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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3256
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I have not posted in this thread for a very longtime but wondered if there was a reason this was not mentioned?

    "Trump administration announces it is bypassing Congress to sell $8.1bn in arms to Saudi Arabia, UAE and Jordan."

    US President Donald Trump, declaring a national emergency because of tensions with Iran, swept aside objections from Congress on Friday to complete the sale of over $8bn worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Jordan.
    The Trump administration informed congressional committees that it will go ahead with 22 military sales to the three countries, infuriating politicians by circumventing a long-standing precedent for congressional review of major weapons sales.

    Members of Congress had been blocking sales of offensive military equipment to Saudi Arabia and the UAE for months, angry about the huge civilian toll from their air campaign in Yemen, as well as human rights abuses.
    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday that the weapons sales are needed because any delay could increase risk for US partners at a time of instability caused by Iran. ....

    Before anybody jumps to a tit for tat binary argument again, I am well aware that the UK has been arming the Saudis for a long time.

    What happened to Trump being different, a breath of fresh air, etc? It seems with everything he does he shows the same disdain for innocent civilians as the presidents that went before him. Not just that but here he is creating more displaced people and refugees. How convenient a brilliant new batch of scapegoats. This is what the US and USA have done for years now in the name of profit. A rush to the bottom.

    And still people will refuse to see anything wrong with it and will try to put a positive spin on it, and claim some to posses some kind of unique objectivity that allows them to see a man of the people helping his country stay safe

    Well Saudi Arabia has had a change in leadership recently has it not? I'm not really psyched about selling them arms, but there's perhaps a bit more to it what with them not being giant fans of Iran's leadership and there being tension between the two.

    This kind of thing means less to me than say Americans keeping manufacturing jobs, the economy doing well, people being able to speak freely, and our way of life in America hasn't been dramatically changed.

    Trump isn't perfect selling weapons to the Saudis ain't really the greatest but it's not his worst blunder either. Not building the wall as quickly as he should have, the Obamacare disaster (more McCain's fault than Trump's), and Trump just allowing the Mueller Russiagate situation to drag out are his worst blunders.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Already British jobs have been sacrificed for fear of jeopardising a hypothetical future trade deal with Trump. He will crush what is left of this countries industry without a second thought in his rush for ratings at home.

    All the pieces are falling into place for Trump and the deep state mega corporations he represents to impose their nationalist protectionist model globally. Citizens will be divided and be convinced of the enemy within, fellow citizens, the free press, etc are already being silenced and sidelined and it will get worse.

    The cynical inward looking childish selfishness will see big Pharma and the MIC handed more and more power to the detriment of individuals, communities and the environment. All at a time when cooperation is crucial to implement the sea change in approach we will all need to adapt to survive.

    With Trumps obsession with growth comes a huge environmental cost, something that will affect us all, US citizens or not. In his slow march toward totalitarianism Trump has now ordered not only that terms like 'climate change' be censored and removed from all government documents, speeches but also that negative forecasts and worse case scenarios, despite bring the result of rigorous scientific study be deleted and buried.

    This backwards denial of the importance of investing in alternative sustainable energy sources will not only force America under Trump to maintain chaos and war in the middle East but it is costing lives in his own country already.
    You're of the belief that Trump is helping/working with big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex?

    How is Trump "totalitarian" or marching towards it?

    Alternative energy will come about when the alternative to using the combustion engine isn't death by starvation or death by heat/cold...but hey it's not like scientists aren't attempting to work on those problems as we make fuel cleaner.

    Also kinda ironic to show a nuclear power plant and the steam rising from the cooling towers to talk about "OMG MUH CLIMATE CHERNG!" nuclear power is the cleanest and most efficient power source there is and yet greenies don't care for it at all. They prefer giant eyesore windmills (which are built how and with what materials?) and solar panels (built how and with what?) and both of those sources of energy produce how much for consumers vs nuclear Also it is NEVER discussed that while people wish for America to undergo this "Climate Austerity" what is happening elsewhere in the world? Is China following our lead? India? Any of those nations doing what the rest of the world wants to impose on the United States? Why do they wish to impose these things on JUST the United States?

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Yes it does. Mueller has even indicted the fuckers who hacked them. Half the report describes how they were hacked and who hacked them.

    Your little shelf Lyle, your little shelf.
    Funny thing is the complete lack of EVIDENCE that is even cited in the report: The NYT said this, the FBI says that......yeah it's the same people in the FBI leaking to the NYT and the turning around to the FISA courts and saying "OMG you won't believe this, but this NYT article, this MOTHER JONES article (yeah your guy David Corn is in on this) says all this bad stuff about Trump and Russians and they hacked the emails and server"

    Mueller nor the FBI have seen the servers YET they still haven't seen them so yeah 0 proof of Russian hacking, 0 evidence of Russian hacking, and has Assange changed his story on where he got the information? I don't think so.

    So yeah take the "little shelf" and sit on it Hillary you lose your un-loseable bet way to go Hill-dog atta' gal pantsuit
    They've been indicted Lyle. That means Mueller has enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that they hacked the various Democratic servers/computers. A federal judge has seen the evidence and signed the indictments.

  3. #3258
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    AG Barr has been given the go ahead to DECLAS from President Trump.

    I wonder what we'll find out, should be fun
    It'll just be a rehash of all the stuff they already came out with. Unmasking, the Nunes memo and so on and so on. Selectively leaked bits of stuff to try and create a narrative that gives Fox News and Trump something to say in response to the ongoing investigations. And it deters law enforcement from starting any new investigations into Trump while at the same time Trump's lawyers are fighting multiple subpoenas to prevent the evidence from the Mueller report, the counterintelligence part of the Mueller investigation, Trump's tax returns and business records from becoming public.

  4. #3259
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I have not posted in this thread for a very longtime but wondered if there was a reason this was not mentioned?

    "Trump administration announces it is bypassing Congress to sell $8.1bn in arms to Saudi Arabia, UAE and Jordan."

    US President Donald Trump, declaring a national emergency because of tensions with Iran, swept aside objections from Congress on Friday to complete the sale of over $8bn worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Jordan.
    The Trump administration informed congressional committees that it will go ahead with 22 military sales to the three countries, infuriating politicians by circumventing a long-standing precedent for congressional review of major weapons sales.

    Members of Congress had been blocking sales of offensive military equipment to Saudi Arabia and the UAE for months, angry about the huge civilian toll from their air campaign in Yemen, as well as human rights abuses.
    US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Friday that the weapons sales are needed because any delay could increase risk for US partners at a time of instability caused by Iran. ....

    Before anybody jumps to a tit for tat binary argument again, I am well aware that the UK has been arming the Saudis for a long time.

    What happened to Trump being different, a breath of fresh air, etc? It seems with everything he does he shows the same disdain for innocent civilians as the presidents that went before him. Not just that but here he is creating more displaced people and refugees. How convenient a brilliant new batch of scapegoats. This is what the US and USA have done for years now in the name of profit. A rush to the bottom.

    And still people will refuse to see anything wrong with it and will try to put a positive spin on it, and claim some to posses some kind of unique objectivity that allows them to see a man of the people helping his country stay safe

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

  6. #3261
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Least of my issues with Trump: wall/immigration, Obamacare, Russiagate hoax (he's played way too nice). Dealing in foreign relations he's actually done quite well truth be told, yet we were all told we'd be dead by now he'd have either sold us out to Russia or North Korea was going to nuke us and quite the opposite has happened.

    But yeah yeah "orange man bad" I know... I know

  7. #3262
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    They've been indicted Lyle. That means Mueller has enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that they hacked the various Democratic servers/computers. A federal judge has seen the evidence and signed the indictments.
    Mueller nor anyone on his team (of Democrat donors by the by) ever saw or cared to see the DNC servers they allowed CrowdStrike to sweep everything they could under the rug, but that is ok. These things have a way of working themselves out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It'll just be a rehash of all the stuff they already came out with. Unmasking, the Nunes memo and so on and so on. Selectively leaked bits of stuff to try and create a narrative that gives Fox News and Trump something to say in response to the ongoing investigations. And it deters law enforcement from starting any new investigations into Trump while at the same time Trump's lawyers are fighting multiple subpoenas to prevent the evidence from the Mueller report, the counterintelligence part of the Mueller investigation, Trump's tax returns and business records from becoming public.
    Trump ordered AG Barr to declassify everything was legally able to declassify....but sure Kirkland, sure, Donald Trump is hiding things by declassifying them....yet you call ME the conspiracy theorist. Go figure.

    I hope you continue your descent into Trump derangement'll make the payoff all the better.

  8. #3263
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    They've been indicted Lyle. That means Mueller has enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that they hacked the various Democratic servers/computers. A federal judge has seen the evidence and signed the indictments.
    Mueller nor anyone on his team (of Democrat donors by the by) ever saw or cared to see the DNC servers they allowed CrowdStrike to sweep everything they could under the rug, but that is ok. These things have a way of working themselves out.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    It'll just be a rehash of all the stuff they already came out with. Unmasking, the Nunes memo and so on and so on. Selectively leaked bits of stuff to try and create a narrative that gives Fox News and Trump something to say in response to the ongoing investigations. And it deters law enforcement from starting any new investigations into Trump while at the same time Trump's lawyers are fighting multiple subpoenas to prevent the evidence from the Mueller report, the counterintelligence part of the Mueller investigation, Trump's tax returns and business records from becoming public.
    Trump ordered AG Barr to declassify everything was legally able to declassify....but sure Kirkland, sure, Donald Trump is hiding things by declassifying them....yet you call ME the conspiracy theorist. Go figure.

    I hope you continue your descent into Trump derangement'll make the payoff all the better.

    We have no idea what Mueller saw because none of the underlying evidence from the investigation has been released. What we do know for certain is that members of a Russian intelligence agency have been indicted for hacking the various Democratic servers/computers which means that Mueller has evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that they did it.

    Trump can declassify every single piece of classified information the American government holds. Every single one. He's given Barr the power to declassify anything he wants and Barr will now selectively declassify bits of information out of their context that allow the Trump people to continue their bullshit narrative about a deep state coup. What Trump will not do is declassify all the evidence which he says exonerates him or declassify the entire Mueller report or any of its underlying evidence. So he's going to declassify selected snippets of evidence that help make the deep state argument but not the evidence that Mueller uncovered. Can you understand the difference?

    When this declassification bullshit has run its course, given the Trump people something to bang on about on Fox News all the way up to the next election and has put off any law enforcement officers from opening any new investigation into Trump it'll be quietly dropped and you'll be arguing that the real declassification is yet to come and it'll mean all the Democrats from Obama on down are going to be arrested and you just wait.............

  9. #3264
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    We have no idea what Mueller saw because none of the underlying evidence from the investigation has been released. What we do know for certain is that members of a Russian intelligence agency have been indicted for hacking the various Democratic servers/computers which means that Mueller has evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that they did it.
    So you're not in the legal field I take it

    OK we don't know what Mueller saw, but we CAN look at The Mueller Report...the what report? the Who report? Oh the ROBERT MUELLER REPORT where it states on page 48 of 448 and I quote "135 Investigative Technique
    See serial 649. As part of its investigation, the FBI later received images of DNC
    servers and copies of relevant traf?c logs. Indictment 28-29."

    Oh they received IMAGES did they? From who pray tell?
    First off, CrowdStrike, the company the DNC brought in to initially investigate and remediate the hack, actually shared images of the DNC servers with the FBI.


    Oh so those Russians we can expect them in court when? Do you know because I don't know when I can expect to see those Russian hackers in court and I'm curious, you seem like a fellow in the tell. When will those Russian bastards be brought to justice?

    Also the release of Vault 7 documents (which were released starting March 7 2017) from the CIA showing that digital fingerprints can be purposely placed on hard drives that have been hacked so if you're say the CIA or FBI or NSA or I don't know CrowdStrike or Hakluyte you might could do such things for whatever purpose you wanted to like say casting doubt on the fairness of an election result or tying an opponent to some geopolitical foe or blaming something other than your ineptitude on your magnificent defeat....timing seems odd, but hey I am CERTAIN there's nothing to see there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Trump can declassify every single piece of classified information the American government holds. Every single one. He's given Barr the power to declassify anything he wants and Barr will now selectively declassify bits of information out of their context that allow the Trump people to continue their bullshit narrative about a deep state coup. What Trump will not do is declassify all the evidence which he says exonerates him or declassify the entire Mueller report or any of its underlying evidence. So he's going to declassify selected snippets of evidence that help make the deep state argument but not the evidence that Mueller uncovered. Can you understand the difference?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    When this declassification bullshit has run its course, given the Trump people something to bang on about on Fox News all the way up to the next election and has put off any law enforcement officers from opening any new investigation into Trump it'll be quietly dropped and you'll be arguing that the real declassification is yet to come and it'll mean all the Democrats from Obama on down are going to be arrested and you just wait............
    Wow, you are way out there man. Why would a new investigation be opened into Trump even the Mueller Report said it had nothing on him. So you're cheering for not so much an "investigation" but an Inquisition whereby Donald Trump is guilty it's only a matter of WHAT he's guilty of. Yeah you're mental, Donald Trump has broken you he has wounded your little mind so painfully you're lashing out at me.

    The pencil pushers will be going to prison the government moves slowly and there are apparently still some obstacles in the way. I do hope that AG Barr expedites his process and US Attorney John Henry Durham brings the hammer down on the bad apples attempting this coup and oh yes it was indeed a coup.

  10. #3265
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Meanwhile Mueller spoke today took no questions and resigned. One of the more notable things he said was...

    "If we had had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime we would have said so."

    Which really says it all about Robert Mueller and what he was a part of and that is something I can sum up in 1 word


    Now, (puts thumbs in suspenders) I'm no big city lawyer, I am just a humble poster from a small Southern town but if it please the court I do believe that Robert Mueller has no fucking clue. You don't go looking for evidence that a crime DIDN'T occur you look for evidence to prove a crime DID occur and that being the case the quote (directly taken from that assholes self aggrandizing lecture to the American people) is direct evidence of either Mr. Mueller's ignorance of the law or his using his position of power in a purposefully malicious fashion both of which would deem him unfit to pass judgement on President Donald Trump and it should have everyone questioning his indictments of various people.

  11. #3266
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    They do not even try to hide it anymore. It seems interfering in other people's elections is a bit of a theme
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  12. #3267
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    They do not even try to hide it anymore. It seems interfering in other people's elections is a bit of a theme

  13. #3268
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    In other news today Joe Biden is the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination for President...

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    We have no idea what Mueller saw because none of the underlying evidence from the investigation has been released. What we do know for certain is that members of a Russian intelligence agency have been indicted for hacking the various Democratic servers/computers which means that Mueller has evidence which proves beyond reasonable doubt that they did it.
    So you're not in the legal field I take it

    OK we don't know what Mueller saw, but we CAN look at The Mueller Report...the what report? the Who report? Oh the ROBERT MUELLER REPORT where it states on page 48 of 448 and I quote "135 Investigative Technique
    See serial 649. As part of its investigation, the FBI later received images of DNC
    servers and copies of relevant traf?c logs. Indictment 28-29."

    Oh they received IMAGES did they? From who pray tell?
    First off, CrowdStrike, the company the DNC brought in to initially investigate and remediate the hack, actually shared images of the DNC servers with the FBI.


    Oh so those Russians we can expect them in court when? Do you know because I don't know when I can expect to see those Russian hackers in court and I'm curious, you seem like a fellow in the tell. When will those Russian bastards be brought to justice?

    Also the release of Vault 7 documents (which were released starting March 7 2017) from the CIA showing that digital fingerprints can be purposely placed on hard drives that have been hacked so if you're say the CIA or FBI or NSA or I don't know CrowdStrike or Hakluyte you might could do such things for whatever purpose you wanted to like say casting doubt on the fairness of an election result or tying an opponent to some geopolitical foe or blaming something other than your ineptitude on your magnificent defeat....timing seems odd, but hey I am CERTAIN there's nothing to see there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Trump can declassify every single piece of classified information the American government holds. Every single one. He's given Barr the power to declassify anything he wants and Barr will now selectively declassify bits of information out of their context that allow the Trump people to continue their bullshit narrative about a deep state coup. What Trump will not do is declassify all the evidence which he says exonerates him or declassify the entire Mueller report or any of its underlying evidence. So he's going to declassify selected snippets of evidence that help make the deep state argument but not the evidence that Mueller uncovered. Can you understand the difference?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    When this declassification bullshit has run its course, given the Trump people something to bang on about on Fox News all the way up to the next election and has put off any law enforcement officers from opening any new investigation into Trump it'll be quietly dropped and you'll be arguing that the real declassification is yet to come and it'll mean all the Democrats from Obama on down are going to be arrested and you just wait............
    Wow, you are way out there man. Why would a new investigation be opened into Trump even the Mueller Report said it had nothing on him. So you're cheering for not so much an "investigation" but an Inquisition whereby Donald Trump is guilty it's only a matter of WHAT he's guilty of. Yeah you're mental, Donald Trump has broken you he has wounded your little mind so painfully you're lashing out at me.

    The pencil pushers will be going to prison the government moves slowly and there are apparently still some obstacles in the way. I do hope that AG Barr expedites his process and US Attorney John Henry Durham brings the hammer down on the bad apples attempting this coup and oh yes it was indeed a coup.
    The FBI used images of the various servers because that's how every single investigation involving servers and computers works. There's no other way to do it:

    Trump and his allies are capitalizing on a basic misapprehension of how computer intrusion investigations work. Investigating a virtual crime isn’t a like investigating a murder. The Russians didn’t leave DNA evidence on the server racks and fingerprints on the keyboards. All the evidence of their comings and goings was on the computer hard drives, and in memory, and in the ephemeral network transmissions to and from the GRU’s command-and-control servers.
    When cyber investigators respond to an incident, they capture that evidence in a process called “imaging.” They make an exact byte-for-byte copy of the hard drives. They do the same for the machine’s memory, capturing evidence that would otherwise be lost at the next reboot, and they monitor and store the traffic passing through the victim’s network. This has been standard procedure in computer intrusion investigations for decades. The images, not the computer’s hardware, provide the evidence.
    Both the DNC and the security firm Crowdstrike, hired to respond to the breach, have said repeatedly over the years that they gave the FBI a copy of all the DNC images back in 2016. The DNC reiterated that Monday in a statement to the Daily Beast.

    These images are used in every single criminal case involving servers and whatnot as having the actual servers wouldn't do any good. As usual you've fallen for this misleading argument and the conspiracy theory they've tacked onto it.

    If you believe there's some conspiracy theory here involving Crowdstrike because they work for the DNC then you should know they also work for the RNC and have done for many years. They're far and away the biggest and most reliable firm that does this kind of work and have zero corporate interest in taking anybody's side or benefitting one customer here. They're a massive corporation who work in over 170 countries, basically every country that has computer networks, and they have an interest in maintaining their reputation.

    It's irrelevant if those Russians ever are brought to trial or not. What you have is the entire Mueller team having made sworn statements, entered endless evidence into court proceesdings and used grand juries to obtain indictments. If the crazy Q anon conspiracy shit you've fallen for is true, if the claims you've made on this board are true, then this is all a pack of lies as the real criminals are the Clintons and the Obama deep state. These Russian indictments must therefore be an extension of this deep state coup. And now Barr has the ability to declassify a bunch of information that will show that Seth Rich stole the stuff from the servers and gave it to Wikileaks and whoever according to your crazy belief! So this means that we can expect Mueller and all his team to be arrested very soon. They'll need to go on trial soon so that the guilty verdicts come in around November 1st 2020. So arrests must be imminent Lyle, no? Obviously Barr has all the information needed to put Mueller and his people away for the rest of their lives for framing these crimes on the wrong people.

    When there aren't any arrests will you admit you were wrong and hand over the hundred dollars you're currently stealing from those poor black folks?

    The Mueller report didn't say it had nothing on Trump. It has eleven instances of obstruction of justice that it can't prosecute because trump is a sitting president. It has endless evidence of Trump people and the Russians engaging in various activities but doesn't have enough evidence to prove a conspiracy, largely due to Trump people destrying evidence, taking the fifth amendment, providing false and incomplete information, backing out of cooperation deals and so on. There are however fourteen ongoing investigations into Trump and his people set of by the initial Mueller investigation. It'll be helpful to Trump to slow down or stop these investigations by going after the original Mueller investigations like Barr is now doing.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Meanwhile Mueller spoke today took no questions and resigned. One of the more notable things he said was...

    "If we had had confidence that the president had clearly not committed a crime we would have said so."

    Which really says it all about Robert Mueller and what he was a part of and that is something I can sum up in 1 word


    Now, (puts thumbs in suspenders) I'm no big city lawyer, I am just a humble poster from a small Southern town but if it please the court I do believe that Robert Mueller has no fucking clue. You don't go looking for evidence that a crime DIDN'T occur you look for evidence to prove a crime DID occur and that being the case the quote (directly taken from that assholes self aggrandizing lecture to the American people) is direct evidence of either Mr. Mueller's ignorance of the law or his using his position of power in a purposefully malicious fashion both of which would deem him unfit to pass judgement on President Donald Trump and it should have everyone questioning his indictments of various people.
    Lyle, you're one of the most ignorant people I've ever met and I come from Sunderland. Do you seriously think Mueller doesn't know the law? What part of the law do you believe he's ignorant of exactly? How does he have no fucking clue?

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