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Thread: the scam is over. what's next?

  1. #16
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled

    It's tough to even know where to start with this one. "Liberties and freedoms." Well... speaking for myself, I honestly have not had any discernible liberties or freedoms "chipped away" that I know of. And since it's MY perception that counts regarding MY liberties... that point isn't even up for debate.

    "Staged weather crisis"... "weather manipulation." Wow. You're really diving deep into the Conspiracy Theory pool now, eh? Let's just say for a moment that mankind COULD conjure up tsunamis, destructive earthquakes, and (OMG)... hurricanes. To what end? Who's behind this maniacal weather manipulation? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they target the victims of say... a major hurricane? Damn.

    You "doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural"... so you must have some theory about how exactly does one conjure up and use a major hurricane or a tsunami as a weapon and direct it toward a desired target. Double damn.

    Food shortages... yeah. I think everyone understands that these can result from political forces and manipulation, as well as major climactic events. So I'll give you that one.

    But back to the COVID "scam". Let's go on your premise that COVID never existed and was just a globally colossal scam. A scam, mind you... that required the unprecedented coordination of governments around the world. A "pulling of the wool over our eyes" of EPIC proportions, complete with fake death numbers... fake scientific data PURPOSELY disseminated by many thousands of corrupt health professionals in a PERFECTLY choreographed song and dance that fooled the entire world. Damn... it hurts me even to write these words. But I'll go along with your wild beliefs just to get to my point.

    Let's say it's ALL BEEN FAKE.

    You said this: "the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled"

    So what "chaos and disorder" was caused by COVID that must now be furthered by this supposedly "new" scam?

    "Because that's how people are controlled..." I see. But again... I continue to live my life as usual. I got sick in November of 2020, with the exact same symptoms as those always described for COVID. But that's besides the point. Whether I had COVID or not (according to you)... I got sick. That much is again not up for debate. At some point I got my vaccines. So did the rest of my family. We're all doing fine, thank you. I go where I want... whenever I want... however I want... and my liberties and freedoms have not been curtailed. Again... the judge of that is ME.

    peoples freedoms & liberties have been stripped away. just because you haven't been affected doesn't mean others haven't. i personally know people that have lost businesses because of restrictions & lockdowns. i also know people that have had their travel restricted or healthcare restricted. i know nurses that have lost their jobs because they refused to get a vaccine. it hasn't affected me because i live like a free man & do not comply to another persons orders but other people have not been so lucky. but it has created black free markets that have been operating outside the system. weather manipulation has been around for years. i actually worked for a company over here after i left the service that did cloud seeding. we worked with people from around the world on different weather projects. but that is my own experience. you will have to investigate for yourself. it is admitted that america manipulated the weather in the vietnam war. i've heard about tesla's earth quake machine claims. to what end you ask. to keep people in fear. people who are afraid are easily controlled. i see a digital currency being introduced that can track every transaction you make. maybe the qr code tracking system is tweaked & stays in place. i know we are already tracked by our phones & credit cards but cash & not taking your phone out with you makes that harder to do. your freedoms have been chipped away over many years. just look at what flying internationally before nine eleven was like to now. hope you had taken a trip before then & after & can compare the difference. over here most of our guns are gone because of the bullshit port arthur massacre. never let a crisis go to waste
    Why is the Port Arthur Massacre, bullshit?
    I am sure it doesn't feel like that for the victims and their families.
    there is so much wrong with the story that is presented. i don't have time to bring you up to speed. there is still information online that can help you with some of the inconsistencies
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled
    So what you gonna do about it kid? You’re the one with all the knowledge, give us your masterplan.
    where did i say i had all the knowledge & a masterplan?
    You never. You just whinged and moaned and moaned and whinged. But if you don’t have any knowledge or a masterplan, why even bother starting a thread?
    Why start a thread about something you, by your own admission don’t have any knowledge on the subject ?
    are you ok? you seem to be making things up which is unusual for you. usually you & i can discuss things based on what each of says. i never whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i just mentioned that freedoms & liberties are being whittled away. advised preparation. asked what the next crisis could be. gave some possible suggestions. gave my prediction & ideas. is there something wrong with making predictions? i never said i don't have any knowledge or any plans. i started the thread to see other opinions on the next possible crisis. i never admitted i don't have any knowledge on the subject. just refuted your statement that claimed i had all the knowledge. i do have plans, i wouldn't call them master plans. depending where they discussion goes i may share some of those ideas
    I’m good thanks, appreciate you asking though. You didn’t say that you didn’t have any knowledge , but you didn’t say you did?
    Infact , you said a lot without saying much at all, which is one of your strong pints.
    However, if one Protesteth sufficiently to say “I never said I had any knowledge” I legitimately came to the conclusion that you didn’t have any knowledge. Otherwise why protest so vehemently?
    Now if everybody used your technique for debating, where would we be?
    “I didn’t say I didn’t believe in Covid” “I didn’t say I did believe in Covid.”
    “I didn’t say you can catch this through the air” “I didn’t say you can’t catch this through the air”
    I get the feeling you don’t know if you’re Arthur or Martha!
    you claimed i whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i disagree with you. you said i had all the knowledge. no one has all the knowledge so i corrected you. by my correcting you on your use of the word all you went on to assume that meant i didn't have any knowledge or plans. you then lied & said i admitted i don't have any knowledge & you are mis-quoting me. where did i say "i never said i had any knowledge". i am just interested in honest discussion.
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    i never said cloud seeding was a secret. there are many people i speak with that have never heard of it though & don't even know that technology exists. i only mentioned weather warfare in vietnam as the mainstream telling us that narrative is true. i wasn't there so i can't claim to know what went on. wasn't trying to pass it off as some huge secret. earthquake machines, it's a possibility, i posted a clip of david bowie talking about black noise. i can't even begin to imagine what types of technology the military & governments must have access to. i disagree that an attempt to subvert would need to be focused & directed. there could be many levels. lots of battles to win the war so to say & it would depend on what the overall goal or plan was. there has been many things that have gone the wrong way with the plandemic narrative. it seems some billionaires increased & certain industries profited. to what end would they want to control us? what's their master plan? i can only give some of my opinions & ideas. i believe they want total control over us. i believe there is some controlling group above what we see as our governments & so called leaders. i believe a one world government with us all under a social credit type system, everything digital, so if you do anything those in control disagree with, you can be shut out. they want to own all the land. basically total control over everyone & everything. parasites, us doing everything & them profiting. i disagree about no group being exempt. our members of parliament over here weren't missing paychecks. as i said i heard certain billionaires & industries had profited. i'm also pretty sure we will see certain fraud claims coming out about pandemic expenditure & funds being misused in the near future. even boris was said to be partying when others were restricted. so for those pulling the strings at the top it was a success. jfk & others have talked about secret societies & powerful groups, so it could be a possibility. i was telling you that you were being tracked. why do you feel the need to label me a conspiracy theorist? can we not just have a discussion? i was just pointing out that i know we are already tracked to an extent. i rather my freedoms. i only mentioned nine eleven to show the difference in freedoms before it & after. your freedoms have been affected further since that day. i don't think it's a touchy subject. people should be free. if someone chooses not get get a medical procedure, that choice should be accepted. i remember you saying that a private business owner should be able to turn away anyone not wearing a mask & i totally agree they should be free to do that, but i think the same freedom should be given to a private business owner who wants to open their business & serve whoever they want. you keep saying conspiracy theories but many things have been brought to light years later that was being done without the publics knowledge. mk ultra, the gulf of tomkin, cia embedded media, operation north woods, nayirah, tuskegee, operation popeye to name a few. these are narratives the mainstream tell us have occurred. without people asking questions & connecting dots the information may have been lost forever & i can only imagine the stuff we are not told about

    There is nothing wrong with being vigilant. And obviously there's a lot wrong with believing everything you hear or read. I've no doubt that there are greater interests out there that would love nothing more than to achieve control over the masses. Which is why I mentioned the "Social Dilemma" documentary. It may have gotten some things wrong... but at least it attempts to open people's eyes to the reality of social manipulation through technology and social media. That "one world government" you and others mention? I've yet to see enough to go on board with that. Do billionaires in this world find a way to profit from even the worst global calamities? You bet they do. Which is why there are so many people without a good set of morals in this world. It's unfortunate, but it's reality. People will profit off other people's misery in a heartbeat.

    If you object to being labeled a conspiracy theorist, fine. But one point I need to get across is that like with many other topics in life, conspiracy theories can sometimes be proven right in time... while there is also the tendency to jump off the deep end of the pool. Meaning that to some people... EVERYTHING is a conspiracy. IMHO, people must learn how to pick and choose their battles. I've got no issues with a lot of the conspiracy theories surrounding events like assassinations and things like that. Certainly the JFK assassination has proven to contain more than meets the eye. But c'mon... When people begin to question lunar landings, or whether the Earth is truly round... eyebrows are understandably going to be raised. I'm sorry, but "CONVID" (as you like to put it) to me falls under that category.

    It's one thing to question the motives behind an assassination, an attack on another country (I still remember the infamous "Weapons of Mass Destruction"), or other events. Especially when these can be easily faked. But a global pandemic?? Especially when there have been previous such pandemics in history? That's too much of a pill to swallow. I think it's been mentioned here just how incredibly (and impossibly) MASSIVE the coordination of something of this magnitude would have to be. Put all the "Mission Impossibles", "James Bonds", and other spy movies together... and you wouldn't even have one millionth of the scope of what a fake GLOBAL, TWO-YEAR (and counting) pandemic would require.

    But the icing on the cake is when you refuse to acknowledge that some of us have had ample personal experiences that prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the existence of this virus which has caused this pandemic. Have death figures been bloated in some instances? Very likely. Human error and human laziness being two of the main factors. I certainly don't think it's because of some sinister plot to reach "X" amount of deaths in a year or a country. Have deaths been attributed to COVID when in actuality the person has died from other causes (which were complicated by the COVID)? Absolutely. Again... human error and laziness takes its toll.

    I always come back to the same two words, and those are "Common Sense."
    with the one world government it is not to far a stretch to see it as a possibility. much of the world ran the same script with the covid agenda. the world economic forum has that great reset agenda. ronald regan spoke about an outside common thread uniting people world wide & other along with media have mentioned a new world order. many so called leaders were all pushing the build back better script. i just don't think there is a need for you to label me anything, if we are trying to have an honest discussion. you can just be titofan & i'll be tic. i never mentioned the moon landings or the shape of the earth in this thread. if we are told that a conspiracy theory turned out to be true, then was it a conspiracy theory? you are happy to accept that you have been lied to about certain things & how they must have been presented to the public but are willing to go along with other narratives that are presented to you. all the information you have on covid is secondary. you have not proven that information to be true. you trust the information & those that have provided it. nothing wrong with that but it is only a belief you hold. it seems you want to further continue a conversation about covid. you claim that your personal experiences prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that covid exists & is the cause of the pandemic. you can't prove that claim to be true. what did you do to isolate & purify this virus you claim was the cause of your sickness & how did you prove it was the cause of others getting sick. i don't really want to go down this path again but you seem to want to push your beliefs as facts, so i'm going to ask for you to prove what you have done to know your claim is true. it's ok for you to believe that it is true, but what you believe to be true & what you know to be true are two very different things
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled

    It's tough to even know where to start with this one. "Liberties and freedoms." Well... speaking for myself, I honestly have not had any discernible liberties or freedoms "chipped away" that I know of. And since it's MY perception that counts regarding MY liberties... that point isn't even up for debate.

    "Staged weather crisis"... "weather manipulation." Wow. You're really diving deep into the Conspiracy Theory pool now, eh? Let's just say for a moment that mankind COULD conjure up tsunamis, destructive earthquakes, and (OMG)... hurricanes. To what end? Who's behind this maniacal weather manipulation? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they target the victims of say... a major hurricane? Damn.

    You "doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural"... so you must have some theory about how exactly does one conjure up and use a major hurricane or a tsunami as a weapon and direct it toward a desired target. Double damn.

    Food shortages... yeah. I think everyone understands that these can result from political forces and manipulation, as well as major climactic events. So I'll give you that one.

    But back to the COVID "scam". Let's go on your premise that COVID never existed and was just a globally colossal scam. A scam, mind you... that required the unprecedented coordination of governments around the world. A "pulling of the wool over our eyes" of EPIC proportions, complete with fake death numbers... fake scientific data PURPOSELY disseminated by many thousands of corrupt health professionals in a PERFECTLY choreographed song and dance that fooled the entire world. Damn... it hurts me even to write these words. But I'll go along with your wild beliefs just to get to my point.

    Let's say it's ALL BEEN FAKE.

    You said this: "the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled"

    So what "chaos and disorder" was caused by COVID that must now be furthered by this supposedly "new" scam?

    "Because that's how people are controlled..." I see. But again... I continue to live my life as usual. I got sick in November of 2020, with the exact same symptoms as those always described for COVID. But that's besides the point. Whether I had COVID or not (according to you)... I got sick. That much is again not up for debate. At some point I got my vaccines. So did the rest of my family. We're all doing fine, thank you. I go where I want... whenever I want... however I want... and my liberties and freedoms have not been curtailed. Again... the judge of that is ME.

    peoples freedoms & liberties have been stripped away. just because you haven't been affected doesn't mean others haven't. i personally know people that have lost businesses because of restrictions & lockdowns. i also know people that have had their travel restricted or healthcare restricted. i know nurses that have lost their jobs because they refused to get a vaccine. it hasn't affected me because i live like a free man & do not comply to another persons orders but other people have not been so lucky. but it has created black free markets that have been operating outside the system. weather manipulation has been around for years. i actually worked for a company over here after i left the service that did cloud seeding. we worked with people from around the world on different weather projects. but that is my own experience. you will have to investigate for yourself. it is admitted that america manipulated the weather in the vietnam war. i've heard about tesla's earth quake machine claims. to what end you ask. to keep people in fear. people who are afraid are easily controlled. i see a digital currency being introduced that can track every transaction you make. maybe the qr code tracking system is tweaked & stays in place. i know we are already tracked by our phones & credit cards but cash & not taking your phone out with you makes that harder to do. your freedoms have been chipped away over many years. just look at what flying internationally before nine eleven was like to now. hope you had taken a trip before then & after & can compare the difference. over here most of our guns are gone because of the bullshit port arthur massacre. never let a crisis go to waste
    Why is the Port Arthur Massacre, bullshit?
    I am sure it doesn't feel like that for the victims and their families.
    there is so much wrong with the story that is presented. i don't have time to bring you up to speed. there is still information online that can help you with some of the inconsistencies
    I didn't ask you about other people's beliefs, I asked you what you knew. You seem to be much more keen on hiding all this special knowledge you claim to have than sharing it.
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  5. #20
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled

    It's tough to even know where to start with this one. "Liberties and freedoms." Well... speaking for myself, I honestly have not had any discernible liberties or freedoms "chipped away" that I know of. And since it's MY perception that counts regarding MY liberties... that point isn't even up for debate.

    "Staged weather crisis"... "weather manipulation." Wow. You're really diving deep into the Conspiracy Theory pool now, eh? Let's just say for a moment that mankind COULD conjure up tsunamis, destructive earthquakes, and (OMG)... hurricanes. To what end? Who's behind this maniacal weather manipulation? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they target the victims of say... a major hurricane? Damn.

    You "doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural"... so you must have some theory about how exactly does one conjure up and use a major hurricane or a tsunami as a weapon and direct it toward a desired target. Double damn.

    Food shortages... yeah. I think everyone understands that these can result from political forces and manipulation, as well as major climactic events. So I'll give you that one.

    But back to the COVID "scam". Let's go on your premise that COVID never existed and was just a globally colossal scam. A scam, mind you... that required the unprecedented coordination of governments around the world. A "pulling of the wool over our eyes" of EPIC proportions, complete with fake death numbers... fake scientific data PURPOSELY disseminated by many thousands of corrupt health professionals in a PERFECTLY choreographed song and dance that fooled the entire world. Damn... it hurts me even to write these words. But I'll go along with your wild beliefs just to get to my point.

    Let's say it's ALL BEEN FAKE.

    You said this: "the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled"

    So what "chaos and disorder" was caused by COVID that must now be furthered by this supposedly "new" scam?

    "Because that's how people are controlled..." I see. But again... I continue to live my life as usual. I got sick in November of 2020, with the exact same symptoms as those always described for COVID. But that's besides the point. Whether I had COVID or not (according to you)... I got sick. That much is again not up for debate. At some point I got my vaccines. So did the rest of my family. We're all doing fine, thank you. I go where I want... whenever I want... however I want... and my liberties and freedoms have not been curtailed. Again... the judge of that is ME.

    peoples freedoms & liberties have been stripped away. just because you haven't been affected doesn't mean others haven't. i personally know people that have lost businesses because of restrictions & lockdowns. i also know people that have had their travel restricted or healthcare restricted. i know nurses that have lost their jobs because they refused to get a vaccine. it hasn't affected me because i live like a free man & do not comply to another persons orders but other people have not been so lucky. but it has created black free markets that have been operating outside the system. weather manipulation has been around for years. i actually worked for a company over here after i left the service that did cloud seeding. we worked with people from around the world on different weather projects. but that is my own experience. you will have to investigate for yourself. it is admitted that america manipulated the weather in the vietnam war. i've heard about tesla's earth quake machine claims. to what end you ask. to keep people in fear. people who are afraid are easily controlled. i see a digital currency being introduced that can track every transaction you make. maybe the qr code tracking system is tweaked & stays in place. i know we are already tracked by our phones & credit cards but cash & not taking your phone out with you makes that harder to do. your freedoms have been chipped away over many years. just look at what flying internationally before nine eleven was like to now. hope you had taken a trip before then & after & can compare the difference. over here most of our guns are gone because of the bullshit port arthur massacre. never let a crisis go to waste
    Why is the Port Arthur Massacre, bullshit?
    I am sure it doesn't feel like that for the victims and their families.
    there is so much wrong with the story that is presented. i don't have time to bring you up to speed. there is still information online that can help you with some of the inconsistencies
    I didn't ask you about other people's beliefs, I asked you what you knew. You seem to be much more keen on hiding all this special knowledge you claim to have than sharing it.
    i don't know because i wasn't there. i know the story that was presented is full of inconsistencies & when you pick the story apart many lies are shown. i'm not here to hold your hand. if it interests you go & do a deep dive
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled

    It's tough to even know where to start with this one. "Liberties and freedoms." Well... speaking for myself, I honestly have not had any discernible liberties or freedoms "chipped away" that I know of. And since it's MY perception that counts regarding MY liberties... that point isn't even up for debate.

    "Staged weather crisis"... "weather manipulation." Wow. You're really diving deep into the Conspiracy Theory pool now, eh? Let's just say for a moment that mankind COULD conjure up tsunamis, destructive earthquakes, and (OMG)... hurricanes. To what end? Who's behind this maniacal weather manipulation? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they target the victims of say... a major hurricane? Damn.

    You "doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural"... so you must have some theory about how exactly does one conjure up and use a major hurricane or a tsunami as a weapon and direct it toward a desired target. Double damn.

    Food shortages... yeah. I think everyone understands that these can result from political forces and manipulation, as well as major climactic events. So I'll give you that one.

    But back to the COVID "scam". Let's go on your premise that COVID never existed and was just a globally colossal scam. A scam, mind you... that required the unprecedented coordination of governments around the world. A "pulling of the wool over our eyes" of EPIC proportions, complete with fake death numbers... fake scientific data PURPOSELY disseminated by many thousands of corrupt health professionals in a PERFECTLY choreographed song and dance that fooled the entire world. Damn... it hurts me even to write these words. But I'll go along with your wild beliefs just to get to my point.

    Let's say it's ALL BEEN FAKE.

    You said this: "the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled"

    So what "chaos and disorder" was caused by COVID that must now be furthered by this supposedly "new" scam?

    "Because that's how people are controlled..." I see. But again... I continue to live my life as usual. I got sick in November of 2020, with the exact same symptoms as those always described for COVID. But that's besides the point. Whether I had COVID or not (according to you)... I got sick. That much is again not up for debate. At some point I got my vaccines. So did the rest of my family. We're all doing fine, thank you. I go where I want... whenever I want... however I want... and my liberties and freedoms have not been curtailed. Again... the judge of that is ME.


    He gives himself plenty of outs!
    i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's.

    Hurricane hits...well told ya.
    If Nothing does...well he did say there could be (space wars)

    Ok. Gosh darnit, what war in space will cause havoc on this planet? It's in SPACE! Amazing how government is complicit, but not the president in USA that saw this all unfold.

    Now, to the thread topic starter's credit- I think it is a global governing conspiracy. But I can't ignore the leader who presided in power and decided that the 1st thing to do was agree with WHO & NWO- in case of virus- shutdown the global economy. Who are they to tell the Prez what to do economically? And he listened?

    That would have been around #375 to #1,412 on my list of what-to-dos in the event of a virus outbreak.

    Thanks for your quoting of the thread- as I dont read all of the posts,- when you recited: it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up,
    Only then did I grasp how the knowledge is unfolding on picks of what is to come; It is based on (probably) & (probably)

    Or can I call it ...
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  7. #22
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled
    So what you gonna do about it kid? You’re the one with all the knowledge, give us your masterplan.
    where did i say i had all the knowledge & a masterplan?
    You never. You just whinged and moaned and moaned and whinged. But if you don’t have any knowledge or a masterplan, why even bother starting a thread?
    Why start a thread about something you, by your own admission don’t have any knowledge on the subject ?
    are you ok? you seem to be making things up which is unusual for you. usually you & i can discuss things based on what each of says. i never whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i just mentioned that freedoms & liberties are being whittled away. advised preparation. asked what the next crisis could be. gave some possible suggestions. gave my prediction & ideas. is there something wrong with making predictions? i never said i don't have any knowledge or any plans. i started the thread to see other opinions on the next possible crisis. i never admitted i don't have any knowledge on the subject. just refuted your statement that claimed i had all the knowledge. i do have plans, i wouldn't call them master plans. depending where they discussion goes i may share some of those ideas
    I’m good thanks, appreciate you asking though. You didn’t say that you didn’t have any knowledge , but you didn’t say you did?
    Infact , you said a lot without saying much at all, which is one of your strong pints.
    However, if one Protesteth sufficiently to say “I never said I had any knowledge” I legitimately came to the conclusion that you didn’t have any knowledge. Otherwise why protest so vehemently?
    Now if everybody used your technique for debating, where would we be?
    “I didn’t say I didn’t believe in Covid” “I didn’t say I did believe in Covid.”
    “I didn’t say you can catch this through the air” “I didn’t say you can’t catch this through the air”
    I get the feeling you don’t know if you’re Arthur or Martha!
    you claimed i whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i disagree with you. you said i had all the knowledge. no one has all the knowledge so i corrected you. by my correcting you on your use of the word all you went on to assume that meant i didn't have any knowledge or plans. you then lied & said i admitted i don't have any knowledge & you are mis-quoting me. where did i say "i never said i had any knowledge". i am just interested in honest discussion.
    Come on now, this is too much!!!
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled

    It's tough to even know where to start with this one. "Liberties and freedoms." Well... speaking for myself, I honestly have not had any discernible liberties or freedoms "chipped away" that I know of. And since it's MY perception that counts regarding MY liberties... that point isn't even up for debate.

    "Staged weather crisis"... "weather manipulation." Wow. You're really diving deep into the Conspiracy Theory pool now, eh? Let's just say for a moment that mankind COULD conjure up tsunamis, destructive earthquakes, and (OMG)... hurricanes. To what end? Who's behind this maniacal weather manipulation? What are they trying to accomplish? How do they target the victims of say... a major hurricane? Damn.

    You "doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural"... so you must have some theory about how exactly does one conjure up and use a major hurricane or a tsunami as a weapon and direct it toward a desired target. Double damn.

    Food shortages... yeah. I think everyone understands that these can result from political forces and manipulation, as well as major climactic events. So I'll give you that one.

    But back to the COVID "scam". Let's go on your premise that COVID never existed and was just a globally colossal scam. A scam, mind you... that required the unprecedented coordination of governments around the world. A "pulling of the wool over our eyes" of EPIC proportions, complete with fake death numbers... fake scientific data PURPOSELY disseminated by many thousands of corrupt health professionals in a PERFECTLY choreographed song and dance that fooled the entire world. Damn... it hurts me even to write these words. But I'll go along with your wild beliefs just to get to my point.

    Let's say it's ALL BEEN FAKE.

    You said this: "the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled"

    So what "chaos and disorder" was caused by COVID that must now be furthered by this supposedly "new" scam?

    "Because that's how people are controlled..." I see. But again... I continue to live my life as usual. I got sick in November of 2020, with the exact same symptoms as those always described for COVID. But that's besides the point. Whether I had COVID or not (according to you)... I got sick. That much is again not up for debate. At some point I got my vaccines. So did the rest of my family. We're all doing fine, thank you. I go where I want... whenever I want... however I want... and my liberties and freedoms have not been curtailed. Again... the judge of that is ME.


    He gives himself plenty of outs!
    i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's.

    Hurricane hits...well told ya.
    If Nothing does...well he did say there could be (space wars)

    Ok. Gosh darnit, what war in space will cause havoc on this planet? It's in SPACE! Amazing how government is complicit, but not the president in USA that saw this all unfold.

    Now, to the thread topic starter's credit- I think it is a global governing conspiracy. But I can't ignore the leader who presided in power and decided that the 1st thing to do was agree with WHO & NWO- in case of virus- shutdown the global economy. Who are they to tell the Prez what to do economically? And he listened?

    That would have been around #375 to #1,412 on my list of what-to-dos in the event of a virus outbreak.

    Thanks for your quoting of the thread- as I dont read all of the posts,- when you recited: it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up,
    Only then did I grasp how the knowledge is unfolding on picks of what is to come; It is based on (probably) & (probably)

    Or can I call it ...
    i stated these are just ideas & thoughts to discuss. is there something wrong with trying to make predictions? why would they need a space force if it's just in space? more & more countries are entering the space industry. donald is just playing his part. i can only talk about my knowledge around cloud seeding & weather manipulation techniques & technologies that i have been apart of. it is a rapidly changing industry & i have no idea what technologies the government & military may have access to, so my knowledge may be far behind what is current. i am just looking to stimulate some honest, interesting discussion on future possibilities
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled
    So what you gonna do about it kid? You’re the one with all the knowledge, give us your masterplan.
    where did i say i had all the knowledge & a masterplan?
    You never. You just whinged and moaned and moaned and whinged. But if you don’t have any knowledge or a masterplan, why even bother starting a thread?
    Why start a thread about something you, by your own admission don’t have any knowledge on the subject ?
    are you ok? you seem to be making things up which is unusual for you. usually you & i can discuss things based on what each of says. i never whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i just mentioned that freedoms & liberties are being whittled away. advised preparation. asked what the next crisis could be. gave some possible suggestions. gave my prediction & ideas. is there something wrong with making predictions? i never said i don't have any knowledge or any plans. i started the thread to see other opinions on the next possible crisis. i never admitted i don't have any knowledge on the subject. just refuted your statement that claimed i had all the knowledge. i do have plans, i wouldn't call them master plans. depending where they discussion goes i may share some of those ideas
    I’m good thanks, appreciate you asking though. You didn’t say that you didn’t have any knowledge , but you didn’t say you did?
    Infact , you said a lot without saying much at all, which is one of your strong pints.
    However, if one Protesteth sufficiently to say “I never said I had any knowledge” I legitimately came to the conclusion that you didn’t have any knowledge. Otherwise why protest so vehemently?
    Now if everybody used your technique for debating, where would we be?
    “I didn’t say I didn’t believe in Covid” “I didn’t say I did believe in Covid.”
    “I didn’t say you can catch this through the air” “I didn’t say you can’t catch this through the air”
    I get the feeling you don’t know if you’re Arthur or Martha!
    you claimed i whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i disagree with you. you said i had all the knowledge. no one has all the knowledge so i corrected you. by my correcting you on your use of the word all you went on to assume that meant i didn't have any knowledge or plans. you then lied & said i admitted i don't have any knowledge & you are mis-quoting me. where did i say "i never said i had any knowledge". i am just interested in honest discussion.
    Come on now, this is too much!!!
    you have been the one lying in this thread
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  10. #25
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    At least with a space force they can verify for all the nutters that the Earth is not flat. But of course they'd once again be taking the Governments word for it

  11. #26
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled
    So what you gonna do about it kid? You’re the one with all the knowledge, give us your masterplan.
    where did i say i had all the knowledge & a masterplan?
    You never. You just whinged and moaned and moaned and whinged. But if you don’t have any knowledge or a masterplan, why even bother starting a thread?
    Why start a thread about something you, by your own admission don’t have any knowledge on the subject ?
    are you ok? you seem to be making things up which is unusual for you. usually you & i can discuss things based on what each of says. i never whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i just mentioned that freedoms & liberties are being whittled away. advised preparation. asked what the next crisis could be. gave some possible suggestions. gave my prediction & ideas. is there something wrong with making predictions? i never said i don't have any knowledge or any plans. i started the thread to see other opinions on the next possible crisis. i never admitted i don't have any knowledge on the subject. just refuted your statement that claimed i had all the knowledge. i do have plans, i wouldn't call them master plans. depending where they discussion goes i may share some of those ideas
    I’m good thanks, appreciate you asking though. You didn’t say that you didn’t have any knowledge , but you didn’t say you did?
    Infact , you said a lot without saying much at all, which is one of your strong pints.
    However, if one Protesteth sufficiently to say “I never said I had any knowledge” I legitimately came to the conclusion that you didn’t have any knowledge. Otherwise why protest so vehemently?
    Now if everybody used your technique for debating, where would we be?
    “I didn’t say I didn’t believe in Covid” “I didn’t say I did believe in Covid.”
    “I didn’t say you can catch this through the air” “I didn’t say you can’t catch this through the air”
    I get the feeling you don’t know if you’re Arthur or Martha!
    you claimed i whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i disagree with you. you said i had all the knowledge. no one has all the knowledge so i corrected you. by my correcting you on your use of the word all you went on to assume that meant i didn't have any knowledge or plans. you then lied & said i admitted i don't have any knowledge & you are mis-quoting me. where did i say "i never said i had any knowledge". i am just interested in honest discussion.
    Come on now, this is too much!!!
    you have been the one lying in this thread
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

  12. #27
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    There is already evidence of a world wide scam perpetrated on a huge section of humanity.

    Big business has essentially led the way for years on this one, and they have been aided and abetted by the Church, politicians, the elite and even scientists at NASA.

    Even more scarily, THERE IS NO PLAN. Nothing s written down that would prove it, no meetings are held where minutes are taken. Many of the protagonists dont even know each other - yet they coalesce and work together because their interests are aligned.

    This deceit is sophisticated and old, it has taken over most of the world. The most successful fallacy ever created. Look at it ...... I give you:

    Santa Claus.
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Question Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    But rest assured, O my brothers. X is here and he will save you with his scientific expertise.

    I have already proven, as many of you will know, that Covid exists and can be isolated and that it can be caught through the air and from surfaces. This you well know from another thread (bow before my brilliance, you simplistic amoebas!)

    I will now turn the laser focus of my gaze upon Santa. My piercing and stern scientific rigour is like the Eye of Mordor. Except it looks less like a penis.

    I found an unwashed man just before Christmas shouting on a street corner and drinking Tennans Extra. He said that he was Santa Claus when i asked him what he was doing and why he appeared to have soiled himself while lying on his bench.

    He is now also in my garage. He has been there for some months now so is nearly thin enough to fit through my sieve.

    He s completely isolatd in there, and once i can pass him through my sieve to ensure any extraneous contamination is removed, i am going to see if you can catch Santa (or parts of him) through the air or from a surface.

    Rest assured, my brethren ..... the scienc of X will resolve this and many other questions for you. Fear not.
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

  15. #30
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    Default Re: the scam is over. what's next?

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TIC View Post
    the plandemic has run it's course. it has been stretched as far as it possibly could. your liberties & freedoms are being chipped away bit by bit. so be ready for the next one. so what is the next crisis that is coming up? some sort of orchestrated war between two main forces? or even staged weather crisis? aliens? space war or accident, food shortage, take your pick. i'm picking a weather manipulation climate crisis. more tsunami's, earthquakes, wild fires, floods, hurricanes, tornado's. i doubt these so called natural disasters will be natural. the current scam is crumbling & there must be a change of course & it is probably being done already & will probably ramp up, intentionally, on purpose, to create more chaos, more crisis, more disorder, because that's how people are controlled
    So what you gonna do about it kid? You’re the one with all the knowledge, give us your masterplan.
    where did i say i had all the knowledge & a masterplan?
    You never. You just whinged and moaned and moaned and whinged. But if you don’t have any knowledge or a masterplan, why even bother starting a thread?
    Why start a thread about something you, by your own admission don’t have any knowledge on the subject ?
    are you ok? you seem to be making things up which is unusual for you. usually you & i can discuss things based on what each of says. i never whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i just mentioned that freedoms & liberties are being whittled away. advised preparation. asked what the next crisis could be. gave some possible suggestions. gave my prediction & ideas. is there something wrong with making predictions? i never said i don't have any knowledge or any plans. i started the thread to see other opinions on the next possible crisis. i never admitted i don't have any knowledge on the subject. just refuted your statement that claimed i had all the knowledge. i do have plans, i wouldn't call them master plans. depending where they discussion goes i may share some of those ideas
    I’m good thanks, appreciate you asking though. You didn’t say that you didn’t have any knowledge , but you didn’t say you did?
    Infact , you said a lot without saying much at all, which is one of your strong pints.
    However, if one Protesteth sufficiently to say “I never said I had any knowledge” I legitimately came to the conclusion that you didn’t have any knowledge. Otherwise why protest so vehemently?
    Now if everybody used your technique for debating, where would we be?
    “I didn’t say I didn’t believe in Covid” “I didn’t say I did believe in Covid.”
    “I didn’t say you can catch this through the air” “I didn’t say you can’t catch this through the air”
    I get the feeling you don’t know if you’re Arthur or Martha!
    you claimed i whinged & moaned & whinged & moaned. i disagree with you. you said i had all the knowledge. no one has all the knowledge so i corrected you. by my correcting you on your use of the word all you went on to assume that meant i didn't have any knowledge or plans. you then lied & said i admitted i don't have any knowledge & you are mis-quoting me. where did i say "i never said i had any knowledge". i am just interested in honest discussion.
    Come on now, this is too much!!!
    you have been the one lying in this thread
    you are just not capable of having an honest conversation based on what you know, have verified & proven for yourself to be true
    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

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