Quote Originally Posted by Hurrican3

Jamoie, where you said for biceps to get bigger with my palms facing towards me what about Chin Ups? They're pretty hard to do alot of them so they should get my arms built? Well I'm assuming you mean that by pullups, I think some of the names of excersise are different depending on what country you're in.

As for Deadlifts, I'm not sure what they are? Never heard of that before, how do I do some deadlifts?

And as for my running, should I start running 5k or so each day along with the other excersises?

Yeah sorry i meant chin ups, theyre great for back and bicep muscles.

If you dont know what a deadlift is im not going to tell you. Not because im being mean, because its easy to hurt yourself if not done properly, so id rather you seek advice from someone at your gym if you can.

Yeah keep on running. Itll burn fat off of ya, but make sure you eat a lot of protein foods like chicken to keep that muscle coming.

Bench press aswell, good for your triceps, which will start to look small if you have big biceps.