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Thread: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

  1. #16
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    @Spicoli spot on call about Donte Stallworth also how many wife beaters are there in the NFL and they never have a hard time finding a gig.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You don't follow the NFL anymore, so you can be forgiven for the comparisons.

    Tim Tebow?? He of the shotput throwing motion? The one that takes 15 seconds to unfold? Nah.... He was given his breaks. Now he's off playing baseball.

    Johnny "I'm Sorry" Manziel?? The guy's been given more breaks than a 2-foot pretzel and he still doesn't get it that he can't be a lawless moron and still play in the NFL. Besides, being good in college doesn't always carry into the NFL.

    Yes, Colin IS different. For starters, he led his team to the Super Bowl after the 2012 season. How many Super Bowls have Tebow and Manziel led their teams to? I'll wait.........

    Yes, I get it. Colin represents the black resentment toward racism that you and Brock despise so much. That doesn't mean he's not entitled to his opinion, or to express given opinion. Or..... is that only reserved for marching KKK and White Supremacists groups? Kaepernick has done nothing..... I repeat..... NOTHING wrong. You, me, and the rest of civilization know that he's being held out of the NFL for his protests. No other reason.

    Would you calm down for just a second? Just take out the name, take out the emotion, take out everything but the FACTS and really think this through.

    Tim Tebow was not a Pro style QB he simply wasn't. However, dude took a 1-4 Broncos team to the Playoffs, a lot of that had to do with their defense but Tebow was the QB and they get credit for winning just like they get blame for losing. So say what you will, Tebow was a WINNER. And allow me to post this here from his Wikipedia: Despite his success with the Broncos—he compiled a record of 8–6 as a starting quarterback and led the team to the playoffs and a playoff win (after they started 1-4)—he did not start again in the NFL. No other quarterback under 30 in NFL history has won a playoff game and then never started another NFL game.....was THAT racism? was THAT bigotry? was THAT called out ever? NO! Given breaks my ass, he never started again, NEVER AGAIN!!!!! But he didn't whine or complain or bitch on social media, he wasn't a victim about it, he just moved on.

    Johnny Manziel another NOT Pro style QB. He was given 1 opportunity, play in Cleveland and he had off the field issues and also that entire team sucked but even if there were better players around him his off the field issues made his situation untenable in Cleveland or elsewhere.

    Now, as for Colin Kaepernick, 2012....that was his Super Bowl year where he started out as a backup/wildcat QB, Alex Smith goes down with a concussion and Colin got thrown in and he did very well I'm not going to lie, the stats show he did very very well (aided by a great running game and defense, but still credit where credit is due). 2013 he had a STELLAR year and in return the 49ers gave him a 6 year extension. HOWEVER once Jim Harbaugh left Colin Kaepernick didn't do so hot. Record under Jim Harbaugh 25-14 and after Harbaugh he's 3-16. In 2015 Kaep was benched for Blaine Gabbart (a younger more pure throwing Pro style QB albeit IMO not a "better" QB just a different one), Kaep eventually injured his shoulder and missed the rest of the season following week 10. After Jim Tomsula was fired in comes Chip Kelly (after a torrid time in Philly where he was called racist by some of the players whom he benched or traded) and of course there's turmoil in comes a new coach with a different offensive scheme, it's not uncommon to want to get "Your Guy" in at QB and apparently learning nothing from his time at Philly Chip Kelly gets the team to go 2-14 and was after THAT you figure "Well hey, maybe the 49ers will hire somebody to use Kaep to run their offense"......aaaaaand that's when Colin Kaepernick opted out of his deal because the 49ers were going to cut him because a QB that has gone 3-16 since the Harbaugh era ain't worth the kind of money they were giving him.

    You didn't answer my question @TitoFan Where would he start? Who should sign him?

    Nobody is begrudging anything Colin Kaepernick is saying or doing, there are plenty of players kneeling for the Anthem now, they're all still on teams. The entire St. Louis Rams team came out with the "Hands Up Don't Shoot" horseshit those guys are still playing even though they perpetuated a LIE. Tito, you've also failed to respond to Ray Lewis attempting to get the Ravens to sign Kaepernick but because Colin Kaepernick's girlfriend posted this....

    ....yeah, THAT is what she put out there and then the Ravens Owner said basically 'No, I'm not going to sign somebody who has a girlfriend posting that kind of shit about the Ravens greatest player, it's not worth the trouble'

    Colin Kaepernick is free to say and do and post whatever he likes, but NFL teams don't HAVE to sign him, it's a privilege to get paid to play football, it's a privilege to have a try pulling shit like that which irritates your boss and see what the hell happens and it doesn't help when you're very recently 3-16....Girlfriend who can't keep her trap shut, 3-16, very outspoken on racial issues to the point where he's comparing the Police with Runaway Slave Patrols....yeah, not helpful. If he really wants to make a difference perhaps he should run for office instead of first downs.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Lyle, you have something in common with a certain brother-in-law of mine, who also defends Tebow to the death. Hey.... Tebow is probably the nicest guy in the world. But......... even while he was still in college, pro scouts were already shaking their heads regarding his throwing motion. This is not an NFL-caliber quarterback. Does he know how to win? Sure. He proved that at Florida. But that alone does not guarantee an NFL QB starting job. You have to have the tools. His wins at Denver were a bit of a fluke. Elway saw that, and made the move to Peyton, which eventually led to a SB win. (My bro-in-law hates Elway, by the way). PLUS...... there's that unmentioned tidbit of information that Tebow was given the option to move to tight end, an offer he flatly refused. It was QB or nothing. Guess what the NFL teams said.....

    Manziel was another "good in college, not so good in pros" type of guy. Not physically imposing.... made his living scrambling like a bat out of hell in college. He maybe could've made it on his marginal skills in the NFL. But he wore out his welcome REALLY fast.

    Colin, on the other hand, was a PROVEN commodity in the NFL. You're comparing an established pro to two guys who never accumulated equity in the pros. Apples and oranges, Lyle.

    Now as to the NFL's decision to blackball him. It isn't even the league, probably. There's likely no memorandum saying "hands off Colin". It's even worse. It's the group of cowardly/ racist/ narrow-minded exclusively white male owners of the league who want nothing to do with him. Oh.... as far as what teams could use Colin right now? How about the aforementioned Browns? Oh wait, I forgot....... they've got a stable of young, talented QBs just chomping at the bit to start right now. How about the Colts? Luck is out..... and I can't say I even remotely recognize the two chumps they're now deciding between to start in the meantime. Add to that the Jets, the Jags, and a few other QB-challenged teams out there.... and I'm sure Colin could contribute a great deal.

    Look, Colin's no saint... and if the NFL is looking for saints to start at QB, the list is going to become mighty short. Aside from Colin's soap-opera B.S. story about girlfriend pictures and all that... and his kneeling in protest at games last year..... whatthefuck has he done to incure such disdain from the league?? I'm asking honestly. You know full well that the NFL has more than its share of drug abusers, wife beaters, and other such not-very-nice-people. So again, why the cold shoulder on this guy?

    Oh... and let's address this "privilege" you're talking about. Playing football professionally is/was this guy's JOB. Now... how would you react to an avowed white supremacist who happened to participate in a peaceful march downtown, only to find himself without a job on Monday..... huh? What if he was fired for some dumbass excuse, when everybody and their brother knew the REAL reason? What if the guy found he couldn't get a job ANYWHERE in town? Would that be ok? .................................................. ...... didn't think so.

  3. #18
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    I'm not defending Tim Tebow I'm defending the NFL teams CHOOSING not to sign him. Yes he was given an option to play TE or FB or whatever, he stuck to his guns and wanted to play QB and now he's playing baseball. It happens.

    Again, NFL teams CHOOSE not to sign Manziel because he's not worth the trouble.

    "Colin, on the other hand, was a PROVEN commodity in the NFL." yeah and that commodity was recently 3-16 nothing. 3-16 by itself isn't so bad, 3-16 with a mouthy girlfriend, and a bunch of extra bullshit heaped on the situation ain't worth it. It's not even just about signing Kaepernick, it'll be the all eyes on him as he's on the sidelines, all eyes on him "Can he get his teammates to join in his protests with him", ESPN running nonstop "When will he/Why isn't he starting?" coverage 24/7....teams don't need that distraction, they don't want that distraction.

    "Now as to the NFL's decision to blackball him. It isn't even the league, probably. There's likely no memorandum saying "hands off Colin". It's even worse. It's the group of cowardly/ racist/ narrow-minded exclusively white male owners of the league who want nothing to do with him."....and just pray tell WHY would those owners want nothing to do with Colin Kaepernick as opposed to anyone else who is taking a knee during the National Anthem? Hmm....those guys getting "blackballed"? Hmmm? Are they? You DO realize you're calling guys who make African-American athletes MULTIMILLIONAIRES and I quote "racist"....narrow minded? Cowardly? Who provides security at their games? Who buys tickets to their events? Who is paying the salaries of their players (which includes the African-Americans ones)?....Those guys are looking at a ratings collapse the likes of which has never been seen before due to care to take a stab at that?

    As for the teams you suggest:
    Browns: DeShone Kizer (hey what do ya know, a black dude!) age 21, he's a rookie, he's starting. Cody Kessler and Kevin Hogan both 2nd year QBs who are backing up Kizer. Those guys may or may not be as good or better than Colin Kaepernick but they're signed already and cutting players means a cap hit and I'm thinking Cleveland is thinking about using big money to attract free agents AND trying to keep costs down as they continue to lose. The Browns have been stung several times with drafting QB's I'm not sure why other than they have a trio of younger guys they wouldn't sign up Kaepernick unless they viewed him as a lockerroom problem or somebody who is not going to help them more than who they already have and that is entirely their prerogative.

    Jets: starter Josh McCown an old vet, backups Brice Petty and Christian Hackenberg both young backups who have yet to really establish themselves....they are probably playing for the top 1st round pick along with the Browns. Would you rather add Kaep or a brand new QB? Depends on who the owner, the coach and the GM are really...Coach is African-American Todd Bowles, GM is Mike Maccagnan who has been a scout and chose Bowles to be head coach, and the owner is Woody Johnson who has owned the Jets since 2000...he gave Michael Vick a chance to start after his stint with the Eagles, they also had Geno Smith (also African-American), and Quincy Carter (also African-American) soooo racist

    Colts: It's the Andrew Luck show in you remember who Peyton's backup was during his time there? Scott Tolzein (30 years old, veteran presence) and Jacoby Brissett 23 years old (hey another African-American what do you know?) typically have 1 veteran and 1 youth backup QB and I'm guessing that those options are also cheaper than what Kaepernick is looking for.

    The NFL is a "what have you done for me lately" kind of league and also there's a whole "Who fits our style of play?" issue....I haven't seen the Browns play, does Kaep fit that style? I don't know, I DO know he is most recently 3-16 and that ain't all that great now is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    Oh... and let's address this "privilege" you're talking about. Playing football professionally is/was this guy's JOB. Now... how would you react to an avowed white supremacist who happened to participate in a peaceful march downtown, only to find himself without a job on Monday..... huh? What if he was fired for some dumbass excuse, when everybody and their brother knew the REAL reason? What if the guy found he couldn't get a job ANYWHERE in town? Would that be ok? .................................................. ...... didn't think so.
    I'd say the white supremacist had it coming and his boss can decide to do what is best for his company. Sorry dude, but that shit happens all the time....Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for posting a meme on social media, fucking Doug Adler got fired for saying "Guerilla Effect" when commentating on a Venus Williams vs Serena Williams tennis match....did he really mean "Gorilla"? Hell if I know but he's been fired sooo oh well.

    The emotion you're arguing with is impressive.....the logic you're not using is likewise impressive.

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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    I'm not defending Tim Tebow I'm defending the NFL teams CHOOSING not to sign him. Yes he was given an option to play TE or FB or whatever, he stuck to his guns and wanted to play QB and now he's playing baseball. It happens.
    No, you're not defending Tim Tebow. You're making a comparison why Tebow not playing is like Kaepernick not playing. I showed you why you can't compare Tebow and Kaepernick. My point was made. Next point please.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post

    "Colin, on the other hand, was a PROVEN commodity in the NFL." yeah and that commodity was recently 3-16 nothing. 3-16 by itself isn't so bad, 3-16 with a mouthy girlfriend, and a bunch of extra bullshit heaped on the situation ain't worth it. It's not even just about signing Kaepernick, it'll be the all eyes on him as he's on the sidelines, all eyes on him "Can he get his teammates to join in his protests with him", ESPN running nonstop "When will he/Why isn't he starting?" coverage 24/7....teams don't need that distraction, they don't want that distraction.

    "Not wanting a distraction" is the easiest "go-to" excuse known to man. Believe me, if the owners thought Jack the Ripper might help them reach the Super Bowl, he'd be signed in 2 seconds flat. But because it's Colin and his "oh so tiresome protest against social injustices", it's a distraction. Yeah... RIGHT.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    "Now as to the NFL's decision to blackball him. It isn't even the league, probably. There's likely no memorandum saying "hands off Colin". It's even worse. It's the group of cowardly/ racist/ narrow-minded exclusively white male owners of the league who want nothing to do with him."....and just pray tell WHY would those owners want nothing to do with Colin Kaepernick as opposed to anyone else who is taking a knee during the National Anthem? Hmm....those guys getting "blackballed"? Hmmm? Are they? You DO realize you're calling guys who make African-American athletes MULTIMILLIONAIRES and I quote "racist"....narrow minded? Cowardly? Who provides security at their games? Who buys tickets to their events? Who is paying the salaries of their players (which includes the African-Americans ones)?....Those guys are looking at a ratings collapse the likes of which has never been seen before due to care to take a stab at that?

    This is so fucking ludicrous I just had to highlight it. I have one name for you, Lyle. Donald Fucking Sterling. Was he a billionaire team owner? Check. Did he make black (I use the proper term) athletes multimillionares? Check. Did he provide security at their games? Check. Did he buy tickets to their events? Check. Was he paying for their salaries? Check. Now..... what in the name of all fuck does being a goddamn racist have to do with being a billionaire owner and having black players on your team? Right. Another asinine point down the tubes.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    As for the teams you suggest:
    Browns: DeShone Kizer (hey what do ya know, a black dude!) age 21, he's a rookie, he's starting.

    I will NOT let you deviate from my point! I'm not saying the NFL is racist, Lyle. Here's a jackhammer so you can drive the point into your brain. I'm complaining about the owners blackballing Colin Kaepernick for his actions that now MANY players are doing. And of course they're not going to blackball the whole damn league, are they?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    Oh... and let's address this "privilege" you're talking about. Playing football professionally is/was this guy's JOB. Now... how would you react to an avowed white supremacist who happened to participate in a peaceful march downtown, only to find himself without a job on Monday..... huh? What if he was fired for some dumbass excuse, when everybody and their brother knew the REAL reason? What if the guy found he couldn't get a job ANYWHERE in town? Would that be ok? .................................................. ...... didn't think so.
    I'd say the white supremacist had it coming and his boss can decide to do what is best for his company. Sorry dude, but that shit happens all the time....Curt Schilling was fired by ESPN for posting a meme on social media, fucking Doug Adler got fired for saying "Guerilla Effect" when commentating on a Venus Williams vs Serena Williams tennis match....did he really mean "Gorilla"? Hell if I know but he's been fired sooo oh well.

    Yes, and I criticized the Schilling firing, criticized the Adler firing, and will criticize all the itchy-trigger-finger actions like these any time they occur. So just as I criticize those, I also criticize the blackballing of Colin. I'm nothing if not consistent.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    The emotion you're arguing with is impressive.....the logic you're not using is likewise impressive.

    You just can't resist ending on a low note, can you.

    I'll refrain from responding in kind, as we all know here that you're the only one who uses logic in his arguments.

    Thanks for the opportunity to bask in your wisdom.

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Kunt Kunternick is a piece of dog shit.


  6. #21
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Quote Originally Posted by KaepernickFan
    No, you're not defending Tim Tebow. You're making a comparison why Tebow not playing is like Kaepernick not playing. I showed you why you can't compare Tebow and Kaepernick. My point was made. Next point please.
    Career record: Tim Tebow 8-6 Colin Kaepernick 28-30 oooof that last season going 1-10 really hurt didn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by KaepernickFan
    "Not wanting a distraction" is the easiest "go-to" excuse known to man. Believe me, if the owners thought Jack the Ripper might help them reach the Super Bowl, he'd be signed in 2 seconds flat. But because it's Colin and his "oh so tiresome protest against social injustices", it's a distraction. Yeah... RIGHT.
    Well the Baltimore Ravens having ONLY 2 QB's on their roster in Joe Flacco and Ryan Mallet were going to attempt to sign Colin Kaepernick at the urging of Ray Lewis......only Colin's girlfriend posted a meme calling Ray Lewis an Uncle Tom and the owners decided to not sign him. Do we really grasp that yet? Do we really understand that? Do you think in any sport a team would let a franchise HERO be treated like that by a free agent, no pardon me, a free agent's GIRLFRIEND......nah, I don't think so.

    Quote Originally Posted by KaepernickFan
    This is so fucking ludicrous I just had to highlight it. I have one name for you, Lyle. Donald Fucking Sterling. Was he a billionaire team owner? Check. Did he make black (I use the proper term) athletes multimillionares? Check. Did he provide security at their games? Check. Did he buy tickets to their events? Check. Was he paying for their salaries? Check. Now..... what in the name of all fuck does being a goddamn racist have to do with being a billionaire owner and having black players on your team? Right. Another asinine point down the tubes.
    OK so 100% of the NFL owners are exactly like Donald Sterling? The Rooney family I suppose is much like Donald Sterling?

    Also I don't believe you understand me correctly....Police and Sheriff's and State Troopers provide security, you know the who Colin Kaepernick say MURDER black people, you know, "just because"'s a bigger fucking deal than "Oh just sign him and fuck all those guys"....this might seem shocking to you but people are PROUD of their communities, they don't want them run down by some pampered football player....yeah he PLAYS A FUCKING GAME for a living and he makes more money than the people buying tickets will ever fucking see, no thank you. It's not endearing to a community. Ticket sales, that's a big fucking issue, SJWs buying up all the Kaep gear they want.....don't buy tickets.

    Quote Originally Posted by KaepernickFan
    I will NOT let you deviate from my point! I'm not saying the NFL is racist, Lyle. Here's a jackhammer so you can drive the point into your brain. I'm complaining about the owners blackballing Colin Kaepernick for his actions that now MANY players are doing. And of course they're not going to blackball the whole damn league, are they?
    Yeah, you've actually called the owners "racist" I mean you literally posted that exact thing..."It's the group of cowardly/ racist/ narrow-minded exclusively white male owners of the league who want nothing to do with him."...the Owners are "The League"

    Quote Originally Posted by KaepernickFan
    Yes, and I criticized the Schilling firing, criticized the Adler firing, and will criticize all the itchy-trigger-finger actions like these any time they occur. So just as I criticize those, I also criticize the blackballing of Colin. I'm nothing if not consistent.
    Don't sprain anything patting yourself on the back

    Quote Originally Posted by KaepernickFan
    You just can't resist ending on a low note, can you.

    I'll refrain from responding in kind, as we all know here that you're the only one who uses logic in his arguments.

    Thanks for the opportunity to bask in your wisdom.
    Your passion for Kaep is clouding your judgement....again, opted out of 49ers contract, Ravens were going to sign him but his girlfriend is apparently a gigantic cunt (don't believe me just ask ex-bf and former teammate of Kaepernick, Aldon Smith) and she called Ray Lewis an Uncle Tom and MAYBE....MAYYYYYYBE had she not done that he'd be in Baltimore, but dumb bitches gonna dumb bitch

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Let's clear up one thing up front. "My passion" for Kaepernick? No, man. My passion is for injustices, regardless of who they might be. Regardless of profession, color, beliefs, whatever. It happens to be Kaepernick in this case, a black (shorter than African-American) professional football player. We clear on that? Good. Let's proceed.

    1. You must be in desperate straights to keep trying to compare Tebow to Kaepernick. But just like my blinders-wearing brother in law, you'll never be convinced otherwise. Suffice it to say you'd be laughed out of any decent barroom conversation with knowledgeable pro football fans. You quit following the NFL, remember? Yes.... please throw out there their career records. Forget about everything else involved. Forget that Tebow's very short run in the NFL was/is/ will always be considered a fluke. Forget that Kaepernick had HUGE stats in leading his team to the Super Bowl not long ago. Forget what 99% of football experts would say to your comparison if they could just forget the white elephant in the room which is of course Colin's audacity to protest something he believes in.

    2. Football players are judged by THEIR actions. This isn't "All My Children" or "General Hospital". This is a professional football league for grownups. Save the girlfriend soap opera for somebody who cares. Did Colin himself do anything wrong? Is the woman his WIFE? No to both questions. Move on.

    3. You made the ludicrous claim about owners providing jobs and being ohhhh so kind to black football players, providing security, blah, blah, blah. I merely pointed out that every batch of apples has a few rotten ones in the barrel. In this case it was Sterling. Had he not been moronic enough to be recorded saying some horribly racist things, we would've been none the wiser, and you'd be claiming that they're all wonderful human beings.

    4. The league has a Commissioner. Granted, he's many times a puppet on the owners' strings, but so be it. The official position of the league, of course, is totally and decidedly UN-racist. And if you were to poll all the owners, they'd be just short of Mother Theresa status.

    Admit it. You hate it when anyone brings up racism, WHETHER IT'S WARRANTED OR NOT. You've made up your mind LONG AGO that racism is only a tool/ card to be played by those who want to gain something undeserved by it. Not for a minute has it EVER crossed your mind that there might be the slightest possibility that in some cases these claims might be completely warranted. As usual, not only do you live on the other side of the pendulum..... you help swing it to its highest point.

  8. #23
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Let's clear up one thing up front. "My passion" for Kaepernick? No, man. My passion is for injustices, regardless of who they might be. Regardless of profession, color, beliefs, whatever. It happens to be Kaepernick in this case, a black (shorter than African-American) professional football player. We clear on that? Good. Let's proceed.

    1. You must be in desperate straights to keep trying to compare Tebow to Kaepernick. But just like my blinders-wearing brother in law, you'll never be convinced otherwise. Suffice it to say you'd be laughed out of any decent barroom conversation with knowledgeable pro football fans. You quit following the NFL, remember? Yes.... please throw out there their career records. Forget about everything else involved. Forget that Tebow's very short run in the NFL was/is/ will always be considered a fluke. Forget that Kaepernick had HUGE stats in leading his team to the Super Bowl not long ago. Forget what 99% of football experts would say to your comparison if they could just forget the white elephant in the room which is of course Colin's audacity to protest something he believes in.

    2. Football players are judged by THEIR actions. This isn't "All My Children" or "General Hospital". This is a professional football league for grownups. Save the girlfriend soap opera for somebody who cares. Did Colin himself do anything wrong? Is the woman his WIFE? No to both questions. Move on.

    3. You made the ludicrous claim about owners providing jobs and being ohhhh so kind to black football players, providing security, blah, blah, blah. I merely pointed out that every batch of apples has a few rotten ones in the barrel. In this case it was Sterling. Had he not been moronic enough to be recorded saying some horribly racist things, we would've been none the wiser, and you'd be claiming that they're all wonderful human beings.

    4. The league has a Commissioner. Granted, he's many times a puppet on the owners' strings, but so be it. The official position of the league, of course, is totally and decidedly UN-racist. And if you were to poll all the owners, they'd be just short of Mother Theresa status.

    Admit it. You hate it when anyone brings up racism, WHETHER IT'S WARRANTED OR NOT. You've made up your mind LONG AGO that racism is only a tool/ card to be played by those who want to gain something undeserved by it. Not for a minute has it EVER crossed your mind that there might be the slightest possibility that in some cases these claims might be completely warranted. As usual, not only do you live on the other side of the pendulum..... you help swing it to its highest point.
    So Colin Kaepernick is having a grave injustice committed against him by the 32 Donald Sterlings who own the NFL teams? This is 100% due to his being of mixed race and protesting the National Anthem and Police correct? It has 0% to do with his being 29 years old and 3-16 in his starts from 2015 & 2016? His not being on a team has nothing to do with his opting out of a contract with the 49ers or his girlfriend calling Ray Lewis an Uncle Tom (sorry you think that's "Soap Opera" but at the VERY least it's not helpful, the VERY least).

    1. God al-fucking-mighty.....fine I'll not compare him to Tebow

    2. Yup EXACTLY! So if I'm a football player and I'm looking to play in Dallas and my girlfriend posts something which calls Emmitt Smith a "n*gger" that's going to have 0 impact on my signing with Dallas? Please, please, pretty fucking please with a cherry on top tell me you honestly think that.

    3. I'm not claiming they are all wonderful, I'm claiming they aren't ALL Donald Sterling, but according to you I am wrong about that.

    4. Yes and this Commissioner has been running the league into the fucking ground.

    I'll be very frank, I don't believe in celebritizing victimhood. I believe that the "racist" problems in the United States of America pale in comparison to those issues around the world. I hate that people make money pushing an agenda that perpetuates racism instead of actually addressing the issue, I hate it that people think just because Trump is President that "It's the most dangerous time to be alive!!!", I hate it that politicians and activists PUSH to break the black 2 parent household and abort more black babies, I hate it that people have lower expectations (academically, legally, in the work place) for people of different races, I hate it that some people TRULY feel that they are carrying the weight of their ancestors' oppression and that they feel I should carry the guilt of my ancestors if they did something or nothing they were white and so I being of their skin color/race should be punished feel guilt and shame.....FUCK THAT!

    Are there racists in the world? Yeah, the world is a big and scary place at times and yeah there are some really fucking hateful people out there but the average person Tito, the average person black, white, brown, yellow, whatever I CHOOSE to believe their natural state is goodness, kindness, humanity. If you wish to allude to my being a racist or allowing racism or what have you, FINE, I have 0 problem with you thinking that of me, 0 got it? I'm in a mixed marriage but nah, nah it's cool because you think I'm racist or that I make exceptions for racism, that must be the case.

    I HOPE to God Colin Kaepernick is signed and starts every fucking game. I do not care if he's the WORST QB of all fucking time he should be signed and never leave the field because he's THAT talented 3-16.

    Colin Kaepernick 3:16

  9. #24
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    The following is not about Colin Kaepernick, but it also IS at the same time as he an Ta-Nehisi Coates share very similar beliefs.....the author (Jason D. Hikll) of this open letter does NOT share those views. If you care to read it there it is, if not, that is also fine.

    An Open Letter to Ta-Nehisi Coates
    The Dream is real

    You touch on your flirtation with some special black racial essentialism in your book, and it is both affecting and sympathetic: “My working theory then held all black people as kings in exile, a nation of original men severed from our original names and our majestic Nubian culture. Surely this was the message I took from gazing out in the [Howard] Yard. Had any people, anywhere, ever been as sprawling and beautiful as us?” Unfortunately, there is nothing special about the black body. There is nothing special about any racially distinct physical body per se. Black skin does not convey nobility. Neither does white skin, or yellow skin. Your body is not special until it conjoins itself to a mind and adapts nature to its needs and desires and rational aspirations, its self-actualization and manifested agency. Any human body that fails to achieve a self-cultivated moral character and inscrutable human will is merely an ecological social ballast: ignoble, exploitable, a heap of unintelligible flesh on this earth.

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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    So Colin Kaepernick is having a grave injustice committed against him by the 32 Donald Sterlings who own the NFL teams? This is 100% due to his being of mixed race and protesting the National Anthem and Police correct? It has 0% to do with his being 29 years old and 3-16 in his starts from 2015 & 2016? His not being on a team has nothing to do with his opting out of a contract with the 49ers or his girlfriend calling Ray Lewis an Uncle Tom (sorry you think that's "Soap Opera" but at the VERY least it's not helpful, the VERY least).

    This is not the "all or nothing" game. It's not either all owners are racist or none of them are. IMO, more than a handful are. Enough to make a difference. Besides.... I'm not claiming their racism is why they're blackballing Colin. I'm claiming they're cowardly backing away from an issue which should have no bearing..... ZERO.... on a player's ability to help their team. Whether it's racist-related... whether it's stupidly bottom line related. Whether they're ultra-mega patriots and they don't like protests against the anthem. Whether they don't like his afro. Or whether they just don't think there's anything wrong in urban America and thus nothing needs to get fixed....... whatever the reason.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    1. God al-fucking-mighty.....fine I'll not compare him to Tebow


    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    2. Yup EXACTLY! So if I'm a football player and I'm looking to play in Dallas and my girlfriend posts something which calls Emmitt Smith a "n*gger" that's going to have 0 impact on my signing with Dallas? Please, please, pretty fucking please with a cherry on top tell me you honestly think that.

    You went deep on that one. The proper thing to have done would be to demand a public apology from your girlfriend and no..... not blackball you from joining the Cowboys. Depending how good you were, of course.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    3. I'm not claiming they are all wonderful, I'm claiming they aren't ALL Donald Sterling, but according to you I am wrong about that.

    Quote me where I said that 100% of NFL owners were Donald Sterling. Go ahead.
    That's the problem with absolute, broad-brush statements.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    4. Yes and this Commissioner has been running the league into the fucking ground.

    Here is my defense of Roger Goodell............

    "I'll be very frank, I don't believe in celebritizing victimhood. I believe that the "racist" problems in the United States of America pale in comparison to those issues around the world. I hate that people make money pushing an agenda that perpetuates racism instead of actually addressing the issue, I hate it that people think just because Trump is President that "It's the most dangerous time to be alive!!!", I hate it that politicians and activists PUSH to break the black 2 parent household and abort more black babies, I hate it that people have lower expectations (academically, legally, in the work place) for people of different races, I hate it that some people TRULY feel that they are carrying the weight of their ancestors' oppression and that they feel I should carry the guilt of my ancestors if they did something or nothing they were white and so I being of their skin color/race should be punished feel guilt and shame.....FUCK THAT!"

    You have a giant chip on your shoulder, IMHO. You lump everyone together in the same boat. Those who use racism as a tool/ card to get preferential treatment..... and those of US who see things the way they are, and recognize racism DOES exist, it's not some fantasy created by the first group. The way you express yourself shows that resentment coming out of your pores. It need not be like that. Some black people have real beefs. Are they to get swept away by the tsunami of resentment you express toward the first group?? Deep down you know I'm right, and if you don't now... you will in time.

    "If you wish to allude to my being a racist or allowing racism or what have you, FINE, I have 0 problem with you thinking that of me, 0 got it? I'm in a mixed marriage but nah, nah it's cool because you think I'm racist or that I make exceptions for racism, that must be the case."

    C'mon stop it Lyle. I've never alluded to your being a racist. Can't we have normal discussions without you putting words in my mouth? I get enough of that with the forum princess Miles. I'm making a good, rational, trying-to-be-objective argument. You don't make it very easy, though.

    "I HOPE to God Colin Kaepernick is signed and starts every fucking game. I do not care if he's the WORST QB of all fucking time he should be signed and never leave the field because he's THAT talented 3-16."

    Yeah. He had a bad season, Lyle. I get it. So have other good QB's who are good enough to start in this league. I'm not gonna start comparing Colin to anyone in particular, but you know as well as I do that even good, proven QB's go through rough spots. But whatever. I'm tiring of having to deny shit I haven't said.

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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Kunty Kunt-nig

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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    brock no lik kap? (grunt, grunt) aw shuks... two badd
    Last edited by TitoFan; 09-15-2017 at 09:19 AM. Reason: forgot the sound effects

  13. #28
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    This is not the "all or nothing" game. It's not either all owners are racist or none of them are. IMO, more than a handful are. Enough to make a difference. Besides.... I'm not claiming their racism is why they're blackballing Colin. I'm claiming they're cowardly backing away from an issue which should have no bearing..... ZERO.... on a player's ability to help their team. Whether it's racist-related... whether it's stupidly bottom line related. Whether they're ultra-mega patriots and they don't like protests against the anthem. Whether they don't like his afro. Or whether they just don't think there's anything wrong in urban America and thus nothing needs to get fixed....... whatever the reason.
    Actually it is all or nothing...if 32 teams pass on Colin Kaepernick then that's literally ALL of the teams passing on him....ALL of them. And you say just willy nilly "IMO, more than a handful are" saying that you believe "more than a handful" of NFL owners are racist.....ummm Proof? Evidence? Yeah yeah Donald Sterling was an NBA owner but do please tell me which of the NFL owners are racist, I mean you MUST have evidence seeing how you can off the cuff just say a "handful are" also what's a handful? 3? 5? Let's say 3, just for debates sake I'll say 2....proof of 2 racist NFL team owners.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You went deep on that one. The proper thing to have done would be to demand a public apology from your girlfriend and no..... not blackball you from joining the Cowboys. Depending how good you were, of course.
    Oh oh depending on how good I was....let's just say I was 3-16 my last 19 starts as a QB, let's just say that """""HYPOTHETICALLY"""""....hmmm, what then?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote me where I said that 100% of NFL owners were Donald Sterling. Go ahead.
    That's the problem with absolute, broad-brush statements.
    I don't have to, if 0 NFL teams sign Colin Kaepernick and you've said "He's not being signed because #RACIST !" then the logical conclusion is 32 racist owners, that is quite literally what you've argued

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You have a giant chip on your shoulder, IMHO. You lump everyone together in the same boat. Those who use racism as a tool/ card to get preferential treatment..... and those of US who see things the way they are, and recognize racism DOES exist, it's not some fantasy created by the first group. The way you express yourself shows that resentment coming out of your pores. It need not be like that. Some black people have real beefs. Are they to get swept away by the tsunami of resentment you express toward the first group?? Deep down you know I'm right, and if you don't now... you will in time.
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    C'mon stop it Lyle. I've never alluded to your being a racist. Can't we have normal discussions without you putting words in my mouth? I get enough of that with the forum princess Miles. I'm making a good, rational, trying-to-be-objective argument. You don't make it very easy, though.
    "You've made up your mind LONG AGO that racism is only a tool/ card to be played by those who want to gain something undeserved by it. Not for a minute has it EVER crossed your mind that there might be the slightest possibility that in some cases these claims might be completely warranted. As usual, not only do you live on the other side of the pendulum..... you help swing it to its highest point." - TitoFan

    What am I to take from that hmm? What I read is you consider me either: a straight up racist, somebody who makes excuses for racism, or somebody apathetic to the struggles of others.

    Perhaps, perhaps, I'm just somebody who thinks if all you have to harp on or all you want to harp on is skin color then you're an insufferable bore and you have no worth to me at all....and those people would be the likes of Al Sharpton, Louis Farakhan, David Duke, Richard Spencer, etc.....but no, no, let's not have THAT be an acceptable position, I mean people might end up forgetting how fucking oppressed they aren't

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yeah. He had a bad season, Lyle. I get it. So have other good QB's who are good enough to start in this league. I'm not gonna start comparing Colin to anyone in particular, but you know as well as I do that even good, proven QB's go through rough spots. But whatever. I'm tiring of having to deny shit I haven't said.
    So you're saying that he should be given another chance? A chance SOME players don't ever get? I want him signed IMMEDIATELY, I want him STARTING, and I want to see ESPN cover it 24/7, and I want to see the NFL AND ESPN's ratings nosedive! I want them to get what THEY want which is the complete end of professional football. It'll be boycotts, it'll be apathy, it'll be CTE, it'll be a coming player strike.....I WELCOME IT and I used to live for playing football and watching football, now I do not give 1 single shit about it.

  14. #29
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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Now @TitoFan don't go trying to think my tone is that of an angry rabid gorilla...I'm completely calm, frustrated maybe but calm. Other than that I'm asking for you to clarify your position on just what box you're wanting to fit me in to....I would like to hope you don't think of me as racist but then again the accusations are tossed around with such ease these days I can't be certain.

    Think about what it takes to be called a "White Supremacist" these days or a "Nazi" doesn't take much, fucking Ben Shapiro is an Orthodox Jew and he's been called a "Nazi" soooo I'm just trying to ask questions which get you to explain further what you actually mean, and where you think I fit on your whatever...board of kinds of people

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    Default Re: Colin Kaepernick and the absurdity of the NFL

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    This is not the "all or nothing" game. It's not either all owners are racist or none of them are. IMO, more than a handful are. Enough to make a difference. Besides.... I'm not claiming their racism is why they're blackballing Colin. I'm claiming they're cowardly backing away from an issue which should have no bearing..... ZERO.... on a player's ability to help their team. Whether it's racist-related... whether it's stupidly bottom line related. Whether they're ultra-mega patriots and they don't like protests against the anthem. Whether they don't like his afro. Or whether they just don't think there's anything wrong in urban America and thus nothing needs to get fixed....... whatever the reason.
    Actually it is all or nothing...if 32 teams pass on Colin Kaepernick then that's literally ALL of the teams passing on him....ALL of them. And you say just willy nilly "IMO, more than a handful are" saying that you believe "more than a handful" of NFL owners are racist.....ummm Proof? Evidence? Yeah yeah Donald Sterling was an NBA owner but do please tell me which of the NFL owners are racist, I mean you MUST have evidence seeing how you can off the cuff just say a "handful are" also what's a handful? 3? 5? Let's say 3, just for debates sake I'll say 2....proof of 2 racist NFL team owners.

    I fucking GAVE you other reasons why he's being blackballed as well..... but you just stored that information where the sun don't shine.
    So tell me....... why should I bother continuing the argument when you selectively read to suit your pleasure?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You went deep on that one. The proper thing to have done would be to demand a public apology from your girlfriend and no..... not blackball you from joining the Cowboys. Depending how good you were, of course.
    Oh oh depending on how good I was....let's just say I was 3-16 my last 19 starts as a QB, let's just say that """""HYPOTHETICALLY"""""....hmmm, what then?

    Well... if you were 3-16 in your last starts as QB, and those were YOUR ONLY starts in the NFL, I'd tell you to go take a hike. However, if you had been a proven good QB and had led your team to the Super Bowl at some point, I'd be open to giving you a break. How's that for an answer? Not good enough? Tough shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote me where I said that 100% of NFL owners were Donald Sterling. Go ahead.
    That's the problem with absolute, broad-brush statements.
    I don't have to, if 0 NFL teams sign Colin Kaepernick and you've said "He's not being signed because #RACIST !" then the logical conclusion is 32 racist owners, that is quite literally what you've argued

    See: "Selective Reading" above. As in........ QUIT FUCKING DOING IT.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You have a giant chip on your shoulder, IMHO. You lump everyone together in the same boat. Those who use racism as a tool/ card to get preferential treatment..... and those of US who see things the way they are, and recognize racism DOES exist, it's not some fantasy created by the first group. The way you express yourself shows that resentment coming out of your pores. It need not be like that. Some black people have real beefs. Are they to get swept away by the tsunami of resentment you express toward the first group?? Deep down you know I'm right, and if you don't now... you will in time.
    Thank you

    Touched a nerve, huh? You see, without being insulting or condescending, I told you in few words that I think you group too many people together because of your own disdain for certain beliefs. It's wrong, it's unfair, it's shortsighted... and the fact is you know it. Hence the "thank you", I guess. Well, what can I say. You're welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    C'mon stop it Lyle. I've never alluded to your being a racist. Can't we have normal discussions without you putting words in my mouth? I get enough of that with the forum princess Miles. I'm making a good, rational, trying-to-be-objective argument. You don't make it very easy, though.
    "You've made up your mind LONG AGO that racism is only a tool/ card to be played by those who want to gain something undeserved by it. Not for a minute has it EVER crossed your mind that there might be the slightest possibility that in some cases these claims might be completely warranted. As usual, not only do you live on the other side of the pendulum..... you help swing it to its highest point." - TitoFan

    What am I to take from that hmm? What I read is you consider me either: a straight up racist, somebody who makes excuses for racism, or somebody apathetic to the struggles of others.

    Perhaps, perhaps, I'm just somebody who thinks if all you have to harp on or all you want to harp on is skin color then you're an insufferable bore and you have no worth to me at all....and those people would be the likes of Al Sharpton, Louis Farakhan, David Duke, Richard Spencer, etc.....but no, no, let's not have THAT be an acceptable position, I mean people might end up forgetting how fucking oppressed they aren't

    I'll take "somebody apathetic to the struggles of others" for $500, Alex. Yes. That would be an apt description when it comes to black people with an honest beef. Not black people in general. I don't think in those terms. Just those who have been wrongfully discriminated, shot, beaten, fired, etc, etc, etc. Individual cases, Lyle. Individual cases. Racial profiling. Pulling over black doctors or lawyers just because they're black. Shit like that. Don't have to go into details, right Lyle? Please say no. But yeah. That chip on the shoulder is the size of Gibraltar.

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Yeah. He had a bad season, Lyle. I get it. So have other good QB's who are good enough to start in this league. I'm not gonna start comparing Colin to anyone in particular, but you know as well as I do that even good, proven QB's go through rough spots. But whatever. I'm tiring of having to deny shit I haven't said.
    So you're saying that he should be given another chance? A chance SOME players don't ever get? I want him signed IMMEDIATELY, I want him STARTING, and I want to see ESPN cover it 24/7, and I want to see the NFL AND ESPN's ratings nosedive! I want them to get what THEY want which is the complete end of professional football. It'll be boycotts, it'll be apathy, it'll be CTE, it'll be a coming player strike.....I WELCOME IT and I used to live for playing football and watching football, now I do not give 1 single shit about it.

    Now you're losing it, Lyle. Sign of not having anything new to say.... so you go off the deep end, throw up your hands in desperation.... and close your eyes and ears to anything else. Then go into a nonsensical rant. Cool. By the way, are you sure the NFL and ESPN ratings would nosedive? Just sayin'

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