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Poll: Would you like to see Alex Jones on mainstream TV subverting from within?

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Thread: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

  1. #16
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Now what does that video prove? Dershowitz works for CNN today and is regularly on the Piers Morgan show. Does that not answer everything about Dershowitz? He is a shill of a failed programme.

  3. #18
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Now what does that video prove? Dershowitz works for CNN today and is regularly on the Piers Morgan show. Does that not answer everything about Dershowitz? He is a shill of a failed programme.
    By all means, follow you had to be told to hate America

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Typical, never trust a guy who "left the plantation" eh comrade?

    Christopher Hitchens comments about Chomsky will no doubt fall on deaf ears, but whatever. You want to drink the Anti-America Kool Aid that Chomsky spews then be my guest, the world has no shortage of dolts who follow that idiot
    Right, and Hitchens was the dumb fat fuck who defended the Bush illegal war. Hitchens was a bright, bright man, but eventually enough drink and a green card pushed him over the edge.

    Now, suggest a time when Chomsky was ever bought out. Or sold his values. It never happened.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Now what does that video prove? Dershowitz works for CNN today and is regularly on the Piers Morgan show. Does that not answer everything about Dershowitz? He is a shill of a failed programme.
    By all means, follow you had to be told to hate America
    Nobody really hates America. America is despised by all because the elite hate the world and its own citizens. Nobody needs Chomsky to know any of this.

    If you actually took the time to understand people you would see that people like me like America. I like it more than my own country. My only problem is the fact that is an insane country. Some of you are very nice, but your politics has stolen your souls.

    It drones, it vanishes, it tortures, it is doing to the world what they did to the Indians, and it is that part that I loath. Leading banks have been laundering money to terrorists. Any crimes considering that a war on terror is being fought?

    No, don't be silly. America is the biggest hypocrite in the world.

  6. #21
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Now what does that video prove? Dershowitz works for CNN today and is regularly on the Piers Morgan show. Does that not answer everything about Dershowitz? He is a shill of a failed programme.
    By all means, follow you had to be told to hate America
    Nobody really hates America. America is despised by all because the elite hate the world and its own citizens. Nobody needs Chomsky to know any of this.

    If you actually took the time to understand people you would see that people like me like America. I like it more than my own country. My only problem is the fact that is an insane country. Some of you are very nice, but your politics has stolen your souls.

    It drones, it vanishes, it tortures, it is doing to the world what they did to the Indians, and it is that part that I loath. Leading banks have been laundering money to terrorists. Any crimes considering that a war on terror is being fought?

    No, don't be silly. America is the biggest hypocrite in the world.
    Chomsky is the biggest hypocrite....he DOES hate America but where does he live?

    miles, I'm not going to start with the God damned Indians again miles. I'm tired of the fucking fallacy you and all your wormy looking pencil necked heroes love to ASSUME that Indians were peaceful, didn't war with each other, didn't enslave each other, didn't massacre each other....yeah you go live in Pretendville like you want. Repent for the "sins" of your sure to do that.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Chomsky is not a hypocrite and to be waltzing around calling him a twit destroys any argument you make because he isn't and you cannot back it up. He is a trained linguist, so your initial argument was on that basis he shouldn't be listened to. Do you really think trained economists, political theorists, or politicians are any more enlightened? They are largely crooks who say the right things to keep their jobs and maintain influence.

    America has a terrible history from the Indians through to the treatment of minorities. Hitler was inspired by America and unfortunately the US bankers even supported him. Like I say, I think some of you have good hearts. But your system is rotten to the core. You do not have democracy.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    america sucks. no freedom there anymore. cant do thsi and cant do that, fined here and fined there, cant grow a vegetable garden, cant collect rainwater, cant sell lemonade, cant build a fire, cant drink a beer in a park----I have been to 24 countries on this planet----lived, worked, studied, toured---ONLY AMERICA HAS SO MANY FUCKING LAWS YOU CANT DO SHIT THERE. BEER IN A PARK Seems to work OK in Korea or Malaysia or Turkey-----try drinking a beer in a park in America. You will get arrested by jack-booted military-style police and thrown to the ground. Try building a fire in America. Try burning some leaves in your backyard. Try buuiding a small fire at your curb in front of your house and roasting some potatos or hotdogs. YOu will get arrested in no time. Neighborhood Chrostian Crime Watch Committee. Every country I have been in you can build a small fire in front of your house, curbside, roast some potatos, marshmallows, whatever *I can hear the stupid american responses here--typical american idiot responses like WHO WOULD WANT TO ROAST POTATOS IN FROnT OF THEIR HOUSE and other bullshit american narrowminded thinking----

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Yes, you can drink anywhere you like here, even piss anywhere you like too. That is freedom.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Yes, you can drink anywhere you like here, even piss anywhere you like too. That is freedom.
    Korea, Turkey, Malaysia, if you want to piss, you piss. If you want to burn some paper, you burn it. If you want to walk down the street sipping a beer, you fucking sip it. There are no Nanny State Faggots telling you whats good for you or for society. I got so used to drinking a beer in an internet cafe, or lighting small fires outside my driveway, or pissing wherever, there are literally millions of examples----being served free steak or free bacon or free roast duck in supermarkets as you stroll by the displas, I was offered free wine, free tequila and free beer in every single Korean supermarket I ever shopped at for 4 years, by the liquor section hostesses, IMAGINE THIS NIGHTMARE NOW IN AMERICA, IMAGINE THE AMERICAN DELINQUENTS WHO WOULD DRINK IN THE SHOP RITE AND THEN RUN AROUND CAUSING TROUBLE. Truth is americans are idiots and assholes, ad thats why they need all thse fucking laws.

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    Exactly, you hear people going on about freedom, but they don't have freedom. Freedom means being able to do what you want when you want and as long as you aren't causing a nuisance or hurting anybody, then there should be no checks on you. Being able to drink in public is a good thing, I like to go to the local shop and just have a can in there sometimes, and of course in Costco they hand out free samples of beer and wine. Nobody is going to tell you off or tell you what to do.

    The West has become so uptight and is gouging people to death through taxes, inflation, regulation and fear. UK VAT of 20 odd percent. How insane is that? You pay taxes at work, supposedly corporations pay their taxes and then they tax you to buy something? Just repression at every corner. At least greater freedom means only 10% here, but still.The irony is that the one thing they should regulate and make pay is finance and they get the blank cheques and bonuses for failure! That is the opposite of freedom.

    I'm not so harsh on the average American as most of them are just people and some of them are probably quite like us. There are a lot of sheep though and they are being fed nonsense for news. For instance, some of the reports on the Ukraine and Venezuela are just gibberish. How many digs has CNN made against Russia in the past few weeks and in turn never criticises America which is it's audience? It's not freedom.

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    Hitchens had balls, integrity and intelligence unlike Chomsky who has led everyone up a blind alley intellectually. It's like the Emperor's clothes and you have fallen hook line and sinker for it Miles. So much hyperbole and absolutely no concession to the intricacies and nuances of reality. Deluded rambling Miles, you are a man like Alex Jones who believes his own hype. Puffed up with your own importance to the point that your fat eye lids are distorting your view of the world and your ears are growing flaps to block out dissenting voices. You are so afraid to change that you dismiss anyone who tries to see the whole picture, your opinion is that of an idealistic teenage narcissist.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    People want to know the truth and that is a reason people want to listen to Chomsky and also Alex Jones in his own rather more unusual way. Chomsky is a great in his field and very respected when commenting on politics. People who tell the truth are to be admired. Hitchens sometimes did and was great then, but otherwise, he sold out his values.

    There is so much reality in figures like Chomsky, Keiser, Jones etc, but their lively personalities also help them shine. They cut to the chase and speak to the core of the British and American political discourse. They do a much more significant job that the mainstream newspaper government schill prints.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Hitchens had balls, integrity and intelligence unlike Chomsky who has led everyone up a blind alley intellectually. It's like the Emperor's clothes and you have fallen hook line and sinker for it Miles. So much hyperbole and absolutely no concession to the intricacies and nuances of reality. Deluded rambling Miles, you are a man like Alex Jones who believes his own hype. Puffed up with your own importance to the point that your fat eye lids are distorting your view of the world and your ears are growing flaps to block out dissenting voices. You are so afraid to change that you dismiss anyone who tries to see the whole picture, your opinion is that of an idealistic teenage narcissist.
    you guys are all UK, so maybe Im missing something, but I have always failed to see Miles supposed self importance guys. He nevers says he is great or better than anyone else. How can you arrive at self-importance just because he is a critic of social institutions? Isnt that an unfair stretch? Seriously, how is he self important? Facts please.

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    Default Re: Should Alex Jones replace Piers Morgan and reform CNN from within?

    Different people dislike me for different kinds of reasons. I think one the reasons is because of my rhetorical style. They think it is someone in an ivory tower sneering on the rest of humanity. It's a warped vision though, because I want a better world, and say as much. Is it so arrogant to say that there are too many people and that a poor person would be better off without that 5th child? Is it so arrogant to say that drones are killing innocent people in sovereign lands and for no good reason? Is it so arrogant to say that I don't have time for the paralympics? It seems to affront the intelligence of some that I will say these things. Is it not the White House who is arrogant, or that the slothful poor are arrogant, or that the PC brigade is arrogant, or heaven forbid even that some other posters might be arrogant? All I do is express a point of view. It would be arrogant to control the media and tell you want to think, which is what they do. A voice on a forum is merely a point of view. It is mine and if that is arrogance. Well, I don't mind.

    These same people will attack anyone that wants a better world though. Chomsky? Galloway? All devils, and Hitchens is far superior! Just a collosal contradiction there, considering that Hitchens was for an illegal war that has proven to be based on lies. Chomsky was correct. Galloway was correct. I was correct and we must all be hated and be called arrogant for calling them out as liars and manipulators. Galloway destroyed the bumbling sweaty Hitchens in debate.

    They will condemn you if you say a word against immigration. That is a topic that they have under total wraps. Millions flooding the UK. In the US they are trying to allow 20 million illegals legal status. These are countries that don't have jobs for it's young people and the agenda is to sink them under waves of immigration. The nightmare is coming and rampant inter societal conflict is a nice deflection from the criminals from on high who created the mess. Oh, so arrogant to be telling the truth. 'You don't have empathy. You hate people. You want them to suffer'. They put words in your mouth that you have not spoken. They twist and squirm and if all else fails will call you a 'cunt'. If that is all that you have then you have lost the debate.

    We must have a rosy country. We must celebrate the Jubilee and show that we are happy campers. That is arrogance and delusion thrown in with arrogance. I speak the truth as well as I can and if sometimes I froth at the mouth, then so be it. I won't be a patsy and accept the media and that alone. If we did that, then there would be no guns in America too. I don't want that. I don't want the collapse that is looming. It's bad for all. If I was arrogant, I would be like a banker, a politician, a journalist. I am neither, I am just someone who won't swallow the lemonade. It is spiked and making people accept a world that is much tougher than it was before. We are all responsible.

    I am not better than anyone, I am just one of you, and I care. I don't hate anyone, but I do vehemently oppose power structures that propagandise so effectively, that they make people who go against the grain seem arrogant. 'They are paranoid, they are conspiracy theorists, they are arrogant'. Just because we refuse to swallow the water, and think memorising sports stats is stupid, that does not make us arrogant.

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