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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #3526
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And it's clear America has a growing white nationalist/supremacist terrorist problem. But with a racist white nationalist president in the White House encouraging and amplifying these attacks and this ideology it's only going to get worse.
    Ok cnn
    And how was Obama radical exactly? Stop dodging the question.
    Wtf are you going on about
    The economy isn't doing very well now, is it? If it wasn't for the two plus percent of GDP increase in government spending since 2017 you'd be in recession right now. Business investment has collapsed to nothing and manufacturing is in recession. Those tax cuts and deregulation don't appear to have done much for the economy, do they?

  2. #3527
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And it's clear America has a growing white nationalist/supremacist terrorist problem. But with a racist white nationalist president in the White House encouraging and amplifying these attacks and this ideology it's only going to get worse.
    Ok cnn
    And how was Obama radical exactly? Stop dodging the question.
    Wtf are you going on about
    The economy isn't doing very well now, is it? If it wasn't for the two plus percent of GDP increase in government spending since 2017 you'd be in recession right now. Business investment has collapsed to nothing and manufacturing is in recession. Those tax cuts and deregulation don't appear to have done much for the economy, do they?
    What was the comment about Obama

  3. #3528
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Yawn. You show me a Confederate battle flag and what? You want me to think of it like a Swastika? You want it to be like showing the cross to Dracula? Sorry Kirkland no such luck. Especially when I can easily point to one Robert Byrd whom the Democrats NEVER turned on ever, he was Hillary's mentor. There are statues of him, things named after him, and where's the chanting? Where's the protests?

    How good of an understanding of American history do you actually have? I find it rather rich that people seem to be of the belief we're headed backwards as a country, those people are typically in a bubble not connected to the common man.

    Defend Obama all you like I mean who wouldn't defend someone who illegally spied on a Presidential candidate and then attempted a soft coup by way of the courts?
    It doesn't surprise me that the forum's most prominent racist scumbag finds no shame in the flag of treason, terrorism and slavery.

    Back when the Democrats became the party of civil rights in the sixties they gave all their racist politicians the chance to either reject their previous views and agree to vote and legislate for equal rights for black folks, which is what Byrd and abunch of other politicians did, or leave the party. Politicians like Strom Thurmond couldn't bring themselves to support equal rights for black people so left the Democratic party and joined the Republicans and the Republicans then over the next years became the home of white racist scumbag voters Lyle. Southern states went from reliably voting Democratic to voting Republican.

    Obama didn't spy on anybody illegally or otherwise or attempt a soft coup. That's just a crazy conspiracy theory which is basically the only stuff you believe these days.
    The AMERICAN flag is flag of treason from a British/UK perspective so yeah again I'm not bothered by any of the insults you freely fling at me. Who are you to judge me? You think I care about your thoughts regarding me as a person? You think I'm moved by how you view a flag? Or what you think of the current president? That's a laugh.

    "Back when the Democrats became the party of civil rights"....Robert Byrd WV Senator and LITERAL KKK leader DEMOCRAT... I'll rub your nose in that as long as it takes you to grasp that fact.

    Strom Thurmond went from D to R...anyone else who won a race/multiple races? You'd think there would be a very long large list and why would the Southern Democrats be accepted by the national Republican party at all given that party's history?

    Obama didn't spy on anyone? REALLY? So no FISA on Carter Page, George Papadopoulos? None? Nothing? Guess it was just my imagination again.

    How'd you enjoy that Mueller testimony?

  4. #3529
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    The AMERICAN flag is flag of treason from a British/UK perspective so yeah again I'm not bothered by any of the insults you freely fling at me. Who are you to judge me?
    "Back when the Democrats became the party of civil rights"....Robert Byrd WV Senator and LITERAL KKK leader DEMOCRAT... I'll rub your nose in that as long as it takes you to grasp that fact.

    Strom Thurmond went from D to R...anyone else who won a race/multiple races?

    Obama didn't spy on anyone? REALLY? So no FISA on Carter Page, George Papadopoulos? None? Nothing? Guess it was just my imagination again.

    How'd you enjoy that Mueller testimony?

    The Confederate flag is the flag (actually originally it was just a plain white flag, shockingly unoriginal but an accurate statement of what the traitors believed in) of a bunch of racist traitors who decalred war on their own country in defence of slavery. It's a horrible thing to have to face for subsequent generations, almost as bad a being German but there you have it. That's who your sorry ancestors were.
    There is a long list:

    First and foremost, of course, there's Strom Thurmond, the Dixiecrat presidential candidate, who was welcomed into the GOP in 1964 -- and, importantly, allowed to keep his seniority and thus all the power that came with it in Congress. (No other Southern Democrats were.) 2. But before Thurmond, John Tower left the Democrats in the early 1950s and won election as the first GOP senator in the modern South. Tower spoke out against civil rights, joined with S. Dems to plot filibusters, and voted against the Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act.

    The House was quicker to see changes. 3. Rep. William C. Cramer, the first GOP rep in Florida, for instance, switched from the Democrats in 1949, won election in 1954, urged Ike to withdraw troops from Little Rock in 1957 and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    4. Likewise, Rep. Edward Gurney, the second GOP representative in Florida, also abandoned the Democratic Party in the early 1960s, ran for Congress as a Republican in 1962 and won, and then voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

    5. Rep. Dave Treen (R-LA) -- protege of legendary segregationist Leander Perez and a 1960 elector for the States Rights Party (a.k.a. "the Dixiecrats") -- switched to the GOP in 1962. He lost a few early races, but then won his seat in 1973 and later became governor in 1980.

    6. Rep. Iris Faircloth Blitch, a segregationist who represented Georgia in Congress as a Democrat from 1955-1962, left the party over civil rights in 1964 and campaigned for Barry Goldwater.

    7. Rep. James D. Martin (R-AL), originally a Democrat, joined the GOP in 1962 & won a House race in 1964. During the Selma protests, he denounced MLK Jr. as a "rabble-rouser who has put on the sheep's clothing of non-violence while he pits race against race, man against law."

    8. Rep. Bill Dickinson (R-AL), originally elected as a Democratic judge, likewise switched to the GOP and made headlines during the Selma-to-Montgomery march. He insisted, from the House floor, that the civil rights marchers were actually a radical group engaged in wild orgies.

    9. Rep. Bo Callaway (R-GA) likewise abandoned the Democrats over civil rights and won a spot as the first Republican congressman from Georgia since Reconstruction. A staunch segregationist, he promised to repeal the Civil Rights Act & then voted against the Voting Rights Act.

    10. Meanwhile, in South Carolina -- where Sen. Strom Thurmond, the original Dixiecrat, had just bolted to the GOP -- a congressman did the same. Segregationist Rep. Albert Watson publicly backed Goldwater in 1964. In retaliation, House Dems stripped him of his seniority.

    So Rep. Watson resigned from Congress in 1965 (after voting against the VRA), became a Republican, and retook his old seat in a special election. After he won, he called for investigations into "subversive" civil rights groups.

    11. In Mississippi, Thad Cochran -- a lifelong Democrat -- switched to the GOP in 1964 in opposition to the Civil Rights Act. He then went on to head Nixon's Mississippi campaign and then win elections as a congressman and then senator.

    12. Meanwhile, Rep. Trent Lott had been an aide to Dixiecrat William Colmer, who stayed a Dem because seniority made him the head of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee. Colmer chose Lott to succeed him in 1972, but had him run as a Republican.

    13. Jesse Helms made the same transition. He'd grown up a Dem, helping Democrat Willis Smith run a race-baiting campaign for a senate seat in 1950 (see the ad below). When Helms ran for the Senate on his own in 1972, however, just like Lott, the former Dem ran as a Republican.

    These are just examples of party switchers who *won*. Several Dems switched to the GOP for Senate runs and didn't make it. See: 15. Taylor O'Hearn in Louisiana 16. W.D. Workman in South Carolina 17. Marshall Parker in South Carolina

    If you look beyond Congress -- again, the place where party switches were *least* likely to happen for institutional reasons -- you can see several more examples.

    Governors, for instance, could switch more easily. 18. In Virginia, Democratic Gov. Mills Godwin, an outspoken leader of the state's Democratic segregationist resistance, switched parties and won re-election as a Republican in 1973.

    State legislatures had more switches. Again, this isn't what historians stress in party realignment, but yes, it happened. Here's a terrific new book on it, by the way:

    For some examples in state legs: 19. SC Rep. Arthur Ravenel Jr. 20. SC Rep. Floyd Spence 21. Texas Rep. Jack Cox 22. Mississippi Sen. Stanford Morse 23. Alabama Rep. Albert Goldthwaite 24. Louisiana Rep. Roderick Miller 25. South Carolina Sen. Marshall Parker Etc etc.

    Or you can consider the switches made by state-level elected officials. 26-30. For instance, in 1968, five of the top officeholders in Georgia switched from the Democrats to the Republicans:
    The FBI applied for a FISA warrant to monitor Carter Page, a man they'd previously had a FISA warrant on in 2014 before Trump was even running for prez. When they applied for the 2016 warrant Page had officially left the Trump campaign several months previously but was in Moscow telling Russians he was still working for Trump. For this and due to a whole load of other evidence the FBI applied for a new warrant.

    Here's the chair of the Senate Intelligence committee, a GOP Senator who has actually seen all the relevant evidence:

    Tuesday when asked by reporters, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) said there was “great justification” for the approval of a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
    Burr said, “Listen, I’ve said before there are things that should never find their way in the public domain. FISA applications are one of those. I think it’s an awful precedent. If the American people learned anything from its release, it was that there was great justification of the courts as to why the FISA application was approved.”

    And like I told you before one of the FISA judges has come out publicly and said the application was all perfectly OK. There's a link way back for you to reread about it as obviously it's fallen off your little shelf.

    That's the only FISA warrant we know about yet. Everything else you posted is conspiracy theory stuff.

    So Lyle, one perfectly legitimate wiretap warrant by the FBI, nothing to do with Obama.

  5. #3530
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    I call everyone brother
    I'm not your brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    so you'll have to toughen up brother
    It's not about being "tough" your not my brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    I been shot at, my boy got shot in the ass.
    They didn't do a good job then did they ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    if you believe mainstream media you're a dumb motherfucker
    There is just white supremacist mouthpieces

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    Why no one in El Paso armed or fire back
    O yeah right. I mean - "Honey - I'm off the Walmart. Gonna get some bacon and some candy and some coke and something for dinner. ...ok..bye...hang on.....pass me my Glock 17, and Smith & Wesson Model 60. Just in case there's a shoot out. You never know. See you soon"

    White supremacist are cowards.

    They pick on soft targets. Now don't get me wrong. He wanted to shoot black ppl but in Texas. He didn't want that smoke. They're ready. There are many Micah Johnson's out there in Texas. And this is wake up call to all the racist black hating Mexicians.

    You ain't white - Juan.
    Last edited by Denilson-The-Comeback; 08-07-2019 at 07:29 PM.

  6. #3531
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And it's clear America has a growing white nationalist/supremacist terrorist problem. But with a racist white nationalist president in the White House encouraging and amplifying these attacks and this ideology it's only going to get worse.
    Ok cnn
    And how was Obama radical exactly? Stop dodging the question.
    Wtf are you going on about
    The economy isn't doing very well now, is it? If it wasn't for the two plus percent of GDP increase in government spending since 2017 you'd be in recession right now. Business investment has collapsed to nothing and manufacturing is in recession. Those tax cuts and deregulation don't appear to have done much for the economy, do they?
    What was the comment about Obama

  7. #3532
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    George Wallace offered to swap parties but was turned down as Goldwater's running mate so ran as an independent:

  8. #3533
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I'll correct you on the history of the Flag of the Confederacy later... Not that you'd learn a damn thing

  9. #3534
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    George Wallace offered to swap parties but was turned down as Goldwater's running mate so ran as an independent:
    He was WHAT?? If they were racist wouldn't they welcome him in?

    Thanks for helping prove my point

  10. #3535
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    1st flag of the Confederacy was the 'Stars and Bars' a circle of 13 stars in a blue background with 3 horizontal stripes red, white, red.

    The 2nd flag was the 'Stainless Banner' the St. Andrews cross in the top lefthand portion.

    The 3rd was the 'Blood stained banner' which is the same except with a vertical red stripe on the righthand portion of the flag.

    The flag Mitch McConnell is standing in front of is the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia.

    If you want to know more history don't be too afraid or ashamed to ask rather than speak of what you don't know of.

  11. #3536
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    And it's clear America has a growing white nationalist/supremacist terrorist problem. But with a racist white nationalist president in the White House encouraging and amplifying these attacks and this ideology it's only going to get worse.
    Ok cnn
    And how was Obama radical exactly? Stop dodging the question.
    Wtf are you going on about
    The economy isn't doing very well now, is it? If it wasn't for the two plus percent of GDP increase in government spending since 2017 you'd be in recession right now. Business investment has collapsed to nothing and manufacturing is in recession. Those tax cuts and deregulation don't appear to have done much for the economy, do they?
    What was the comment about Obama
    Right but did you actually read what I wrote? How it was used

  12. #3537
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson-The-Comeback View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    I call everyone brother
    I'm not your brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    so you'll have to toughen up brother
    It's not about being "tough" your not my brother.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    I been shot at, my boy got shot in the ass.
    They didn't do a good job then did they ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    if you believe mainstream media you're a dumb motherfucker
    There is just white supremacist mouthpieces

    Quote Originally Posted by Cleon View Post
    Why no one in El Paso armed or fire back
    O yeah right. I mean - "Honey - I'm off the Walmart. Gonna get some bacon and some candy and some coke and something for dinner. ...ok..bye...hang on.....pass me my Glock 17, and Smith & Wesson Model 60. Just in case there's a shoot out. You never know. See you soon"

    White supremacist are cowards.

    They pick on soft targets. Now don't get me wrong. He wanted to shoot black ppl but in Texas. He didn't want that smoke. They're ready. There are many Micah Johnson's out there in Texas. And this is wake up call to all the racist black hating Mexicians.

    You ain't white - Juan.
    Did you think I was claiming you’re my brother by birth I doubt anyone else thought that Like I said, I call everyone brother. So, you’ll have to deal with it my brother So, you condone unjust violence I carry my Glock 22 40 cal. with me everywhere, gun free zone or not, I’m not gone be a victim The only thing you said that makes sense was “Just in case” These events are just distractions and designed to further infringe on an individual’s rights

  13. #3538
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I severely dislike Donald Trump.

    Having said that, I don't get the whole uproar about whether he "spent a lot of time down there" with the first responders..... whether he was just down there for an interview..... or whether he wasn't down there at all. Leave it to people to find something to make an issue about. I would think the important thing is that he signed a bill to ensure the permanence of the funding for the 9/11 first responder families..... and that he spoke well and respectfully about those victims.

    Once again the polarization of people shines through like hell's beacon through a fog. If you hate Trump, you're gonna look at every single fukking thing he says or does through an electron microscope and pick it to pieces..... regardless of context. If you're a blind Trump fanatic, you're gonna defend him like he once said..... whether he guns someone down in the middle of 5th Avenue.

    The guy did a good and noble gesture. Probably one that other Presidents would've done as well had it come up during their watch.

    Can't we just leave it at that?
    People and detractors get petty in these tribal environments. However inaccuracies, exaggerations and at times straight lies similar to this I think Trump just walks into repeatedly. He's the guy who may have caught a fish few saw but then revels in comic book style lore about defiantly single handily riding Moby like a rodeo bull. He inserts himself constantly as a factor. It's not his first foray into 9/11 and 'iffy' details and claims though and I think here it may irk many given that 9/11 scarred not just N.Y but the Nation. He railed about seeing 'thousands of Muslims' in Jersey celebrating the WTC collapse but turned out he was just a guy sitting in his apartment watching foreign news channels and picked up on some unfounded rumor. He told a campaign rally leading into the election that he watched from his Trump tower as jumpers leapt to their horrific deaths, though he was what 4-5 miles away. We all 'watched' those images and to this day we don't forget. The big thing with Trump about 'being down there' this time is that yes he did two interviews so sure duh..he was in the vicinity. But again he just can't let that be enough..he went on about his hundreds of workers in there helping immediately and removing rubble and even rescuing-finding 5 fire fighters. The Battalion Chief later came out to say he knew nothing of it and he would have. Never recalls a single 'Trump worker' being reported, witnessed or certainly blowing past the hoards first responders. It's just..Trump. Look I don't doubt Trumps sincerity and direct relation to that time of horror or that he has respect for our heroes who suffered but the 'leave it at that' can very well go both ways. Just lead and respectively stfu sir, you don't lump yourself in among true suffering souls and true heroes to bolster your standing or reputation. That is hollowed ground. Be they Fire fighters or soldiers past and present. The best thing of this recently is that Dems and Repubs finally found a non partisan avenue to do right by these victims and passing the renewed 9/11 bill that Trump was fully expected to sign. Save for Rand Paul and some other wet dip who blocked it repeatedly and voted no.
    Well said!
    If the trump workers were living in the city or near it and into construction it is probably 90% there went to try to help. Everyone I knew that owned a hard hat went down to help and I’m in Connecticut. Some ended up passing out water and sandwiches many were sent away as it became a clusterfuck, way too many volunteers nobody could keep track of anything. It was good to see, not the clusterfuck but the overflow of too many people wanting to help
    Ok, if you say the % is 90. & That's wonderful that everyone you knew with a hardhat wanted to help. However the post I thought was well worded dealt mostly with Trump, & not just workers, but you'd have to respond to that poster in regard to what they wrote & why. Myself, I agree with every example given, not just one.
    It was actually 89.7%
    For the record I wouldn't doubt that you know people Responding to Americans in general, regardless of their background.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 08-08-2019 at 09:05 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  14. #3539
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Made me laugh

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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  15. #3540
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    1st flag of the Confederacy was the 'Stars and Bars' a circle of 13 stars in a blue background with 3 horizontal stripes red, white, red.

    The 2nd flag was the 'Stainless Banner' the St. Andrews cross in the top lefthand portion.

    The 3rd was the 'Blood stained banner' which is the same except with a vertical red stripe on the righthand portion of the flag.

    The flag Mitch McConnell is standing in front of is the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia.

    If you want to know more history don't be too afraid or ashamed to ask rather than speak of what you don't know of.
    I thought the all white version was first. Face it Lyle, you had to google that. Nothing stays on your shelf for more than a few days.

    And if you want to make an argument that the southern states voted Republican for anything other than racism and racial resentment when it's been endlessly documented historically not least by the actual GOP campaign operatives who devised the strategy -- called the southern strategy -- to attract these voters then write it down. I am not watching a video particularly one from a bunch of conservative bullsshitters and apologist for racism.

    Here's the source of your video, Prager U, discussed:

    Prager U—essentially a propaganda mill for right-wing ideology that calls itself a “university”—responded by reasserting Owens’ claim that the Southern Strategy is a myth and promoting its 2017 video, “Why Did the Democratic South Become Republican?”
    Kevin Kruse, a Princeton historian who is active on social media, called Owens’ comments “utter nonsense.” Kruse published an extensive twitter thread with links to previous threads as well as to historical sources documenting that the Southern strategy was indeed a historical reality. It’s not hard to find audio of Lee Atwater, a Nixon political operative and architect of the Southern strategy, talking about it.
    “You can take the Nixon archives, the word of GOP strategists and RNC chairmen, party switches by politicians and region, the GOP platforms, polling data, and all the rest,” Kruse wrote. “Or you can handwave all of it away and call the Southern Strategy a ‘myth’ because of a ‘Prager U’ video.”
    The Prager U video features Carol Swain, a now-retired Vanderbilt University professor. Right Wing Watch has written about her path from being a respected, if controversial, scholar to becoming a Religious Right culture-war propagandist hanging out with the likes of David Barton and Dinesh D’Souza. She has also promoted the work of far-right crank author Cleon Skousen, a favorite of Glenn Beck’s.
    Historian Kruse responded to the Prager U video in 2018, challenging its “deeply ahistorical” arguments and false “facts.” Among the gems Kruse uncovered was a piece from one of Swain’s earlier, more serious, books— “The New White Nationalism in America”—in which Swain described “the Republican Party’s adoption of a ‘southern strategy’ that eventually enabled it to transform itself into a majority party after decades of minority status.”
    Oddly enough, Swain doesn’t quote her own work in that Prager U video, which has more than 6 million views.
    The same year Swain did the Prager U video, the right-wing Weekly Standard noticed that she had seemingly lost interest in being a serious scholar. She now writes Sean Hannity-endorsed screeds and appears at right-wing events, denouncing separation of church and state, trashing Black Lives Matter, calling liberal churches “agents of Marxism” and warning that liberals are out to steal children’s hearts and minds. Swain is what the Weekly Standard called “a thorny nationalist” on immigration, and she has urged Congress to “flex its muscles” and close what she calls a “loophole” of birthright citizenship guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

    And here's Lee Atwater, Nixon/Bush 41/ Ford presidential campaigns manager and manager of dozens of congressional and senatorial campaigns for Republican congressmen and senators on the Southern Strategy that he and others devised and used:

    Atwater: Y'all don't quote me on this. You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."

    1960 election result

    2000 election result

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