the circuit, then boxing up to the hour. worked up a good sweat during the circuit training. Today in the boxing time. I concentrated on technique. After watching a lot of boxing of boxing last night. And have read some of Dempseys book. To refresh my mind. At times I would of course pick the speed up. And other times I would go for maximum strenght power punches. For good measure I mixed it all up with the speed ball.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well I have just taken my stats again. Since starting my fitness regime in December. When I was 166.6 LBS, I'm now 171.51 LBS. Have put on 4.91 LBS in muscle. Good result! The result I'm aiming for at the moment is 175 LBS. Then I'm going to get ripped.

    I have today spoken with the head coach at the boxing gym I attend. About my next steps and the future. Talked about the boxers I'm a fan of. The boxers who I want to include in my style as much as possible. Talked about my progression in the future, level of attendance ect. All sounds very positive.

    I managed to get my heart rate monitor watch working again. So looking forward to the run tomorrow.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  7. #22
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    Default Re: My training log

    Hi well been out and done the 5 miler today, with my heart rate monitor watch. I put in a time of 34 minutes and 47 seconds. Which brakes my old 5 mile record. Although I am starting to dout if it is actually 5 miles. So i may measure it.

    My average beats per minute over the jog was 110bpm.
    I stayed in my bpm target zone 57% of the time. That zone was from 150bpm-175bpm.

    Finished exercising, stretched, glass of semi skinned milk, and a healthy bowl of soup..
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  8. #23
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well today I added two knew exercises to my circuit training routine. I added one armed push ups. I noticed Chris Eubank Snr doing them in a video...Thought I'd try them. Liked them, they work slightly different muscles to the other push up exercises I do. One armed push ups are also tougher. I also added hanging knee raises.

    I do 6 reps one arm push ups per arm. I do 10 hanging knee raises. I added them on to the end of my exsisting routine.

    In todays circuit. I warmed up with two minutes skipping. I did two sets of each exercise. Because of the two new exercises this added some time. It took me 30 minutes and 20 seconds. My average heart rate through out the whole time was 162bpm. I stayed in my target zone of 150-175bpm 83% of the time.

    After that I took the heart rate monitor off. And continued with boxing. I did this for 23 minutes. So 6 minutes shy of a full hours work out. I started off with a 2 minute round of shadow boxing to practice foot work, speed, and to warm up. I then did roughly 2 minutes on the speed ball. Then a rest roughly 30 seconds, then heavy bag. Practicing the falling step and medium and long range punches. Then speed ball for 2 minutes. Then 20 fast jabs rest, 20 fast hooks, rest, 20 fast shovel hooks, rest, 20 fast upper cuts, rest. Then speed ball, rest. Then combo power punches on heavy bag, using all my strenght for 2 minutes. Then speed ball. Then practicing fast 1-2 and 1-2-1, moving around using foot work.

    Then warm down stretches, glass of semi skimmed milk, then baked beans on toast.

    I have noticed a couple of advantages of using bag gloves for bag work. It is true, what the old boxing champs and coaches say about them. After a good session on the bags. You can feel the skin and muscles around your knuckles aching. I only lightly wrap around my knuckles. I mainly concentrate on my wrists. The skin on my knuckles is definitely toughening up. Compared to when I have used my sparring gloves. Where you don't get the same effects or advantages. But obviously sparring general purpose training gloves have other advantages. The other main reason I'm using bag gloves is to develope speed as well.
    Last edited by Dave1066; 02-15-2013 at 04:45 PM.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  9. #24
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well been out and did another 5 mile run. Still have not measured it! Found it easier going today. I did the first mile in a half in 10 minutes and 58 seconds. Not bad! My best mile in a half time ever, is 9 minutes 20 seconds. Still working my way back to that time.

    Today my 5 mile time was 33 minutes and 34 seconds. Average heart rate was 115bpm. Stayed in my target zone of 150-175bpm 59% of the time.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  10. #25
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    Default Re: My training log

    Not long been back from boxing at the gym, started with jumping rope for awhile, then shadow boxing for warm up. Then some plyometrics, and circuit training. After that we did footwork. We continued with some skill work on the pads practicing foot work and left jab, jab and cross, jab and cross and left hook, then jab and cross and left hook and straight right. Good nights work out!
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  11. #26
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well because I want to develope my boxers bounce, condition my body, and improve my cordination I have decided to start jumping rope every day. For at least 10 minutes.

    So I warmed up with the my normal stretches. Then the skipping commenced. I aim to try and jump 2 minutes striaght, without going wrong. This however happen rarely for me at the moment. And after the first round.. I'll be lucky to have the stamina to do that anyway. Which is why I have decided to do it in the first place. So that my stamina improves.

    My coach last night told me to slow down, that my feet were too frantic. To stay on the balls of my feet and stay off the flat of my feet.

    Which again I can do what the coach asks but only for a short amount of time. Which is of course another reason, why I decided to start jumping rope every day.

    In this work out was 10 minutes and 27 seconds, my average heart rate was 99bpm. I stayed in my target zone of 150-175bpm 51% of the time.

    I don't think machines that work out how many calories your supposed to have burnt after exercise are accurate. However I could be wrong. But for the sake of comparing which exercise burns more calories...fat. I'm going to start including the calorie figure. I'm doing it for comparison reasons as well. To see if doing 10 minutes of skipping is better than 34 minutes of running...So todays calorie count was 40 calories burnt.

    Later tonight I may do another 10 minutes skipping then shadow boxing.
    Last edited by Dave1066; 02-20-2013 at 03:13 PM.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  12. #27
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well went out and did some more skipping. Did 10 minutes and 31 seconds. My average heart rate was 125, I stayed in the zone of 150-175bpm 64% of the time. I burnt 77 calories.

    After the skipping. I did some shadow boxing. I'm lucky we have big glass french doors. Where I can see my reflection. To spot bad technique and to give me something to aim for. I Mainly concentrating on my foot work and moving around whilst doing 1-2 combinations. I sometimes did combinations up to 4 punches. 1-2-3-2.

    Come in from outside, did warm down stretches, and a glass of Ribena.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well just got back from doing my first interval training in a while. Wasn't my best interval training ever, but then it wasn't going to be. I did the old interval lamp post routine. Sprint from one lamp post to the next lamp post. Then walk from that lamp post to the next lamp post. I did this on a long steep hill. I jogged all the way from my house to the bottom of the hill. Then commenced the interval training. Once I had reached the top of the interval route once, I jogged back to the bottom and did the interval training to the top of the hill again. This time after I had finish the second interval run. I continued to jog home.

    The stats. All of the above took me 15 minutes and 7 seconds. My average heart rate was 134bpm. I stayed in my heart zone of 150-175bpm 69% of the time. I burned 133 calories.

    Got home, did warm down stretches. Before working out and after working out. It is important to do stretching. Professional boxers take this very seriously. If you are going to train every day, its important for the health of your tendons, ligaments, joints and muscles. It is also important from the point of view of remaining flexible, which is very important to a fighter!

    Later today I will do skipping, probably followed by shadow boxing.
    Last edited by Dave1066; 02-21-2013 at 01:32 PM.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  14. #29
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well at 5pm. I went outside and did 10 minutes skipping. I only timed this session. I did not use the heart rate monitor.

    I should add I use an old school skipping rope. Leather rope with weighted wood handles. The rope I use is Everlast Leather Weighted Jump Rope. This type of rope is for conditioning,cordination, and developing the boxers bounce.
    A speed rope. Isn't weighted and has a different use. A speed rope is used for going fast developing your cordination even further. And improving your cardio fitness. And not such a good tool for improving conditioning. But also developes boxers bounce.

    Come back in side the house. Warm down stretchs. Glass of semi skinned milk.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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  15. #30
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well not long been in from working out. Warmed up with 10 minutes skipping. It was my best skipping session ever. Practicing everyday is working out. Unfortunately I lost the data from the skip. Then I did roughly 7-10 minutes shadow boxing. Practicing footwork, jabs, and combinations 1-1,1-1-1, 1-1-2,1-1-1-2,1-2,1-2-3,1-2-3-2. I don't box with a heart rate monitor on.

    Then I did plyometrics. I only went once around my plyometrics routine. This took 5 minutes and 44 seconds. My average heart rate was 158bpm, I stayed in my target zone of 150-175bpm 82% of the time. I burnt 69 calories.

    After the plyometrics. I did a mix up of heavy bag and speed bag upto 55 minutes over all including all the other parts of the work out.

    I then finished off with 7 minutes skipping.
    Then I came in did warm down stretches, glass of semi skimmed milk, home made bacon, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, bacon, sandwich.
    Last edited by Dave1066; 02-22-2013 at 03:37 PM.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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