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Thread: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

  1. #16
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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    ...knowing you'll never alter your extremist views on race.
    I don't have extremist views on race.

    Hmm..... saying over and over that EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST is extremist. Sooo... there's that.

    you can't fathom that some one that does not see the world the way you do.

    What.... that there might be some white people out there who are NOT white supremacists and who abhor racism as much as you do? Yeah... you goddamn right. We DON'T see the world the same way.

    Of the 2000 hate groups less than 1% are based on Black hate towards whites and over 90% are based on whites hating blacks. Go figure.

    Yeah? And your point? Nobody here is arguing that there are more black groups hating whites than the other way around. "Deflection", I think that's called. Stick to the point.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's also be clear. John Lewis did more to attempt to advance the cause of blacks in society in any given hour of any 24-hour day of his entire life, than you can ever hope to do in a million lifetimes.
    What did John Lewis for black people after he was elected to congress ? He was a united states congressman for 30 years.

    What did he do ?

    Oh... do you mean HOW MANY BUILDINGS DID HE BURN DOWN OR HOW MANY WHITE PEOPLE HE SHOT? Well...... I guess according to YOUR definition, he didn't do shit.
    If you were a level-headed adult and were to ask the same question, I'd say he was a major influence in the civil rights movement and a presence in Congress that served to remind people of the importance of racial relations.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Lewis was a decent man, who fought and struggled against the remnants of slavery and the white superiority complex that has followed throughout the next couple of centuries.
    What are you talking about ?

    If I have to translate that, I can't help you.

    Black people (generally) don't care how white people think. Black people care about what white people do.

    Au contraire. Blacks care very much about what white people think.... because what white people THINK eventually govern what they DO and HOW and WHY they do it. A bit nuanced, I know..... but try and keep up.
    Example: A white person who is FORCED to accept employment quotas in his company can still THINK as a racist asshole and deny blacks at every opportunity. A white person who GENUINELY thinks every man on Earth deserves the same rights and opportunities does NOT NEED superficial quotas to do the right thing. In fact, he can NOT COMPLY with the quotas a any given time because maybe that month there weren't enough QUALIFIED black candidates..... but 6 months down the road he could have DOUBLE THE QUOTA not because he's forced to hire blacks..... but because he found a bunch of qualified black candidates.

    Are you going to ask me what I'm talking about again?

    Remnants of slavery ? What are you talking about ?

    Again with the damn question. If I have to double-explain things to you every time I write, I'm wasting my time even more than I already am.
    Slavery was abolished... we all know that. Yet the mindset in many whites, passed on from generation from generation, is that blacks remain somewhat inferior. That is in itself what drives much of the racism today.
    Now stop me if I'm going too fast.

    Look. Whenever black people rose up, John Lewis was to be the good negro who would get out there and say "Well you shouldn't be rioting now. You should nt be burned down stuff now" John Lewis did nothing for black people and he dined out on being attacked in Selma on the Edmund Pettus bridge for 50 years.

    Well that's your opinion and again..... seems you would've rather Lewis burned down a few buildings or shot up a few white people. But then again he wouldn't have been a "Congressman for 30 years."

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    His goal was non-violence, yes. But let me put a question to you.

    What do you think would have had more of a chance to obtain the civil rights reforms that finally resulted in the 60's (knowing there is a LOT more to go).............

    a) non-violence like Lewis preached?
    b) violence like you seem to prefer?

    You honestly think that a bunch of Malcolm X's on their own without the balance provided by the MLK's and John Lewises of the world would've achieved the equality you speak of?
    So you're saying that white people in the 60's woke up one day and said "Hey !! We're tired of this racism. We are gonna play the game straight with black people and give them a proper slice of the cake. That John Lewis just made me see sense"

    Somewhere in a past post I talked about the BALANCE needed between the John Lewises/MLKs of the nation..... and the Malcolm X types. But I guess you skipped that part while reading with your blinders on.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'll ask again... what have YOU done with your life that qualifies you to criticize a great human being like John Lewis?
    Adolf Hitler has done more in his life than I have done in a million lifetimes. What's your point ?

    Does that mean Hitler is above questioning ?

    THIS is an incredibly MORONIC analogy and to give you the benefit of the doubt I'm sure you regretted writing it later.

    I could've shot down your entire post, but at some point you become repetitive and it ain't worth the effort.

    In summary.......

    1. You've got the unmitigated gall of questioning your extremism, while all the while claiming EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON ON EARTH IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST. That alone speaks volumes.

    2. Black people DO care what white people think... which eventually translates into what white people DO. (Also, I should add that if you're going to speak for ALL BLACK PEOPLE then I'll need to see some sort of qualification.)

    3. You dismiss Lewis because he wasn't a militant black man. That's your right. Doesn't mean he DIDN'T DO ANYTHING. But again... that's YOUR OPINION and you're free to dismiss him because he didn't spend his life burning buildings and killing white people.

    4. Whatever good points you may be trying to make (like NoSaving sympathetically said) are immediately lost when you write an ASININE ANALOGY MENTIONING HITLER.

    In fact..... it is ME who should ask you at this juncture......................... What the FUCK are you talking about??
    Last edited by TitoFan; 07-23-2020 at 03:09 PM.

  2. #17
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I have to admit, Denilson raises a lot of good points. I will look into Lewis and see now in my research if he can be found to be a useless congressman.

    Also, its good to question things.

    I think though what the others in this thread are saying, is that this was a tribute thread and somehow it got turned into white vs black again.....
    Oh I am looking SO forward to your research

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I have to admit, Denilson raises a lot of good points. I will look into Lewis and see now in my research if he can be found to be a useless congressman.

    Also, its good to question things.

    I think though what the others in this thread are saying, is that this was a tribute thread and somehow it got turned into white vs black again.....
    so here is my research:

    ***1961 participated in sit-ins, mass meetings and the landmark “Freedom Rides” of 1961 that tested racial segregation in the South.

    ***1963 helped register Black people to vote, helped Martin Luther King Jr. organize the March on Washington, arrested for the first of more than 40 times, for civil rights activities in Selma.

    ***March 7, 1965: Lewis is beaten by an Alabama state trooper while attempting to lead an estimated 600 voting rights marchers out of Selma on the way to Montgomery in an violent confrontation now known as Bloody Sunday. He spends two days in a hospital.

    ***March 21-25, 1965: Lewis joins thousands of others during the Selma-to-Montgomery voting rights march.

    ***1971: Lewis takes over as executive director of the Voter Education Project, a program of the Southern Regional Council.


    ***2001: Lewis receives the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award for Lifetime Achievement, one of a multitude of honors, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, presented by President Barack Obama in 2011.

    I will say however, that once he was elected in 1981 to Atlanta City Council, he became a lot less active and became more like a career beaurocrat and politician, re-elected 16 times and becoming somewhat complacent, facing almost zero competition or opposition, quite like Cummings there in Baltimore, so I can see that Blacks may feel disappointed in his efforts from lets say 1981 onwards.

  4. #19
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Oh a tiger, that should pique Denilson's interest

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Oh a tiger, that should pique Denilson's interest
    That was a coincidence, but that is a good point, doesnt he use tiger analogies quite a bit?

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If you were a level-headed adult and were to ask the same question, I'd say he was a major influence in the civil rights movement and a presence in Congress that served to remind people of the importance of racial relations.[/COLOR][/B]
    You keep on insisting that John Lewis was a titan in the progress for black people and in congress.

    OK. Show me some evidence.

    You haven't really thought this through .......have you ?

    He was a black man who refused to be a public advocate for black people. A congressman introduces bills and resolutions, offer amendments and serve on committees.

    What bills did he do for black people ? What resolutions ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    ...knowing you'll never alter your extremist views on race.
    I don't have extremist views on race.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Hmm..... saying over and over that EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST is extremist. Sooo... there's that.
    There is nothing extreme about that.

    All white people raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have soaked up elements of racist thinking. So in countries where beliefs in European/white superiority and domination have been historically placed will have soaked up some of that conditioning. As I've said before if they can condition people to to believe to that certain brands of paper to wash your ass are superior to others then they can just as easily do that with race.

    Just because you called yourself after a black boxer "Felix Trindad" doesn't mean anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    you can't fathom that some one that does not see the world the way you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    What.... that there might be some white people out there who are NOT white supremacists and who abhor racism as much as you do? Yeah... you goddamn right. We DON'T see the world the same way.
    Just because some white people say they abhor racism doesn't mean they are gonna do anything about it.

    The truth is blacks imagine little. Discrimination in hiring, housing and education has been well documented. The government should take forceful action to end it as it goes against the value of equal opportunity for all regardless of race.

    I've never met a white person who talks like that.

    At best they will admit to discrimination but then discount its effects. Or they will say they believe in equality of opportunity but then find reasons to oppose any policy with the teeth to achieve it.

    How come these so called good white folk are never in the courtroom ? They are no where to be seen when another cop walks free for killing a black person.

    I don't see white Brazilians angry at the wretched condition black Brazilians are living in.
    I don't see white Columbians angry at the wretched condition black Columbians are living in.

    All over S.America black people are getting shot and killed by the police like it's call of duty. White Latinos aren't doing anything to stop that.

    So tell me were are all these good white folk who you say abhor racism when that sh*t goes down ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Of the 2000 hate groups less than 1% are based on Black hate towards whites and over 90% are based on whites hating blacks. Go figure.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yeah? And your point? Nobody here is arguing that there are more black groups hating whites than the other way around. "Deflection", I think that's called. Stick to the point.
    You need to improve your reading skills.

    I said there are more groups of whites hating black people not blacks groups hating whites.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Black people (generally) don't care how white people think. Black people care about what white people do.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Au contraire. Blacks care very much about what white people think
    OK. So you are an expert on how black people think ? So what qualifies you to be expert on what goes on in black people's minds ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    .... because what white people THINK eventually govern what they DO and HOW and WHY they do it. A bit nuanced, I know..... but try and keep up.
    But in Europe and America black people know how white people think far more that the other way around.

    Why ?

    Because in Europe and America black people deal and interact with white people far more than white people interact with black people. We know how white people and non black people think of black people. We focus on what whites do

    George Floyds protests were about what white people do.

    For one - White people have the loudest stereo. So they control what is seen as the truth. The BBC, CNN, New York Times, The Wikipedia, Hollywood, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, Penguin books, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, scientific journals, museums.

    Less than 22% of the world is white.
    Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
    Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.

    Yet they run they run nearly all the main bits of the Global Talking Machine. So black people don't have a counter media system to go against that and change their thinking. There are books, films, blogs websites, speakers on racism. That has made little impact on the minds of white people as far as racism is concerned.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Example: A white person who is FORCED to accept employment quotas in his company can still THINK as a racist asshole and deny blacks at every opportunity.
    There's no company that's forced to hire black pppl. That's just a common white supremacist talking point. I'm pretty sure you know that a white person with a criminal record is more likely to get the job than a black people who is totally clean

    I'm pretty sure you know this.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    A white person who GENUINELY thinks every man on Earth deserves the same rights and opportunities does NOT NEED superficial quotas to do the right thing. In fact, he can NOT COMPLY with the quotas a any given time because maybe that month there weren't enough QUALIFIED black candidates..... but 6 months down the road he could have DOUBLE THE QUOTA not because he's forced to hire blacks..... but because he found a bunch of qualified black candidates.
    Racism towards black people in employment is rife and I'm pretty sure it's done by people who would think "every man on earth deserves the same rights"

    Racism makes you blind to racism and not notice.

    Blacks have twice the unemployment rate of whites? "There must be something wrong with blacks"
    Whites live in neighbourhoods that are over 90% white? "It's natural to want to live with one’s own"
    Black men in prison ? "Stats show that black people commit most crimes"

    Even before you get a job, the system is set up so black people struggle to qualify for that job because whites can say anything to applying black students "your application was late" "it got lost" "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

    Our black ass is not getting in - No matter what.

    They reserve over 60% of seats for white students at most schools, graduate and undergraduate and then about 10-20% for Asians and Indians.

    And even with all that advantage whites cheat all the time.

    There was a scandal were at least 33 rich white people were buying admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities.
    The ringleader paid tens of millions of dollars to ensure admission for his clients' children.

    They're letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

    We're taking no one's spots in education or employment trust me.

    You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs. Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

    Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous.
    Last edited by Denilson3.0; 07-25-2020 at 08:57 PM.

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's also be clear. John Lewis did more to attempt to advance the cause of blacks in society in any given hour of any 24-hour day of his entire life, than you can ever hope to do in a million lifetimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    What did John Lewis for black people after he was elected to congress ? He was a united states congressman for 30 years.

    What did he do ?
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Oh... do you mean HOW MANY BUILDINGS DID HE BURN DOWN OR HOW MANY WHITE PEOPLE HE SHOT? Well...... I guess according to YOUR definition, he didn't do shit.
    Black people have made more progress in the last two months than John Lewis made in five decades and it did not require one vote.

    When Joe Biden was in congress I can list numerous bills he introduced his 1994 and 1985 Crime Bill. His three strikes law.

    They were things Joe Biden done and in effect it was done to harm black people.

    What did John Lewis do ?

    His mantra was "Dam. Black folk. I've gotta my little nitch. I'm invited to all these fancy cocktail parties. I sit in congress looking important. I've got a little bit of status and I get nice chunk of change in my account every month...Dam black folk"

    For example Native Americans get all types of federal funds for them.

    There are dozens of federal grants SPECIFICALLY for NATIVE AMERICANS. There are ZERO federal grants specifically for Black Americans

    In fact Native Americans hate black people.

    But show me a similar thing John Lewis done for black people ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Slavery was abolished... we all know that.
    No. It wasn't. Chattel slavery was and of course once slavery ended. Racism just stopped. Right ? Slavery was just one stage of white supremacy.
    Slavery was merely a big part of a system of white supremacy (e.g. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, etc.) that explicitly and overtly benefitted whites economically, socially and legally well into the 1970s.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yet the mindset in many whites, passed on from generation from generation, is that blacks remain somewhat inferior. That is in itself what drives much of the racism today. Now stop me if I'm going too fast.[/COLOR][/B]
    White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

    That is the reason predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

    Why go to that trouble if whites believed black people are inferior?

    They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

    Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Look. Whenever black people rose up, John Lewis was to be the good negro who would get out there and say "Well you shouldn't be rioting now. You should nt be burned down stuff now" John Lewis did nothing for black people and he dined out on being attacked in Selma on the Edmund Pettus bridge for 50 years.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Well that's your opinion and again..... seems you would've rather Lewis burned down a few buildings or shot up a few white people. But then again he wouldn't have been a "Congressman for 30 years."
    He was congressman because he was good negro who got his orders from his white master who told him "Black issues don;t matter"

    TThey get these black politicians like Keisha Bottoms. Make them mayor but they take their orders from white folk, white handlers, the haggard Nancy Pelosi type and dangle the fact they could be vice president.

    That's the trick "O see black folk. We are not racist. I mean...there's black person there in that position....they're not gonna do anything, but you negros like to live vicariously....Don't you ?"
    Last edited by Denilson3.0; 07-25-2020 at 08:48 PM.

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    ...knowing you'll never alter your extremist views on race.
    I don't have extremist views on race.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Hmm..... saying over and over that EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST is extremist. Sooo... there's that.
    There is nothing extreme about that.

    All white people raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have soaked up elements of racist thinking. So in countries where beliefs in European/white superiority and domination have been historically placed will have soaked up some of that conditioning. As I've said before if they can condition people to to believe to that certain brands of paper to wash your ass are superior to others then they can just as easily do that with race.

    Just because you called yourself after a black boxer "Felix Trindad" doesn't mean anything.

    If you think there's nothing extreme about thinking that EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST, then we have little to discuss. I'll just pick off the most ridiculous statements you've made because frankly you're a waste of my time. "All white people raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have soaked up elements of racist thinking." The FUCK that even MEAN? Soaked up elements....... LMAO..... give me a fucking break. Tell me right NOW what qualifications you have in that extremist brain of yours to make an asinine statement like that. That's what I thought. People are individuals, peabrain. You do not speak for all of white humanity.

    BTW genius..... my being a fan of Trinidad isn't because he's black.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0
    you can't fathom that some one that does not see the world the way you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    What.... that there might be some white people out there who are NOT white supremacists and who abhor racism as much as you do? Yeah... you goddamn right. We DON'T see the world the same way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0
    Just because some white people say they abhor racism doesn't mean they are gonna do anything about it.

    ANOTHER "gem" from you. I abhor world hunger also, but individually I'm powerless to do anything about either. I abhor animal abuse, but I can't resolve every single incident of animal abuse.
    Every tidbit from you is just another piece of evidence of just how much of a deluded, racist, extremist, twisted and bitter individual you are.

    This is about as much as I'll get into your post.

    We've long ago established that:

    1. You're racist.

    2. You're an extremist.

    3. You're incapable of rational thought.

    4. You value your "victim card" more than you would any offspring you might have.... and they'll have to take it from your cold, dead, hands.

    5. You have psychological issues that are beyond the scope of this forum.

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Not getting in the way of this epic back-and-forth between Tito and Denilson, but it has always amazed me of just how different we humans can be, can see things a certain way, and I guess that is what keeps things lively; I mean, imagine for a minute if me, Tito, Denilson, TIC, ykdadamaja, slimtrae, palmerq, Brock, Beanz etc... ALL thought the same thing on Brexit, racism, Covid-19, Trump, .... you get the picture.

    Wouldn't exactly be a barn burner..... so I guess we take the various angles and sort of take it all in stride.... this world is getting more and more enigmatic as I type this. In fact I am pretty sure that whatever happens next, none of us will be all that surprised, the way things are going.

    Buckle up gentleman, its going to be a real fucking doozy of a ride from here on I suspect.

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    That was mighty white of you, NoSaving

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    That was mighty white of you, NoSaving
    Damn. I take it back lol

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    If you think there's nothing extreme about thinking that EVERY WHITE PERSON ON EARTH IS A WHITE SUPREMACIST, then we have little to discuss.
    Nothing extreme with that at all. In fact I'd say if white person is not racist then he is a miracle. Extremism would be if I was to say that all white people should be killed or claim that white people are an inferior race and should be made to live under the heel of the black race. That would be extreme.

    It's you who say stuff like

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Example: A white person who is FORCED to accept employment quotas in his company can still THINK as a racist asshole and deny blacks at every opportunity.
    Why is that white person in charge in the first place ?
    Why do you automatically assume the white person is in charge of black people ?
    Why are you more worried about what could happen than what has happened ?
    Why don't you name or show everyone these companies where they are letting these undeserving black people in ?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    A white person who GENUINELY thinks every man on Earth deserves the same rights and opportunities does NOT NEED superficial quotas to do the right thing.
    Yeah because white people always know what they're doing in regards to black people ? And trusting that white people will do the right thing by black people has really worked out for black people in the past.

    Right ? The fuck you talking about ?
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    In fact, he can NOT COMPLY with the quotas a any given time because maybe that month there weren't enough QUALIFIED black candidates..... but 6 months down the road he could have DOUBLE THE QUOTA not because he's forced to hire blacks..... but because he found a bunch of qualified black candidates.
    But here is the thing that you're not getting

    Who get's the job is a judgement call.

    Will this person “fit in” with the company?
    Do they have “enough” experience?
    Will they be able to relate to the customer base?

    Not to mention that a lot of jobs black people go for are usually taken by the fact that white old boy’s networks skew opportunity white anyway. And And of course, most jobs are never advertised at all. They are filled by word-of-mouth and networking: a process which gives whites another leg up.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    "All white people raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have soaked up elements of racist thinking." The FUCK that even MEAN? Soaked up elements....... LMAO..... give me a fucking break.
    Look at your arguments.

    What your worried about is black success. Worried about black people getting this of that job.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]Tell me right NOW what qualifications you have in that extremist brain of yours to make an asinine statement like that. That's what I thought.
    I am the qualification and so are the millions of black people the world over. If you still fail to understand what this means, then it's pointless to say anything to you.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    People are individuals, peabrain. You do not speak for all of white humanity.
    It's Whites who draw the line between themselves and everyone else. They are the ones who apply the colour line and all the injustice that goes with it. White are making themselves White and yet they do not want to be seen as White.

    This is the type of racism I prefer. Just let it out.

    Last edited by Denilson3.0; 07-28-2020 at 11:57 AM.

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    Default Re: John Lewis, civil rights icon, has died at 80

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post

    This is the type of racism I prefer. Just let it out.

    No. I'd rather bedevil you with my claims of not being racist so you can continue talking about tigers and war strategy.

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